Imágenes de páginas

Ad interim (Lat.), in the meanwhile.

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A discrétion (Fr.),
Ad libitum
Ad literam
Ad modum


at discretion; without restriction.
at pleasure.


to the letter; letter for letter.

(Lat.), after the manner of.

Ad nauseam (Lat.), to disgust.

Ad referendum (Lat.), to be further considered.

Ad rem (Lat.), to the point; to the purpose.

Ad unum omnes

(Lat.), all to one; all to a man.

Ad valorem (Lat.),
Ad vitam aut culpam

according to the value.

(Lat.), for life or for fault.
Equo animo (Lat.), with an equable mind.
Etatis suæ (Lat.), of his or her age.
Affaire d'amour (Fr.), a love affair.

Affaire d'honneur (Fr.), an affair of honor.

Affaire du cœur (Fr.), an affair of the heart.

A fortiori (Lat.), with stronger reason.

A la campagne (Fr.), in the country.

A la Française (Fr.), after the French mode.
A l'Anglaise (Fr.), after the English mode.

À la mode (Fr.), according to the custom; in fashion.
Alere flammam (Lat.), to feed the flame.

Al fresco (It.), in the open air; cool.
Allez-vous en (Fr.),
(Fr.), away with you.

Allons (Fr.), let us go; come on.

Alma mater (Lat.), fostering mother; a name applied to any

University by those who have studied in it.

Alto rilievo (It.), in high relief.

Alter ego (Lat.), another self.

Alter idem (Lat.), another precisely similar.

Alumnus, alumni (Lat.), a graduate; graduates.

Amende honorable (Fr.),

satisfactory apology; reparation.

A mensa et thoro (Lat.),

Amor patria (Lat.), love of country.

from bed and board.

Amour propre (Fr.), self-love; vanity.

Ancien régime (Fr.), ancient order of things.
Anglice (Lat.), in English.

Anno ætatis suæ (Lat.), in the year of his or her age.
Anno Christi (Lat.), in the year of Christ.

Anno Domini (Lat.), in the year of our Lord.
Anno mundi (Lat.), in the year of the world.
Annus mirabilis (Lat.), the wonderful year.
Ante meridiem (Lat.), before noon.

A outrance (Fr.), to the utmost; to the death.
Aperçu (Fr.), survey; retch.

Aplomb (Fr.), in a perpendicular Ene; firmly.

A posteriori (Lat.), from experiment or observation.

A priori (Lat.), theoretically; without experiment or obser vation.

А propos (Fr.), to the point; seasonably.

Aqua vita (Lat.), water of life; brandy; alcohol.

Argumentum ad hominem (Lat.), a plain, simple demonstra tion.

Argumentum ad ignorantia (Lat.), an argument founded on an opponent's ignorance of facts.

·Argumentum baculinum (Lat.), the argument of the cudgel; an appeal to force. Arrière-pensée (Fr.), Ars est celare artem Ars longa, vita brevis

Audi alteram (Lat.),

after-thought; mental reservation.
true art is to conceal art.
(Lat.), art is long, life is short.


hear the other side.

Au fait (Fr.), well instructed; expert.

Au fond (Fr.), at the bottom.

Au pis aller (Fr.), at the worst.

Aura popularis (Lat.), the gale of popular favor.

Aurea mediocritas (Lat.), the golden mean.

Au reste (Fr.), as for the rest.

Au revoir


adieu till we meet again.

Aut amat aut odit mulier

(Lat.), a woman either loves or


Aut Cæsar aut nullus (Lat.), either Cæsar or nobody.

Auto da fé (Port.), an act of faith, a name in Sp. and Pʊrt. given to the burning of Jews and heretics on account of their religious tenets.

Au troisième (Fr.), Aut vincere aut mori

Aux armes (Fr.),

on the third floor.

(Lat.), either to conquer or die.

to arms.

Avant-coureur (Fr.), a forerunner; the usual Eng. form is avant-courier.

Avant-propos (Fr.), preliminary matter; preface.
Avec permission (Fr.), by consent.

Avé, Maria (Lat.), Hail, Mary; a prayer to the Virgin.
A verbis ad verbera (Lat.), from words to blows.

A vinculo matrimonii (Lat.), from the tie of marriage.
A volonté (Fr.), at pleasure.

A vôtre santé (Fr.), to your health.


Bas bleu (Fr.), a blue-stocking; a literary woman.
Barcarole (It.), an Italian boat song.

Bagatelle (Fr.), a trifle.

Basso rilievo (It.), in low relief.

Beau ideal (Fr.), an imaginary standard of perfection.
Beau monde (Fr.), the fashionable world.

Beaux esprits (Fr.), gay spirits; men of wit.

Beaux yeux (Fr.), handsome eyes; attractive looks.

Bel esprit (Fr.), a brilliant mind; a person of wit or genius
Bella! horrida bella! (Lat.), wars! horrid wars!

Ben trovato (It.), well found; a happy invention.
Bête noire (Fr.), a black beast; a bugbear.
Bienséance (Fr.), civility; decorum.

Bijouterie (Fr.), jewelry.

Billet doux (Fr.), a love-letter.

Bis dut qui cito dat (Lat.), he gives twice who gives quickly. Blasé (Fr.), surfeited; incapable of further enjoyment. Bona fide (Lat.), in good faith; genuine.

Bon ami (Fr.), good friend.
Bonbon (Fr.), a sweetmeat.

Bonne-bouche (Fr.), a dainty morsel.

Bon gré mal gré (Fr.), willing or unwilling.
Bonhomie (Fr.), good-nature; simplicity.
Bon jour (Fr.), good day; good morning.
Bon-mot (Fr.), a bright or witty saying.
Bonne (Fr.), a nurse or governess.

Bon soir (Fr.), good evening.

Bon-ton (Fr.), good style; good manners; fashionable.
Bon-vivant (Fr.), a high liver, or man of pleasure.

Brevi manu (L.),

with a short hand; without delay. Bric-à-brac (Fr.), odds and ends of curiosities. Brutum fulmen (I.), a harmless thunderbolt.


Cacoethes loquendi (Lat.), a rage for speaking.
Cacoethes scribendi (Lat.), an itch for scribbling
Cætera desunt (Lat.), the remainder is wanting.
Cæteris paribus (Lat.), other things being equal.
Canard (Fr.), a hoax.

Candida pax (L.), white-robed peace.

Caput (L.), head; chapter.

Caput mortuum (L.), the dead body; the worthless remains. Carpe diem (L.), enjoy the present day; seize the opportunity.

Casus belli (Lat.), a cause of war; that which justifies war. Catalogue raisonné (Fr.), a catalogue of books arranged according to their subjects.

Cedant arma toga (Lat.), let arms yield to the gown-that is, let military authority yield to the civil power.

Ce n'est que le premier pas qui coute (Fr.), it is only the first step which is difficult.

Centum (Lat.), a hundred.

C'est à dire (Fr.), that is to say.

Chacun a son gout (Fr.), every one to his taste.

Chef (F.), the head; the leading person or part; often afplied to a chief or professed cook.

Chef de bataillon (Fr.), a major.

Chef de cuisine (Fr.), head cook.

Chef d'œuvre (Fr.), a masterpiece.

Chère amie (Fr.), a dear friend; a mistress.

Chevalier d'indústrie (Fr.), a knight of industry; one who lives by persevering fraud.

Chevaux de frise (Fr.), pointed defence around a military work.

Chiaro-oscuro (It.), a drawing in black and white; light and shade.

Cicérone (It.), a guide for showing works of art.

Cicisbeo (It.), a male attendant on a married lady.
Ci-devant (Fr.), formerly.

Cogito ergo sum (Lat.), I
think, therefore I exist.

Colubrem in sinu fovere (Lat.), to cherish a serpent in one's

Columbarium (Lat.), ancient mortuary tomb.
Comme il faut (Fr.), as it should be.

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