THE MAINE REGISTER AND UNITED STATES' CALENDAR, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1820, And forty-fourth of AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. CONTAINING Civil, Judicial, Ecclesiastical and Military Lists in ASSOCIATIONS and CORPORATE INSTITUTIONS, for Literary, Names of the Post Towns and Post Masters in MAINE, ALSO, The CONSTITUTION as reported by the Convention. CATALOGUES of the OFFICERS of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, PORTLAND : PUBLISHED BY F. DOUGLAS & A. SHIRLEY. Sold wholesale and retail at their Printing Offices. THE Proprietors of the following work, in offering it to the public, solicit that candor which should be reasonably expected from a new attempt of a nature requiring a great variety of information to be collected from many and distant sources. While we regret that any errors should be found, we dare hope they will not be numerous nor important. We have spared no exertions to render it as accurate and copious as time and circumstances would permit. To those correspondents who have so liberally and readily furnished us with materials for this compilation, we return our most cordial thanks : as well as for the good wishes, they have been pleased to express for the success of our underłaking. We respectfully request their further attention, that any errors now discovered may be corrected, and the work be made more accurate, should public patronage justify our labors to continue it annually. ww ECLIPSES FOR 1820. w There will be four Eclipses this year;-two of the Sun, and two of the Moon, as follows: The first will be of the Sun, March 14. Invis. at Portl. This Eclipse will be central on the meridian, at Oh. 46', in Long. W. 11°, 42′3-4-Lat. S. 56°, 32′ 3-4. The second will be of the Moon, March 29. Invis. at Porti. Beginning at Oh, 36' aft.-Ending at 3h. 19' aft. The third will be of the Sun, Sept. 7. Invis. at Portl. Ecliptic -9h. 8′ 45′′ morn. The fourth will be of the MOON, Sept. 22d, visible at Portland, viz. Beginning Oh 33' 20" } Apparent time, morning. Digits eclipsed, 10° 27′ 1-2 on's southern limb |