Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

NELS ACKERSON, Chief Counsel and Executive Director
MARY K. JOLLY, Staff Director

KEVIN O. FALEY, General Counsel

THEODORE L. HUMES, Minority Counsel
KENNETH L. FORAN, Minority Counsel




[merged small][ocr errors][subsumed]

1. Letter to Sen. James O. Eastland, chairman, Committee on the

Judiciary, from Patricia M. Wald, assistant attorney general, De-

partment of Justice..

2. Letter to Alice Rivlin, director, Congressional Budget Office, from

Senator Bayh, chairman, Subcommittee on the Constitution,

January 18, 1978..

3. Letter to Senator Bayh from Alice Rivlin, February 27, 1978...

4. S.J. Res. 67, joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Consti-

tution of the United States with respect to the proposal and the

enactment of laws by popular vote of the people of the United


5. Introductory statement from the Congressional Record, Monday,

July 11, 1977, by Senator James Abourezk which accompanied the

introduction of S.J. Res. 67__

6. Public opinion survey conducted by Cambridge Survey Research on

the voter initiative constitutional amendment....

7. Prepared statement of Hon. Michael J. Harrington, a Representative

in Congress from the State of Massachusetts...

8. Prepared statement of Hon. Guy Vander Jagt, a Representative in

Congress from the State of Michigan___

9. H.J. Res. 544, joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Con-

stitution of the United States to give citizens of the United States

the right to enact and repeal laws by voting on legislation in a

national election _ _ _ _

10. Prepared statement of Hon. Harold S. Sawyer, a Representative in

Congress from the State of Michigan.

11. H.J. Res. 658, joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Con-

stitution of the United States to give citizens of the United States

the right to enact and repeal laws by voting on legislation in a

national election ___

[blocks in formation]



"Initiating of Laws by Public Proposed," New York Times, July 12, 1977.

"People's Laws Being Proposed," Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette, July 12,



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