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herself of prejudice, or at least to disguise her own real sentiments, and stand upon "neutral ground," which is the only true position of the "historian," and to give only facts, without regard to party or political bearing, writing not to win the friendship of any, but hoping for the favor of all. To record the circumstances, and give an account of the revolution as it is, the vastness of its field of operations renders it a work of great labor to produce a history which shall be at once clear and minute, and such a one as shall be worthy to be preserved for generations yet to come, as well as a repository of the events of the time.

Professing to stand in the shade of obscurity, and sending forth this volume to tell its own story of the "Rebellion," the writer leaves it to the sound judgment of an enlightened public to approve or cond condemn.

In conclusion, the authoress submits this her first edition on the "Rebellion" to that "august tribunal," the reading public of the nineteenth century, and can but express the hope that the eye of the critic will glance lightly over it, and the learned and able of the press will touch it with a gentle hand, for on them, in a great measure, depends the success of this work; therefore hoping they will give it a careful perusal, and speak of it according to its just merits.

J. B. F.

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