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"I've the right now, for there is no bar between us," he said proudly to Mr. Verner.

"I think Rose helped take down one of the bars," said Mrs. Denton, slyly.

Then, spite of all entreaties, she told how, in the land of art abroad, Rose had developed a taste for art herself; had studied diligently, and at last, because her pictures were so sweet and simple, with their stories of country life in the wonderful new world-they found ready sale among those who were tired of the "old And how all the money so earned her niece had begged her to lend to Harry, which she had done through her lawyer.


Hearing this, Harry looked so sternly at Rose that her eyes filled with tears.

"Don't be angry, dear," she said, and her words and pleading voice brought back the memory of the day, long ago, by,

the orchard bars; "it was for our home.

They are in that home now. Harry, prosperous and happy, has added many an acre to the farm which once was nearly lost. And Rose has earned enough to beautify the home that is her especial province. They work together.


"Canst thou cherish me, Martha?” "Yea, if it be the Lord's will. "And wilt thou wed with me, my sweetheart?”

"Yea, verily, as the Lord is my shepherd."

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WHAT THE PIOUS TRUSTEES DID. "While practicing law a number of years ago," said Judge Tourgee, "I had a peculiar will case. An old lady who was a slaveholder, dying, bequeathed her colored man, John, and her dusky maid, Jane, who sustained to each other the relation of husband and wife, to the trustees of her church to be used as far as possible for the glory of God.' I was curious to know what course was taken, and upon investigation found that after meditation and prayer the pious trustees sold their living legacy at auction and with the proceeds sent a missionary to China,"


The various labor organizations of this country now include nearly every kind of handicraft by which the honest sons of toil, in obedience to the requirements of human wants and compliance with the Divine command, earn their daily bread. While there are those disposed to challenge the right of what they superciliously call the lower orders of the people to combine together for mutual protection, others, with far better judgment and more logical reasoning, express surprise that the workingmen of the whole world have so long neglected to avail themselves of the advantages of that union which, in all the relations of life, is undoubtedly strength.

The first advantage to be derived from an aggregation of individuals all having ests, is discipline, without which the mula common object, though separate intervariably see, where there is want of contitude is so proverbially weak that we incert of action, the few easily dominate the many, and assume proprietary, even arbitrary, control over the joint enterprises undertaken by capital and labor, in which each is necessary to the other. Before trades unions had been so generally established as they now are, and the great army of workingmen existed in an unorganized condition, without leadership, any demand for better terms for work in the way of pay, number of hours or any other amelioration in the hard conditions of a working day life, usually met with a flat refusal, and the insolent boast: "I intend to conduct my own business in my own way, without dictation from my workmen. bor organizations have begun to open the eyes of workingmen to their own wonderful value. The not very old idea begins to obtain that there is not so very much difference between the so-called upper and lower classes, in this country at least, as has been arrogantly claimed by the one, and unquestioningly conceded by the other. This idea of propinquity is not proposed as a result of lowering the richer people, or any wish to lower them, but by raising the poor and honest workers to a more perfect stature of manhood. Individuals have been rising from the ranks in all ages, and we have a popular and favorite abstraction that it is within the possibilities of every American boy to be president. Those who thus leave the laboring classes

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usually forget their late associates, and apply themselves to money-making. Frequently they make the hardest of masters. Their elevation or changed condition has no substantial effect to im: prove the ranks from which they sprang beyond what may come from an example of success. As it is evident that all can not thus change from laborers and producers to capitalists and employers, it is desirable that all proper means should be employed to improve those who remain; and no agency has yet been discovered better adapted to the purpose than unions.



Passengers out of Boston on the Boston & Albany Railroad may have noticed just across the Charles River, at the first bridge out of the city and opposite Cottage Farm Station, a handsome residence, and back of it a low, round-topped observatory, and outside, near it, a long white model of a telescope, and in the same yard a two story brick building. The building is the factory where the great Russian telescope was made, as well as many others also famous, and where work is now going on for the Lick telescope, which will be the largest in the world.

Of the two discs of glass, each one yard in diameter, for the Lick telescope, the flint glass has been made a long time, but the crown glass, although ordered five years ago, was only received by the Clarks in September last. It was made after repeated trials and failures, at an establishment near Paris, the only one that could get out such a piece of work. Each glass is worth $25,000 in the rough, and they cannot be finished before fall.

Somebody has condensed the mistakes of life, and arrived at the conclusion that there are fourteen of them. Most people would say, if they told the truth, that there was no limit to the mistakes of life; that they were like the drops in the ocean or the sands of the shore in number, but it is well to be accurate. Here, then, are fourteen great mistakes: "It is a great mistake to set up our own standard of right and wrong, and judge people accordingly; to measure the enjoyment of others by our own; to expect uniformity of opinion in this world; to look for judgment and experience in youth; to endeavor to mould all dispositions alike; to yield to immaterial trifles; to look for perfection in our own actions; to worry ourselves and others with what cannot be remedied; not to alleviate all that needs a circular iron frame called a cell. No alleviation as far as lies in our power; instruments can be used for the tests, but not to make allowances for the infirmities the long experience of the Clarks has of others; to consider everything impos- given them a judgment which is unsible that we cannot perform; to believe erring. only what our finite minds can grasp; to expect to understand everything."


At first machinery could do a little rough grinding, but for months the bare hand only has been used in applying the polishing substance, which is rouge. The glasses have now reached a stage where the removal of a small portion of the them. They are frequently tested, set in surface in the wrong place would ruin

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model of the telescope outside the buildVery soon the tests will be made in the ing. This model is of the size of the proposed Lick telescope, and is fiftyseven feet long. These two lenses are Our deceased presidents sleep widely set six inches apart in their iron frame, apart. Virginia holds five of them which has openings to allow of the Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe glasses being properly cleaned on each and Tyler; Tennessee three- Jackson, side. Lenses and frame together weigh Polk and Johnson; Massachusetts two-seven hundred pounds. John Adams and John Quincy Adams, father and son; New York three-Van Buren, Fillmore and Grant; Ohio twoHarrison and Garfield; New Hampshire one-Pierce; Pennsylvania one--Buchanan; Illinois one--Lincoln; Kentucky one -Taylor. All of them, with the exception of Taylor and Grant, were buried in the States in which they resided at the time of their election.

While everything now' appears to be perfect, some slight defect in the glass that has not yet appeared, or an accident, may render useless all the labor of months. When completed the great telescope will be placed in the observatory on Mt. Hamilton, in Santa Clara county, Cal. Mr. James Lick left $700,000 in his will for the purpose of constructing the necessary buildings and "for a tele


scope superior to and more powerful than any yet made."

An astronomer has stated that this telescope will bring the moon, 240,000 miles distant, within, apparently, a hundred miles of the beholder. It will cost $60,000, and will be covered by a steel dome seventy-five feet in diameter, weighing ninety-five tons. Besides the observatory are many other buildings, containing all the valuable instruments necessary for a complete establishment to carry out Mr. Lick's intentions. The citizens of Santa Clara county have built a road to the summit of the mountain at a cost of $78,000.


I have peeped into quiet parlors, where the carpet is clean and not old, and the furniture polished and bright; into rooms where the chairs are neat and the floor carpetless; into kitchens where the family live and the meals are cooked and eaten, and the boys and girls are as blithe as the sparrows in the thatch overhead, and I see that it is not so much wealth and learning, nor clothing, nor servants, nor toil, nor idleness, nor town, nor country, nor station, as tone and temper that render homes happy or wretched. And I see, too, that in town or country, good sense and God's grace make life what no teachers or accomplishments or means or society can make it-the opening stave of an everlasting psalm; the fair beginning of an endless existence; the goodly, modest, well-proportioned vestibule to a temple of God's building that shall never decay, wax old, or vanish



A contract was lately concluded by the Mexican Government with Mr. Oscar Droege, to plant 2,000,000 trees in the Valley of Mexico, within four years. The trees specified are chiefly ash, poplar, acacia, and mountain cedar, with a sufficient margin for miscellaneous kinds, according to special conditions of site and climate; and the arrangements contemplate the formation of national nurseries in which the study of scientific forestry may be pursued on a footing in some degree commensurate with its importance. The valley was densely wooded in the time of Montezuma, when Cortez and the Spaniards entered the country. But the Spaniards burnt off and destroyed the timber.


There are not nearly as many secrets in hand treatment as people imagine. A little ammonia or borax in the water you wash your hands with, and that water just lukewarm, will keep the skin clean and soft. A little oatmeal mixed with the water will whiten the hands. Many people use glycerine on their hands when they go to bed, wearing gloves to keep the bedding clean; but glycerine does not agree with every one. It makes some skins harsh and red. These people should rub their hands with dry oatmeal and wear gloves in bed. The best preparation for the hands at night is white of egg with a grain of alum dissolved in it. Quacks have a fancy name for it; but all can make it and spread it over their hands, and the job is done. They also make the Roman toilet paste. It is merely white of egg, barley flour, and honey. They say it was used by the Romans n olden time. Any way, it is a first-rate thing; but it is a sticky sort of stuff to use, and does not do the work any better than oatmeal. The roughest and hardest hands can be made soft and white in a month's time by doctoring them a little at bed time, and all the tools you need are a nail brush, a bottle of ammonia, a box of powdered borax, and a little fine white sand to rub the stains off, or a cut of lemon, which will do even better, for the acid of the lemon will clean anything.


"Mr. Paraffine," exclaimed an indignant woman, dashing into a West Hill grocery, "I don't like that sugar you sent me last week at all. It wasn't fit to use.

"Not fit to use!" asked the astonished grocer, “why, what was the matter with it?"

"Matter enough," said the woman, "it looked nice enough, but it was as gritty as gravel."

"Oh, yes," responded the grocer, "oh, yes, I know now. It was a new brand, that was sanded in for our customers to try. Oh, yes, I know. I'll give you something better this week."

And the woman looked him right in the eye, but he never quailed, and she didn't know just whether she heard him right, or whether he meant just what she thought he said, or not, and Paraffine escaped it that time.



Diphtheria is a terrible disease, and when it breaks out in a school, or in a family where there are several children, unless the very best precautions are ob served it is likely to spread, for it is a disease that may be communicated from one person to another. It is contagious. Regarding the different measures employed to prevent the spread of this disease, we very greatly prefer the fumes of burning sulphur. We regard sulphur as the most effective disinfectant we can use

for the purpose of preventing the spread of diphtheria in schools and in families where several children are exposed, and it has a salutary effect upon those already suffering from the disease. We have had the care of scores of diphtheria patients, and we can refer to quite a number of families of children where the disease was limited to one child, and we verily believe that the fumes of burning sulphur were instrumental in preventing the spread of the disease in these cases.

A little experience will soon enable any one to determine how much sulphur to burn in each room. It is not necessary to fill the room so full of these sulphur fumes as to suffocate us, and if we happen to burn a little too much sulphur in any given case, and the fumes become offensive, the doors and windows can be opened for a minute or two.

Other disinfectants may be employed, but these sulphur fumes will permeate every crevice in the house; they are breathed by us, our clothes are saturated with them, and withal, we regard this as the most practical and effectual method theria that can be adopted. And where of disinfection against the spread of diphdiphtheria prevails in a neighborhood, and families fear its outbreak among their children, they should resort to sulphur fumigation daily, whether diphtheria has appeared in the house or not; they may might otherwise suffer from it. At least prevent its outbreak in families that this precaution does not cost much, and will do us no injury. can do no harm. These sulphur fumes


A correspondent of Mechanical Progress having stated in an article written for that journal that "brass cannot be tempered," another correspondent replies as follows: This differs with my daily experience. Brass, not hard by mixture, but by compression, either rolling, ham

In all cases where diphtheria breaks out in a school, no children should be permitted to go to the school from houses where the disease exists. After school hours, in the evening, the school rooms should be thoroughly fumigated with sulphur. This should be done daily, but the house should be free from the sul-mering, wire drawing, or any other prophur fumes during school hours, for the coughing and sneezing that might result from the sulphur fumes would create great annoyance and confusion. Where diphtheria prevails in a family, the patient or patients, if there are two or three attacked at the same time, should be isolated, confined to one room, and all the children not affected should be kept in some remote part of the house, or removed from the house entirely, if practicable. In either case, whether any children are removed from the house or not, every room, including the one occupied by the patient, should be fumigated with sulphur two or three times daily.


The most convenient method of fumigating is to drop a small pinch of sulphur upon a hot stove, if there is one in the room; if there be no stove in the room, a few coals on a shovel or other convenient utensil may be carried into the room, and the sulphur may be dropped on the coals.

cess which compresses the particles of metal, can be, and is, tempered regularly, just as easy and in the same manner as you would temper an equal-sized piece of hardened steel, viz., by heat. By placing a small piece of polished steel on the brass object to be tempered, and applying the heat so as to affect equally the brass and steel, you will know by the color of the steel the temper of the brass, which by this process may be tempered in exact proportion to every shade of color of the steel.

The cleaning out of kitchen boilers is seldom, if ever, thought of. All sediment cocks should be left open at least once a week for the space of fifteen minutes, so as to clean and wash out all foul sediment. Oftentimes when complaint is made that the water smells, or that it doesn't heat properly, the real cause will be found to arise from this neglect alone.


A friend of the writer, who has suffered from dyspepsia during almost her entire life, considers the suggestions in the following extracts from an article in a recent issue of The Journal of Health to be the most in accord with her own experience of anything on the subject lately published:

"Hurried eating of meals, followed immediately by some employment that occupies the whole attention and takes occupies the whole attention and takes up all, or nearly all, of the physical energies, is sure to result in dyspepsia in one form or another. Sometimes it exhibits itself in excessive irritability, a sure indication that nerve force has been exhausted; the double draft in order to digest the food and carry on the busi

Nature does not do two things at a time and do both well, as a rule. All know that when a force is divided, it is weakened. If the meal were eaten slowly, without preoccupation of the mind, and the stomach allowed at least half an hour's chance to get its work well undertaken before the nervous force is turned in another direction, patients suffering from dyspepsia would be few.

A physician once said: "It does not so much matter what we eat as how we eat it." While this is only partly true, it certainly is true that the most healthful food eaten hurriedly, and immediately followed by work which engages the entire available physical and mental forces, is much worse than a meal of poor food eaten leisurely and followed by a period

of rest.

ness has been more than nature could stand without being thrown out of balance. In another case, the person is exceedingly dull as soon as he has a few minutes of leisure. The mind seems a dead blank and can only move in its accustomed channels, and then only when compelled. This, also, is a sign of nervous exhaustion. Others will have decided pains in the stomach, or a sense of weight, as if a heavy burden was inside. Others, again, will be able to eat nothing that will agree with them; everything that is put inside the stomach is made the subject of a violent protest on the part of that organ and the person suffers untold agonies in consequence. Others suffer from constant hunger. They may eat all they can, and feel hungry still. If they feel satisfied for a little time, the least unusual exertion brings on the hungry feeling, and they can do no more until something is eaten. It is almost needless to say that this condition is not hunger, but inflammation of the stomach. Scarcely any two persons are affected in exactly the same way, the disordered An improvement in an important type condition manifesting itself according to of ventilators for domestic and office use temperament and occupation; employ- has been made by Mr. Ellis, a surgeon of ments that call for mental work, and Gloucester, England. At the junction of those whose scene of action lies indoors, the horizontal inlet and vertical distributaffecting persons more seriously than doing tubes there is an adjustable door for those carried on in the open air, and those which are merely mechanical and do not engage the mind.


The German war steamer Nautilus reports passing through a singular storm while crossing the South Pacific from Tahiti to Sydney, Australia.

On the afternoon of May 11 the whole heavens appeared to be wrapped in cloud, which made it so dark that the crew could scarcely see the length of the ship. The thunder became deafening, and flashes of lightning almost blinded the sailors' eyes. All around the vessel the lightning was striking the water, so that persons on board expected the vessel would be hit But this they were spared. The effect, however, was singular and grand, and at times the vessel appeared to be in flames in several places at once. Bolts of lightning on several occasions fell to the water within 20 or 40 yards of the ship's side. While this peculiar storm lasted very little rain fell and the sea was al most entirely still.

All, or nearly all, of these difficulties of digestion might have never been felt by the sufferers had they left their business behind them and rested a short time after eating, instead of rushing off to work immediately after hastily eating.

regulating or wholly excluding the admission of outside air. At the outer opening of the inlet tube there is stretched a piece of some sort of suitable cloth which acts as a kind of filter to the entering air, and on the inner side of the strainer there is a chamber for the purpose of containing any perfume or disinfectant which may be desirable.

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