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Of all the natural wonders none are more interesting to the present generation than the wonderful caves and caverns that are to be found in various localities. The interest in these subterraneous wonders is attested by the large number of persons who are constantly visiting them, and the time and money spent by those of a scientific turn of mind in studying the rocks, air currents and animal life that exist in these most interesting places. Probably the greatest number and most magnificent caverns in the world are found on the North American continent, most of them being located in the United States. Thousands of people from this country and from foreign countries have visited Mammoth Cave, Wyandotte Cave and the Luray Caverns, and innumerable articles descriptive of them have appeared in various newspapers, magazines and booklets in recent years. The one locality in this country in which is to be found without doubt the greatest number of caverns is in Edmonson County, Kentucky, about ninety miles south of Louisville. Underlying nearly the whole county are innumerable caves, some vast in extent, some small. It is said that there are not less than ninety caves within this limited territory that have been explored. Mammoth Cave is the largest of them all; Colossal Cavern the next largest in extent, but far more magnificent and beautiful.

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TOLEDO, OHIO.-Large placards at the Child Welfare Exhibit, on exhibition in this city, answered the question, "Why children go to work." One of these cards stated that: "The average wage of the day laborer in Toledo is $2 a day, or $624 a year, providing he gets steady work. The yearly expense of his child going to high school and living at home is $114.60. This leaves $510.40 a year for father, mother and younger children to live on."

Among the other interesting statistics were the following: "Toledo has five mercantile establishments paying girls less than $4 a week. There are 532 girls under 18 working in Toledo for less than $7 a week and 310 girls for less than $6 a week.

"An investigation of girls from all parts of Toledo, working as clerks, stenographers, nurses, maids, and in offices and factories, shows that 75 per cent of them help support families."


Pat, the hodcarrier, to the carpenter who is vigorously sucking his, thumb, cursing at the same time, "Don't yez know how to droive a nail yit widout smashin' yer fingers? Carpenter: "No; and neither do you." Pat: "Bedad but Oi do. Hold the hammer in both hands."

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HUBERT S. MARSHALL, Secretary-Treasurer, Second Nat. Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, O.

Convention Call

In compliance with the action of the Thirtyfirst Convention held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the next Convention will be held in Memphis, Tennessee. The International Executive Council has set the date for June 22nd, 1914.

Headquarters. will be at the Chisca Hotel.

John T. Kane, President

Michael J. Grady, 1st Vice-President
Charles Wagner, 2nd Vice-President

Wm. Mayouck, 3rd Vice-President
Hubert S. Marshall, Secretary-Treasurer

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Organizing in various sections of the country.

The past two years have been very successful for our organization, although expensive. The strike in Detroit and lockout in Cincinnati were the largest drains on our treasury we have had for a number of years, but as both terminated favorably to our organization, the money was well spent. A number of locals have bettered their working conditions, and a number of new locals have been organized. Therefore the Secretary-Treasurer feels that the organization is now in a position to take up the matter of a death benefit. After reading these few lines, the delegates will come prepared to take up the work before the convention and carry it through to a successful termination.


Delegates attending the convention should be sure that they have their due books with them, in order to avoid having to send home for them.

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The following is information which has passed between Local Union No. 58, of San Jose, Cal., and International Headquarters, in regard to one R. H. Blume;

SAN JOSE, CAL., May 14, 1914.


Dear Sir:-Enclosed picture of Mr. R. H. Blume, whose whereabouts Local No. 58, of San Jose, Cal., are desirious of finding out. He is a left-handed man. This is a true likeness of him. Any information in regards to him should be forwarded to Horseshoers' Local Union No. 58, San Jose, Cal. Weight, 155; heighth, 5 feet 8 inches; hair, blond; blue eyes. Wanted by Local No. 58 for going away with funds belonging to the Local.


CINCINNATI, O., May 20, 1914.


Have located Blume, 3441⁄2 Seventh St., San Pedro, Cal. No Local there. Prosecute him to full extent of law for embezzlement.


The Secretary-Treasurer has not heard whether Local No. 58 was successful in locating R. H. Blume in San Pedro, Cal., and would advise that the members watch for him


carefully, so that he can be taken back to San Jose and be prosecuted for embezzlement to the full extent of the law.


Organized labor in San Francisco is using every effort to prevent the flooding of the Coast cities with idle mechanics who might be brought west by the Panama-Pacific exposition advertising and cheap rates offered by the railroads. A circular letter was read at the meeting of Plumbers' Local Union No. 32 at its meeting Monday evening which had been issued by the California State Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steam Fitters. The letter is addressed to all local unions of plumbers and in part reads as follows:

"We find that there is a large number of our brothers coming or planing to come to this Coast on account of the advertising by railroads and real estate dealers, and also attracted by the 1915 Fair. We welcome every brother who comes to our Coast, but believe that they should come with a true knowledge of the situation.

"Almost every inducement has been offered to get people here by advertising that good wages are paid and that work is plentiful. Almost every western city is flooded with workmen who have come with only sufficient

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