Imágenes de páginas

"O France heureuse, honore donc la face De ton grand Roy qui surpasse nature, Car l'honorant tu sers en mesme place Minerve, Mars, Diane, Amour, Mercure."

The king is standing, with plumed helmet on his head; the right arm, covered with armour and a lion's head on shoulder, is stretched out holding a sword. So much for Mars. Minerva and Diana are represented by a female dress adorned with Medusa's head on the chest, a bow, arrows, and a horn; the left arm is naked, holding the caduceus, which, with the wings to the feet, are the emblems of Mercury. I should like to know who this engraving is by, when it was made, and whether it is scarce. I have never met with it anywhere. P. A. L.

HARVEY'S DOG. - I should feel greatly obliged by any of your readers kindly informing me the name of the author of the poem in which the sufferings of Lycisca (Harvey's dog) are referred to. The late W. Newnham, Esq., in his Essay on Man in his Physical, Intellectual, and Moral Relations, refers to this poem, p. 71:

"This discovery, i. e. of the circulation of the blood, in 1620, is attributable to our countryman Harvey, ascertained by experiments on a dog, whose name, Lycisca, and whose sufferings and whose usefulness to mankind, have been immortalized and handed down to posterity in some beautiful touching lines."

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PEERS' CHRISTIAN NAMES. - I find in correspondence temp. Queen Elizabeth and James I., that frequently peers prefixed their Christian names to their titles. I should be glad to know

when that was entirely relinquished. W.M. М. ANONYMOUS PORTRAIT. - Can any correspondent give me information respecting an old portrait that has lately come into my possession, so as to lead to its identification? The figure is three-quarters, life size; and represents some one who has held high office in the state, as in the top corner, on the right-hand side, there is a bag or satchel, and a truncheon; over the bag is a motto, "So then"; on the same side, a little lower down, another motto, "Now Thus." The portrait is that of a noble-looking old man, with a sandy beard and moustache: on his head he

wears a dark velvet cap, edged with beautiful filagree lace two inches deep, also large collar and cuffs to correspond. He is seated in a chair, his right hand resting on a table, on which there are a bottle and two small silver jars, one with the lid off; his left hand is resting on a red moroccobound book; whilst his walking-staff, a roundheaded one and carved, rests in the hollow of his right arm. His dress is dark-coloured, with two rows of fur down the front.

In the top corner of the canvas, to the left, is the following-"Do: Anno: 1626"; underneath that, "Aet. 67," and then underneath that again the following prayer:

"Omnipotent Father, I humbly render thanks for thy manifold blessings here on earth to mee, my children's children's children and Familie. Beeseeching that by thy grace and mercy wee may bee to glorify thy holy name in heauen for thy sonne Jesus Christ's sake."

Having described the portrait to the best of my ability, I may just say that parties to whom I have shown it think it to be the portrait of the great "Lord Bacon, Lord High Chancellor of England"; but that I leave to your correspondents to dispute or confirm.

Holbeck, Leeds.


P. S. The picture, although dilapidated, is easily capable of renovation.


PROVINCIAL USE OF POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS.Lately, whilst in Norwich with the British Association, I had frequent occasion to observe that the Norwichers, both high and low, use the possessive pronouns in a to me at least-somewhat peculiar, though perfectly intelligible, and, I may say, logical (or analogical) manner. They use, namely, mine, his, ours, yours, theirs = my house, his house, &c.; or, sometimes, when people generally would use the corresponding personal pronoun. Thus they say "He is coming to ours (= to our house, to us), "She went past mine," * "Were they at yours?" I heard the possessive pronouns especially so used after prepositions of motion (to, past, &c.), and I am not sure whether I heard them so used with prepositions of rest (as at); still I have but little doubt that they are so used with at, though very likely not with in, on, upon. There must be some limits to the practicemuch such limits, perhaps, as to the use of chez in French. Probably you number more than one Norfolk man amongst your readers, and they will be able to correct me if I am wrong, and to give The practice, moreover, is very likely not confined to Norwich and Nor

additional information.


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used in the genitive with the ellipsis of house, as when I say "I am going to Robert's," "He is at Thompson's"; so that the Norwich use of the possessive pronouns would seem to be merely an extension of this practice, and probably has much the same limits.

The proper names in s where the s probably implies the ellipsis of son, as Williams, Richards, &c. = William's son, Richard's son, are also somewhat analogous.

Cf. also mine, yours = my letter, your letter, as in "In reply to mine" "I have received yours of the 18th," &c. And, again, ours = our regiment, F. CHANCE. as in "Tom Burke of ours."

RAMANUJA, ACHARYA OF PERUMBER.-According to a copper grant of land, given (p. 114) in Taylor's Analysis of the McKenzie Manuscripts, the Maha Raja Sada Siva made the grant in Saka ake tion to Râmânuja, Acharya at Perumber, Salivahana, 1478, corresponding with A.D. 1556.

in ques

Râmânuja, Acharya, the great Vaishnava reformer, was born at Perumber: upon what grounds then, can he be referred back to the twelfth century, as has been done, p. 36, Wilson's Religious R. R. W. ELLIS. Sects of the Hindus?

Starcross, near Exeter.

RICHARD SEABORNE, SERJEANT-AT-LAW. - Information is requested concerning this gentleman, whose family was seated for several generations at Sutton, co. Hereford. He seems to have been suspected in Queen Elizabeth's reign of harbourCHARLES J. ROBINSON. ing popish priests.

LEADEN STATUES. - I have some leaden statues in my garden, old things clogged and spoiled with twenty coats or more of paint. I can get this off by potash from the bleach-works, but the question is, will it injure the lead to do so? Perhaps some chemically-informed correspondent will kindly tell me.

P. P.

TUBB FAMILY. - I see by Edmondson's Heraldry that the arms of Tubb family (of Trengoff, Cornwall, granted 1571) are a chev. sa. between three gurnards hauriant gu. On reference to Webster's English Dictionary I find "tubfish" described as a gurnard, so I presume that the gurnard in the arms above described is a kind of pun on the name of Tubb. Will any of your numerous readers kindly inform me, through your columns, whether the word tubb is still used in the locality of Cornwall F. A. WAITE. as applied to that fish?

3, Gordon Place, W.C.

"WLGARO." In the Domesday Survey of Dorset, tit. i., under the head of "Rex tenet Melcome," there is an interpolation over the word Wlgaro, which looks like uuti. Can any of your readers interpret it for


[*Query, uuit.-ED.]

Queries with Answers.

CRAVEN: CLIFFORD BRASSES. - What is the derivation of the name "Craven," as applied to a district in Yorkshire ? Has it any reference to the geological character of the country?

What are the dates of the fine Clifford brasses in Skipton church, which have been recently so well restored at the cost of the Duke of Devonshire? I believe they are described in Whitaker's Craven, but I have no access to that book at THOMAS E. WINNINGTON. present.

[1. "With respect to the etymology of the word Craven," says Dr. Whitaker, "I cannot acquiesce in Camden's conjecture that it is simply derived from the British Cragen or Rocks; but Craigvaen, or the Stony Crag, would be gradually softened by pronunciation into Crayvain, and next into Craven. A rocky village in Longstrothdale still retains the name of Cray. supposition, Staincliffe, the name of the wapentake, will appear to be a Saxon translation of the word." - History of Craven, edit. 1812, 4to, p. 8.

On this

2. Whitaker states, that all the brasses of the Clifford family in Skipton church were stolen in the Civil Wars. The vault beneath the altar contained the bodies of Henry, the first Earl of Cumberland (ob. Ap. 22, 1542); Margaret Percy, his second wife; Eleanor Brandon, buried Nov. 27, 1547; Henry, the second Earl, ob. Jan. 8, 1569; Francis, Lord Clifford, a boy; George, third Earl, ob. Oct. 30, 1605; and Henry, fifth Earl, ob. 1643. We have not met with any account of these brasses as restored by the Duke of Devonshire. On June 7, 1850, Mr. Robert Sedgwick of Skipton exhibited at the meeting of the Archæological Institute four engraved brass plates, portions of memorials of the Clifford family, discovered about twenty-five years since, in pulling down the walls of an old house at Thorlby, near Skipton, Yorkshire. They are now in the possession of Mr. Tufton at Skipton Castle. Mr. Sedgwick stated that at the foot of the tomb of Henry, Earl of Cumberland, in Skipton church, bearing the inscription given by Dr. Whitaker (History of Craven, p. 315, ed. 1806), a slab. was

placed by the Lady Anne Pembroke, to the memory of Henry, second Earl of Cumberland, very similar to that

at the foot of the tomb of her father George, third Earl of Cumberland. This slab fell down in 1844, and another stone was disclosed to view, to which certain brass plates had been originally affixed; the indents or matrices being still apparent, but the plates had been removed. Portions of the plates were amongst the fragments found at Thorlby; they consist of a representation of the Trinity, which had been inserted at the top of the slab, and part of the first figure, in the group of sons, which was placed beneath. It is a figure in armour, kneeling; on his tabard are the arms of Clifford: Chequy, or and az., a fess gu. charged with an annulet. Under the figure of the Trinity there had been two scrolls, each over a group; that on one side appeared by the indents to have consisted of three male figures, whilst the other portrayed four females. It is, however, difficult to ascertain the number with precision.

Beneath these groups of kneeling figures there had been affixed a plate, doubtless bearing an inscription, and at each corner of the slab a circular ornament had been affixed; these may have been heraldic, but more probably were the Evangelistic symbols. It has been conjectured that this concealed slab, the existence of which appears to have been unknown to Dugdale and Dr. Whitaker,* may have been the original memorial of Henry, second Earl, who died in 1569, and of his second wife Anne, daughter of Lord Dacres, bearing their portraitures, with those of their two sons, George and Francis, successively Earls of Cumberland; and three daughters, Frances, wife of Lord Wharton, and two who died in childhood. The other two plates found at Thorlby are armorial escutcheons. Over each is placed an earl's coronet; one of them exhibits the coat of Clifford, with seven quarterings; the other that of Russell, with the like number, being the bearings of Margaret, daughter of the second Earl of Bedford, and wife of George, third Earl of Cumberland. Vide The Archæological Journal of

can writer on family names, derives it from the Dutch, but his authority does not carry much weight. Bailey's Dictionary has two derivations, neither of them good.

It has been suggested that it is merely the common Norwegian name Augaard, slightly metamorphosed; or, again, that it is derived from the Swedish Hostgard, Norman-French Haugard, a stackyard; or thirdly, that it is pure Norman, and that our Hogarts are of the same stock as the Hocarts or Hocquards, Seigneurs of Vaux in Champagne and La Motte in Bretagne, of whom there is a pedigree in D'Hozier; or at least identical with the modern French Hogards who still flourish. Etymologists, on the other hand, assert that it is derived from the German, and that the termination ard or arth is either hart, fortis, valde, or ard, hardt, a patronymic: the name meaning, in the first case, "very thoughtful, careful, or prudent"; in the latter, "son of Hoog or Hugh"!

Leaving the Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Northe Institute, 1850, vii. 304; and Haines's Manual of man, French, and German, and coming nearer

Monumental Brasses, 1861, Part II. p. 235.]

THE POLITICAL ECONOMY CLUB. - Can you direct me to an account of "The Political Economy Club," established by Mr. Tooke (author of the History of Prices) in 1831? They published, edited by the late Mr. J. R. Mac Culloch, A Select Collection of Early English Tracts on Commerce, &c., of scarce and valuable tracts on money, in 1856.

A. B. C.

[The Political Economy Club, founded in 1821, met at the Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street. We have not met with any of its transactions since the death of Mr. Thomas Tooke on Feb. 26, 1858.]



Of the origin of this surname there are many and conflicting accounts. It belongs exclusively to the Borders, and is very uncommon elsewhere. I have found it occurring in the following forms in parish registers, tombstones, &c., in that district, viz. Hogert, Hogart, Hogard, Hoggerd, Hoggart, Hoggarth, and Hogarth. It occurs nearly as early on the Scotch as on the English side of the Border, so it is difficult to say where it first originated.

The following are some of the derivations which have been suggested, some of them in these pages. Lower, in his Patronymica Britannica, assigns a foreign origin to the name. Arthurs, an Ameri

* See Dugdale's Baron., i. 345; Whitaker's Craven, p. 314, ed. 1805. [Vide "N. & Q.," 2nd S. ii. 149, 249, 198; ix. 445; x. 258, 319; 3rd S. v. 418, 507; x. 444; xi. 231.]

home, we find that the historians of Westmoreland and Cumberland (Nicholson and Burn, History and Antiquities of Westmoreland and Cumberland) maintain that it is only an improved version of Hog-herd. They state that the family from which the painter sprung wrote themselves Hoggerd, which is manifestly Hog-herd; and that the painter's father, after settling in London, invented the form now in common use as a more graceful and easily pronounced one. But that form was in use a hundred years before he was born. In the Calendar of Proceedings in Chancery in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (vol. ii. pp. 9, 35), a George Hogarth (sic) appears as a party in a case.

A somewhat more probable origin has been assigned to it, viz. that it is merely a variation of the Norfolk surname Ogard. Sir Andrew Ogard, of Buckenham Castle, was a famous general temp. Henry VI., whose descendants have never been properly traced. As some corroboration of this view, it may be stated that the arms of Ogard"Azure, a mullet of six points argent"-are very similar to those assigned to the surname of Hogarth in Burke's Armory, viz. "Azure, a star of six points, or; on a chief of the last, three spears' heads of the first." But, until the authority for these latter arms is discovered, it would be idle to speculate too much on this.

After all, there is little doubt that the common form of the name, as now used, correctly describes its etymology, which may be found in two northcountry words-hog, a year-old sheep, and garth, a yard or enclosure. Worsage (The Danes and Northmen, p. 67) states, that "a common termination of names and places in North England is garth, from the Scandinavian garðr, a large farm." It occurs very frequently in buildings connected with farm-houses, as cow-garths, goose-garths, hemp-garths, stack-garths, &c. Even kirk-garth is occasionally used for the churchyard on the Western Borders. Taking the locale of the surname in connection with these facts, there is scarcely any doubt that the founder of the family was a sturdy yeoman-whether Ancient Briton, Dane, Northman, or Anglo-Saxon, can hardly now be decided-who dwelt at the hog-garth of some Cumberland or Westmoreland clearing.

Yet there were Hogerts on the Scotch side of the Border very early. In 1494 a complaint was made to the Lords of Council by William Hogert, duelland in Stitchell (in Roxburghshire), faider to umquhile Thomas Hogert," against Nicholas Piersone and others, "for the cruel slauchter of the said Thomas," and against Sir Robert Ker for harbouring the murderers in his house of Cessford. (Acta Dominorum Concilii, p. 324.) About a hundred years later some Hogards flourished in the old parish of Fishwick, which now forms part of the parish of Hutton, in Berwickshire. In Fishwick churchyard is an old flat tombstone bearing this inscription:

"Heir was buried JOHN HOGARD, who dyed anno 1640."

And near it another, with these words:

"Here lyes the corps of ELIZABETH HOGARD, who

departed this life May 10th, anno 1721, her age 28 years."

At this latter date there were several of the name in the parish, who make anything but a creditable appearance in the records of the Session. Thus, in 1701, John Hogard, though one of the elders, is brought up for quarrelling and fighting with one John Nesbit, and for assaulting him with a drawn sword; and in the following year, George Hogard is summoned for drawing his net in the Tweed at unlawful times.

There are three families of the name of which anything like a distinct history can be made out: one in Westmoreland, one in Cumberland, and one in Berwickshire. Though in all probability derived from a common ancestor, they appear to be distinct. The first-that of which he who made the name for ever famous was a scion-may be dismissed with a reference to Mr. Sala's entertaining work, William Hogarth, Painter, Engraver, and Philosopher; and to an excellent little work

"Remnants of Rhyme. By Thomas Hoggart, of Troutbeck, Uncle to the Great Painter. Selected from an old MS. Collection of his Writings preserved by his Descendants. Kendal: George Lee, 1853." 12mo, pp. 77,which contains a sketch of the Bampton and Troutbeck Hoggarts.

The second family, represented by Mr. William Hogarth of Clifton, is one of long standing in the barony of Greystoke. Their estate has descended in direct succession from before the year 1397; and Mr. Hogarth, having devoted his leisure to

genealogical studies, has been enabled-from his title deeds, from admittances in the court rolls of the barony and settlement, and from the parish registers, which fortunately are in the finest state of preservation from the first of Elizabeth-to trace fully and completely the main line of the family, and most of its collateral branches.

It is to be hoped that Mr. Hogarth's valuable MS. collections, which are very extensive, may some day see the light, or, at least, that copies of them may be secured for our national library for the benefit of all Hogarth collectors.

The third family, the first mention of which occurs in the parish of Gordon, Berwickshire, about the beginning of the seventeenth century, is now large and flourishing. There is a large group of tombstones of the family in Gordon churchyard, and the registers of the parish and records of the commissariat of Lauder supply a good deal of information about the earlier branches of it. Without going too much into particulars, the following outline of their descent may be worth preserving:

I. John Hogart, tenant in Greenknowe, born circa 1648; died June 6, 1728, aged eighty, and is buried at Gordon. By his wife Margaret Gibson (died 1739, aged eighty-one; buried at Gordon,) he left four sons: -1. John, at Rumbleton Law, born circa 1683; died 1753. 2. George, at Byrewalls, born 1691; died 1733: who left a son John, also at Byrewalls, born 1723; died 1765. 3. William, born 1694. 4. James, born 1695. Daughters.

II. John, the eldest, left three sons:-1. George, at Lennelhill, born circa 1710; died 1791. 2. John, born 1711 (no information). 3. James, at Newtown, born circa 1717; died 1792, buried at Gordon, who married, first, Elizabeth Hogarth (born 1725, died 1765), probably a relative, and by her had fourteen children; second, Sarah Ogilvie, born 1722; died 1806. John had also a daughter Elizabeth, born 1710.

III. George, at Lennelhill, by his wife Christian Paterson (born 1709; died 1782, buried at Gordon-these Patersons had a place called Fernyside, near Berwick) had five sons, who all married, and left issue and two daughters. The sons were: 1. John, at Hilton. 2. James, at Berwick. 3. George, at Eccles Tofts. 4. Robert, at Carfrae, born 1741; died 1819. 5. David, at Lennelhill, who afterwards acquired the estate of Hilton.

IV. John, the eldest, married a Miss Ker living near Whitekirk, and left two sons: (1) George, who settled in America; and (2) Thomas, a colonel in the army.

James, the second son, married Miss Thomson, and left four sons, viz.: (1) George, a merchant in Aberdeen, who married a daughter of Forbes of Echt, and left George, late colonel of the 26th

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Hogarth, daughter of James at Newtown above, and left: (1) George, at Haymount, married Miss Jane Archibald, and left issue; (2) John, married Waldie, and left issue; (3) David (Rev.), minister of the parish of Mackerston, married Nicol, and left daughters; (4) Robert, of Marlfield, married, and has issue.



Robert, the fourth son, married Mary Scott, and left: (1) Robert, at Scremerston, who married Purvis, and left issue; (2) George, the distinguished musical writer and critic, who married, and has issue; and three daughters.

David, the fifth son, purchased the estate of Hilton; married Beatrix Pringle (born 1765), and leaves (with two sons who died young, and an only daughter Jane, who married and has issue) : (1) John, married; (2) David (Rev.), Rector of Portland, married, and has issue; (3) Andrew, married; (4) George, married, and has issue.


(4th S. ii. 103.)

F. M. S.

DR. ROGERS is surely under some illusion in saying that anciently in Scotland this term was applied to the kitchen of farmers, and of small traders having two or three apartments; and that latterly (in modern times) only, it had been applied by the Scottish peasantry to the mansion of the district landowner. On what foundation this opinion is rested we cannot divine. The correct view is apparently the reverse. Anciently, it was given to the seats of the barons or gentry-those more especially having local or baronial jurisdiction; and the term was applicable more properly to the apartment-the covering-generally large, in which courts were assembled composed of servants, dependants, tenants, vassals, and othersowing suit and service there as assizers and otherwise. Halls were also used for dining in, the laird and his dependants, with his guests, eating generally together in the olden time. (Selden's Table Talk, voce "Hall".) They probably came into use as early as the time when the convening of assemblies in the open air, upon the artificial green mounts, called courthills, lawhills, or motehills, and within the monolithic circles or temples, for judicial and other purposes, was abandoned.

In the parish of Alva, Banffshire, on a farm called Auchenbadie, is an apparently artificial mound of earth nearly fifty feet high, which is called The Ha' Hill. (Robertson, Antiq. of Aberdeen and Banff, vol. ii. 310.) In the parish of Paisley, or of Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire, too, is

a farm called The Ha' Hill, or Hallhill, whereon was the manor-place of Auchencruik, otherwise Auchengreoch, a subsidiary barony, and also in ancient times, as we may conjecture, one of these artificial hillocks. At Dalry, Ayrshire, is another Ha' Hill, lying between the waters of Garnock and the Rye, and in in the barony of Pitcon, anciently (or

in the reign of Robert I.) Potteconill. (Reg. Mag. Sig. p. 11.) Ha' Hill, then, would seem to have been applied, with a secondary meaning, sometimes to those artificial mounds more generally and indifferently called court, law, mote or moot-hills; the term hall being so applied in comparatively recent times, and after the erection and use of halls proper, for the reason that these mounts had been court-hills in the understanding of those making the application, and because a hall was the name given to places in which courts or assemblages were convened.

The following names of ancient places are other examples of the application of hall out of a very great number besides that might be referred to: Blackhall (or, as Latinised in charter-writs, Nigram Aulam), near Paisley on the Kert, was a seat of Walter Fitz-Alan, first High Steward of Scotland, as early as the middle of the twelfth century. At first, it was probably a hunting residence in connection with this Stewart's Forest of Paisley and Fereneise, of great extent, while his principal residence for the great barony of Renfrew, the whole of which he held, was the Castle of Renfrew on the Clyde, at the distance of three miles or so, with its Peil House on the Island of the Clyde hard by, called "The King's Inch." Hunthall (if not the meeting-place of those composing the hunt, probably a contracted form of Hunter's-Hall,) was the residence of the Dunlops of Dunlop, or "of that ilk," or "de eodem (loco)". The name of the place was changed to Dunlop some centuries ago, in the parish of which it lies, Dunlop proper being near the site of the ancient chapel or kirk-a fine green conical mount there, being the seat of the De Ros family, who were sheriffs of Ayr during the thirteenth century or earlier, on the top of which are yet evident traces of castrametation. Hunthall was applied to the locality where Dunlop House now is, from, as Pont the topographer supposes, its being the residence of the hunter to the De Rosses, who, besides the territory of Dunlop, held the adjoining one of Stewartoun, and several others in the same district. Then, there is Cowdunhall, Neilston, the seat of the ancient family of Spreull, from one of whom it was acquired in the seventeenth century by the Earl of Dundonald; Corbiehall, Lanark; Mortonhall, Edinburgh; Closeburnhall, Dumfries; Braidstanehall, Beith; The Hall of Caldwell, Neilston, the seat of the Caldwells of that ilk; The Hall of Beltrees, Lochwinnoch, the seat first of a family called Stewart, reckoned a cadet of the High Stewarts (Duncan

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