List No. Stamp of New York Ofics. SIR: I have the honor to transmit to you herewith, in duplicate, a List containing a detailed statement of the sums received in the United States since my last dispatch, (List No ........................,) for orders payable in Jamaica, amounting in the aggregate to $.. ., = £... ......., 8........... d. Be pleased to examine, complete, and return to me the original copy of this List, with your acknowledgment of its receipt indorsed thereon. I am, sir, your obedient servant, To the POSTMASTER FOR JAMAICA, Kingston. Postmaster, New York. SIR: I have examined this List of Money Orders, from No. GENERAL POST OFFICE, JAMAICA, 188, and which is to be sums received in the United States for payment in Jamaica, amounting in the aggregate to $. The said List was found to be correct, with the following exceptions: |