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A Series of Standard Works in Poetry, Biography, History, the Drama, &c.

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A copy of any of the superb books on the above list, which embraces the choicest
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The author of this admirable little work has, for many years, been closely connected with Mr. Thos. Edison in his marvelous electrical experiments and inventions.

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Published weekly, by J. MORRISON-FULLER, at 3 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.


J. MORRISON-FULLER, WALTER C. Rose, Editors. Notice! the Works of Herbert Spencer. Subscribers will receive FREE (to the amount of their subscription) any of the Works of Herbert Spencer they may select. Authorized Edition.

With the permission of the subscribers, To-DAY will fall heir to Waterman's Fournal.

In Congress.-In the Senate: Appropriations; Dependent Pensions; Overflowed Districts; Nominations; Anti-Trust; Wages of Laborers.

-In the House: Army Appropriation; Canteens; Castle Island; Artesian Wells; N. P. Banks; Naval Appropriations; Short Spelling; Hides; Admission of Idaho; National Banks; Ocean Patrol; Pensions.

In the discussion caused by Mr. Plumb's offering as an amendment to the dependent pension bill a repeal of the limitation of the arrears of pensions, a number of estimates were mentioned, as to what the cost to country would be, if the amendment were adopted. Mr. Plumb's estimate was "some where in the neighborhood of $500,000,000," but he had read a report in which Gen. Black, the then Commissioner of Pensions, had estimated that the cost would be $380,581,300. Gen. Raum, the present Commissioner, estimated the cost at $470,000,000 to $480,000,000. Mr. Cockrell's estimate of Gen Raum's ability to estimate, led him to estimate the cost at least $600,000,000. Notwithstanding this slight difference of $219,518,700 in estimates, Mr. Plumb's amendment was rejected; Messrs. Allision, Ingalls, Mauderson, Mitchell and Plumb and Sherman, Republicans, and Messrs. Turpie and Voorhees, Democrats, voting aye. Several Senators who voted no, expressed their belief in the wisdom of Mr. Plumb's ainendment, but thought it was of sufficiently great importance to be brought forward as a separate measure, in which case they would vote for it.

Price 5 Cents.

Devoted to the record of the facts and considerations which show that Individual Liberty is good for the people of the United States:

And that, therefore, Legislative Regulation is injurious for them.

Among these was Mr. Blair, whose estimate of the cost, by the way, was "perhaps 1,000,000,000," but he was sure the country could well afford it, and that the old soldiers were really in need of that amount. Mr. Plumb then offered as another amendment, a pension of $8. a month to all persons who had served ninety days, and had reached the age of sixty-two. But although Mr. Plumb estimated that the cost of this would be only $10,000,000 for the next year, (gradually increasing until 1905,) this too was rejected-the vote standing 19 ayes to 39 nays. The estimates of the cost of the bill without Mr. Plumb's amendments, varied from $36,000,000 to Mr. Blair's hope that it would be at least 72,000,000. It was finally passed, as drawn, by vote of 41 to 12, all the nays being Democrats. This bill was vetoed three years ago by Mr. Cleveland.

The State of Michigan, on motion of Mr. Davis, comes in for several millions for internal improvement, $3,738,000 to be expended at Mary's River and $1,684,000 at Hay Lake Channel. Texas, on motion of Mr. Cake, is to receive for the completion of the entrance to Galveston Harbor, $6,200,000 in all, of which not more than $1,000,000 is to be spent in any one year. In addition to these Appropriations, a small one of $14,675, on motion of Mr. Voorhees, was made: to be applied to the purchase of the Capron Collection of Japanese works of art. This collection is now in the National Museum. During the discussion relative to this bill, Mr. Voorhees was asked by Mr. Hale, if the passage of the measure would in his opinion, assist in the amelioration of the condition of the farmers, about which he had been so much disturbed last week, but Mr. Voorhees showed that the collection had been made

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