Imágenes de páginas

ourfelves with obferving, that if he had mentioned, amongst the books which deranged his ideas fo dreadfully, Traite complet de la Navigation, par Bougeur, or a later, edition of the fame work, under the title Nouveau Traite de Navigation, par Bougeur, abrégé par M. l'Abbé De la Caille, there would not have been the leaft reafon for any one to difpute either the existence, the regularity, or diftinctnefs of his midnight vifions. Every one is apt to dream, at night, of what he has feen or read the day before; and therefore, as the whole of what this publication contains, plate included, is contained in that work, and almoft in the fame order, such dreams might then have been naturally expected.

Some of our Readers may, perhaps, think it our indifpenfable duty to give an opinion of a work, especially where so much money is charged for fo little matter: if fo, we may obferve, that it is poffible that fome may receive benefit from it. The means of perception, even of the fame idea, are, in different perfons, as various as their faces; and this scheme may strike fome when all other modes of inftruction have failed: but we muft declare, for ourselves, that we think the Traverse-table, as it is ufually called, folves every thing much more readily than can be done by the method here recommended; and, we apprehend, that the generality of persons will think, with more perfpicuity alfo.


Art. 15. A Differtation on the Teeth and Gums, and the feveral Disorders to which they are liable, &c. &c. By W. Bennett, Surgeon. 12mo. 1 s. Harrison, &c. 1779.

Every writer naturally fets out with attempting to imprefs his reader with an idea of the great importance of his particular fubject; but few whom we have met with go beyond the Author before us in this refpect, who affirms, " that one of the most material duties of a perfon, intended for an orator, is that of attending to his teeth." This is a matter that Cicero, and Quintilian feem never to have thought of, and may serve as an additional proof of the fuperior accuracy of the moderns above the ancients in confidering a fcientific fubject. It is not only by his pamphlet, but by a certain Dentilave Tincture and Dentifrice that Mr. Bennett propofes to afflift his countrymen in this very effential point; the virtues of which we leave to be determined by those who think fit to give them a trial.

Art. 16. The Inftitutions of Medicinal Pathology. By H. D. Gaubius, Profeffor of Chemistry in the University of Leyden. Tranflated from the Latin by Charles Erskine, Surgeon. 8vo. 46. fewed. Edinburgh printed; fold by Cadell, London. 1778. We cannot but wish that it might occur to all who engage in the business of tranflation, that, humble and eafy as their task is ufually accounted, it requires a qualification which is not neceffary in every fpecies even of original compofition; this is, the accurate knowledge of two languages. Obvious as this remark may appear, we are convinced, from difagreeable experience, that it is not impertinent now and then to remind authors of it. Were it fufficiently attended to, we certainly should not fee tranflators blundering round about a meaning, in a ftyle neither native nor foreign, and often giving neither the fense of their author, nor any other.

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We are concerned at being obliged to rank the present attempt among thofe unfortunate products of prefumption and ignorance, which can reflect no reputation on its Author, nor afford initruЯion to the Reader. The following quotations, which we have made without felection, merely by opening the book at random, wil fully justify our cenfure:

The learned Gaubius,. treating on the Nature of Difeafe, begins (fect. 35) by defining what is understood by the fate of body; which he makes to comprehend all the defects, exceffes, and changes of thofe things in the body, and its parts, which are required for the due exercife of the functions. To this he adds, "Nec facile quis impedimenta externa huc retulerit, nifi qui ludere in re seria velit.” By impedimenta externa, he certainly means thofe external circumflances which may, for a time, prevent the exercife of the functions, but do not refide in the body; but our tranflator renders it, “nor can any one offer objections, unless, &c."

Sect. 36, the Author goes on to fay, that medicine is concerned only in thofe diforders which arife from aberrations of the body; but which, he fays," habent tamen, mutui nexus lege, primam fæpe originem in mente, hujufve operationes fua efficacia perturbant." The Tranflator fays, They may, however, on account of the mutual connection of the mind and body, have their origin in the former, and the operations of it may obftruct its own cure.”

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Sect. 37. The claufe" præcipua medici in opere verfantis cura effe debet," is tranflated, ought to be the principal care of the phyû. cian having a share in the work."

Sect. 38. The Author fays, that fince difeafe fupposes a ftate of body deviating from a sound one, “eo præsente effectus, ex fanitate ut ex fua caufa profluentes, id eft actiones, quoque alienari neceffe eft." This is rendered, “when it is prefent, the effects of bealth arifing from their own cause, i. e. the functions, must necellarily be estranged."

Sect. 40. The word infuetudo, "difufe," is rendered by its oppofite, babit.

In our short progrefs we had marked the fubfequent fections 41, 43, 44, 45, as containing blunders equally deftructive of the fenfe of the original; but we apprehend our Readers will not think it neceffary for us to quote any farther. Nor fhall we add to these proofs of the Tranflator's ignorance of Latin, the innumerable inftances we could produce of his equal incapacity to write English. We have done enough to prevent the Public from being misled, and we wish to do no more.

Art. 17. Formula Medicamentorum Selecta; or, Select Prefcriptions of the most eminent Phyficians, for various Diseases incident to the human Body. By Edward Fox, Apothecary in Ordinary to her Royal Highness Princefs Amelia. 8vo. 7 s. bound. Cadell. Here is a goodly volume manufactured in the easiest manner that can be conceived. The matter is all taken from an apothecary's file; and the arrangement cannot have coft the Compiler much trouble, fince it is only an alphabetical lift of intermixed names of difeafes and claffes of medicines, part Latin, part English. There are, doubtless, many elegant and efficacious formula in the collec

tion; and there are many more neither uncommon nor excellent: Our general opinion of collections of, this kind is, that they cannot be used without a confiderable degree of previous medical knowledge, and that to perfons fo qualified they are not at all neceffary. Our prefent Compiler hopes they may at least be useful to those who, live at a distance from the metropolis. The country practitioners are obliged to him for his intentions; but as they derive their prin ciples from the fame matters with their London brethren, we apprehend they will not expect much improvement from turning over a parcel of their prescriptions.


Art. 18. The Conduct of Admirals Hawke, Keppel, and Pallifer compared. 8vo. I S. Bew. 1779.

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A difpaffionate remonftrance against the behaviour of an Admiral reported to have refufed his father fervices to his country, unless he is gratified by removal of the first officer over the naval department: a conduct which the Writer deduces from party fpirit; and confiders as an unbecoming example, deftructive to all the ties of political fubordination.

Whenever a commander fuffers private pique to take place of his obligations to his country, there is fome confolation in knowing that men of military merit are always to be found, equally able and willing to undertake the duties of fuperior ftations. Art. 19. Strictures on the Philadelphia Mifchianza, or Triumph upon leaving America unconquered. With Extracts, containing the principal Part of a Letter published in the American Crifis."

In order to fhew how far the King's Enemies, think his General deferving of public Honours. 8vo. I S. Bew. 1779.

Another twelve-penny worth on the truly ridiculous military rareefhew in America! Verily, if all these pamphlets * have answered the Writer's purpose, he has made a pretty penny of his fubject, and is in duty bound to fhew his gratitude by trying one at leaft on the other fide.

Art. 20. Obfervations upon the Conduct of S-r Wm H-eg at the White Plains; as related in the Gazette of December 30.h, 1776. 8vo. 1 S. Bew. 1779.

General Howe having invited a public inquiry into his conduct in America, I must make hafte, quoth this ready Obferver, and get the start of it. Accordingly taking the Gazette letter for his text, and as part of his pamphlet, which, by the bye, is making it anfwer a twofold purpofe, and without waiting for any farther knowledge of circumstances to explain the brief relation of facts; out comes twelve. penny worth of fashionable abuse, for the good of our country.

All that perhaps ought to be faid on a pending fubject, will be to advife thofe who wish to form a mature judgment, to have a little patience, for the benefit of more ample and more authoritative information, than is to be expected from thofe who kindly undertake to guide our opinions without intitling themselves to our confidence.

* Review, March, p. 236, Art. 39. REV. May, 1779.

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Art. 21. The R- Regifter. With Annotations by another Hand. Vols. Il. and III. 12mo. 2s. 6d. each. Bew. 1779. In our Journal for February, 1778, p. 153, we gave an account of the first volume of this pretended Royal Register, intimating the plan, and exhibiting a specimen of the execution. The work is much fuperior to the common catch-penny things. The Writer has acquired information; he poffeffes ability to make the most of it; and his remarks are enlivened by the number and variety of characters and anecdotes with which thefe little volumes abound. In brief, this Register may be confidered as one of the more tolerable sort of scandalous chronicles; for strict justice is done to some worthy personages, whole portraits ferve as ftriking contrafts, not companions, to fome of the ill-favoured figures which are grouped in this motley exhibition. Art. 22. The Earl of Briflol's Speech, taken exactly down, as fpoken in the House of Lords, Die Veneris, 23° Aprilis, 1779. 4to. 1S. Almon.

This celebrated Speech will, no doubt, be considered as a valuable state-tract, relative to the prefent condition of the British navy ;according to the view taken of it, by an anti-ministerial investigator. It is well known in what manner, and with what eclat, Lord Sand. wich triumphed over this formidable attack upon his administration, Art. 23. La Caffette Verte de Monfieur de Sartine, &c. The Green Box of M. de Sartine, found in the Dreffing-room of Mad. du Thé. The Fifth Edition, revised and corrected according to the Editions of Leipfic and Amfterdam. Printed at the Hague for the Widow Whiskerfeld, in the Platte Borfe, near the Vrydagmerkt. 8vo. 2 S. Sold by Becket, &c.

It is not neceffary to read fo far in this truly humourous performance, as the plan of operations for the ensuing campaign, to perceive that it comes from the fame pen which produced the pamphlet Anticipation,' of ludicrous memory. The prefent work has, if poffible, still more of the vis comica; and Mr. T. if he has written the French, which we are led to believe from several errors in idiom, difplays great verfatility of genius, in defcribing foreign manners and characters, in a foreign language, with a degree of humour that unites the ftrength of Swift and the grace of Voltaire. In the domelic part of the work the Shelburn party are painted with a bold feverity of ridicule, fcarcely paralleled but in the "clouds of Arif tophanes." The learned reader will draw a comparison between the edifying fpeculations of the Socratic school, and the phyfico-politicotheological reveries of his Lordhip and his friends. It belongs to the Public to determine whether the fatire against the English ftatesman be equally unjust with that against the Athenian fage. There is, doubtlefs, great originality in the execution of this performance; but the defign and title of it have, probably, been borrowed from a lively effufion of French gaiety, intitled, "Le Petit Pofte devalifé*."

"The Penny Poft robbed." The full import of devalife cannot, we believe, be tranflated into English.


Art. 24. An Elegy on the Death of the Rev. John Langhorne, D. D.
Prebendary of Wells, and Rector of Blagdon in Somerset hire.
4to. I s.
Portal. 1779.

Productions of this kind being commonly dictated by perfonal friendship, ought, whatever be their merit, to be exempted from the feverity of criticifm. Where they are excellent, it is but jullice to praise them; where they fall short of that character, humanity will interpofe, were it only in tenderness to the fubject and occafion. In general, the fairest part which a journalist can at, in thefe cafes, is to let the performance fpeak for itfelf, by a fpecimen indifferently extracted; we shall follow this rule, in regard to the prefent Article: Yet, gentle Bard! if from that fining fphere,

Where, to high praife, thy facred numbers flow,
Thou can't to friend fhip's figh incline thine ear,
And love the fond fincerity of woe,

Deem not difgraceful this heart-labour'd ftrain,
Though far beneath my lofty aim it rise;
Than praises drawn from friendship's hallow'd pain,
What purer incenfe can affect the fkies?

But fhould each tongue, and ev'ry lyre be mute,
No grateful mufe thy honour'd afhes mourn,

The Maids of Mem'ry would fuftain thy lute

Enwreath'd with flowers, and place it o'er thy urn

Still on the banks of Eden's parent stream

The grateful Naiads fhall thy fongs rehearfe,
Still wave his willows o'er thy golden dream,
And elves bound lightly to thy magic verse.

This modeft and honest Writer is well known in the Poet's walk, on account of his former publications, which have, in general, been favourably received. The pieces here alluded to are, Olindo and Sophronia, a Tragedy; Innocence, a poetical Effay; War, an Ode; and Nuptial Elegies.

Art. 25. A Funeral Eulogium to the Memory of David Garrick, Esq; a Poem. Dedicated to Richard Brinfley Sheridan, Efq; 4to. is. Etherington.

A poor attempt to traduce the memory of Garrick.

Art. 26. The Apotheofis of Punch: A fatirical Mafque: With a Monody on the Death of the late Master Punch; as now performing at the Patagonian Theatre, 8vo. 1 s. Wenman.

Alius & idem!

Art. 27. Reflections on the Death of Miss Martha Raÿ; by a
Gentleman who was accidentally prefent at the last Scene of her
dreadful Murder. 4to. 6d. Harrison.
The mistress of Lord S


is here lamented as a virtuous chai

But why lament her fall? She fell to rife,
If Virtue ftill afcends its native kies.

Is a farther account, or a larger fpecimen neceffary?

Ode to River Eden.

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