Imágenes de páginas

had ever known anything better than a blazing brand as a method for illumination at night; and had never had either the knowledge, the desire or the means of obtaining anything superior. But at last, through contract with and employment on the American railroad, the desire, the opportunity, the means to purchase, and the knowledge of the simple mechanism of the lamp, had come to this humble, isolated Mexican peasant; and out of the germ of progress thus spontaneously as it were, developed by the wayside, may come influences more potent for civilization and the elevation of humanity in Mexico than all that church and state have been able to effect in the last three centuries.


In Germany the government controls and operates all railroads but one. The plan has been in operation two or three years, and while it is profitable to the government, the revenue derived from railroad sources being greater than the appropriations for railroad purposes, still I am convinced that competing private corporations serve the interests of the people better. Both passenger and freight rates are higher in Germany than in this country. There is a disposition on the continent to put all railroad service on the same footing as the postal service in Great Britain. I found a tendency toward the abandonment of the second-class grade of traveling. The idea is to retain the first and third-class coaches and add a fourth class coach, which is simply an empty baggage car without seats, where the passenger has his choice of standing or using a portable stool.

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There is no longer the necessity for designing locomotives so that they will be equally suitable for passenger and freight, and we expect now to see more attention paid to the details that contribute to make an engine economical and efficient on onekind of work. The next improvement we look for is larger exhaust ports and more ample emission passages through the saddle. The day is coming when all locomotives shall have long exhaust pipes ending in a single nozzle. Large exhaust passages are necessary to prevent back pressure in the cylinders where a singlenozzle is used.

Turkey is very poorly supplied with railways. With a population of over 42,000,000 and an area of some 2,406,000square miles-or nearly 80 per cent. of the area of the United States-her railway system at last accounts aggregated less than 1,100 miles, of which a little over 900 miles were in Turkey in Europe. There has been talk lately of someextensions, and a cable dispatch says that a syndicate of Paris and Berlin bankers has subscribed 600,000,000 francs ($120,000,000) to carry out a scheme sanctioned. by the Sultan for a railway to connect the Black sea with the Persian gulf. There is room enough and there are people enough in Turkey, both in Europe and Asia, for a much greater railway system, though whether it would pay to build it is a serious question. Turkish civilization is not far enough advanced to appreciate the locomotive very substantially.

The shops of the Great Western division of the Grand Trunk, in Hamilton, Ont., are now building some heavy pasIn some locomotives that he has de- senger engines. The engines have 6-foot signed for heavy passenger service, Mr. drivers, and 19x24 inch cylinders. In orR. H. Soule has made the eccentric der to give proper support to the piston, throw six inches. He thinks the disad- and prevent it dragging on the bottom of vantages connected with the long valve the cylinder, the piston rod is prolonged travel will be more than compensated for through the front cover, and, therefore, by the prompt and wide opening which supported at each end by suitable bushesthe valve will have when cutting off and glands. This device is used in many short. We believe that American loco- large marine and stationary engines, but. motive designers have, as a rule, made is on locomotives the revival of an old the valve travel too short, principally be- practice which was used on some eastern cause most of the locomotives are used roads twenty five or thirty years ago. in freight service, where there is no diffi- is now often used in Germany and culty in getting the steam fast enough France. The result of the experiment on into the cylinders at the speeds of piston the Great Western will be awaited with which have been common in the past. I considerable interest.


ally the truth of the old fable of the bundle of sticks, and know by experience that unless we are united we are




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We have for many years been avowMESSRS. EDITORS: The great need of edly a conservative Brotherhood, rarely the B. of L. E. at the present time would taking any important steps towards seem to be that of progression; progres-progression, and only a radical change sion that would pursue the path of re- of policy will convert them into a proform from love of reform itself, and not gressive Brotherhood. Many, however, in obedience to the popular clamor. Re- are determined on having certain reforms forms of various kinds are now urgently effected, and they will not much longer needed, and they can be properly dealt endure a policy of inaction; and are dewith only by Brothers earnestly devoted termined on a career of progress. Alto the work. We want the system of ready material progress has been wonderclassification expunged; we want less dis. ful, and intellectual and moral progress cussion on this subject and more prowill not long delay. Brothers, then, gress; and many other matters of more would do well to give heed to this fact. or less importance which demand treat- It is of slight importance, comparatively, ment in the near future, Nor is it for who wins the election next October, but the near future alone that progress is it is a question of no little interest what needed, but for as long a time as the stand will be taken in the path of proBrotherhood continues to progress. The gress in the years to come. If the Brothprogress of the Brotherhood does not de-ers are wise they will look beyond the pend exclusively, nor even mainly, upon existing agencies; yet it cannot continue for an indefinite period without injury being done. With the lapse of time, abuses grow up that require to be removed; old institutions grow obsolete and new laws are required to meet the Brother Arthur, in one of his editorials "This is an age of progress, and exigencies of advancing progression, and unless these wants are supplied, the prothere can be no such thing as standing gress of the Brotherhood will be impeded. still; we must, as a natural consequence, This being the case, the need of the either go forward or backward, and it is Brotherhood to progress is obvious, for for ourselves to determine which it shall on no others can they depend to do the be, and our acts, not our words, are what work required. Those Brothers who we shall be judged by. How is it to be take no interest in progression, and will done? By strict compliance with the renot take a step in advance until driven quirements of our Constitution and Byby public opinion to so, are wholly inad-Laws; by doing our whole duty, and exequate to do the work, but yet this seems acting nothing short of it from our Brothers." OLD RELIABLE. to be the only kind we have in the country now. The enormous strides which material progression is at present making only adds to the trouble; steam, electricity and the press have been doing their leveling work; we have learned practic-on the Chicago & Alton R. R., is the in.

present year and the conditions of immediate success, and will adopt a policy that will bring into harmony the progressive tendencies of the Organization, and make it a potent agency in promoting its future destiny.


MESSRS. EDITORS: The new valve motion for the distribution of steam into and out of locomotive cylinders, now in use

vention of William Wilson, Superintend- of the exhaust. The slide valves are

ent of Machinery. The results obtained by this motion, both in freight and passenger service, are first class. The advantage gained by the use of this gear is the saving of fuel. The indicator cards from an engine on which this motion has been employed show an entire absence of back pressure until the exhaust closes, which occurs at 79 per cent. of the stroke. This motion can be adapted to the present style of locomotive using one valve, or with two valves, one for admission and cutting off purposes, and the other for exhaust opening and closing. This motion has shown by actual practice extraordinary good results. Indicator cards taken from the double valve engine are unprecedented in locomotive practice.

The engines that are equipped with this gear are doing extra good work with the heaviest passenger trains leaving the city of Chicago, and in like manner with freight trains. The engines equipped with this gear are attracting a great deal of attention from experts in valve motion. There is no doubt that great good has been accomplished in the introduction of this motion.

small and of multiple-port form, or what some authorities call the grid-iron valve. The travel of the steam valve is three and one-half inches, and the travel of the exhaust is two inches. Size of cylinder for which these valves are used is seventeen inches diameter and twenty-four inches stroke. The motion of both valves is derived from one eccentric, but yet the construction is such that each valve will have a separate and distinct movement from the other.

Mr. Wilson's calculations at the outset were to do away with fully 50 per cent. of the compression produced by the “D” valve in a six inch notch, and to effect a gain of 50 per cent. in expansion. That this great gain was well calculated has been fully verified, for all the cards taken with a Crosby indicator show there is no back pressure, and that the steam was parted with nearly and more frequently on the atmospheric line. The fact is, it would be difficult to obtain much better

'cards" from the Corliss type of engines. At various dates since May, 1882, the same engine with a "D" valve was tested. Some improvements, however, had of course been added from time to time. The present motion shows a consumption of nearly 50 per cent. less of fuel than when running with the link and "D" valve. No. "43," with these im

The great aim in this motion is to produce a valve gear with which the point of cutting off steam in the cylinder can be changed without interfering with or changing the action of the exhaust; and also to obtain a constant lead, at what-provements, made a speed record of 623 ever point the steam in the cylinder may be cut off. In order to obtain this result, two slide valves in each steam chest are used; the duty of one is to admit the steam into the cylinder and also to cut off the steam in the same.

miles per hour, and runs in the four-inch notch as well as it did in the eight-inch notch before. No." 43" is a trim and handsome engine, handles a train quickly and easily. Its speed is limited by the This valve load and ability of the wheels to turn we might call the steam valve. The oth-around, but not by not being able to get er valve controls the opening of the ex- | rid of the steam. Exhausting the steam haust and the closure; this valve we cuts no figure. This new motion and would call the exhaust valve. The design of the exhaust valve is such that the opening of the exhaust will occur at 92 per cent., and the closure at 79 per cent.,

double valves get rid of it.

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It certainly looks now as if the link and "D" valve had a dangerous rival. In making these radical alterations Mr.

Wilson has stood comparatively alone,
many discrediting his ability to even
equal the old devices. And now that he
has fully demonstrated that this new de-
parture is a decided success and improve-
ment, and one meriting commendation, | Brotherhood in this city,
he ought to be reasonably happy.

justice to the good things, of which there
was plenty, the Brothers and sisters de-
parted for their respective homes, well
pleased with the events of the evening;
the first of the kind in the history of the
J. F. W.

Yours fraternally,

F. O., Div. 19.

MESSRS. EDITORS: One of the most pleasant and successful of entertainments of the season was given by the wives, sisters and daughters of the members of Fort Gratiot Division No. 122, at Fort Gratiot, Mich., on the evening of September 16th, the occasion being the reception given at the dedication of the

MESSRS. EDITORS: Forest City Division No. 318 was organized August 1st, by Brother C. H. Richards, C. E. We now have a membership of fifty and expect in the near future to increase that at least one-third. At our last regular meet-new hall, which was filled with the elite ing, held September 18th, we were honored with a visit from our worthy Grand Chief and F. G. A. E., who favored us with an extended account of the present condition of our noble Organization and the good work done by it during the past year.

As we were about to adjourn, imagine our surprise to hear announced by the S. E., that a delegation of ladies were in the ante-room and wished to be admitted.

of the city and distinguished guests from Port Huron, Point Edwards and Detroit. The genial Chief of 122, Bro. J. D. Brintnell, presided. The ladies presented the following unique programme in a superb and faultless manner:

Quartette-Mr. and Mrs. Gill and the Misses Angrove.

Prayer-Rev. D. H. Goodwillie.
Quartette-Messrs. Garbutt, Burwell. Spen-
cer and Cumberland.

Recitation-Miss Carrie Manhard.
Song-Miss Fannie Reid.

Quartette-Messrs. J. Gill, G. Gill, T. Keene,

Song-Miss Kate Jamieson.
Recitation-Miss Belle Renwick.

Mrs. T. Gravell, in behalf of the wives of the members, presented the lodge with a massive and elegantly bound Bible, in a clear and distinct voice, as follows:

Upon the order of the Chief the door and Mr. Angrove. was opened, and in filed about forty ladies, the wives of the members. After the usual formalities, Mrs. Wm. Riter and Mrs. J. C. Ferguson stepped forward and requested our worthy Grand Chief to present to the Division, on behalf of the wives of its members, a handsome Chief Engineer and Members of Div. Bible and bookmark, the gifts of the ladies 122.—It gives me great pleasure to repin general; also a beautiful altar-cloth, the resent the committee, and in behalf of gift of Mrs. M. V. Sprague. The G. C. the wives of the members of this Lodge, presented the articles in a very appropri- to present to you this Bible, as a very ate speech, which was responded to by slight token of our respect and esteem. Brother J. B. Brown on behalf of the May it prove a lamp to your feet and a Division. The ladies then requested us light to your pathway through life, and to accompany them across the street, may you live long to enjoy the benefits where, thanks to their thoughtfulness, a derived from being members of this very nice lunch had been provided, which | Order." was presided over by Mrs. C. H. Richards, Mrs. J. M. Filkins, Mrs. C. E. Kelley and Mrs. J. J. McNally. After doing

Chief Engineer J. D. Brintnell responded in a few well-chosen remarks, thanking the ladies for this token of es

teem, and assured them that it was high- up by Mrs. J. Dillon, and pinned on by ly appreciated.

The other gifts were as follows:

Mrs. J. D. Brintnell, a handsome floral 'E," very beautiful in design, and placed on the wall, just over the rostrum. Mrs. S. A. Dillon, exquisite Bible marker, of satin ribbon, gold fringed, with the initials "B. of L. E. Div. 122" painted by hand.

Mrs. F. Buckpitt, framed photograph of Portland engine No. 61.

the charming Bouquet Committee, Misses Vina Brintnell and Susie Wright. Every one expressed themselves as delighted with the reception and the really royal manner in which they were entertained, and all departed for their homes reluctant to leave the enjoyable and fascinating scene. Fraternally yours,

H. H. P.

MESSRS. EDITORS: In the columns of the JOURNAL I see a good deal about albitration and organizations. I am in fa

J. L. Dingwall, a most beautifully designed and illuminated chart of the Order, framed in gilt, also a framed photo-vor of the principle of arbitration, but it graph of engine No. 57.

Miss Maggie Nicholl, very pretty framed motto, "Industry, Sobriety and Morality," worked on canvas, in pleasing colors.

Speeches were delivered by several of our citizens. Prof. Parker's remarks were pithy, well-timed and listened to with marked attention and applause. Rev. D. H. Goodwillie also addressed the audience in his usual happy style.

After the exercises were concluded, the Masonic Hall adjoining was thrown open for the accommodation of the guests, and gave ample room for all to enjoy themselves without restraint.

The ladies fairly outdid themselves in preparing the refreshments, which were tastily spread out on tables in the anterooms. Huge cakes, of endless variety, and other delicacies in great abundance, intermingled with beautiful bouquets, provided by Mrs. J. D. Brintnell, the chairman of the ladies' committee, added largely to the inviting appearance the sumptuous repast presented, and the other ladies comprising the committee, Mrs. T. Gravel, Mrs. J. Dillon, Mrs. J. Rae, Mrs. T. French, and Mrs. H. O'Dell, succeeded admirably in making every one feel perfectly "tew hum."

Every gentleman was presented with a lovely button-hole bouquet, tastily made

is that arbitration which grows out of that spirit of conciliation and enlightened judgment, which will bring the employer and the employed together in the spirit of mutual forbearance and concession.

Legislative arbitration has ever been a failure; even voluntary arbitration, so far as labor is concerned, is only effective when the men are backed by efficient and powerful organization. I believe that the International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers is a higher class of organized labor, and that we ought to look upward and onward.

I am willing to leave this question to organized labor, and in these organizations the friction of mind upon mind will brighten intellect, and enable labor to see with clearer vision the evils that beset it, and the remedies best applicable for their eradication; and their power and prestige will have a mollifying effect upon the selfishness of capital, and enable employers also to see with clearer vision the right course to pursue.

I believe in organization. It was said of old that knowledge is power. What is knowledge but organized thought? Organized thought has hurled tyrants from the pinnacles of power they reached through human blood; has struck the shackles from the limbs of the slave, and

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