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THE PROPRIETORS of the LONDON AND PARIS MAGAZINE have received numerous letters from parties wishing to become Subscribers, complaininy of the disappointment experienced in not being able to obtain Copies till nearly the Middle of the Month; the Proprietors beg to impress upon them the necessity of giving their Orders not later than the 24th to remedy the like in future.

THE LONDON AND PARIS MAGAZINE has been ESTABLISHED TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS, and the Proprietors are proud to say, that from its commencement it has steadily increased in the favour of the Public-surpassing even their most sanguine expectations-till it has far outstripped all its contemporaries, and taken a stand at the head of the most Fashionable Periodicals; enjoying a very extensive circulation in London, the Provinces, Ireland, Scotland, the Colonies, and America.

Notwithstanding the moderate price at which it is published-the Proprietors are enabled to produce a work of first-rate excellence in all its departments; equal, if not superior, to the more expensive and high-priced publications, and with which they invite comparison. This, it must be self-evident, can only be accomplished by the returns of a vast and increasing ciculation; and while thus encouraged in their labours, they pledge themselves to spare neither pains nor expense to mreit the patronage so liberally bestowed; in fact, whatever untiring industry and capital can accomplish, shall be achieved.

While the Proprietors refer with pride and satisfaction to the past, they exultingly point to the future, and in evidence of their intentions to fulfil what they profess, the forthcoming Numbers will have additional care bestowed upon the Editorial Department; and the French and German Correspondence will embrace every novelty of the season, and the latest intelligence upon all matters affecting the Beau Monde; while the Illustrations have been confided to Parisian artists of preeminent ability, thus enabling the LONDON AND PARIS MAGAZINE to maintain the lead in the Fashionable World.

TEA IS GETTING DEARER; This is therefore the Time to buy.-PHILLIPS and COMPANY are still SELLING at OLD PRICES, although the market value of Tea has risen 3d. to 4d. per b., and will be still higher. The Teas worth purchasing


The strong Congou Tea, at 3s. 4d. per lb.

The prime Souchong Tea, at 3s. 6d., 3s. 8d., and 4s.
The prime Gunpowder Tea, at 4s., 4s. 8d., and 58.
The best Pearl Gunpowder, at 5s. 4d.

All who purchase at these prices will save money
Prime Coffee, at 1s. and 1s. 2d. per lb. The best
Mocha, 1s. 4d. per lb.

Teas, coffees, and all other goods, sent carriage free, by our own vans and carts, if within eight miles; and teas, coffees, and spices, sent carriage free to any part of England, if to the value of 40s., or upwards, by PHILLIPS & CO., Tea & Colonial Merchants, No. 8, KING WILLIAM STREET, CITY, LONDON. Phillips & Co.'s Price List of RAISINS, CURRANTS, MPERIAL PLUMS, FIGS, &c., is now ready, and is ent post free, on application.

Lessons in Millinery and Dressmaking. Mrs. HOWELL, 304, Regent Street, two doors from Margaret Street, sole Inventress of Teaching the Art of Dress-making, in a Series of Lessons, undertakes to convey to persons of the meanest capacity a correct knowledge of cutting, fitting, and executing, in the most finished style, in

SIX LESSONS, FOR ONE GUINEA. Millinery Rooms. Paper Models. Where may be had, symmetrical Designs for the use of Dress-makers. An Apprentice and an Improver wanted.

Please to observe the Number, 304.

THE MOST INTERESTING GROUP EVER considers "the Fluid Magnesia of Sir James Murray


the PRINCESS ALICE, HELENA, LOUISA, &c., which has
been honoured with the highest encomiums.

Open from Eleven in the Morning till Ten at Night.
Admittance-One Shilling. Napoleon Rooms, Sixpence.



Prepared under the immediate care of the Inventor, and
established for nearly forty years by the PROFESSION, for
storing APPETITE, preserving a moderate state of the
bowels, and dissolving uric acid in GRAVEL and GOUT;
also, as an easy remedy for SEA-SICKNESS, and for the
febrile affections incident to childhood, it is invaluable.

Dr. James Johnson states, in his Review of Dr. MUR-
NESIA.-This very useful and elegant preparation we
have been trying for some months, as an aperient anti-
acid in dyspeptic complaints, attended with acidity and
constipation, and with very great benefit; we always re-
commend the original."

Sir Philip Crampton, Bart., says "Sir J. Murray's
Fluid Magnesia is a very valuable addition to our Materia

Mr. Mayo.-"It is by far the best form in which that
medicine has been hitherto prepared for use."
Dr. Kennedy, Master of the Lying-in Hospital, Dublin,

to be a very valuable and convenient remedy in cases of irritation or acidity of the stomach; but more particularly during pregnancy, febrile complaints, infantile diseases, or sea-sickness."

Dr. S. B. Labatt, Richard Carmichael, and J. Kirby Esqs., Surgeons, of Dublin, "consider the exhibition of Magnesia in Solution, to be an important improvement on the old method of mechanical mixture, and particularly well adapted to correct those acids which generally prevail in cases of gout, gravel, and heartburn."

Messrs. Guthrie and Herbert Mayo, of London, strongly Sir James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr. Bright, and recommend Murray's Fluid Magnesia, as being infinitely more safe and convenient than the solid, and free from the danger attending the constant use of soda or potass.

Drs. Evory Kennedy, Beatty, Burke, of the Rifle Brigade, Comins, Deputy Inspector of Hospitals, and Surgeon Hayden of Dublin, have given letters to the same effect.

Sir Humphry Davy, in 1809, testified that this Solution forms soluble combinations with uric acid salts, in cases of gout and gravel, thereby counteracting their injurious tendency, when other alkalies, and even Magnesia itself,

had failed.

With the Acidulated Syrup this Fluid Magnesia forms the most delightful of saline drinks.

Physicians will please specify "MURRAY'S FLUID MAGNESIA" in their prescriptions, to avoid the danger of adulterations and substitutions.

Sold by the sole Consignee, Mr. BAILEY, of Horseley Fields Chemical Works, Wolverhapmton; and by all wholesale and retail Druggists and Medicine Agents throughout the British Empire, in Bottles, 1s., 2s. 6d., 38. 6d., 5s. 6d., 118., and 21s. each.

***The Acidulated Syrup in Bottles, 28. each. N.B.-Be sure to ask for Sir James Murray's Preparation," and to see that his name is stamped on each label in green ink, as follows "James Murray, Physician to the Lord Lieutenant."

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