(2.) "Whose Booke is this if you will know in letters I will plainly show W. C. B. OPOPANAX.-Some years since this odd-looking word was posted with an air of mystery all over London. In process of time this turned out to be a puff of a new perfume; but, singularly enough, opopanax is described in Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy as a "fetid Mexican gum." J. L. C. "LEVELLING UP." - This phrase is not of modern invention. Dr. Johnson, speaking to Boswell in 1763 about Mrs. Macaulay, says: "Sir, your levellers wish to level down as far as themselves, but they cannot bear levelling up to themselves." C. J. ROBINSON. CROMLECHS. - If no one has ventured to suggest an eastward track for the builders of the cromlechs, cairns, &c. scattered along the western coast of Europe (see Saturday Review, June 13), allow me to start it simply as an hypothesis. Might not the race that raised these and kindred structures in Brittany and Biscay, as well as in the west and south-west of England, be persons of some original race (Tartar or other) that had drifted in the first instance, and afterwards established an emigration, from America to Europe? Intercourse between Europe and America did not begin with Columbus. O. T. DOBBIN. FRENCH-ENGLISH. - In the first series of "N. & Q." (vols. vii. viii. and x.) will be found several amusing specimens of Italian-English. The following, recorded by the Rev. W. Shepherd, as an attempt at an English advertisement, affixed to one of the pillars of the Théatre Français, seems worthy a place in the collection of these curiosities: "Hardy Cook, living to the Louvre on the West Gate under the vestibule, old emplacement of late M. Kolliker. He will serve you with list, and he has parlours and privates rooms, receives Society, and has always some Shoucroute and Disters of Caucale. Nota he as wines of Bordeaux firts quality." - Paris in Eighteen Hundred and Two and Eighteen Hundred and Fourteen, 8vo, London, 1814, p. 248. WILLIAM BATES. SELDEN: SWIFT.--Mr. Arber's "English rerints"- especial handy-books are they for back readers-have supplied to me an additional instance of the Dean's (casual? or prepense?) borrowings. As the Stagyrite had forestalled his reverence's mensuration of pigmies and of giants, so did the Table-talker-E. P. Religion, iii. p. 102-anticipate his testamentary coats of the three brothers: an allegory little to the liking of Petrines or of Jackites, and all the less for its uncompromising directness. To Mr. Arber let me take this opportunity of saying Macte! Among his-many, I hope-retrievals from dusty shelves, perhaps he will not forget Lord Herbert of Cherbury. E. L. S. CORRUPT ENGLISH. - It is a pity that writers are so often to be met with who use the following awkward phrase, or something analogous to it: "It cannot be doubted but that he is sincere." Besides being inelegant, it is positively incorrect; for, literally taken, it means the reverse of what is intended to be expressed. The word but entirely alters the sense, and should be omitted. It would be curious to know how the phrase originated. It has been adopted without reflection, even by the best of writers. The sooner it is exploded-for the sake of pure English-the better. Μ. Α. Β. TEN ENGLISH PRISONERS RELEASED BY BUONAPARTE. In the last volume (xxiii. p. 4) of the Correspondance de Napoléon I, publiée par ordre de Empereur Napoléon III, I find the following despatch from Napoleon to General Clarke Duc de Feltre, then Minister at War at Paris, dated Saint Cloud, Nov. 12, 1811 : "Lors de mon passage à Givét, un détachement de prisonniers anglais a travaillé à rétablir un pont volant. Parmi ceux-là j'ai remarqué le zèle et l'activité de huit ou dix de ceux spécialement, qui se sont jetés dans un batelet pour aider à la manœuvre du pont. Donnez ordre que l'état des dix hommes qui se sont le plus distingués dans cette circonstance soit dressé; que les hommes soient habillés à neuf, et qu'on remette à chacun cinq Napoléons avec un ordre de route pour Morlaix, où ils seront réunis au Transport Office, en faisant connaître la raison de leur délivrance. Vous en instruirez le ministère de la marine, que cette correspondance regarde. Il est nécessaire qu'il n'y ait pas d'injustice, et que les hommes qui se sont le mieux comportés soient choisis de préférence. Il y a là un ministre anglais qui s'est présenté pour me demander la permission d'aller passer trois mois en Angleterre; accordez-la lui. Il pourrait être chargé de la conduite des autres. Enfin je vous envoie une pétition qui m'a été remise dans la même circonstance par une Anglaise; faites-moi un rapport sur ce qu'elle demande." Is there any contemporary English record of this circumstance, or is it known who were the "ministre anglais" and the ten fortunate prisoners committed to his care? Τ. Ε. GODFREY FAMILIES. - Wanted to know what became of the descendants of Richard Godfrey, of Old Romney, who died 1641. His sons Robert, Richard, and John are accounted for; but William and two others (names unknown) it is desirable to gain particulars of. Also who was Edward Godfrey of Risby, Suffolk, who died 1727, æt. seventy-four; and Edward Godfrey of St. James's, who died 1764. The parentage of these or any other descendants of Godfrey of London will much oblige Η. Α. ΒΑΙΝBRIDGE. 24, Russell Road, Kensington. GRIMM. Can any of your readers inform me if any English translation exists of Grimm's work on The Origin of Language (Ueber den Ursprung der Sprache)? I have a translation in French, published at Paris in 1859, but I am told that no English edition is to be found at the library of the British Museum. Pall Mall. PRINCE ETIENNE DE CROUY, HERALDIC QUERY. - What is the English of the following description of a French coat of arms: "De gueules à la main au naturel gonfalonnée d'hermine, à l'épée d'argent en pal." What is also the English of a coat of arms en abîme or semé, with another coat of arms. Does any dictionary of French and English heraldic terms H. VAN LAUN. exist? Cheltenham. "THE HOLY COURT." - In a work styled "The Holy Court, fourth tome, The Command of Reason over the Passions, written in French by F. N. Caussin, of the Society of Jesus, and Translated into English by Sr T. H. (Thomas Hawkins) Permissu Superiorum, M.DC.XXXVIII.," are the following sentences: "But it is a great error to thinke to make a religious man by holding a poignard to his throte, and by taking hayre from his head when the consent of his heart cannot be had."-Page 290. "Necessity makes a Monke, where piety could neuer make a Christian."-Page 325. I made a note of the above several years since, and should now like to know whether The Holy Court is the earliest work in which they are found. J. BEALE. Spittlegate, Grantham. GENUINE IRISH BARONETAGE. - Would H. W., who writes on the subject of the Rev. Sir William Palmer (antè, p. 47), oblige me by informing me what is the name of the "genuine Irish baronet-age" to which he alludes, as I thought Sir B. Burke alone gave the lineage of the baronets? C. S. K. JERSEY FAMILIES. - Have some volumes on the families of Jersey been published by Mr. Bertrand Payne? I have been informed that this is the case, but can find no mention of them in the Catalogue of the British Museum. F. E. LEUGAN.-Can any of your readers explain how the practice may have arisen of dipping certain round crystals called leugan in water, for the cure of diseases in cattle? The superstition was, I suppose, confined to Scotland. This is one of those curious rites of which the probable origin has not been discussed. CHARLES ROGERS, LL.D. Snowdoun Villa, Lewisham, S.E. LINEN PATTERN PANELS. - Can any of your readers oblige the Architectural Publication Society by citing any dated examples of this curious design? The general impression is, that it is of Flemish origin; the manufacture of fine linen being at its height in the low countries before it was so in England. A. A. (Of) Poets' Corner. MARY BEATRICE, QUEEN OF JAMES II.-Père Gaillard, the French Jesuit and celebrated preacher, wrote for publication a life of Mary Beatrice; but her son, the First Pretender, would not allow it to be published for political reasons. The book was entrusted to Mr. Dicconson of Wrightington, her treasurer, who himself had a duplicate copy of it. Can any reader of "N. & Q." say where either of these is to be found? There is a letter from Mr. Dicconson saying it would be well to deposit them in a place of safety, but he does not designate such place. They are not amongst the Stuart papers at Windsor Castle. A. E. L. ROBERT MORRIS. - Where can I find any particulars of Robert Morris, a barrister, secretary to the Bill of Rights Society, who was the subject of some comments by Chief Justice Acton on the trial of Almon for publishing publish Junius' Letter to the King, and who thereupon addressed a very strong letter to the chief justice? QUEJUNIRISTUS. THE PARABLE OF THE LILY. - Who painted this picture? When was it painted? (La Jeune.) German lithographic copies of it are extensively sold at present in this country. JOHN WRIGHT. Castle Street, Carlisle. A PARODY.-Where is a parody upon Moore's song of "The Legacy" to be found? A lawyer's wig is substituted for a heart. Two of the lines WHO WAS SAINT HEREFRID? - I find the following in a list of church goods compiled in 1486: "j come of Ivery that was saynt herefridis." No such person occurs in Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints, nor in Sir Harris Nicolas's Chronology of History. Potthast's Bibliotheca Listorica Medii Avi mentions an anonymous "Vita b. Herefridi Episcopi Autissiodorensis," but I cannot think this is the person intended. Hereferth, Bishop of Winchester, was killed in battle with the Danes at Charmouth in 833 or the following year. (Ang. Sax. Chron. sub anno; Godwin, Cat. of Bishops, 1601, p. 162.) Was he, in consequence of having fallen by the hands of the heathen, considered as a martyr? K. P. D. E. ST. NICOLAS ACON. - This church was destroyed by the great fire of London. I should be much obliged to any correspondent of "N. & Q." who would tell me if copies of the monuments as they existed at the time of the fire are still extant, and where. Some early ones are given by Stow, but I have searched several MSS. at the British Museum for those of later date, without success. GEORGE W. MARSHALL. SEA WATER. - Sailors are instructed, when obliged to take to the boats after the foundering of a ship, not to drink sea water, but to immerse their bodies in the sea, when the skin will absorb the water, leaving the salt of the water on the surface of the skin. "THE INVENTOR OF ENVELOPES. "SIR,-Now that envelopes are made by the million and for the million, it may be as well to trace out and identify the originator and inventor of them. This I believe I can do, and therefore present the following facts to the consideration of your readers. About forty years ago, there lived at Brighton a bookseller and stationer of the name of S K. Brewer, and he used to place in his shop-window piles of paper, beginning at the largest up to the then smallest size, 16mo; but to finish off the pile he cut cards so as to bring them up to a point. Ladies used to go in and ask for that 'dear little paper,' which induced him to cut paper in small sizes. Then came the difficulty of the place for address; and the result was he invented the envelope, and had metal plates made for cutting them to shape and sizes. This pleased the ladies, and orders came to him for the little paper and envelopes from all parts. This at length became such a demand upon his time, that he got Dobbs & Co., of London, to make them for him. Such was the beginning of the envelope trade When a child I have just a remembrance of playing with the cutting plates, and the above account I have had from my mother, who is now alive and well up in years. "I am yours, &c. "73, Bold Street, Liverpool, "May 30, 1868." "CHARLES BREWER. [It cannot strictly be said that Mr. S. K. Brewer of Brighton, about forty years ago, was the inventor of envelopes. The late Mr. Clarence Hopper found one in the State Paper Office similar to our modern envelopes attached to a letter dated May 16, 1696, addressed by Sir James Ogilvie to the Right Hon. Sir Wm. Trumbull, Secre tary of State. The practice of using covers in epistolary correspondence most probably originated with the French. In the Gil Blas of Le Sage (liv. iv. chap. v.), where he speaks of Aurora de Gusman, he says she took two billets, "les cacheta tous deux, y mit une enveloppe et me donnant le paquet," &c. Our correspondent, MR. EDWARD Foss, has in his possession a letter of the great Frederick, King of Prussia, addressed to an English general in his service, dated July 28, 1766, at Potsdam, and enclosed in an envelope just like those now in use, except that it opens on the side like the deeds used by lawyers. In the Egerton MS. 39, fol. 27 (Brit. Mus.) is also an envelope made precisely like those now in use, with an ornamented border. It enclosed a letter dated 1760, from Madame de Pompadour to the Duchesse d'Aiguillon. That envelopes of some shape were in use during the early part of the last century is evident from the fourth stanza of Dean Swift's Advice to Grub Street Verse Writers, 1726: "Lend these to paper-sparing Pope, Could give him more delight." Again, Charles Lamb, writing to Bernard Barton on March 20, 1826, says: "When I write to a great man at the court end, he opens with surprise upon a naked note, such as Whitechapel people interchange, with no sweet degrees of envelope. I never enclosed one bit of paper in another, nor understood the rationale of it. Once only I sealed with borrowed wax, to set Walter Scott a wondering, signed with the imperial quartered arms of England, which my friend Field bears in compliment to his descent, in the female line, from Oliver Cromwell. It must have set his antiquarian curiosity upon watering." Previous to the establishment of the penny postage system on Jan. 10, 1840, it was customary to charge double postage on paper enclosed in another paper. The use of envelopes did not become general until May 6, 1840, when stamped and adhesive envelopes were introduced. Hill and De la Rue's ingenious machine for folding envelopes was patented March 17, 1845.] THE PEOPLE CALLED QUAKERS. - I have a curious, and I believe rare, pamphlet with the long title of "A Declaration of the present Sufferings of above 140 Persons of the People of God (who are now in Prison) called Quakers, with a briefe accompt of above 1900 more; being but a part of many more that have suffered within these six years last past, whose names and particular sufferings are not here set down. Together with the number of 21 Persons who were imprisoned and persecuted until Death. All which was delivered to Tho. Bampfield, then Speaker of the Parliament, on the sixth day of the second month, 1659. London: Printed for Tho. Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth, near Aldersgate, 1659." 4to. Two of the pieces are signed "E. B.," pp. 3440. Is anything known of the author? Query, Was he Edward Burrough? CPL. [This work is in the British Museum, and is noticed in Joseph Smith's Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books, 1867, ii. 653. "Е. В." is certainly Edward Burrough. The editor's name is unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 1. "The Gate of Languages unlocked: or, A Seed-Plot of all Arts and Tongues; containing a ready way to learn the Latin and English Tongue. Formerly translated by Tho. Horn; afterwards much corrected and amended by Joh. Robotham; now carefully reviewed by W. D., to which is premised a Portal. As also, there is now newly added, the Foundation to the Janua, containing all or the chief Primitives of the Latin Tongue, drawn into Sentences, in an Alphabetical order, by G. P. London: Printed by E. Cotes for the Company of Stationers, 1664" 8vo. The first part of the title, in Latin, shows it to [The latter work is entitled: "De Russorum Moscovitarum et Tartarorum Religione, Sacrificiis, Nuptiarum, Funerum Ritu. E diversis Scriptoribus, Quorum Nomina versa pagina indicat. His in fine quædam sunt adjecta, de Livonia pacisque conditionibus, et pace confecta hoc anno inter Serenissimum Regem Poloniæ et Magnum Ducem Muscoviæ. Nunc primum in lucem edita, cum indice copiosissimo. Spiræ, libera civitate Veterum Nemetum, excudebat Barnardus D'Albinus, anno 1582." The editor is Joannes Lasitzki, or Lasicki.] QUOTATIONS WANTED. - I have been asked "in what plays of Shakespeare the following lines are to be found?" and as I have not myself the slightest recollection of them, I shall be much obliged if you can inform me: "Honest water is too weak to be a sinner, it never left man in the mire." [Timon of Athens, Act I. Sc. 2.] "Here's a pot of good double beer; neighbours, drink." [King Henry VI. Part II., Act II. Sc. 3.] I also wish to know where this line is to be IVORY, THE MATHEMATICIAN. - Where can I find the best account of this scientific writer, and of the nature and importance of his investigations? J. M. [James Ivory, LL.D., F.R.S., the celebrated mathematician, died at Hampstead on Sept. 21, 1842, aged seventyseven. There is an excellent memoir of him, derived from the last Annual Address of the President of the Royal Society, printed in the Gentleman's Magazine for May, 1843, p. 537.] LEGGINGS. - Can any of your correspondents inform me when this word came into use? It does not occur in the second edition of Todd's Johnson (1827). I may add that the above-mentioned authority states that gaiters, which is synonymous with leggings, is quite a modern term. F. GLEDSTANES WAUGH. Hutton Hall, York. [This word was in vogue in 1817, for Sir Walter Scott speaks of "strong clouted shoes studded with hobnails, and gamaches, or leggins, made of thick black cloth, completing his equipment." (Tales of my Landlord, ii. 14.) We are under the impression that the word is also used by Southey.] In reply to MR. TITE'S query, he subjoins an extract from "Musée de Sculpture ancienne et moderne (Musée du Louvre) du comte de Clarac, Paris, 1841." AS M. DE COURCEL'S and MR. TITE'S copies of the inscription almost exactly agree, I may, I think, assume that we have got the correct text of the epitaph; except, indeed, as to the position of the points, which I venture to assert are not at the foot but opposite the middle of the letters preceding them, e. gr. AVG. CORP. not AVG. CORP. M. DE COURCEL's expansion is not correct. For "sex virorum Augustalium corporis," we should read "sexvir (sevir) Augustalis corporatus." See Orelli's No. 3929, and Henzen's Nos. 6111, 7102, 7103. Nor am I satisfied with the name Andronicus. I prefer Andron, and regard this example as confirming the reading Androni in Mommsen's Inscrip. Regni Neapol., N. 2923. The information given in the extract, although sufficient for ordinary purposes, is neither full nor satisfactory when regarded with reference to the present state of knowledge on the subject. And the statement in the note "Les Viri Augustales n'ont pas été institués par Auguste, mais par Tibère et Livie en l'honneur d'Auguste (Tac. Ann. i. 54, Hist. ii. 95; Suet. Claud. 6.) " is erroneous. The Augustales, of whom "C. Venusius Andron" was one, were instituted by Augustus. The Lares were the objects of their * In M. DE COURCEL'S copy, the letters "D.M." with which Latin epitaphs usually begin, are given; MR. TITE has inadvertently omitted them. worship. The Augustales, instituted by Tiberius and Livia, and mentioned by Tacitus and Suetonius as cited, worshipped the deified Augustus, and are known as Sodales Augustales. Similarly we have Flaviales, Trajanales, Hadrianales, &c., for the worship of other emperors after their apotheosis. In M. DE COURCEL'S communication in English, addressed to the Editor of "N. & Q.," there is a sentence which I cannot understand. The words are: "Had I within my reach the Inscriptions of Orelli or Gruter, I would have copied out the one concerning Letitia, which seems to contain the fullest, if not the only account, of the Severi [Seviri] Augustales." Who, or what, is the Letitia mentioned here? I must confess total ignorance on the point. Can it be that the reference is to the will found at Petelia, or Petilia, which is given by Orelli, n. 3678; and Gruter, ccxv. 17; Fabretti, p. 401; and Spangenberg, p. 64, as noticed by him? Are the words, "the one concerning," a mistranslation of "celle de"? and is Letitia a typographical mistake for Petilia? This is the only interpretation of the sentence that I can suggest. It seems to be justified by Clarac's words: " par celle de Petilia (Orelli, no 3678) qui contient un long testament en faveur du Corpus Augustalium et où il n'est question que de ces sévirs, sans qu'on y trouve cependant rien de précis sur les fonctions de cette corporation." Full information on Augustales and Seviri Augustales may be found in Egger's "Examen critique des historiens anciens de la vie et du règne d'Auguste," Append. ii. Paris, 1844; also in his "Appendice, Nouvelles observat. sur les Augustales" (R (Revue ue Archeolog Archéologique, iii. 1846); Zumpt's Commentatio epigraphica de Augustalibus et Seviris Augustalibus, Berlin, 1846; and in Marquardt's and Henzen's dissertations in Zeitschrift für alterth. Wissensch., 1847, 1848. Numerous inscriptions relating to them may be seen in Gruter's and Muratori's collections; and both Orelli and Henzen have given excellent selections. There is no satisfactory discussion of the subject in English, so far as I am aware. It is briefly treated by Dr. S Smith, Dict. of Antiquities, p. 117; Wellbeloved, Eburacum, p. 103; and Horsley, Britannia Romana, p. 310. By the two latter it is incidentally noticed in their comments on an inscription found at York, in which the office of sevir is mentioned. This is, I think, the only example in Latin inscriptions found in Britain in which this office is named. Nor is there any example in them of an Augustalis.* I shall * The term often occurs, but in a different sense, in expansions of some of those inscriptions by Horsley, Dr. Bruce, and Mr. Roach Smith. They take LEG. AUG. as abbreviated forms of Legatus Augustalis, but Legatus Augusti should have been adopted by them. Similarly LEG. AVGG. stand for Legatus Augustorum. |