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bayonets each, with 12,000 cavalry. This number never to be exceeded without the concurrence of the British Government.

8. The thirty-six remaining guns which had been pointed against the British during the recent hostilities to be immediately surrendered to them.

9. The entire control of the rivers Beas and Sutlej, to the confluence of the Indus at Mikenkote, and the control of the Indus from Mikenkote to the borders of Beloochistan, shall, in respect to tolls and ferries, rest with the British Government.

10. British troops to be allowed to pass through the Lahore territories for the protection of the British territories, or those of their allies; due notice being given on the subject to the Lahore Government, who will afford facilities in forwarding supplies and boats for the passage of rivers.

11. The Maharajah never to take into his service any British subject, nor the subject of any European or American state,

without the consent of the British Government.

12. Rajah Gholab Singh to be recognised as an independent sovereign over the territories which the British may make over to him. 13. All disputes between Gholab Singh and the Lahore Government to be referred to the British.

14. All change in the frontiers of the Lahore State prohibited without the concurrence of the British Government.

15. The British Government not to exercise any interference in the internal Administration of the Lahore State.

16. The subjects of either State, in visiting the territories of each other, to be on the footing of the VOL. LXXXVIII.

subjects of the most favoured nation.

In consequence of the neutrality observed by the powerful Chieftain Gholab Singh during the war, and his exertions to negotiate a peace between the British and Lahore Governments after the final catastrophe at Sobraon, the GovernorGeneral had determined to reward his conduct by raising him to the dignity of an independent Prince; and the object of the twelfth article of the treaty was to secure the recognition of his independence by the Lahore Government. The territory over which he was invested with dominion was defined in the first article of a separate treaty, which was concluded on the 16th of March, between him and the British Government, at Neuritzur. It was as follows:

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Article I.-The British Govern ment transfers and makes over for ever, in independent possession, to Maharajah Gholab Singh, and the heirs-male of his body, all the hilly or mountainous country, with its dependencies, situated to the eastward of the river Indus and westward of the river Ravee, including Chumba and excluding Lahool, being part of the territory ceded to the British Government by the Lahore State, according to the provisions of Article IV. of the treaty of Lahore, dated the 9th of March, 1846.

The only other articles which it is material to notice are the following:

Article III.-In consideration of the transfer made to him and his heirs, by the provisions of the foregoing articles, Maharajah Gholab Singh will pay to the British Government the sum of seventy-five lacs of rupees (Nanuckshahee), fifty lacs to be [2 B]

paid on the ratification of this treaty, and twenty-five lacs on or before the 1st of October of the current year, A.D. 1846.

Article IX.-The British Government will give its aid to Maharajah Goolab Singh in protecting his territories from external enemies.

Article X.-Maharajah Goolab Singh acknowledges the supremacy of the British Government, and will, in token of such supremacy, present annually to the British Government -one horse, twelve perfect shawl goats, of approved breed (six male and six female), and three pairs of Cashmere shawls.

With regard to the occupation of Lahore by a body of British troops, to which allusion was made in the speech of the Governor-General, from which we have quoted some passages; this was made the subject of a separate agreement, the preamble of which stated that the Lahore Government had solicited the Governor-General to have a British force at Lahore for the protection of the Maharajah's person and of the capital, until the reorganization of the Lahore army, according to the provisions of Article VI. of the treaty of Lahore, dated the 9th of March. The first article of the agree ment provided as follows:


The British Government shall leave at Lahore, till the close of the current year, A.D. 1846, such force as shall seem to the GovernorGeneral adequate for the purpose of protecting the person of the Maharajah and the inhabitants of the city of Lahore, during the reorganization of the Sikh army, in accordance with the provisions of Article VI. of the treaty of Lahore. That force to be withdrawn at any convenient time be

fore the expiration of the year, if the object to be fulfilled shall, in the opinion of the Durbar, have been' attained, but the force shall not be detained at Lahore beyond the expiration of the current year.

Thus ended one of the most eventful wars in which we have ever been engaged in India. By the blessing of Divine Providence upon our arms we were enabled to repel an invasion which threatened destruction to our Indian dominion, and to chastise the aggressors by a series of brilliant victories which annihilated their military power. The war was forced upon us by a faithless and daring enemy, who hoped to find us unprepared for their attack; and nothing but the indomitable courage of our troops, animated and sustained by such generals as led them into action, could have saved India from the horrors of being conquered by the ferocious soldiers of the Punjaub. At Moodkee, Ferozeshah, Aliwal, and Sobraon, the waves of the coming inundation were arrested and rolled back; and in each of these memorable battles the stake that was played for was of tremendous moment; for it is hardly too much to say, that had we been defeated in any one of them, the result might have been ruin to our Indian empire. But the danger has passed away, and our power seems to be fixed on a firmer basis than ever by the campaign of the Sutlej. It has tested the fidelity of the Sepoy as well as his courage, and both have shone with brilliant lustre throughout the wars. We need hardly fear that any Eastern State will, for many years, venture to provoke a conflict with us again.

During the remainder of the year, however, the Punjaub be

came the scene of important events. An attempt was made to contest the newly acquired sovereignty of Gholab Singh over the fertile province of Cashmir; and Sheik Enam-ood-Een, the son of the late Mohee-ood-Een, governor of that district, organized an insurrection in which he was aided by the hill chieftains. Gholab Singh marched at the head of his troops against his refractory subjects, but was defeated; and he applied for British assistance, which we were certainly under no obligation to afford, as the stipulation of the treaty whereby we guaranteed his independence provided only for his protection by us against external attacks. However, it was thought right to support his tottering musnud; and when he advanced again towards Cashmir, for the purpose of engaging once more with the enemy, a large body of British troops, under the command of Brigadier Wheeler, marched forward from Jullinder to occupy Jamoo, Gholab Singh's capital, and thus afford him a point d'appui in case of a second reverse, and at the same time manifest our determination to uphold the authority of the ruler whom we had placed upon his throne.

This demonstration had the desired effect; and not long afterwards Sheik Enam-ood-Een communicated to the British authorities that he was acting under orders received from the Lahore Durbar in the course he was pursuing, and stated that the insurrection had been instigated by written instructions received by him from the Vizier Rajah Lall Singh.

Afterwards Sheik Emam-ood

Een surrendered to LieutenantColonel Lawrence, the British agent, on a guarantee from that officer, that if the Sheik could, as he asserted, prove that his acts were in accordance with his instructions, and that the opposition was instigated by the Lahore Minister, the Durbar should not be permitted to inflict upon him, either in his person or his property, any penalty on account of his conduct on this occasion. At the same time the British agent pledged his Government to a full and impartial investigation of the matter.

A public inquiry was thereupon instituted into the facts adduced by Sheik Emam-ood-Een, and it was fully established that Rajah Lall Singh had secretly instigated him to oppose the occupation by Maharajah Gholab Singh of the province of Cashmere.

When sufficient proof of this had been obtained, the GovernorGeneral immediately demanded that the Ministers and chiefs of the Lahore State should depose, and exile to the British provinces, the Vizier Rajah Lall Singh; and consented to accept the deposition of the Rajah as an atonement for the attempt to infringe the treaty of the 9th of March, by his secret intrigues and machinations. It was not proved that the other members of the Durbar had cognizance of the Vizier's proceedings; and the GovernorGeneral publicly stated that the conduct of the Sirdars and of the Sikh army in the late operations for quelling the Cashmere insurrection, and removing the obstacles to the fulfilment of the treaty, proved that the criminality of the Vizier was not participated in by the Sikh nation.

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The Ministers and chiefs then met, and unanimously decreed and carried into immediate effect the deposition of Lall Singh, who was removed across the Sutlej.

After a few days' deliberation, relative to the means of forming a Government at Lahore, the remaining members of the Durbar, in concert with the Sirdars and chiefs of the State, solicited the interference and aid of the British Government for the maintenance of an Administration, and the protection of the Maharajah Duhleep Singh during the minority of His Highness.

This request was complied with, and the following articles of agreement were accordingly concluded between the British Government and the Lahore Durbar, on the 16th of December:

Article I.-All and every part of the treaty of peace between the British Government and the State of Lahore, bearing date the 9th day of March, 1846, except in so far as it may be temporarily modified in respect to clause 15th of the said treaty, by this engagement, shall remain binding upon the two Governments.

Article II.-A British officer, with an efficient establishment of assistants, shall be appointed by the Governor-General to remain at Lahore, which officer shall have full authority to direct and control all matters in every department of the State.

Article III.-Every attention shall be paid, in conducting the Administration, to the feelings of the people, to preserving the national institutions and customs, and to maintaining the just rights of all classes.

Article IV. Changes in the mode and details of Administra

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Sirdar Tej Sing, Sirdar Shere Sing Attareewalla, Dewan Deena Nath, Fukeer Noroodeen, Sirdar Runjore Sing Majethea, Bhaee Nidhan Sing, Sirdar Utter Sing Kaleewala, Sirdar Shumsher Sing Sindhanwala, and no change shall be made in the persons thus nominated without the consent of the British resident, acting under the orders of the Governor-General.

Article VI.-The Administration of the country shall be conducted by this Council of Regency in such manner as may be determined on by themselves, in consultation with the British resident, who shall have full authority to direct and control the duties of every department.

Article VII.-A British force of such strength and numbers, and in such positions, as the GovernorGeneral may think fit, shall remain at Lahore for the protection of the Maharajah, and the preservation of the peace of the country.

Article VIII.-The GovernorGeneral shall be at liberty to occupy with British soldiers any fort or military post in the Lahore territories, the occupation of which may be deemed necessary by the

British Government for the security of the capital, or for maintaining the peace of the country.

Article IX.-The Lahore State shall pay to the British Government twenty-two lacs of new Nanuckshaee rupees, of full tale and weight, per annum, for the maintenance of this force and to meet the expenses incurred by the British Government; such sum to be paid by two instalments of thirteen lacs and 20,000 rupees in May or June, and eight lacs and 80,000 rupees in November or December, of each year.

Article X.-Inasmuch as it is fitting that Her Highness the Maharanee, the mother of Maharajah Dhuleep Singh, should have a proper provision made for the maintenance of herself and dependents, the sum of one lac and 50,000 rupees shall be set apart annually for that purpose, and shall be at Her Highness's disposal.

Article XI. The provisions of this engagement shall have effect during the minority of His Highness Maharajah Dhuleep Singh, and shall cease and terminate on His Highness attaining the full age of sixteen years, or on the 4th September of the year 1854; but it shall be competent to the Governor-General to cause the arrangement to cease at any period prior to the coming of age of His Highness, at which the GovernorGeneral and the Lahore Durbar may be satisfied that the interposition of the British Government is no longer necessary for maintaining the Government of His Highness the Maharajah.

The agreement was executed at Lahore by Frederick Currie, Esq., and Lieutenant-Colonel Lawrence, on behalf of the British Government, and by thirteen of the principal Sirdars of the Punjaub, acting for the Lahore Durbar.

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