Imágenes de páginas


Voted or Granted.


To pay the Salaries and Contingent Ex-
penses in the Departments of the Comp-
troller General of the Exchequer, the
Paymasters of Exchequer Bills, and the
Paymaster of Civil Services; to the 31st
March 1843.

To defray the Charge of the Salaries and
Allowances granted to certain Professors
in the Universities of Oxford and Cam-
bridge; to the 31st March 1843
To defray the Charge of the Salaries of
the Commissioners of the Insolvent
Debtors' Court, of their Clerks, and the
Contingent Expenses of the Court and
Office; to the 31st March 1843
To defray the Expense of the General Pe-
nitentiary at Milbank; to the 31st March


To defray the Expense of the Prison for
Juvenile Offenders at Parkhurst, in the
Isle of Wight; to the 31st March 1843
To defray the Expense of the Model Pri-
son; to the 31st March 1843
To defray the Charge of the Salaries and
other Expenses of the State Paper Office;
to the 31st March 1843
To defray the Salaries and Expenses of the
Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Eng-
land; to the 31st March 1843
To defray the Salaries and Expenses of the
Commissioners for carrying into Execu-
tion the Act for the Amendment of the
Laws relating to the Poor in England and
Wales, and the Act for the Relief of the
Destitute Poor in Ireland; to the 31st
March 1843.

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To pay to the 31st March 1843, the Sala-
ries and Incidental Expenses of the
Commissioners established on the part of
her Majesty, under Treaties with Fo-
reign Powers for suppressing the traffic
in slaves
To defray, to the 31st March 1843, the
Charge of the Salaries of her Majesty's
Consuls-General, Consuls and Vice-
Consuls abroad, and of the Superintend-
ents of Trade in China; also of the Con-
tingent Expenses of such Consuls-Ge-
neral, Consuls and Vice-Consuls, and
Superintendents of Trade in China
To defray the Salaries and Expenses of the
Inspectors and Superintendents of Fac-
tories; to the 31st March 1843.
To defray the Salaries and Expenses of

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To defray the Expenditure of the Mint;
to the 31st March 1843
To defray the Expenses of the Children's
Employment Commission for the year
1841-2; and to pay the further Expense
to be incurred to the close of the Com-

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To defray the Charge of Allowances and
Compensations to persons formerly em-
ployed in the Public Offices or Depart-
ments, or in the Public Service; to the
31st March 1843
To enable her Majesty to grant Relief, to
the 31st March 1843, to Toulonese and
Corsican Emigrants, Dutch Naval Offi-
cers' Widows, St. Domingo Sufferers,
American Loyalists, and others who have
heretofore received Allowances from
her Majesty, and who, for Services per-
formed or Losses sustained in the British-
tish Service, have especial Claims on her
Majesty's justice or liberality

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To defray the Expense of the National
Vaccine Institution for the year 1842
Towards the Support of the Refuge for the
Destitute for the year 1842
To defray the Expense of confining and
Maintaining Criminal Lunatics in the
Buildings attached to Bethlem Hospital;
to the 31st March 1843
To pay, to the 31st March 1843, the usual
Allowances to Protestant Dissenting
Ministers in England, poor French Re-
fugee Clergy, poor French Refugee
Laity, and sundry small Charitable and
other Allowances to the Poor of St. Mar-
tin's-in-the-Fields and others

To defray the Charge of her Majesty's Fo-
reign and other Secret Services; to the
31st March 1843.

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To defray the Expense of providing Stationery, Printing, and Binding for the several Departments of Government in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Colonies; and for providing Stationery, Printing, and Paper for Printing for the two Houses of Parliament, including the Expense of the Stationery Office; to the 31st March 1843

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To defray the Expense of Law Charges; to the Sist March 1843

£. S. d.


s. d.

5,800 0 0

16 15 7

26,995 0 0

8,713 0 0

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To defray the Expense of the Convict

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For Public Education in Great Britain in the year 1842

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To defray the Expenses of the University
of London; to the 31st March 1843
To defray the Expenses of the School of
Design; to the 31st March 1843.
To pay, to the 31st March 1843, the Al-
lowances and Expenses of the Barristers
employed in revising Lists of Voters
under the Act to Amend the Representa-
tion of the People in England and Wales
To defray, to the 31st March 1843, the Ex-
penses incurred by Sheriffs, formerly
paid from Civil Contingencies; also to
make good the deficiency of the Fees in
the Office of the Queen's Remembrancer
in the Exchequer, and to pay the Sala-
ries and ancient Allowances of certain
Officers of the Court of Exchequer
To defray, in the year 1842, certain Charges
hitherto paid out of County Rates.
For Payment of the Subsistence of the Po-
lish Refugees; to the 31st March 1843.
To enable the Trustees of the British Mu-
seum to purchase certain Collections for
that Institution
To discharge the Balance due to the late
H. T. Sampayo, Conde de Povoa, for
Supplies of Money and Provisions to the
British Forces in the Peninsula during
the War, from 1808 to 1814
Towards defraying the Expense of Steam
Communication to India, by way of the
Red Sea; to the 31st March 1843.
To defray the Charge of the Salaries, Al-
lowances and Contingencies of the Sti-

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Voted or Granted.


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pendiary Justices in the West Indies, Mauritius, and Cape of Good Hope; to the 31st March 1843 To defray such Expenses as her Majesty may incur in aiding the Local Legislature in providing for the Religious and Moral Instruction of the Emancipated Negro Population in the year 1842 To defray a portion of the Charge of the Colonial Land and Emigration Board, and also the Salaries and Allowances of Agents for Emigration; to the 31st March 1843. In aid of Provincial Funds for the Relief, to the 31st March 1843, of Sick and Destitute Emigrants who may arrive in Canada from the United Kingdom To defray, to the 31st March 1843, Law Expenses, Grants to Scottish Universities, and other Charges formerly defrayed from the Hereditary Revenues, and not provided for out of her Majesty's Civil List, nor out of the Consolidated Fund

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To carry on, in the year 1942, the perma
nent Improvement and Repair of the
Caledonian Canal
To complete the Works at the Prison of
Parkhurst, in the Isle of Wight, with
the view to the formation of a place of
Confinement for Juvenile Female Of-

To meet the Deficiency of the Funds for
the erection of the New Assembly Hall
at Edinburgh, and fitting up the Aisle of
St. Giles's Cathedral as a Parish Church
To defray Expenses connected with the
Coinage, and for Works at the Royal
Mint; to the 31st March 1843
For the Purchase, in the year 1842, of Pic-
tures for the National Gallery
To complete the Amount due to the late
Sir Francis Chantrey for a bronze eques-
trian Statue of his late Majesty George
the Fourth
To enable her Majesty to grant a Gratuity
to the Officers, Seamen, Royal Marines,
and Military Officers and Men lately
employed on the Coast of Syria, to be
distributed in such manner as her Ma-
jesty in Council shall direct.
To enable her Majesty to remunerate Mr.
Goldsworth Gurney for his Services in
lighting the House of Commons

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Towards defraying the Expense of Dr. Ste-
vens' Hospital in Dublin; to the 31st
March 1843.
Towards defraying the Expense of the
House of Recovery and Fever Hospital,
Cork-street, Dublin; to the 31st March
Towards defraying the Expense of the Hos-
pital for Incurables; to the 31st March 1843
To defray the Charge of the Roman Catho-
lic College; to the 31st March 1843
Towards defraying the Expense of the
Royal Irish Academy; to the 31st
March 1843.

Towards defraying the Expense of the
Royal Hibernian Academy; to the 31st
March 1843

To defray the Salaries and Expenses of
Commissioners of Charitable Donations
and Bequests; to the 31st March 1843.
Towards defraying the Salaries and Ex-
penses of the Royal Belfast Academical
Institution; to the 31st March 1843
Towards defraying the Expenses of the
Royal Dublin Society for two years; to
the 31st March 1843
To defray the Expense of Repairing and
Maintaining the several Public Buildings

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