The hour of twelve o'clock noon having arrived, the Senate and Assembly again met in joint assembly pursuant to law for the election of a Senator in the Congress of the United States in place of Chauncey M. Depew. The President of the Senate presiding. The President directed the Clerk of the Senate to call the roll of the Senate; whereupon each Senator as his name was called rose in his place and nominated as follows: When the roll was called the following pairs were announced: Mr. Allen with Mr. Harden; Mr. Argetsinger with Mr. McManus; Mr. Hewitt with Mr. Murtaugh; Mr. Emerson with Mr. Black; Mr. Coats with Mr. Sanner; Mr. Cobb with Mr. Stilwell; Mr. Griffith with Mr. T. D. Sullivan: Mr. Hamilton with Mr. C. D. Sullivan; Mr. Rose with Mr. Long; Mr. Ormrod with Mr. Harte; Mr. Heacock with Mr. Griffin; Mr. Brackett with Mr. Grady; Mr. Bussey with Mr. Frawley; Mr. Platt with Mr. [ASSEMBLY JOURNAL.] 143 |