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A MASTERLY Review of the Situation by
John S. Wise, 177.

A Tariff Commission "Injurious-"Daily Trade

Record," 29.

Act Creating a Tariff Board, Official Text of,


Ad Valorem Wool Duties Offer Temptation to
Undervalue, 340.

Administration Will Receive Stinging Rebuke-
Des Moines "Capital," 349.

Advertising and High Cost of Living, 270.

Advice of Experienced Men Not Heeded by
President, 127.

Advocates of Tariff Commission Not So En-
thusiastic, 35.
Agreement a Democratic Policy-St. Louis
Globe-Democrat," 234; Of Doubtful Sound-
ness-Pittsburg "Gazette-Times,"
76; Re-
ported from Finance Committee Without
Recommendation, 353; Should be Amended
Austin (Minn.) "Transcript," 200; Wrong in
Principle-Los Angeles Times," 233.
Agricultural Delegates Visit White House, 299;
Development Possibilities at Home, 243; In-
terests Said to Have Been Coached, 329; In-
terest Will be Injured-Vinton "Eagle," 143;
Products Now to be Placed Upon Free-Trade
Basis, 225; Sections that Resist Free-Trade
Scheme Fittsburg "Gazette-Times,"


States Asked to Give Everything and Gain
Nothing-Grand Forks (N. D.) "Times," 200.
Agriculture and Manufactures are in Equilibrium,

Alfree, J. W., saye we are forgetting Protec-
tionism of Fathers, 107; Shows Competition
Between Wheat Growing Here and Canada,


Allen, W. H., Gives Remedy for Financial Con-
dition, But Not Sound, 61.

Altruism Being Carried Too Far, "Pittsburg
Gazette Times," 379.

Amendment Needed-Des Moines "Register and
Leader," 209.

Amendments Seem Likely to be Insisted Upon,


American and European Machinery Compared
in Woolen Industry, 343; Farmers Appear
Selfish-Washington "Post," No. 6, Page IV;
Farmers Greatly Benefited by Protection,_160;
Farmers Too Big a Factor to Permit Cana-
dian Reciprocity, 20; Gold Drained by Foreign
Investors, 7: Industries Not Needing Protec-
tion a Growing Belief, 293; Labor and In-
dustry Defended by Tariff League Proven,
175; Market for Americans, 373; Market for
Woolens Intensely Competitive, 346; Markets
that Canada Would Capture-Millersville
(Pa.) "Herald," 253; Money by Millions to
Buy Canadian Farm Land-Des Moines Capi-
tal, ooo; Products Discredited-San Francisco
"Chronicle," 360; Sheep Growers Allotted by
Agreement-"American Sheep Breeder," 304;
Society of Equity Protests to Ways and
Means Committee, 149; Wages and the Tariff
-Washington Correspondence, 42.
Ames, William C., says Reciprocity Will Im-
peril our World Position, 332.
Annexation of Canada Not So Remote Perhaps
-San Francisco "Chronicle," 116.
Annexation Talk May Not Be Bosh, 268.
Annual Meeting of Tariff League, Notice, 18.
Annual Meeting of Tariff League, 53.
Ansberry, Representative, Offers Excise Tax
as a Substitute, 316.
Anti-Agreement Sentiment-Grand Forks (N.
D.) Times, 223.
Anti-Free-Trade Meetings Held in Northwest,

[blocks in formation]

Bagging on Free List a Hardship for Industry
Here at Home, 269.

Beef Growers Will Meet Competition-Troy
"Times," 330.

Beef Trust Controls Argentine Meats-Bath
(N. Y.) "Courier," 9.

Beet Sugar is up Against Obliterating Compe-
tition Bay City "Tribune," 71.
Benedict, Roswell A., Applies Free-Coinage Sys
tem to Land. No. 6, Page IV.
Beveridge, Senator, says Something Foolish. 60.
Blaine Always Opposed It-Manchester (Ia.)
"Press," 349.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Bogus Reciprocity Opposed by Tariff League,

Bread Taxation Deplored Alike by Cobden and
Majority in House, 129.

Britain's American Investments, 38.
British are Greatly Incensed-London
spondence, 101.


British Board of Trade Report Not Suited to
British Free-Traders, 245.

British Business Men Ask for Royal Commis-
sion on Protection, 275.

British Cobdenism Alarmed at Canadian Agree-
ment-London Correspondence, 97.

British Free-Trade Copied in Present Attitude
of Administration, 191.

British People Don't Like It-London Corre-
spondence, 320.

British Shown to Favor Canadian Agreement,

Brotherly Love not a Business Incentive, 373.
Broussard, Representative, Agrees with Minority
against Majority, 131.

Brown, Magnus, Answered by Theodore Justice,


Bryan Admonishes Democrats to be Frankly for
Tariff for Revenue, 362.

Business Affected by Tariff Continued Agitation,

Business and Politics-Senator Heyburn, 87.
Business Man Utters Warning New York
"American," 272.

Business Man Would Be Hurt-Grand Forks
"Times," 253.

Business Men in

Politics Would Improve
Tariff Legislation, 139.
Business Suffering Meantime-San Francisco
"Chronicle," 276.

Butter and Eggs Assumed to be Cheaper Under
Canadian Pact, 78.

CALIFORNIA Cotton Mills Company Ap-

of Tariff League, 139.
Californians Should Vote Against Agreement, 93.
Campbell, Representative, Reviews Canadian
Observations, 193.

Canada as a Purchaser From Us, 337; Has the
Side of One-Sided Agreement "Columbia
Magazine," 222; Not Asked to Repeal Her
Preferential Tariff for Us, 229: To Reap Bug
Benefits, 274; To Receive Additional Free
Gifts, 227; To Receive Boom Through Agree.
ment, 250; Will Benefit by Immigration of
our Young Farmers, 246.
Canadian Agreement a Departure from Republi-
canism-Newport (N. H.) "Champion,' 237:
Analyzed by Robert Ellis Thompson, 106;
As Reported by Majority in Finance Com
mittee, 359; Defended by President at Chi-
cago, 335; Features that Menace an Ameri-
can Industry, 110; May Mean More Than
Appears, 78: Not Approved by People Gener-
ally, 216; Not Endorsed in Britain, 84; Not
Justice Cleveland "Leader," 209; Now Be-
comes Underwood Measure, 230; Opposed by
League Because of Alienating Farmer, 244;
Opposed by Tariff League, 92; Opposition in
Congress, 111; Supported by Democrats, 93;
Supported by Insurgents to Harm Manufac
turers, 191; Text of, 62; Trades Rrights of
Farmers-San Francisco "Chronicle,' 84;
Would Retire Administration Responsible-
Des Moines "Capital," 86.
Canadian Attitude Toward Agreement As Seen
By Representative Campbell, 193; Balance of
Trade for Five Years in our Favor, 340;
Bill in House Develops Better Condition, 244;
Competitor to Destroy American Farmer-
Grand Forks (N. D.) "Times," 256; Conces-
sions to be Demanded by Canada, 137; Con-
ditions in Eastern Provinces, 242; Conditions
Unequal for our Competition, 300; Deal Un-
fair to Farming Interests-Detroit "Gleaner,'
330: Dicker Would Sacrifice Farm Interests-
Washington Correspondence, 75; Farmers'
View of Treaty, 188; Free-Trade Agreement
as Analyzed by Representative Hinds, 239;
Negotiators Give Views Upon Agreement, 63;
Negotiations Undertaken without Sufficient
Inquiry, 197: Objections-"Canadian Textile
Tournal," 108; Policy of President-"Bulletin
American Iron and Steel Association," 113;
Provinces Maintain Various Laws Regarding
Wood Pulp, 327; Railway Development
Through Subsidies, 263; Reciprocity Disap-
proval by Minority, 130; Endorsed by Dairy-
men, 46; In Past Years Injurious to American
Industry, 100; Means Abandoning Protection
for Farmer, 58; Not in Pledges of Democracy,
217; Opposition by League Stirs Newspaper,
328; Viewed by Thompson in "Irish World,'
30: Speaking our Language not a Consolation
-Des Moines "Capital." 330; Statesmen
Likely to Hear Plain Talk While in England,
320; Trade Flirtation Alarms English Cob-


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Tama (Ia.) "Herald," 96; Apt to Receive as
Much as we Underproposed Pact, 79; Not
Willing to Make Concessions on Manufac-
tures, 35; Predict Downfall
of Laurier
Through Success of Treaty, 153.

Cannon, Ex-Speaker, says Republicanism De-
pends Upon Protection, 261.
Cannon, Speaker, addresses

Senator Bailey

Upon Canadian Agreement, 105.
Carded Wool Manufacturers Only a Small
Factor-"Fibre and Fabric," 4.

Carnegie Opposed to Agreement with Foreign
Controlled Neighbor, 332.


An Unsuccessful Hold-Up, 303..

Can See Only An Inch Beyond His Nose, 351.
Can Uncle Sam Afford This Kind of Emigra-
tion? 267.

Driven Into the Quicksands of Free-Trade,


Feels that He Has Been Betrayed, 375.
Full Confidence in the American Congress, 57.
How Much More Will He Stand of This Sort
of Loading? 327.

How the Tariff Benefits Farmers anud Manu-
facturers, 19.

If in Farm Products, Then Free-Trade in
Everything, 91.

Is Uncle Sam Going to Make That Sort of a
Horse Trade? 139.

It is Not the McKinley Idea of Reciprocity,

McKinley Would Not Have Called it a "Sens-
ible Trade Agreement," 103.

President Taft's Badly Matched Team, 197.
President Taft's Mistaken Estimate of Popu-
lar Sentiment, 229.

Prices of Eggs and Rice Now and in 1896, 33.
Rounding 'Em Up in the Free-Trade Corral,

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Cheapness as Advocated in Great Britain, 44.
Cheapness Follows Lack of Work-Greenville
(0.) "Courier," 157.

Cheapness is not Prosperity-Lampasas (Tex.)
"Blade," 123.

Cheapness to be Outcome, says President, 304.
Cheese and Reciprocity-Buffalo "Express.' 257.
Chicago Tribune" Worries over Tariff League
Opposition, 351.

Chisholm, Hugh J., Predicts Injury to Paper
Trade, 81.

Citrus League Fighting Tariff Reformers-San
Francisco "Chronicle." No. 11, Page IV.
City Against Country. "Des Moines Capital, 381.
Claflin, John, Tells How Purchasing Power is
Affected, 218.

Clark, Champ. Defines Method of Formulating
Policy for Democracy, 103.

Clark, Champ, Predicts Complexion of Tariff
Commission, 80.

Clark's Astounding Discovery-Binghamton
"Republican," 43:

Clark, Charles Heber, Defends Present Sched-
ules-Philadelphia "Ledger," 161.

Clark, Charles Heber, on Reciprocity, 117.
Cleveland Opposed to Special Agreements With
Other Countries, 332.

Clevelandism Outdone-Rochester
Chroniscle." 109.


Clift, E. H., Asks Why We Should Have
Treaty, 364; Interviewed in Chicago, 351.

Clothes Cost No More Under Protection Than
Free-Trade, 61.

Clothing Not Influenced by Tariff on Wool, 347.
Cobden Argument Used in Majority Report, 129.
Collins, J. V., Addresses Grain Growers of
Northwest, 215.

Collins, J. V., Explains Hill's Favoring Reci-
procity, 301.

Columbia Student Asks for Rest from Agitation,


Commissions and Congress, 37.

Comparison Between Revenue and Protection
in Tariff on Wool, 362.

Comparison of Cost of Production in Woolen
Business, 343-

Comparison of Lowered Wool Duties and Meat
Shortage, 154.

Comparison of Wages and Housing and Result
in British Report, 245.

Comparison of Wages Here and in Germany in
Woolens, No. 23, Page IV.

Comparison of Woolen Rates Under Proposed
Revision, 341.

Competition of Canada Will Be Dangerous, 193.
Congress Changing Views Upon Tariff Commis-
sion, 36.

Congress Dies Amidst Political Chaos, 126.
Congress Growing Used to Usurpation of Rights,

Congress Ignored in Negotiating Canadian
Agreement, 338.

Congress Should Adjourn for Six Months, 316.
Congress Should Take Recess Like Canada, 291.
Congressional Tariff Committees, 311.

Congressmen Express Views Upon Canadian
Reciprocity, 170.

Congressmen Will Know Better Next Year, 290.
Conservation of Forests Not Affected by Paper
Industry, 252.

Consumers Here a Desirable Market for Cana-
dians, 196.

Convention of Tariff Commission Advocates
Padded, 18.

Connecticut Business Man Expresses Himself on
Tariff Agitation, 117.

Cooke, H. B., Presents Reasons Proving That
Revision Will Increase Cost of Living, 329.
Correspondence, London, 38, 84, 97, 101, 259,
275, 320.

Correspondence, Washington, 8, 22, 36, 41, 42,
66, 70, 75, 89, 94, 100, 111, 123, 135, 137,
158, 160, 182, 191, 220, 225, 249, 273, 285,
299, 301, 311, 323,, 325, 347, 366, 372, 378.
Cost of Living-Goshen (N. Y.) "Democrat,"

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Cost of Production Here and Abroad Reason for
Tariff on Woolens, 339.

Cost of Production in Paper Industry, 251.

Cost of Production Not Easy to Secure-Wash-
ington "Post," 52.

DAIRYING Interests Do Not See the Reci-

procity of Treaty, 219.
Dairymen Endorse Canadian Reciprocity, 46.
Dakota Uprising Never Before Duplicated-
Grand Forks (N. D.) "Times," 201.
Dalzell's Plan of Tariff Commission, 36.
Dangers of Piecemeal Revision-Senator Smoot,

Debate Between Greeley and Blunton Protec-
tion, 358; Concluded, No. 25, Page III.
Deflation of Prices to Follow Tariff Disturbance
-Kansas City "Journal," 57:

Democracy Applauded by W. J. Bryan, 303.
Democrat Predicts that Extra Session May De-
velop Into Ulterior Purpose, 198.
Democratic Campaign Text Book Denounced
Reciprocity as a Fraud, 311; Dilemma Illus-
trated-Washington "Times," 51; Free-
Traders and Republican Insurgents Radically
Differ, 135; Party May Not Please President
by its Legislation, 174; Plan to Exterminate
Wool Growing-Washington Correspondence,
347; Ruin Makers, 348; Senator from Texas
Opposed to Agreement, 111; Tactics of Champ
Clark, 105; Tariff Bill-Chestertown (Md.)
"Enterprise," Votes Apt to Pass Bill in
Senate, 366; Victory Interpreted as Favoring
Reciprocity-Troy "Times,' 24; Ways With
Tariff Past Finding Out, 139.
Democrats Alone Responsible for Passage in
House, 378; and President in Mutual Agree-
ment to Wreck Tariff, 230; Appointed to Tariff
Board, 127; Are Delighted with Agreement-
San Francisco "Chronicle," 98; Are Divided
Upon Tariff, 41; Chipper and United-Wash-
ington Correspondence, 100; Confronted With
Impossibilities-Trenton "State Gazette," 234;
Deny That Canadian Treaty Passage Will
Satisfy Them, 137; Divided Upon Canadian
Agreement,_89; Elected by Farmers Respons-
ible for Treaty-"National Farmer," 186;
Formerly Opposed Reciprocity, 158; Have
Passed Pop-Gun Tariff Bills, 265; In Awk-
ward Position-Pittsburg "Gazette-Times," 306;
In Congress Divided Upon Piecemeal Revision,
59; In House Hold Various Revision Ideas,
45; in House Now Agree With President's
Position Upon Protection, 225; Loyally Co-
operating With President Sounds Queer, 305;
Naturally Oppose Tariff Board, 22; Play Poli-
tics-Pittsburg "Gazette-Times," 320; Prom-
ised Free-Trade Majority in Tariff Board,
123; Propose to Take From Farmers All Pro-
tection, 227; Reminded That They Were Not
Pledged to Canadian Treaty, 217; Seek to
Win Insurgent Vote, 135; To Be Led by
Superstitious Champ Clark, 35; To Begin
Revision of Schedule K in Interests of Free
Wool, 280; To Profit by Split of Republi-
cans, 377; Will Play Own Game in Legisla-
tion, 182; Wish to Make Republican Split
Permanent-San Francisco "Chronicle," 192.
Denunciatory Resolutions, 232.

Dick, Senator, Shows Unfairness of Reciprocity
to Farmers, 124.

Direct Election of Senators-John S. Wise, Jr.,

Direct Taxation Will Be Result of Canadian
Agreement, 192.

Discrimination That Is Unjust Condemned—
"Chicago Dairy Produce," 222.

Dix, Governor, Approves Portions of Reciproc-
ity, 123.

Driscoll, Representative, Supported by Consti-
tuents in His Opposition, 365.

Duties as Proposed in Canadian Agreement, 65.
Duties Reduced, Prices Increased-Rochester
Democrat and Chronicle," 40.

Cotton and Jute Bagging an Important Industry EASTERN Losses in Values Restored During

in Brooklyn, 269.

Cotton Consumption of United States Greater

than Lancashire, 19.

Cotton Prices Show Decline With Passage of
Treaty in House, 139.

Cotton Yarn Protection Laid Basis of France's
Prosperity, 289.

Cream Exports of Canada-Eastport (Me.)
"Sentinel," 125.

Cream Separators to Come in Free Under Cana-
dian Agreement, 110.

Creelman, James, Says That President Ac-
knowledges That He was Not Tricked, 220.
Creosote on Free List By Order of Secretary
of Treasury, 326.

Crop Losses That the Farmer Would Have Un-
der Reciprocity, 116.

Cuban Reciprocity Costly-"National Farmer,"


Cuban Reciprocity Illustrative of Workings of
Such Policy, 114.

Cuban Treaty a Poor Illustration of Reciprocity,

Cummins, Senator, Defines His Objection to
Canadian Agreement, 93.

Cummins for Absolute Free-Trade-Des Moines
"Capital," No. 18, Page IV.

Cummins Inconsistent as Usual-Des Moines
"Capital," 195.

Current Newspaper Comment, 123, 134, 146,
164, 308, 355, 370, 382.

Curtis, Secretary, Follows Natural Bent Toward
Free-Trade, 326.

Curtiss, George B., Gives Reasons for Opposing
Canadian Agreement, 109.

Customs Court Evidence Should Be Contrib-
uted by all Interested, 304.

Customs Officers Returned to Special Agent's
Control, 60.

Ten Years, 264.

Economic Loss Would Follow Lower Prices, 128.
Economist Called "Wall Street Organ" ́ and
"Trust Paper," 18.

A Bad Financial Condition and the Most Ef-
fective Remedy, 61.

A Boon and a Curse, 80.

A Condition of Political Chaos, 126.

A Constitutional Question, 152

A Desirable Reform, 60.

A Fortunate Escape, 140.

A Good Record Broken, 141.

A Governing Factor, 365.

A Long Way From Wall Street, 18.

A Merchant Marine Congress, 35.

A New Assault on Business, 316.

A Political and Business Blunder, 317.

A Postal Card Campaign, 198.

A Problem for Political Strategists, 246.

A Product of "One-Man Politics," 138.
A Remarkable Reaction,_376.

A Serious Menace to Permanent Protection,

A Strange Situation, 19.

A Strange Phenomenon, 246.

A Straw That Shows, 353.

A Tariff Board Transaction, 47.

A Tariff Commission, 21.

A Tariff Commission Useless, 32.

A Tariff Lesson, 20.

A Thousand to One Against It, 218.

A Very Bad Reason, 290.

A Very Independent Spirit, 60.
A Wide Disparity, 4.
About to Lose Its Back Bone, 140.
Advantageous to Democrats, 377.
Again the McCall Bill, 218.

All Prices Would Be Lowered, 314.

[blocks in formation]

ing Wages? 6.

Canada's Cheaper Lands and Labor, 141.

Cases for the Customs Court, 304.

Cause and Effects: Lower Wheat Prices, 104.
Cause for Satisfaction, 174.

Champ Clark's Omission, 217.

Champ Clark's Superstition, 35.

Charles Heber Clark on Reciprocity, 117.

Cheapness Can Be Bought Too Dearly, 245.
China as a Competitor, 36.

Congressman Campbell's Investigation, 196.
Contradicts Himself, 141.

Cost of Living Increased by Downward Revi-
sion, 329.

Customs Examiners, 6.
Customs Litigation, 61.

Customs Rules of Procedure, 4.
Danger in the Orient, 33.

Defeat the Canadian Agreement, 114.
Dangerous Coalition in the Senate, 364.
Destined to a Rude Awakening, 247.
Didn't Like the Odor of It, 377.
Disasterous Tariff Agitation, 33.
Done in Ignorance, 114.
Does Not Reciprocate, 219.
Especially Interested, 317.

Exit McCall. Enter Underwood, 230.
Facts Regarding Reciprocity with Canada, 01.
Fair Candor and Unfair Assumption, 155.
Foss is Delighted, 59.

Farmers' Week in Washington, 304.
Farmers Will Not Be Deceived, 290.
Father O'Hare's Splendid Example, 269.
Free-Trade Gospel of Cheapness, 44.
Free-Traders Favor Piecemeal Revision, 59.
Genuine Cause for Alarm, 266.
German Discrimination, 34.

Give Business a Rest and a Chance, 317.
Gone Democratic, 90.

Good Advice, 291.

Great Speech of Asher P. Hinds, 246.

Hard Questions, 231.

Harmony of Interest Between Wool Growers

and Manufacturers, 4.

Has Come Home to Roost, 60.

Has Had Its Chance, 117.

He Offered Free-Trade in Everything, 140.
High Hopes, 350.

His Improved Standing, 376.
Honeyed Words, 80.

Horace Greeley, Protectionist, 352.

How Business Men Feel, 117.

How Iowa Republican Newspapers Stand, 376.

If the Deal Should Go Through, 290.

If the Tariff Is Broken Down, 141.
Illustrating Insurgent Object, 19.
Impossible Elimination, 81.

In Chairman Underwood's District, 247.
In Narrow New York, 176.
Inconsistent and Absurd, 128.
Increased Prices in Europe, 35.
Intelligent Discussion, 305.
Iowa's Senators, 229.

Iron and Steel Institute, 47.

Is It Not Time? 117.

It Is a Fair Warning, 304.

It is Not Republican Doctrine, 374.

It Is Time We Had a Rest, 244.

It Proved Costly to the Farmers, 138.

James J. Hill and "National Extravagance," 7.
Kill the Agreement, 175.

Looking Toward 1912, 332.

Looking With Hopeful Eyes, 140.

Loses Control, but not Responsibility, 376.

Lower Prices for Food Products Would In:

volve Economic Loss, 12.

Lower Prices for Food Products Would In-
volve Economic Loss, 128.
Making a Bad Situation Worse, 59.
Mexico Next, 138.

Mistaken Aims and Aspirations, 174.
More Revenue, More Imports, 362.
Mown Down Like Grass, 328.

Mr. Bryan Sees An Open Door, 303.

Mr. Cannon Defines McKinley Reciprocity,

Must Now Take Their Own Medicine, 199.
Must Take His Own Medicine, 219.

Napoleon Bonapare as a Protectionist, 289.
Newspaper Reform Is Necessary, 155.
Not Republican Reciprocity, 305.

No Longer Amazing, 376.

Objections to Ad Valorem Wool Duties, 340.
Oh, For a Stout Hand at the Helm, 90.

On the Road to Free-Trade, 80.

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