Imágenes de páginas

Appropriations, &c.-Continued.

Brought forward..

For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per articles of treaty of August 21, 1805, $250;

For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per third and separate articles of treaty of September 30, 1809, $350; in all

$726,051 07

1,100 00


For interest on $221,257.86, uninvested, at five per centum, per Senate amendment to fourth article of treaty of June 5,¡1854..

11,062 89


For pay of teachers and for manual-labor schools, and for all necessary materials therefor, and for the subsistence of the pupils, per fourth article of treaty of December 21,


3,000 00


For such goods, provisions, and other articles as the President may, from time to time, determine, in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employés, educating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort, and improvement...

25, 000 00


For clothing and subsisting 11,868 Navajo Indians, $26,000:
For last of ten installments, to be used by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in the
purchase of such articles as, from time to time, the condition and necessaries of the
Indians may indicate to be proper, the sum of $10 to each person who engages in farm-
ing or mechanical pursuits, say, 3,000 persons, $30,000;
For ninth of ten installments for pay of two teachers, per sixth article of same treaty,
$2,000; in all

58,000 00


For last of five installments, last series, for beneficial objects, at the discretion of the
President, per fourth article of treaty of June 11, 1855, $3,000;
For last of twenty installments for the support of two schools, one of which to be an
agricultural and industrial school, keeping in repair school-buildings, and for providing
suitable furniture, books, and stationery, per same article of same treaty, $500;
For last of twenty installments for the employment of one superintendent of teaching
and two teachers, per same article and treaty, $2,700;

For last of twenty installments for the employment of one superintendent of farming,
two farmers, two millers, two blacksmiths, one tinner, one gunsmith, one carpenter, and
one wagon and plow maker, per same article and treaty, $5,000;

For last of twenty installments for pay of a physician, per same article and treaty, $1,000;

For last of twenty installments for keeping in repair the buildings for the various employés, and for providing the necessary furniture therefor, per same article and treaty, $300;

For last of twenty installments for the salary of such person as the tribe may select to be their head chief, per same article and treaty, $500;

For fourteenth of sixteen installments, of second series, for boarding and clothing the children who shall attend the schools, providing the schools and boarding houses with necessary furniture, the purchase of necessary wagons, teams, agricultural implements, tools, and for fencing of such lands as may be needed for gardening and farming purposes for the schools, $2,000;

For salaries of two matrons to take charge of the boarding-schools, two assistant teachers, one farmer, one carpenter, and two millers, $3,500;

For last of twenty installments for keeping in repair the hospital, and providing the necessary medicine, and the furniture therefor, $300;

For repairs of houses, mills, and tools, and necessary materials, $1,000; in all


First of ten installments, to be expended by the Secretary of the Interior for each In. dian engaged in agriculture, and roaming, in the purchase of such articles as, from time to time, the condition and necessities of the Indians may indicate to be proper, as per sixth article of treaty of May 10, 1868, $35,000;

For eleventh of thirty installments, for purchase of clothing, as per sixth article of treaty of May 10, 1868, $12,000:

For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, miller, farmer, blacksmith and engineer, per sev enth article of same treaty, $6,000; in all

Carried forward

H. Mis. 34- -4

19, 800 00

53, 000 00

897, 013 96

Brought forward

Appropriations, &c.-Continued.


For twelfth of fifteen installments of this amount, being third series, in money or otherwise, per fourth article of treaty of March 16, 1854


For interest on $69,120, at 5 per centum per annum, being value of fifty-four sections of land set apart by treaty of June 2, 1825, for educational purposes, per Senate resolution of January 9, 1838, $3,456;

For interest on $300,000, at 5 per centum per annum, to be paid semi-annually, in money or such articles as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, as per first article of treaty of September 29, 1865, $15,000; in all


For twelfth of fifteen installments, being the third series, in money or otherwise, per fourth article of treaty of March 15, 1854, 89,000;

For support of industrial schools at the Otoe agency, the amount to be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sales of the lands of said Indians in Nebraska, $6,000; in all.................


For perpetual annuity, at least one-half of which is to be paid in goods and such articles
as may be deemed necessary for them, per second article of treaty of September 24, 1857,

For support of two manual-labor schools, per third article of same treaty, $10,000;
For pay of two farmers, two blacksmiths and two apprentices, one miller and apprentice,
and two teachers (and for one shoemaker and one carpenter, $1,600), $7,000;
For pay of physician and purchase of medicines, $1,200;

For purchase of iron and steel and other necessaries for the shops, as per fourth article
of treaty of September 24, 1857, $500;

For purchase of farming utensils and stock, per same article and treaty, $1,000;
For repairs of grist and saw mills, $300; in all.


8897,013 96

20, 000 00

18, 456 00

15,000 00

50,000 00

For sixth of fifteen installments, last series, to be paid to them or expended for their benefit, per second article of treaty of March 12, 1858, $8,000;

For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be used at the discretion of the President, to carry on the work of aiding and instructing the Poncas in the arts of civilization, with a view to their self-support, for clothing, and for pay of employés, $10,000;

For this amount, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for subsistence of the Poncas, $35,000; in all...


For permanent annuity, in silver, per fourth article of treaty of August 3, 1795, 8357.80;
For permanent annuity, in silver, per third article of treaty of September 30, 1809, $178.90;
For permanent annuity, in silver, per third article of treaty of October 2, 1818, 8894.50;
For permanent annuity, in money, per second article of treaty of September 20, 1828,

For permanent annuity, in specie, per second article of treaty of July 29, 1829, and second
article of treaty of September 20, 1823, 85,724.77;

For permanent provision for payment of money, in lieu of tobacco, iron, and steel, per second article of treaty of September 20, 1823, and tenth article of treaties of June 5 and 17, 1846, $107.34;

For permanent provision for three blacksmiths and assistants, and for iron and steel for shops, per third article of treaty of October 16, 1826, second article of treaty of September 20, 1828, and second article of treaty of July 29, 1829, $1,008.99;

For permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt, per second article of treaty of July 29, 1829, $156.54;

For interest on $230,064.20, at 5 per centum, in conformity with provisions of article 7 of treaties of June 5 and 17, 1846, $11,503.21; in all..

53,000 00

20,647 63


For permanent annuity, in money or otherwise, per second article of treaty of November 17, 1807

400 00


For education, during the pleasure of the President, per third article of treaty of May 13, 1833, $1,000;

Carried forward

1,074, 517 61

Appropriations, &c.-Continued.

Brought forward.

For blacksmith and assistants, and tools, iron, and steel for blacksmith-shop, per same article and treaty, $1,060; in all ...

$1,074, 517 6D

2,060 00


For last of five installments, last series, for beneficial objects, under the direction of the
President, per fourth article of treaty of July 1, 1855, $700

For last of twenty installments, for the support of an agricultural and industrial school,
and for pay of suitable instructors, per tenth article of same treaty, $2,200;

For last of twenty installments, for support of smith and carpenter shop, and to provide the necessary tools therefor, per same article and treaty, 8300:

For last of twenty instaliments, for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and a physician, per same article of same treaty, $3,000; in all..

6,200 00


For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per third article of treaty of November 3, 1804, $1,000;

For interest on $200,000 at 5 per centum, per second article of treaty of October 21, 1837, $10,000;

For interest on $800,000 at 5 per centum, per second article of treaty of October 11, 1842, $40,000: Provided, That the sum of $1,500 of this amount shall be used for the pay of a physician and for purchase of medicine; in all

And provided, That of the sum appropriated there be expended $1,000 for the support of the school and a farmer for the Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi at the agency in Iowa.

51, 000 00


For interest on $157,400 at 5 per centum, under the direction of the President, per second article of treaty of October 21, 1837, $7,870;

For support of a school, per fifth article of treaty of March 6, 1861, 8200; in all..


8,070 00.

For 5 per centum interest on $250,000, to be paid as annuity, per eighth article of treaty of August 7, 1856, $12,500;

For 5 per centum interest on $250,000, to be paid as annuity (they having joined their
brethren west), per eighth article of treaty of August 7, 1856, $12,500;

For interest on $50,000 at the rate of 5 per centum per annum, to be paid annually for the
support of schools, as per third article of treaty of March 21, 1866, $2,500;
For interest on $20,000 at the rate of 5 per centum per annum, to be paid annually, for the
support of the Seminole government, as per same article of same treaty, $1,000; in all..


For permanent annuity, in specie, per fourth article of treaty of September 29, 1817, 8500; For permanent annuity, in specie, per fourth article of treaty of September 17, 1818, 8500; For permanent annuity for blacksmith and miller, per fourth article of treaty of Febru ary 28, 1831, to be annually paid to them as a national fund, to be expended by them for such articles and wants and improvements in agriculture as their chiefs (with the consent of their agent) may designate, as stipulated in the seventh article of treaty of February 23, 1867, $1,660;

For permanent annuity, in specie, per fourth article of treaty of September 17, 1818, and fifth article of treaty of February 23, 1867, $500:

For blacksmith and assistant, shops and tools, iron and steel, per fourth article of treaty of July 20, 1831, and fifth article of treaty of February 23, 1867, $530; in all

28,500 00

3,690 00


For permanent annuity, in lieu of interest on stock, per act of February 19, 1831, 86,000;
For interest, in lieu of investment, on $75,000, at 5 per centum, per act of June 27, 1846,

For interest, at 5 per centum, on $43,050, transferred from the Ontario Bank to the United
States Treasury, per act of June 27, 1846, $2,152.50; in all....


For permanent annuity, for educational purposes, per fourth article of treaty of August 3, 1795, and third article of treaty of May 10, 1854, $1,000;

For permanent annuity, in specie, for educational purposes, per fourth article of treaty of September 29, 1817, and third article of treaty of May 10,1854, 82,000;

For interest, at 5 per centum, on $40,000, for educational purposes, per third article of lastnamed treaty, $2,000; in all

Carried forward

11, 902 50

5,000 00

1, 190, 940 11

Brought forward.

Appropriations, &c.-Continued.


$1,190, 940 11

For permanent annuity, in specie, per fourth article of treaty of September 17, 1818, and fifth article of treaty of February 23, 1867, $500;

For blacksmith and assistant, shops and tools, iron and steel, per fourth article of treaty of July 20, 1831, and fifth article of treaty of February 23, 1867, 8530; in all.....


Western bands: For sixteenth of twenty installments, to be expended, under the direc tion of the President, in the purchase of such articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, per seventh article of treaty of October 1, 1863, $5,000;

Northwestern bands: For sixteenth of twenty installments, to be expended, under direction of the President, in the purchase of such articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, per third article of treaty of July 30, 1863, $5,000; Goship band: For sixteenth of twenty installments, to be expended, under the direction of the President, in the purchase of such articles, including cattle for herding and other purposes, as he shall deem suitable to their wants and condition as hunters and herdsmen, per third article of treaty of October 12, 1863, $1,000; in all.......


Shoshones: For tenth of thirty installments, to purchase snits of clothing for males over 14 years of age, flannel hose, calico, and domestics for females over the age of 12 years, and such goods as may be needed to make suits for boys and girls under the ages named, $11.500.

For ninth of ten installments, for the purchase of such articles as may be considered proper by the Secretary of the Interior, for Indians roaming and for those engaged in agriculture, as per ninth article of treaty of July 3, 1868, 820,000.

For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per
tenth article of treaty of July 3, 1-68, $5,000;

pay of second blacksmith, and such iron and stcel and other materials as may be re-
quired. per eighth article of the same treaty, $1,000;
Bannocks: For tenth of thirty installments, to purchase suits of clothing for males over
14 years of age, flannel, hose, calico, and domestics for females over 12 years of age,
and such flannel and cotton goods as may be needed to make suits for boys and girls
under the ages named. $6,937;

For last of ten installments, for the purchase of such articles as may be considered proper
by the Secretary of the Interior, for persons roaming and for those engaged in agricul-
ture, $14,000;

For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per tentli article of treaty of July 3, 1868, $5,000; in all....

1,030 00

11,000 00

63,437 00


For permanent annuity, in clothing and other useful articles, per sixth article of treaty of November 17, 1794.....


For tenth of thirty installments, to purchase clothing for males over 14 years of age, for flannel, hose, and calico, and domestics required for females over 12 years of age, and for such flannel and cotton goods as may be needed to make suits for boys and girls, per tenth article of treaty of April 29, 1868, $130,000 ;

For tenth of thirty installments, to purchase such articles as may be considered proper by the Secretary of the Interior, for persons roaming; and for tenth of thirty installments, to purchase such articles as may be considered proper by the Secretary of the Interior, for persons engaged in agriculture, $215, 000 ;

For pay of physician, five teachers, one carpenter, one miller, one engineer, one farmer,
and one blacksmith, per thirteenth article of same treaty, $10.400;

For pay of additional employés at the several agencies for the Sioux in Nebraska and
Dakota, $25,000;

For industrial schools at the Santee Sioux and Crow Creek agencies, $3,000 each, $6 000 :
For subsistence of the Sioux and for purposes of their civilization as per agreement rati-
fied by act of Congress approved February 28. 1877, including the cost of transporting
supplies for the Red Cloud and Spotted Tail Sioux Indians from the Missouri River
and Sidney, Nebr., or Cheyenne, Wyo., $1,095,000;

Pay of matron at Santee agency, $500;

Pay of second blacksmith, and furnishing iron, steel, and other material, per eighth article of same treaty, $2,000; in all.

SIOUX, SISSETON, AND WAHPZTON, AND SANTEE SIOUX OF LAKE TRAVERSE AND DEVIL'S LAKE. For seventh of ten installments of the sum of $300,000, named in a certain agreement confirmed by act approve i June 22, 1874, made by the commissioners appointed by the Sec

4,500 00

1,483, 900 00

Carried forward.....

2,754, 807 11

Brought forward

Appropriations, &c.-Continued.

retary of the Interior, under the provisions of the act of June 7, 1872, with the Sisseton and Wahpeton bands of Sioux Indians, for the relinquishment by said Indians of their claim to, or interest in, the lands described in the secon article of the treaty male with them February 19, 1867, the same to be expended, under the direction of the President, for the benefit of said Indians, in the manner prescribed in said treaty of 1867 as amended by the Senate, said amendment as amended having been ratified by the Indi ans, as provided by act of February 14, 1873......


For first of ten installments, third series, to be paid to them or expended for their benefit,
per fourth article of treaty of April 19, 1858, 825,000;
For subsistence and civilization of two thousand Yankton Sioux, heretofore provided for
in appropriations under "Fulfilling treaty with Sioux of different tribes", $60.000; in all.


For eighth of ten installments, to be expended under the direction of the President, as per seventh article of treaty of August 12, 1865................


For last of twenty installments, last series, to be applied to the use and benefit of said Indians, under the direction of the President, per dtch article of treaty of January 26, 1855, 81,600;

For last of twenty installments, for the support of an agricultural and industrial school, and for pay for suitable teachers, per eleventh article of same treaty, $2,500;

For last of twenty installments. for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and a physician, per same article and treaty, $3,600;

For support of a smith and carpenter shop, and to provide the necessary tools therefor, per same article and treaty, $500; in all

$2,754,8)7 11

80, (00 00

85,0)J 00

1,200 00

8.00 03


For pay of blacksmith, as per tenth article of treaty of October 7, 1863....




For pay of two carpenters, two millers, two farmers, and one blacksmith, as per fifteenth article of treaty of March 2, 1868, 86,000;

For pay of two teachers, as per same article of same treaty, $1.800;

For purchase of iron and steel, and the necessary tools for blacksmith-shop, per ninth article of same treaty, $220;

For eleventh of thirty installments, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for clothing, blankets, and such other articles as he may deem proper and necessary, under eleventh article of same treaty, $30,000;

For annual amount, for the purchase of beef, mutton, wheat, flour, beans, and potatoes, as per twelfth article of same treaty, $35,000;

For pay of employés at the several Ute agencies, $5,000; in all......

78,020 00


For last of twenty installments, being the last series, to be expended under the direction
of the President, per second article of treaty of June 9, 1855, $2,000;
For last of twenty installments, for the purchase of all necessary mill fixtures and me
chanical tools, medicine and hospital stores, books and stationery for schools, repairs of
school building and furniture for employés, per fourth article of treaty of June 9, 1-55,

For last of twenty installments, for the pay and subsistence of one superintendent of
farming, one farmer, two millers, one blacksmith, one wagon and plow maker, one car-
penter and joiner, one physician, and two teachers, per fourth article of same treaty,

For last of twenty installments, for the pay of each of the head chiefs of the Walla. Walla, Cayuse, and Umatilla bands, the sum of $500 per annum, per fifth article of same treaty, $1,500; in all......

14,500 00


For interest on $804.909.17, at 5 per cent. per annum, per fourth article of treaty of No vember 1, 1837, and joint resolution of July 17, 1862, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to expend said interest for the support, education, and civilization of said Indians, $40,245.45;

For interest on $78,340.41, at 5 per cent. per annum, to be expended, under the direction of

Carried forward..

3,022, 447 11

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