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strife for the prize he overlooks or forgets the minds of the young the true object of life, will true object of study, and not unfrequently the prove unworthy and insufficient. Let teachers, gaining of a prize is regarded as an end, rather therefore, strive so to influence their pupils as than as a mere incitement. We have always to make their highest motive a desire to become doubted the expediency of giving prizes, and at true men and true women, and to inspire them a future time may give reasons. Now we mere- with a determination to answer life's great end ly say that we do not regard it as one of the by acting "well their part" in all the relations highest and best motives to study. of life.

From the Connecticut Common School Journal.

Elocution in our Schools.

2. THE LOVE OF APPROBATION. This may be used to a certain extent. It may be regarded as a worthy motive within certain limits,-Importance of a More Thorough Training in but should never be held up as the true end, either for good scholarship or deportment; and yet it may, very properly, be used as an incidental motive. If made too prominent, it may tend to promote a spirit of vanity. The desire to merit approbation of teachers and friends is very laudable, and only objectionable when it is made an end for all effort.


EVERY study is valuable in proportion as it tends to develop and cultivate the mind and person of the learner, and to furnish him with the best means and incitements for his great life-work of self-culture. The best incitement to any work, and the most permanent, is the personal interest of the scholar in it. The natural activity of any of his faculties yields some satisfaction. The mere acquisition of knowledge is pleasing; the exercise of his mind, of reason especially, is gratifying; but the consciousness that his whole being is growing — that he is acquiring new personal power to think, to

3. THE FEAR OF PUNISHMENT. This is more unworthy than either of the preceding. It may prove effectual in securing present attention to study and deportment, but will not, in itself, prove permanently salutary. A boy who is compelled by fear of punishment to learn certain lessons, or to refrain from bad habits, will not thereby be made either truly studious or truly good, and will only do what is required of him because compelled to do so; and when feel and to express, affords one of the noblest and sweetest enjoyments of a rational being. the pressure of this compulsion is removed, he will be prone to yield to reactive influences. Hence that special study will be comparative

4. Another unworthy motive is the desire to ly the best, which, together with the most usebe at the head of the class,-or the best scholar ful knowledge and the best mental discipline, in school. A desire to excel in scholarship may furnishes the richest means of personal culture, be laudable if such desire is connected with thus enlisting in its service the self-love and enright motives; but if it comes simply from a thusiasm of the pupil, the most potent incitedesire to outdo others, it is wrong. A desire to excel for purposes of good would be different, but a mere desire to be a good scholar, or to be correct in deportment, for the sole purpose of excelling others, is an unworthy and selfish motive.

ments to that hard work which alone can secure great excellence in anything.

Measured by the above tests, why should not the art of elocution rank among the foremost studies in all our schools, instead of being kept in the back-ground, as it usually is - the primary and middle classes hastening over the mere outside forms of expression, and older classes neglecting even these?

We have thus briefly alluded to the above because we feel that such motives are too often used in the school-room as ends rather than as aids. Teachers should aim constantly and earn- What other study may be of such primary estly to impress upon the minds of their pupils and life-long use to the scholar, including, as it the great object for which they are obtaining an does, the most accurate knowledge and use of education. It is that they may be taught how to the language we speak, quite as much as the live, and so to perform their several parts in life manner of reading, nay, more, embracing a most that the world may be made the better through minute study of ideas which alone give meantheir influences. The true motive should be a ing to words and tones. All the agents of exdesire to gain knowledge in order to do more pression must be studied in connection with the good, to fill up the measure of life usefully; things or ideas expressed; they cannot be masand any motives which fail to impress upon the tered abstractly; they would be of no use if

"There is in souls a sympathy with sounds." What but a more thorough elocutionary train

they could. The sculptor molds a more beauti-notonous and passionless, that we should never ful statue because in addition to his skill in ex- dream they had souls, but for the catechism, or ecution, he has a more exact knowledge of the that human form. The great painter excels not by his finished coloring alone; he has, as well, a more definite knowledge of the landscape he copies. And so he who would excel in vocal expression of ideas in reading or speaking, must, besides his superior vocal culture, be more familiar with all the exact lights and shades in the meaning and relation of words, and with the relative worth and beauty of ideas and emotions.

of what is to be read the ideas.

ing through the whole course of instruction can redeem our schools from the crime of a heartsupply this great want of personal culture, and

less and voiceless education?

As one of the extrinsic incentives to this work, call to mind the historic fact, that the expressive arts have always been held in the highest esteem among cultivated peoples, and markIn mental discipline, what other branches of ed success in any of them has received supreme education equal such a thorough training in honor. To give fit expression in some outward elocution as I am advocating? What else em- forms or colors, words or sounds, to the inmost ploys at once in harmonious action so many feelings of humanity, has ever been regarded as faculties, intellectual and emotional, as well as the consummate triumph of genius and culture. expressive? Insight to see the precise meaning What lavish praise is justly bestowed on "the Judgement few immortal names," who have enriched the to weigh their relative importance for correctly world with the great works of art-in sculpdistributing the expressive lights and shades of ture, painting, poetry and music. Yet the wonemphasis. Sympathy in appreciating the kind drous merit of these master artists was simply and degree of feeling. Taste in giving proper that they gave perfect expression to what their rythm and melody. Imagination in making real admirers only see and feel. and present all the circumstances of character, Thus the simplest lesson in reading which is time and place, with all the modulations of what it should be, an endeavor to give perfect voice necessary to express naturally these va- expression to some idea or sentiment, is radiried thoughts and feelings, and when in decla- cally connected with the proudest of the fine mation or recitation we add the practice of memory and appropriate gestures, what is there left of the "whole man" that is not being cultivated in this single exercise of elocution?


"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."

Let teachers and pupils once appreciate this ennobling relation, and much of the mechanical drudgery of teaching and learning would be changed to delightful labor, for they would then see with Shakspeare's love-inspired Ferdinand, that their

But the crowning grace of education is personal culture as distinguished from mere learning and intellectual power,-that rare culture of the eye, the ear, the voice, the hand, of the whole person, by which the intellectual and emotional seem to shine through the physical "Most poor matters point to rich ends.." man and spontaneously express their ever passing shade of thought and feeling. A little mu- But is not all this long introduction about sic and drawing are doing something toward the fine arts and expressive culture, practically educating the ear, the eye, the hand, in a few considered, all "highfaluten"? Can children of our schools. Yet the great lack of emotional be taught to feel and express as well as to know and expressive culture, every enlightened observer must see, is the most lamentable feature of our American education. With here and there an eloquent exception, our educated men who have graduated at our best common schools, Children all talk before they come to school; our high schools and colleges, and our semina- they have ideas about a great many things; ries of sacred learning, intellectual as they are, they have words and voices to utter their ideas are so utterly destitute of this emotional and in conversation, and even before they have expressive personal culture, that they read and words at all, they have most expressive tones speak of the most exciting themes ever revealed and gestures, by which they make known their to man, with a voice and manner so dull, mo- feelings. They instinctively understand the

and to think? Can elocution, like arithmetic, be thoroughly taught in our common schools? Why not? Is there any thing wanting on the part of the pupils?

tones of love and hate, of reproof and praise, quainted with the science of elocution. They the frown and smile, the gesture of welcome do not understand the simple principles of exand repulsion,-all are perfectly understood by pression, and cannot give intelligent instruction children long before the usual age for entering even if they could read well; they can only the school; imagination, too, at an early age, is teach the young idea to "shoot" at random most busy and vivid, transforming the merest without definite aim or effect. rag into the living doll, chairs and tables into Without clear principles, which alone make men and women, and each character in the im- any study intelligible and easy and interesting, agined play made to converse with a natural- teachers are obliged to call in the help of such ness that puts to shame the affected efforts of arbitrary rules as avaricious publishers preface many older players. their reading books with, to gull the uninitiated

Now what material is wanting here for the who are to commend and introduce them—a most complete success in reading and recitation multitude of arbitrary, impractical rules which if wisely worked and cultivated? They can neither enlighten nor interest pupils, which have understand simple ideas and feelings; they have, as many exceptions as observances, and like the or can easily be taught to have, appropriate manners of Denmark, words and tones for telling them; vivid imagination to realize all the circumstances; strong and ready feeling, flexible voices usually, and sometimes native gesture, felicitously suited to the idea; all these essential elements of eloquent vocal expression most children have in abundance out of school in conversation and play.

"Are more honored in the breach than the observance."

The fundamental principles of any science are the same way controls atoms and worlds, are as very few, and like the law of gravity, which in simple as they are comprehensive. They have no exceptions, and when once seen are sure guides.

Are the conditions of successful culture, so Principles bring order out of chaos; they apfar as the scholars are responsible, in any other peal in their constant recurrence and applicastudy so complete and ripe for use? Why is it tion to the reason and sympathy of the scholar, then, with all our boasted improvements in the not to his bare memory; they grow out of the philosophy and art of teaching, with so many accidental forms as rules may; and by leading excellent teachers anxious to do their best, and the reader constantly back to the spirit, which successful in so many other things; why is it alone should control the voice, they tend to inthat there are so few who learn to read decent-spire and preserve that beautiful naturalness in ly, so few who learn at school even to enunciate elocution which is the consummation of Art; the elementary sounds of our native language as Lowell finely expresses it, with their proper fullness and clearness; so few Making nature more natural by Art.” who pronounce the commonest words with any refined accuracy, fewer who express intelligibly Teachers are less successful in elocution the ideas with their relative lights and shades than in other studies, because they have no such of meaning and worth, fewer still who make progressive system of instruction as they have any attempt to express the feelings in what is in arithmetic, commencing with the unit of the read, the heart and soul of the thoughts! Is it child's intelligence and feeling, and gradually not plainly and solely because,——


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unfolding more and more difficult lessons as the mind and heart and voice of the child unfold.

1st. Most teachers themselves are not as well cultivated in the art of elocution as they should The greatest care is needed at every step of be; they are not trained in the quick analysis progress, to adapt the given lesson as near as of the thoughts and sentiments to be read; possible to the understanding and appreciation they are not masters of their own feelings or of of every reader; lest you should forever divorce their own voices for expressing them, and there- expression from sense and feeling; this last is fore cannot train their pupils in vocal culture, the unforgivable sin in teaching reading. Betand arouse their feelings by the electric charms ter the scholar never hear of such an art as eloof emotion in their own voice, cannot give prac- cution, than that he be permitted to acquire the tical illustrations and corrections, and hence habit of formal utterance, that is not prompted lose the most potent agents of all teaching and from within. learning, example by the teacher, and imitation

by the scholars.

In arithmetic, if a pupil fails to comprehend any one important step, any one principle, he is 2d. Because most teachers are not well ac- stopped, perhaps put back in a lower classs, so

essential to further progress is his clear mastery if we had as many professors of this stamp of every point deemed. among us as Germany can boast of?

But in reading, though unmindful of both There are odd sticks among them; there are the sense and the spirit, and innocent of any thousands of dull book-worms, whose converthought of the existence of a principle, if he sation is as dry and spirítless as the very dust "puts through" the right number of words on that accumulates on their ponderous folios. a high key with a loud voice, he is blissfully The less we have to say of the latter, the better left to believe he has done a "big thing." and for us and our friends. Let the dust remain ! to wait impatiently the time when he shall as- Disturb not its sacred repose! tonish the world with his oratorical genius.

From the New York Chronicle.
German Professors.


One of the most singular of all German professors was the great and good Neander, whose amiable spirit and singleness of heart endeared his very oddities and infirmities to his pupils. I have before me a sketch of his manner in the lecture-room, written by a gentleman who was

MISTAKEN notions prevail to a great extent on intimate terms with him and his constant pu in America in regard to German professors. By pil for several months. From this I am perpersons who ought to be better informed, they mitted to make the following extracts: "Imare lumped together, in general, as walking en-agine me in the lecture-room, waiting for the cyclopædias of dry knowledge, living compen- eloquent professor to make his appearance. diums of transcendental philosophy, which no About three hundred pupils are assembled, preone understands or pretends to, as destitute of paring their pens and paper, and the hum of every kind of practical ability, -mere book- their voices fills the spacious room. Suddenly worms, without knowledge of the real world a general hiss (a strange but here the universal around them, and no interest in the every-day mode of commanding silence and attention) reconcerns of life, unsocial, odd in manners and sounds through the room, and looking towards in dress, and ignorant of all the elegance of po- the door we see an uncouth figure, attired in a lite society. That this conception has too much a long, loosely-fitting frock coat, thick, clumsy foundation in fact, no one who has ever passed boots drawn over his trowsers, and reaching a week in a German University town, will be nearly to his knees, making his way with a boid enough to deny; but like most general hasty and awkward step in search of his desk,statements of the kind, it is altogether too broad a bundle of books under his left arm, and both and sweeping. It is grossly exaggerated. It hands spread out as if to aid him in the search; would have fitted closer fifty or even forty years for his eyes seem to be of little use to him in ago; for it is a notorious fact, although the Ger- this respect. He is so very near-sighted that mans dislike to acknowledge it, that the pres- he must hold a book close to his face, and then ent generation of professors owe much of their reads with difficulty. The moment he reaches culture and refinement to the influence of French his desk he literally throws himself upon it, ideas, which have crept into society and the and hastily tearing open his Greek Testament church, and greatly modified the University without taking the slightest notice of his audisystem. It may still be true enough of a large tory, instantly begins at the very sentence where proportion of the professors, who are, it must the bell interrupted him at the previous lecture. be allowed, the most terrible book-worms in But before the sentence is finished, perhaps, he the world. But it requires little knowledge of is interrupted by a loud and angry hiss, and German literary society, to know that the truly looking round for the cause, we see an unlucky great thinkers and philosophers, the master- student, who is belated, endeavoring to shut the minds of the nation, have almost always been door without disturbing the auditory, and blushsocial and genial men, with odd manners, per- ing with embarrassment at his uncourteous rehaps, and in many cases very unpractical no- ception. If a second interruption occurs, the tions. The liveliest man I ever met, the most offender is greeted with a still louder and more polite too, is a Heidelberg professor, a man of angry hiss, like the rage of so many serpents. inexhaustible learning. He never forgets what Now and then an individual of firmer nerves he has once read; and being a man of wit, and will slam the door in defiance, which generally tact at quotation, his stores of reading always secures him a more quiet reception. If students come well into play. It would be well for us who do not belong to the class thus intrude

themselves, the hissing and stamping, repeated over and over, is almost deafening. In the meantime the good-humored lecturer takes no notice of the intrusion or of the interruption, otherwise than by pausing till his voice can be heard again. But no pause is made in his lecture for the benefit of his hearers; it is a continuous flow of thought, illustration and argu ment, pronounced with an earnestness and fervor that chains the attention. It is only when some reference, or a Hebrew quotation, or a proper name indistinctly heard, produces a general hissing or stamping (the authorized usage in such cases) that he pauses, and repeats his words with more deliberation. If only some dozen or twenty voices call for the interruption he proceeds without noticing it.

"Neander's manner is singularly uncouth, and to a stranger annoying and even repulsive. He had the habit of bruising and crushing a pen between his fingers when engaged in speaking, and was entirely lost without that customary support. His pupils always laid a pen or two on his desk before he came in, and not unfrequently one was handed to him in the course of his lecture. Another habit of his is to put his foot against the wall behind him and push his desk forward until it almost pitches over. It seems as if he must cling with his foot, in some way, like a fly. But his most annoying habit is spitting. For this he is not to blame, as he suffers from a rush of saliva. He actually throws it out, first on one side, then on the other, in a kind of sputter, incessant and copious, until the floor looks as if a watering-cart had passed through the room to lay the dust.

"But all these defects of manner are forgotten as soon as the hearer becomes engaged with him in his subject. His power of argumentation is wonderful, and often rises into earnest eloquence."

S. S. C.

The Celestial Army.


I stood by the open casement,

And looked upon the night,
And saw the westward going stars
Pass slowly out of sight.
Slowly the bright procession
Went down the gleaming arch,
And my soul discerned the music
Of their long, triumphant march;
Till the great celestial army,
Stretching far beyond the poles,
Became the eternal symbol

Of the mighty march of souls.
Onward, forever onward,

Red Mars led down his clan;
And the moon, like a mailed maiden,
Was riding in the van.

And some were bright in beauty,

And some were faint and small,
But these might be in their greatest height,
The noblest of them all.

Downward, forever downward,
Behind earth's dusky shore,

They passed into the unknown night,
They passed and were no more.

No more? O, say not so!

And downward is not just;

For the sight is weak and and the sense is dim, That looks through heated dust.

The stars and the mailed moon.

Though they seem to fall and die, Still sweep with their embattled lines An endless reach of sky,

And though the hills of death

May hide the bright array,
The marshaled brotherhood of souls
Still keeps its upward way.
Upward, forever upward,
I see their march sublime,
And hear the glorious music
Of the conquerors of time.
And long let me remember.

That the palest, faintest one,
May, to diviner vision, be
A bright and blessed sun.

WOMEN AS TEACHERS.-Every well educated girl feels perfectly conscious that, under favorable circumstances, she can conduct, upon an average, nineteen of her twenty little innocent pupils into an honorable existence. Give her a strong arm for discipline, and a wise head for advice, and her labors fix a divinity upon the face of society. I believe in the infinite sus- CHILDREN'S TEMPER-Here are some sensible ceptibility of children, and also in the moral hints which should be heeded: The sugges omnipotence of women, their natural teachers; tion, "Never fear spoiling children by making and there are no evils in society, however deep them too happy," is an important one. Some seated, that may not be removed by a wise ap- parents are constantly teaching their children plication of their powers. A highly cultivated

woman is God's antidote for sin and suffering. to look on the dark side of their own character, and their teaching soon fixes the habit upon the

-T. B. WAIT.

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