CAPTURES-rules for, congress to make.. trial by jury of, in suits at common law.. right to vote not to be denied or abridged. . 15th amend. 1 rights of, congress to enforce provisions as to. 15th amend. 2 consent... states not to enter into.. time of....... COIN-counterfeiting of, power of congress over.. COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF-of army and navy..... duty on tonnage, states not to lay without imposts or duties, states not to lay without interstate, vessels in, not required to clear. of states................... COMMISSIONS-to fill vacancies, president may grant. president, of.... private property, not to be taken without. COMPULSORY PROCESS-accused to have, in criminal proceedings..... CONFEDERATION-debts of original, valid against U. S....... CONGRESS-adjournment of, disagreement as to president's approval not necessary to.. quorum, for want of, by either house.. 5th amend. 26 23 32 40 restriction on powers of, by either house... 23 captures on land and water, to make rules con- cerning... 1 ceded district, to exercise jurisdiction over... abridge...... 4 2 34 25 CONGRESS-Continued. citizens, right of, to vote, not to impair. 15th amend. rights of, to protect and enforce...15th amend. debts of United States, to pay.. electors, presidential, may determine time of enumeration, to direct taking of.. to 6th amend. 40 exports from a state, to lay no tax or duty on.... forces, land and naval, to make rules for govern- freedom of speech or press, laws abridging, not gifts, etc., from other nations, consent of, to habeas corpus, suspension of writ of, powers of, judges, compensation or term of office of, not organizing, arming, etc., to provide for.. naturalization laws, to establish. new states, may admit.. nobility, title of, not to grant. offenses against law of nations, to punish. office, disability for, may remove....... 14th amend. people, personal rights of, not to infringe......5th amend. to bear arms, not to be infringed. persons, migration or importation of, powers of, 3 45 40 ..4th amend. 2d amend. 39 40 as to.... 1 9 26 petition, laws abridging right of, not to make. . 1st amend. 39 24 ports, to give no preference to, of one state records, etc., to provide manner of proving.. rules of proceedings, each house may determine. 822 39 21 24 1 1 soldiers, not to quarter, except, etc.. 3d amend. state imposts and duties, to revise and control.. states, admissions of new, into union, by. taxes and imposts, to lay and collect.. 4 3 1 10 10 26 4 3 35 taxes, capitation or direct, not to lay, unless, etc.. 1 9 26 tonnage, duty on, consent of, for states to lay... over another..... to declare. trial by jury, to preserve right of.... vessels, to give no preference to, of one state war, consent of, for states to engage in. CONSTITUTION amendments to, how proposed, etc. laws to carry out, congress to make. object of. powers not delegated by, etc., reserved. supreme law of the land, to be. CONSULS-appointment of, by president.. cses affecting, judicial power extended to..... CONTRCTS-laws impairing obligations of, states not to pass.. CONVENTION-for proposing amendments, called... CONVICTION-for treason. on impeachment.. COPYRIGHTS-congress may provide for. COUNSEL-party accused to have right of. COUNTERFEITING-Congress to provide punishment for..... COURTS-inferior, congress may establish. judges of, term and compensation of. judicial power, vested in. trial by jury in... CREDIT given to public acts and records. bills of, states not to emit.... CRIMES-parties accused of, rights of.. removal from office for, by impeachment.. trial for, except in impeachments, to be by Preamble. 10th amend. 41 .7th amend. jury.... mode of regulated. place of.... CRUEL OR UNUSUAL PUNISHMENTS-prohibited.....8th amend. 1 10 how 1 3 3 8 ...6th amend. 1 8 24 3 1 32 3 |