to the disposition of undelivered and unclaimed moneys received for transmission. Date of introduction March 25; referred to Committee on Banks. COTILLO. Senate bill, introductory No. 1142; printed No. 1373, entitled: An act to amend the general business law, in relation to the regulation of the transmission of money by agents of certain companies. Date of introduction March 25; referred to Committee on the Judiciary. COTILLO. Senate bill, introductory No. 1143; printed No. 1444, entitled: An act establishing the bureau of land loans in the banking department, with authority to loan money on mortgages for home building, and to issue certificates, and making an appropriation therefor. Date of introduction March 25; referred to Committee on Finance; amended March 30. COTILLO. Senate bill, introductory No. 1209; printed No. 1476, entitled: An act to amend the general municipal law, in relation to appropriations by boards of supervisors for child welfare purposes. Date of introduction March 30; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities. COTILLO. Senate bill, introductory No. 1329; printed No. 1775, entitled: An act to amend the general business law, in relation to regulation of the transmission of money to foreign countries. Date of introduction April 6; ordered to third reading and referred to Committee on Banks; amended April 11; committee discharged and restored to third reading April 13; passed under emergency message April message April 13. Assembly record-Received from the Senate April 13; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 15; passed under emergency message April 15. Record after passage Transmitted to Governor April 16; chapter No. 354. COTILLO. Senate bill, introductory No. 1334 printed No. 1677, entitled: An act to authorize the board of estimate and apportionment to hear, audit, and allow the alleged claim of Lizzie Scannell, as executrix of the last will and testament of George F. Scannell, deceased, against the city of New York. Date of introduction April 7; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities. COTILLO. Senate bill, introductory No. 1344; printed No. 1687, entitled: An act to change the name of Saint Joseph's Normal College to Saint Joseph's Normal Institute. Date of introduction April 7; ordered to third reading without reference; passed April 13. Assembly record - Received from the Senate April 14; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 15; passed April 15. Record after passage-Transmitted to Governor April 16; chapter No. 436. COTILLO. Senate bill, introductory No. 1354; printed No. 1730, entitled: An act to amend the banking law, in relation to the designation by banking institutions of agents to receive money for transmission to foreign countries. Date of introduction April 8; referred to Committee on Banks. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 211; printed No. 890, entitled: An act to amend the tax law, in relation to reorganizing the state tax commission and defining its powers and duties and transferring thereto certain powers, duties and jurisdiction of the comptroller and secretary of state. Date of introduction January 31; referred to Committee on Taxation and Retrenchment; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole; amended February 18; ordered to third reading February 23; amended February 23; amended March 4; passed March 10. Assembly record - Received from the Senate March 11; referred to Committee on Taxation and Retrenchment; committee discharged and ordered to third reading March 14; passed March 14. Record after Record after passage Transmitted to Governor March 15; chapter No. 90. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 345; printed No. 1183, entitled: An act to revise the charter of the city of Rome. Date of introduction February 7; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole; amended March 16; ordered to third reading March 21; Assembly bill, printed No. 1529; substituted and passed March 29; returned from Mayor of the City of Rome, not accepted, April 11; repassed April 13; chapter No. 679. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 346; printed No. 473, entitled: An act to change the name of "The Utica Female Academy" to "Utica Country Day School," defining the powers and duties of such corporation and repealing certain acts relating thereto. Date of introduction February 7; ordered to third reading and referred to Committee on the Judiciary; reported favorably and restored to third reading February 9; amended February 15; passed under emergency message February 15. Assembly record Received from the Senate February 15; ordered to third reading without reference; passed under emergency message February 15. Record after passage Transmitted to Governor February 15; chapter No. 5. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 384; printed No. 404, entitled: An act to amend the general city law, in relation to the creation of purchasing departments and agencies. Date of introduction February 9; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole February 23; ordered to third reading March 2; passed March 7. Assembly record - Received from the Senate March 8; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 394; printed No. 414, entitled: An act to amend the highway law, in relation to designation and construction of additional county highways in certain counties. Date of introduction February 9; referred to Committee on Internal Affairs of Towns, Counties and Public Highways. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 544; printed No. 598, entitled: An act to provide for a department of public health in and for second and third class cities. Date of introduction February 21; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole March 30; recommitted April 4. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 545; printed No. 1566, entitled: An act to amend the tax law, in relation to illegally assessed property. Date of introduction February 21; referred to Committee on Taxation and Retrenchment; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole; amended March 28; ordered to third reading April 4; amended April 4; passed April 11. Assembly recordReceived from the Senate April 12; referred to Conmittee on Taxation and Retrenchment. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 568; printed No. 1624, entitled: An act to provide for a department of assessment and taxation in and for the second and third class cities. Date of introduction February 21; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole March 30; ordered to third reading April 5: amended April 5; passed April 11. Assembly record - Received from the Senate April 12; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities; committee discharged and ordered to third reading Apri! 14; passed April 14. Record after passage - Transmitted to Governor April 15; chapter No. 300. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 569; printed No. 623, entitled: An act to amend the penal law, in relation to children. Date of introduction February 21; referred to Committee on Codes; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 6: passed April 8. Assembly record - Received from the Senate April 9; referred to Committee on Codes. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 646; printed No. 713, entitled: An act to amend the tax law, in relation to income tax interest. Date of introduction February 24; referred to Committee on Taxation and Retrenchment; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole March 10; ordered to third reading March 15; passed March 16. Assembly record - Received from the Senate March 17; referred to Committee on Taxation and Retrenchment. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 647; printed No. 714, entitled: An act to amend the tax law, in relation to income tax deductions. Date of introduction February 24; referred to Committee on Taxation and Retrenchment; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole March 10; ordered to third reading March 15; passed March 16. Assembly record - Received from the Senate March 17; referred to Committee on Taxation and Retrenchment; committee discharged and ordered to third reading April 4; passed April 4. Record after passage Transmitted to Governor April 6; chapter No. 214. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 895; printed No. 1012; Assembly reprint No. 2066, entitled: An act to amend the village law, in relation to the incorporation of villages. Date of introduction March 9; referred to Committee on Affairs of Villages; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole March 17; ordered to third reading March 21; passed March 23. Assembly record-Received from the Senate March 24; referred to Committee on Affairs of Villages; reported favorably and ordered to second reading; amended April 13; ordered to third reading April 15; passed under emergency message April 15. Senate Assembly amendments concurred in April 16. Record after passage - Transmitted to Governor April 16; chapter No. 453. DAVENPORT. Senate bill, introductory No. 896; printed No. 1625, entitled: An act to amend the workmen's compensation law, in relation to security on appeals from the commission. Date of introduction March 9; referred to Committee on Labor and Industries; reported favorably and referred to the Com |