Sammi's Reviews > Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six M.I.T. Students Who Took Vegas for Millions

Bringing Down the House by Ben Mezrich
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This book appeals to the nonconformist in me, the part that laughs every time I realize I'm done with EOI's, the part that wants to get the heck out of high school and start living life. These kids had the same choice. They could be what everyone expected them to be, or they could be someone different. Someone bigger. Someone who made tens of thousands of dollars in a weekend, taking Vegas by storm, not by gambling, but with math.

And trust me when I say, you've never seen math with this much payoff in your life.

Bringing Down the House is not just a romanticized tale of some card-counting whiz-kids. It describes both the glitz of Vegas and the dark underbelly that the casinos don't want you to see. It tells the story of these kids, and their struggles with balancing the lives they're expected to lead and the life that gives them a thrill that cannot be replicated. I'm not about to start playing blackjack, but I certainly enjoyed learning about it.

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Reading Progress

April 24, 2012 – Started Reading
April 24, 2012 – Shelved
April 26, 2012 – Finished Reading

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