if the national transportation policy is Ex-large traffic cant be storagei with e-al tampouttam and ascncded the stance wit-Sopmat pe you saveals if inherent advantages of each are to be preserved Grain Pryor zavals. Ex-Barge to Official Terry. 292 LCG TEL Comte: Costs on the fully distributed basis are lover for commove-carter trucks carying for automobiles than rail osts for distances up to 3 miest where cists for it are the same, while for greater distances trucking costs become progressively ingher han rail cost-New Aatamonules in Interstate Commerce, 25 L. C. C. 475.2. In practically al instances casts for tow-bar service are lower than out-stpockets casts for any other agency, but the service cannot be considered as entirely comparable with that of other transport agencies-I. p. 123 The truck-away carrier is the fitter agency up to 125 miles, the rail carrier beyond 175 miles; between these distances it is a matter of indifference from a cost standpoint, as to which agency transports the traffic.-M., p 523 Costa in rate territories compared $1(5)(a)-961 Monrevenue service: move empty cars in Between points for INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACTS ANNOTATED 1946 SUPPLEMENT VOLUME 13 TABLE OF VOLUMES COVERED BY ANNOTATIONS This Supplement covers the following volumes: United States Reports, 323 through 328 (part). Lawyers' Edition, Supreme Court Reports, 89 through 90. Supreme Court Reports, 65 through 66. Federal Reporter (Second Series), 144 through 155 (part). Federal Supplement (District Courts), 56 (bal.) through 65 (part). Interstate Commerce Commission Cases, 257, 259, 260 (part), 261 (part), 262, 263, 264 (part). Motor Carrier Cases, 39 (bal.), 40 (part), 43 (bal.), 44, 46 (part). Valuation Reports, 49 (part). TABLES, INDEX, INCLUDED Abbreviations, symbols, p. 11271 Federal Precedents Cited, p. 11242 Index, volume 13, p. 11271 Principal Court Cases, by issue of title, p. 11236 Rules of Practice, p. 11235 Table of Cases with History, p. 11247 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1946 |