Imágenes de páginas

Why Children Don't Obey

OBEDIENCE is the foundation of character. Yet how

many parents discover constantly that their instructions to their children carry no farther than around the corner. And wilfulness, selfishness, jealousy, disrespect, untruthfulness, ill-temper and many other unpleasant qualities are directly related to that first great fault of disobedience.

New Methods for Old

Until now, scolding and whipping seem to have been about the parents' only methods. But new methods have been discovered which make it easy to train children to obey promptly, pleasantly and surely without breaking

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the child's will, without creating fear, resentment or revenge in the child's heart, as whipping does. This new method Is based on confidence. When perfect understanding and sympathy exist, obedi ence comes naturally and all the bad traits that children pick up so easily are not given a chance to develop.

Highest Endorsements

This new system, which has been put into the form of an Illustrated Course, prepared especial y for the busy parent, is producing remarkable and immediate resul's for thousands of parents in all parts of the world, and is endorsed by leading educators. It covers all ages from cradle to eighteen years.

Free Book

"New Methods in Child Training" Is the title of a startling book which describes this new system and outlines the work of the Parents Association. Send letter or postal today and the book will be sent free-but do it now as this announcement may never come to your notice again. THE PARENTS ASSOCIATION, Dept. 111 Pleasant Hill, Ohio.

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(Continued from page 489)

STORIES, TRAVEL, AND ADVENTURE Solario the Tailor. By William Bowen. Macmillan Co., New York. $2.

Full of whimsical originality. A worthy successor to the "Old Tobacco Shop." 8-10.


Little Misogynists. By Carl Spitteler. Henry Holt & Co., New York. $3.50. An unusual story by the winner of the Nobel prize. Very beautiful volume. 10-12. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard. By Eleanor Farjeon. F. A. Stokes Co., New York. $2.50. A highly imaginative, beautiful story. 10-12 The Joyous Guests. By Maud Lindsay and Emilie Poulsson. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Boston. $2.50.

A collection of Christmas stories. volume. 8-12.


The Fairy Doll. By Netta Syrett. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. $1.25.

Five attractive little playlets. 8-10. Memoirs of a London Doll. Edited by Mrs. Fairstar. Macmillan Co., New York. $1.50 Reprint of an interesting little book which first appeared in 1852. Quaint and charming. Girls 6-8.

Lige Mounts: Free Trapper. By Frank Blinderman. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York $2.

An exciting cowboy story. Boys 14 and over. The Story of Don Quixote. Illustrated by Florence Choate and Elizabeth Curtis. F. A. Stokes Co., New York. $3.

This is still another large-page classic with color pictures. It is arranged and retold to suit the reading of boys and girls. 13-15. Including Mother. By Margaret Ashmun.

millan Co., New York. $1.50.


A story of a family in a Middle Western town, with a few human experiences valuable for growing girls. 13-15.

The Black Wolf Pack. By Dan Beard. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. $1.65.

Boys always like Dan Beard's stories. This tells of a boy's search for his father and his own adventures on the frontier. 12-14.


Bannertail: The Story of a Gray Squirrel. By Ernest Thompson Seton. Charles Scribner s Sons, New York. $2.

A welcome addition to Mr. Seton's exceptional books. 10-12.

Beyond Rope and Fence. By David Grew. Boni

& Liveright, New York. $2.

A sympathetic story of a horse; would appeal to children's love for animals. 12-14. Bird Stories. By Edith M. Patch.

Monthly Press, Boston. $1.25.



Attractive stories for the children interested in birds. 10-12.

Garden Adventures of Tommy Tittlemouse. By Clara Ingram Judson. Rand, McNally & Co., New York. 75c.

Charming animal story. 6-8.

Hunters of the Great North. By Vilhjalmur Stefansson. Harcourt, Brace & Co., New York. $2.50.

Details of this explorer's first trip into the Arctic. 10-14.

Kari, the Elephant. By Dhan Gopal Mukerji. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. $2 Story of the growth and adventures of an ele phant from the time he was six months old. Singularly successful in conveying the sense of the wide shadow-haunted places. 8-12. Many Trails. By H. Mortimer Batten.

Holt & Co., New York. $2.


Sympathetic stories about wild animals and domestic pets. 10-12.

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Although approaching a text-book in its systematic arrangement, this will appeal to boys already interested in the subject, being full of suggestions for experiments and demonstrations, and profusely Illustrated. 19-14 and over: Astronomy for Young Folks: By Isabel M.

Lewis. Duffeld & Co., New York. $1.75. Good introduction: arranged for a study of the constellations month by month. 10-14. Wonders of Chemistry, By A. Frederick Col

lins. T. Y. Crowell Co., New York. $1.00. Well designed to develop an interest in chemistry and full of interesting and authentic information about modern achievements as well as of some important principles of the subject. 12-14 and over.

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The Coming of the Peoples. Vol. III-Romance History of America. By Francis RoltWheeler. G. H. Doran & Co., New York. 81.50.

The story of the founding of America interestingly told. 12-14.

Days of the Colonists. By L. Lamprey. F. A. Stokes Co., New York. $2.50.

Great events in the early days of our history vividly described. 12-14.

The Flower of Fortune. By Emilie B. Knipe and Alden A. Knipe. Century Co., New York. $1.75.

An Interesting historical tale of the DutchEnglish days of old New York. Effectively recreates the old atmosphere. 10-12. Pirates. By C. Lovat Fraser. R. M. McBride & Co., New York. $2.50.

Historical account of famous pirates. Interesting. Over 14.

Real Americans. By Mary H. Wade. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. $1.65.

Well told and interesting in their appeal. 10-14.

Heroes of Liberty. By Grace Humphrey. BobbsMerrill Co., Indianapolis. $1.50.

Brief biographical sketches of heroes of various countries. 8-12.

A Book of Boyhoods. By Eugenie M. Fryer. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. $3. Well-chosen biographies, including such men as Chaucer, Raleigh, Stevenson, Joffre, Roosevelt, etc. Suitable for the discriminating young



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Five New Ways

To whiter, cleaner, safer teeth-all late discoveries

Dental science has been seeking ways to better tooth protection.

All old methods proved inadequate. Tooth troubles were constantly increasing. Very few escaped them. Beautiful teeth were seen less often than now.

Dental research found the causes, then evolved five new ways to correct them.

The chief enemy

The chief tooth enemy was found to be film-that viscous film you feel. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays.

Food stains, etc., discolor it. Then it forms dingy coats. Tartar is based on film. Most teeth are thus clouded more or less.

Film also holds food substance which ferments and forms acids. It holds the acids in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Germs breed by millions in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea.

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They were embodied in a tooth paste called Pepsodent, and dentists the world over began to urge its use.

Other essentials

Other effects were found necessary, and ways were discovered to bring them. All are now embodied in Pepsodent.

Pepsodent stimulates the salivary flowNature's great tooth-protector.

It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva. That is there to neutralize mouth acids, the cause of tooth decay.

It multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva. That is there to digest starch deposits on teeth which may otherwise ferment and form acids.

It polishes teeth so film less easily adheres. Prettier teeth came to millions

One result is prettier teeth. You see them everywhere-teeth you envy, maybe. But that is only a sign of cleaner, safer teeth. Film-coats, acids and deposits are effectively combated.

Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. Cut out the coupon now.

10-Day Tube Free 1014

THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. 451, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Mail 10-day tube of Pepsodent to

Only one tube to a family

Tours and Travel



an organizer of a small party. Established 1900.

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BABCOCK'S TOURS, 13 Halsey St., Brooklyn. Rock Ridge Hall, Wellesley Hills, FOR SALE Unusual opportunity-long

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for full information

Mass. Fine location. Running water in bedrooms. Pleasant forest walks and country drives. Our table a specialty. $15-$25 a week.


and well-established fully equipped tea-room. Splendid opportunity for two friends. Address 7,947, Outlook.

Country Board

Hotel Webster Paying Guests Received Lovely

(Near 5th Avenue)

40 West 45th Street


Directly in the fashionable club and shop

ping section. Within five minutes' walk to all principal theaters. A high-class hotel patronized by those desiring the best accoinmmodations at moderate cost.

Rates and inap gladly sent upon request.

HOTEL JUDSON 53 Washington Square adjoining Judson Memorial Church. Rooms with and without bath. Rates $3.50 per day.

including meals. Special rates for two weeks or more. Location very central. Convenient to all elevated and street car lines.

Hotel Hargrave

West 72d St., through

to 71st St., New York
300 rooms, each with bath. Absolutely
fireproof. One block to 72d St. en-
trance of Central Park. Comfort and
refinement combined with moderate
rates. Send for illustrated booklet J.




Sunshine and the pines, good fellowship, true sport.


first floor room with sleeping alcove. Suitable for 2 ladies or couple. Good home cooking. 1 hours from New York. 8,321, Outlook.


SAFE 8% FIRST MORTGAGE INCOME CERTIFICATES additionally secured, tax exempted, quarterly payments. Permanent or reconvertible. Ask circulars. Home Building & Loan Co., Jacksonville, Fla.



CRAFT HAND-COLORED CHRISTMAS CARDS will be sent on teu days' approval. The Line is best known for Its distinctive verses. Jessie A. McNicol, 18 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass.

UNIQUE Christmas cards, ten and fifteen cents. Anna Wildman, The Clinton, Philadelphia.

OUR dollar box of fifteen distinctive Christmas cards sent on approval. If selec tion pleases you, send $1.00. If not return box at our expense. Elizabeth Huntford Studio, 9 South Clinton, Chicago.

LET us help you select your Christmas cards this year. At your request we will send, on approval, an attractve assortment of highgrade cards, moderately priced-with just the kind of Yuletide greetings you will like to send to your friends. The Meadowcraft Studio, 1106 Riverdale St., West Springfield,


EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES SECRETARIES and social workers, dietitians, cafeteria managers, governesses, matrons, housekeepers, superintendents. Miss Richarda, Providence, R. I. Box 5 East Side. Boston Office, Trinity Court, Fridays, 11 to 1. Address Providence.

WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schocis. Calls coming every day. Bend for circulars. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N. Y.


UNUSUALLY desirable stationery for any type of correspondence. 200

Rates for a single room without bath and with 3 meals, CAROLINA HOTEL grade note paper and 100 envelopes, printed

$5-6 in cities and popular resorts, $4-5 in the country

GREECE, and PALESTINE, sinall private party sailing in February. Also IDEAL SUMMER TOUR of EUROPE. RESER European Tours, 171 8. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

AWinter Tour Sailing Jan. 6,

1923 Egypt and the Holy Land; optional extension Around the World, or tour through Europe. Miss KATHERINE A. PANTLIND New York City. 110 Morningside Drive,

FOREIGN TRAVEL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS January 17-June 29 Harmonizes travel and study. Rome. Florence, Paris, London, Edinburgh. References required. Price includes travel, chaperonage, instruction in language, literature, art, music and history. Write for prospectus to Miss HELEN UFFORD, Director, Park Avenue Hotel, cor. Park Ave. and 32d St., New York City, or to Mr. L. V. ARNOLD, Sec'y and Treas., 350 Madison Ave., Suite 1306, New York City.

Hotels and Resorts


The Ideal Winter Resort PRINCESS HOTEL


Directly on the Harbor. Accommodates 400. Open Dec 15 to May 1. Grill room. Tiled swimming pool, golf, tennis, yachting, sea bathing, etc. Direction of L. A. TWOROGER CO. Reached by Steamers Furness Bermuda Line and Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.


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with your name and address postpaid $1.50. Samples on request. We sell hundreds of boxes for Christmas gifts. Please order early. Lewis, 284 Second Ave., Troy, N. Y.

OLD Hampshire bond; 100 sheets (6x?) and 75 envelopes, printed, $2 delivered. Franklin Printery, Warner, N. H.

FOR $1 postpaid. 200 sheets bond notepaper and 100 envelopes printed with your name and address. Good paper and first-class work. Samples stamp. M. C. Harp, Lansingburg, N. Y.


Business Situations

HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN AND WOMEN. Nation-wide demand for highsalaried men and women. Past experience unnecessary. We train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities. Big pay, fine living, interesting work, quick advanceWrite for free book, ment, permanent. YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY." Lewis Hotel Training Schools, Room 5842, Washington, D. C.

Companions and Domestic Helpers WORKING housekeeper-Family of four and governess. Cooking; waiting; no washing. References. Telephone Scarsdale 283, or P. O. Box 54, Scarsdale, N. Y.

WANTED-Refined Protestant young wo man to care for chili four years old during the day. Brooklyn Heights. 2,969, Outlook. MOTHER'S helper to spend winter in Duluth and help with housework and two children. References required. Write Mrs. Curtis Williams, Overbrook, Pa. WANTED. Young woman to act as mother's helper and a-sist in care and training of four small children. Ridgewood, N. J. 2,974, Outlook.

WOMAN of the better class to cook for family of two, with two children at boarding school. Capable of doing housekeeping. Help a little with housework. No washing. References required. Write 19 East 77th Street, New York City. Salary $65 a month.

Teachers and Governesses WANTED-Protestant lady of refinement between twenty-five and thirty-five years as nursery governess. Must have good health, children. For two little girls 4% and 7% years old. Must have experience with children. Winter either Lakehurst, N. J., or Thomasville, Ga. Answer Reservoir House, Bridgeton, N. J.

SITE FOR BOYS' CAMP pleasing personality, gentle and kind, fond of

San Ysidro Ranch SITE FOR BOYS' CAMP

Furnished bungalows of various sizes: sitnated on the foothills among the orange oves, overlooking the sea. Central dining, electric lights, hot and cold water. Good is court. Six miles from Santa Barbara, miles from ocean. Booklet. Address VAGER, San Ysidro Ranch, Santa Barbara.

FOR SALE OR LEASE, one of the most beautiful locations avail. e on Lake Winnepesaukee, one-third mile of lake shore. Acreage to suit purchaser. Ideal layout of sand beach, pine groves, athletic field. Plenty of wood and timber. 8,312, Outlook.

WANTED- French teacher in country Three home, two hours from New York. small children. No nursery care. Write Mrs. Finch, Westhampton Beach, N. Y.

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YOUNG woman of refinement and edncation desires position as social secretary. Excellent references. 2,985, Outlook.

WOMAN of integrity and experience de sires position of trust, in home or business. Highest references. 2,986, Outlook.

GRADUATE college woman, with exper ence in business office, hostess houses in this country and in France, also college office aui as dormitory chaperon, desires an executive position. References. 2,972, Outlook.

Companions and Domestic Helpers

YOUNG woman, highly cultured, widely traveled, would act as traveling companion for expenses. References. 2,956, Outlook.

REFINED young woman desires position as companion-nurse. Excellent references. Will travel. 2,984, Outlook.

MIDDLE-aged woman, refined, experi enced, desires position as companion, mana ing housekeeper. References. 2,980, Outlook. HOUSEKEEPER-hotel, family; matron. companion; woman, experienced, wishes porition. 2,981, Outlook.

GENTLEWOMAN wants position as coLLpanion or housekeeper where family is smal and work light; in New York City. Best of references. 2,977, Outlook.

WANTED-Position as companion by col lege woman of exceptional qualifications and experience. Excellent references. 2,975, Outlook.

REFINED Christian lady, experienced. desires position as companion to lady or governess to children. No objection to trav eling. Best references. Address Box 2 Louisa, Va.

COLLEGE woman with partial nurses' training, private secretary, wishes position with someone traveling in this country or abroad. 2,993, Outlook.

COMPANION to elderly lady or any position of trust by middle-aged refined won man. Capable, cheerful disposition. Westchester County preferred. 2,989, Outlook. LADY desires reading by the hour. Personal interview. 53 Washington Square, City. Box 410.

COMPANION or assistant to elderly lady or business woman. Moderate salary. Refeiences. 2,997, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses LADY, normal graduate, desires positions lower grades or week-day school religious education. 2,982, Outlook.

EXPERIENCED woman teacher desires private teaching in New York City. Children or adults. Psychology, literature, history. Latin, mathematics. 2.950, Outlook.

SUCCESSFUL college teacher of English, now on leave, would tutor part of his day for price of quiet room in or near city. 2 Outlook.

SCHOOL. Gentleman and wife, both wiES long experience in school work, seek goo position Christmas, or would start sua i school. 2,996, Outlook.


TO young women desiring training in the care of obstetrical patients a very thorongs nurses' aid course of six months is offered s the Lying-In Hospital, 307 Second Ave. Nes York. Mouthly allowance and full mainte nance is furnished. For further information address Directress of Nurses.

MISS Guthnan, New York shopper, will shop for you, services free. No samples References. 309 West 99th St.

BOYS wanted. 500 boys wanted to sell Th Outlook each week. No investment necessary Write for selling plan, Carrier Departinent The Outlook Company, 381 Fourth Ave. New York City.

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A subscriber writes:

"We placed a small advertisement with you in the issue of the 7th inst., asking for an elder sister' to be with our daughter for the summer.

"We have had so many replies that it would be impossible to try and answer them all.

"The replies were certainly more than we could have ever hoped for, and we only regret we could not place all of these lovely girls."

F you are in need of a household helper, companion, nurse, governteacher, or business or professional -istant, try a "Want Ad" in the lassified section of THE OUTLOOK.

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TEACHES THE KIDDIE TO WRITE Backward youngsters or illiterate adults learn quickly and have fun doing it with Vic's Self-Writer. Aluminum strips having the letters indented,and the child learns bytracing indentation


On the

Cunard's Blue
Ribbon Ship of the


The Luxury Cruise This Winter A notable event in Cruising History From New York, Feb. 10, 1923. $950up-write for details. American Express Travel Dept.

65 Broadway New York



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THOUSAND people killed by vehi

cles in the streets of New York in a year!" a subscriber exclaims. "The remedy is simple. Let every driver of a vehicle-street car, truck, or automobile-be compelled to slow down to three miles an hour at every near crossing and keep that speed till he passes the far crossing of every street, no matter what the traffic conditions-and the thing is half done. Let pedestrians strictly avoid jay-walking-and it is complete. As it is now, automobiles whizz across every side street at any speed they please, whether people are crossing or not. Let a few offenders, of either class, auto-drivers or walkers, get jail sentences for violating these provisions and you will have a great diminution of accidents." Cops who have the job of keeping the traffic moving might not wholly approve of this three-mile idea.

"When it comes to the corruptions of a baseball umpire," says Uncle Henry in "Colliers," "there's where the splendid rage of an oppressed people breaks forth. I've seen the air so full of pop bottles that they looked like a glass roof. Lots of people think baseball an easy game, but I don't know of anything that's got a more subtle technique. Unless you catch the bottle by the neck, an' put a quick wrist snap into the throw, it won't go any distance at all. . . . I don't know any other sport where 50,000 can take part, an' a leadin' part at that:

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Bernard Shaw pays a high compliment to the pronunciation of a famous English actor, but in the next breath slams the average actor unmercifully in characteristic Shavian fashion. Taking Sir

while you sleep Johnstone Forbes-Robertson's pronun

A household remedy avoiding drugs. Cresolene is vaporized at the bedside during the night. It has become in the past forty years the most widely used remedy for whooping cough and spasmodic croup.

When children complain of sore throat or cough, use at once,

Vapo Resolene

Send for descriptive booklet 31A
For Sale by Druggists

62 Cortlandt St., New York

or Leeming-Miles Bldg., Montreal, Canada

ciation as an ideal, Mr. Shaw said at a recent lecture: "His pronunciation goes all over the world unchallenged-even in America. I would suggest that a phonograph record be made with these words attached: "This is the way ForbesRobertson speaks. Speak the same way and your social position will never be challenged.'"

Mr. Shaw followed up this compliment by complaining of the great difficulty of getting actors to speak as he wanted them to speak, and said it should be possible for an author to write a scrip in English that conveys to the actor as much as a scrip by Wagner conveys to a musician. "I do not want actors and actresses to understand my plays," Mr.


The 1923 Cruise De Luxe by Specially Chartered New White Star Liner


Sailing January 20 Returning March 28 Cruise Limited to 500 Guests Here is a pageant of life, everlasting in its fascination, ever-changing in its daily scene. Throbbing spectacles of the Mediterranean cities-man and nature imbued with glamour unforgettable monuments to civilizations now dead.

Sixty-seven glorious days-fourteen thousand miles. Stop-over privileges with return by other famous White Star Liners, MAJESTIC, OLYMPIC, etc. The "Homeric" is the largest and most luxuriously appointed steamer that ever sailed for a cruise.



245 Broadway 561 Fifth Avenue Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver

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