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proposed test for the members of the
committee, rejected, [184]; act of
indemnity for witnesses to be examin
ed by the committee passed, [185];
report of the committee, [185]; Mr.
Roebuck's resolutions thereon, [187];
opposed by Government, [191]; they
are negatived, [193]; vindication of
Government, [194]; writs for several
places suspended, but finally issued,
[195]; Sudbury Disfranchisement
Bill carried, and dropped, [195];
Lord J. Russell's bill for preventing
bribery, [195]

[ocr errors]

Law Reforms the Bankruptcy,
Lunacy, and County Courts Bill,
[198]; Courts of Appeal Bill, [200];
Marriage Law, bill to legalize mar-
riage with a deceased wife's sister,
[201]; bill for better protection of
her Majesty's Person, [207]; Church
Rates, [209]; grant to Maynooth col-
lege, [211]; Poor-law Amendment
Bill, [212]

Review of the Session-Lord Pal-
merston reviews the conduct of Go-
vernment in a very sarcastic speech,
[214]; is ably answered by Sir Robert
Peel, [221]; prorogation of Parlia-
ment by the Queen in person, [230];
her Majesty's speech, [230]

Pennefather, sudden death of Mr. Jus-
tice, on circuit, 121
Poacher's, affray with at Stokes-fields, 5

Police-extraordinary conspiracy against
Mr. Wooley, 55

PORTUGAL Election in favour of the
ministers, [302]; revolt at Oporto,
headed by Costa Cabral, in favour of
the Charter, [303]; Charter adopted
by the Court, [303]; ministry formed,
including Costa Cabral, [304]; open-
ing of the Cortes, royal speech, [304]
Premature interment at Oviedo, 103
Princess Royal, first anecdote of the,

Prisons, closing of the Fleet and Mar-
shalsea, 185
Promotions, 228

Prussia, King of, stands sponsor to
H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, 15; his
movements during his visit, 17
PRUSSIA General Assembly of com-
mittees from the provinces assembled
by ordinance of the king, their deli-
berations, [304]

DOMESTIC: Finance Accounts, 342;

Public Documents, &c-continued.
Trade and Navigation, 358; List of
Acts, Session, 1842, 361; prices of
Stocks, 376; average prices of corn,
hay, straw, clover, and butchers' meat,
377; bills of mortality, bankruptcies
and insolvencies, and meteorological
table, 378; assets and liabilities of
the Bank, and of banks of issue, 379;
University honours, Oxford, 380;
Cambridge, 382. THE CENSUS-ab ·
stract of the Census of Ireland, 384;
Queen's person protection act, 385;
Corn Importation Act, 386; Mines
and Collieries, Act, 396; Copyright
Act, 399; INTERNATIONAL-treaty of
Washington, 498

QUEEN, the Her Majesty's visit to
Portsmouth, 55; attempt of Francis
to assassinate Her, 96; another at-
tempt by Bean, 118; trial of Bean,
139; Her Majesty's visit to Scotland,
143; arrival at Edinburgh, and pro-
gress, 144; visit to Walmer Castle,
176; benevolence to shipwrecked
seamen at Dover, 183; returns from
Walmer Castle, 186; copy of the Act
for better protecting of Her Majesty's
person, 385

Rattlesnake at the Surrey Zoological
Gardens, 45

Revenue, quarterly accounts of the, 160
Riots in the manufacturing districts,
133; trial of the Yorkshire rioters,
149; special commission at Stafford,
157; at Chester, 159; at Lancaster,
161; close of the Stafford commission,
163; ditto at Lancaster, 165
Robbery of 2,0001. from Blackburn
coach, 27; at Lady Lisle's, 151; at
Beckenham manor-house, 191
Rowing-match between Eton and West-
minster scholars, 128

Rugby school, election of a head-master,

Self-devotion, noble instance of, 151
Sheriffs, list of the, for the year, 1842,

Shipwrecks of the Perseverance and

wonderful preservation of the captain,
1; of Kent steamer, 30; of the City
of Edinburgh steamer, 45; collision
of the Astley and Penelope, 46; of
the Minerva off Calais, 54; of the
Beulah, 73; of the General Evans,
81; of the Georgia, 92; of the Bri-
gand steamer, 161; during the storm
of Oct. 21, 168; of the Reliance


East Indiaman off Boulogne, 177; of
the William, 182

Snake-large snake found in Leith, 18
SPAIN-Opening of the Spanish Cortes
[295]; election of presidents and vice-
presidents, [298]; discussion on the
address in the senate, [298]; and in
the Chamber of Deputies, [300]; in-
surrection at Barcelona, [300]; bom-
barded by Espartero surrenders,
[301]; execution of Carcana, city
fined, [302]

St. Domingo, dreadful earthquake at,
10,000 lives lost, 109


Storms-of snow in London, 10; hurri-
cane at Brighton, 53; whirlwind at
Liverpool, 126; in London, 130
Stanley, fraud on Lord, 4
Strange story, 195
Suicides and attempted murder at
Sheffield, 6; of William Phipps, 7;
of Mr. Jacob Sims, 19; and attempted
robbery at Axbridge, 54; attempted,
at Southampton, 74; from extraordi-
nary delusion, 79; of Mr. William
Lake, 89; from jealousy, 91; on
Croydon Common, 92; of Lord Con-
gleton, 104; from the Monument, 127

Thames Tunnel, opened as thorough-
fare, 133

Times-testimonial to the Times news-
paper, 175

Trade and navigation, 358

UNITED STATES-President's message,
[306]; correspondence relative to the
right of search, [309]; presentment
of grand jury against Biddle and
others for conspiracy, [312]; case of
the Creole, [312]; repudiation of
state debts, [313]; president vetoes
two tariff bills, his conduct condemn-
ed by Congress, [314]; British Go-
vernment sends Lord Ashburton as a
special ambassador, [313]; treaty of
Washington, [317]; entertainment to
Lord Ashburton at New York, [317];
President's message, [320]; exports
of the United States for 1838, 1839.
1841, [331]

University honours, 380

Veil taken by two ladies at Bermond-
sey, 78
Voltaic-pile-curious experiment with,
the Arcarus Galvanicus, 26

Wales, Prince of, his christening, 15
Washington, copy of treaty of, 498
Weather, mildness of the, 199
Wellesley, funeral of the Marquess of,
at Eton, 159

Wellington, anecdote of the Duke of, 5
Whale caught in the Thames, 182
Wilkie, meeting to select artist for sta-
tue to Sir David, 118

Windsor Castle, an intruder detected,


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