INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-THIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON OVERSIGHT OVER THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE HARLEY O. STAGGERS, West Virginia, Chairman TORBERT H. MACDONALD, Massachusetts JOHN JARMAN, Oklahoma PAUL G. ROGERS, Florida LIONEL VAN DEERLIN, California FRED B. ROONEY, Pennsylvania DAVID E. SATTERFIELD III, Virginia W. S. (BILL) STUCKEY, JR., Georgia JOHN BRECKINRIDGE, Kentucky SAMUEL L. DEVINE, Ohio ANCHER NELSEN, Minnesota JAMES F. HASTINGS, New York JOHN Y. MCCOLLISTER, Nebraska BARRY M. GOLDWATER, JR., California H. JOHN HEINZ III, Pennsylvania Hearings held on- May 9, 1973 (Washington, D.C.). Blumberg, Irving, executive director, New York Citizens Against Brown, Dr. Bertram S., Director, National Institute of Mental Health, Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare___. Campbell, Dr. Robert J., secretary, American Psychiatric Association_ Carver, John, Ph. D., executive director, Mental Health-Mental Re- tardation Authority of Harris County, Houston, Tex., representing the National Council of Community Mental Health Centers. Christmas, Dr. June J., commissioner, Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services, New York City--- Cooper, Edwin J., chairman, Committee to Preserve Community Mental Health and Retardation Centers, Boro Park and Sunset Diamond, Dr. Herbert, medical director, West Philadelphia, Pa. Com- munity Mental Health Consortium, representing the National Coun- cil of Community Mental Health Centers---- Edigar, Elmer, administrator, Prairie View Mental Health Center, Newton, Kans., representing the National Council of Community Farabee, Dr. Dale H., commissioner, Kentucky Department of Mental Feldman, Dr. Saul, Associate Director for Community Mental Health Services, Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare--- Hart, Dr. William, director, Rochester Mental Health Center, Rochester, N.Y., in behalf of the National Council of Community Hatcher, William H., chairman of the board, Washington Heights- West Harlem-Inwood Mental Health Center_. Hutchinson, Orion N., Jr., chairman, Community Mental Health Centers Committee, National Association for Mental Health______ Miller, Dr. Alan D., commissioner, New York State Department of Morris, Jonas V., executive director, National Council of Community Paster, Dr. Vera, executive director, Washington Heights-West 165 Sabino, Madalene, chairman, Community Coalition, Inc., Brooklyn, (III) |