Sykes, rinmur Ashley AN ESSAY ON THЕ NATURE, DESIGN, and OF SACRIFICES. LONDON: Printed for J. and P. KNAPTON, at the Crown 1748 : THE PREFACE. S ACRIFICES are known to have been in Use generally all over the World, from the earliest days to the time when Christianity had made great Progress in it: And the Heathen treated Christians at first, as Atheists, and Impious, because They refused to comply with the usual religious Customs of the Country in which They lived. The way which the Chriftians took to vindicate themselves for refusing to facrifice, was, partly to thew the Weakness and Abfurdity of the Heathen way of Worship; and partly to produce Authorities from their Philofophers and Wife Men, who had in their Writings condemned all Animal Sacrifices, or had given Reasons to shew |