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LORD! I am not wor- nakedness; to restore the

thy that Thou should- wandering, to console the est come under my roof; forsaken, to reconcile the but, trusting in Thy good-guilty; to grant pardon to ness, I approach unto Thine the sinner, forgiveness to Altar, to the Sacrament of the wretched, life to the the Body and Blood of criminal, and righteousness Thine only begotten Son, to the dead: that I may our Lord Jesus Christ: I receive the Bread of Angels, come, sick, to the Physi- the King of kings, and cian of Life; unclean, to Lord of lords, with such the Fountain of Mercy; chastity of body and purity blind, to the Light of Eter- of soul, with such contrinal Brightness; poor and tion of heart and fountain needy, to the Lord of hea- of tears, with such spiritual ven and earth; a lost sheep, gladness and heavenly joy, to the Good Shepherd; a such fear and awe, such creature, to the Creator; reverence and honour, such desolate, to the Comforter; faith and humility and love, miserable, to the Pitier; such devotion and thankfulguilty, to the Bestower of ness, and with such purpose pardon; sinful, to the Jus- and intention as becometh tifier; hardened, to the In- me, and is good for the fuser of grace. health of my soul: so that

I pray Thee, therefore, it may profit me unto eterof the abundance of Thine nal life, and be unto me exceeding Bounty, that the remission of all my sins. Thou wouldest vouchsafe Grant, I beseech Thee, that to heal my sickness, to wash I may receive, not only the my defilements, to enlight- Sacrament of the Body and en my blindness, to enrich Blood of the Lord, but the my poverty, to clothe my Substance also and Virtue

of the Sacrament. O Most eth, in the Unity of the Gracious God, grant me so Holy Ghost, One God, to receive the Body of Thy world without end. Amen. only begotten Son, which

He took of the Blessed Vir-O GOD, Who in this

gin Mary, that I may be wonderful Sacrament worthy to be made one with hast left unto us a MemoHis Body, and accounted rial of Thy Passion; grant amongst His members. O to us, we beseech Thee, Most Loving Father, grant so to venerate the Sacred unto me, that He whom I Mysteries of Thy Body now purpose to receive, and Blood, that we may veiled, in this my pilgrim- always perceive in ourselves age, I may at length, with the fruit of Thy redempunveiled face, behold for tion; Who livest and reignever in His Beauty; even est with the Father and the Thy well-beloved Son, who Holy Ghost, One God, with Thee liveth and reign- world without end. Amen.


Before the Service begins.

Take care to be in Church at least five minutes before the Communion Office begins, in order that you may get rid of worldly thoughts, and have time to ask God's special blessing on the service in which you are about to engage.



ROSTRATE before | devotion; and grant that, Thy altar I adore Thee, by virtue of this adorable O Almighty God, confess- Sacrifice, which I now deing my own unworthiness sire to join Thy priest in to take part in these high pleading before Thee, I and holy Mysteries; but may be enabled to mortify trusting in Thy mercies, and kill in myself whatever which are infinite. Thou is contrary to Thy holy alone, O God, canst make will, and to become a living me fit to celebrate this sacrifice acceptable unto Sacrifice, Thou Who canst Thee. Amen. make clean the unclean, and sinners to be righteous. Give me grace, therefore, O gracious God, to assist solation, Who didst give at this Holy Service with Thine only begotten Son, purity of heart, and living to suffer death upon the faith, with deep reverence Cross for our redemption, and holy fear, with fervent and willest that Thy Church love and holy joy, with ear- on earth should commenest attention and heartfelt morate and plead that

FATHER of mercies, and God of all con

wondrous Sacrifice, in so-|phant Ascension. I adore lemn mystery, until His Thee, and give Thee thanks coming again: Grant us so for all that Thou hast done to assist at this holy Sa- and suffered for us, and for crifice and service, that all Thy giving to us, in this the blessings procured by Blessed Sacrament, Thythe Death and Passion of self, as the Pledge of our Thy Son, our Lord Jesus redemption, and of our adChrist, may be applied to mission hereafter to the our souls, through the same Marriage Supper of the Jesus Christ our Lord. Lamb. Amen.



BLESSED Jesu! Who LORD Jesu Christ, didst die upon the I desire, in these holy Cross for me! I come beMysteries, to commemo- fore Thee to plead Thy rate, as Thou hast com- Death for my pardon and manded, all Thy sufferings, salvation. Thine agony and bloody O grant me, I implore sweat; Thy betrayal and Thee, adorable Lord, reapprehension; all the re- mission of my sins, and all proaches and insults, the other benefits of Thy Pasblows and buffets which sion.

Thou hast endured for O Holy Ghost, Thou me; Thy being scourged, Lord and Giver of life, crowned with thorns, and come into my heart, and loaded with a heavy Cross make me fit to take part for my sins, and for those in this holy Sacrifice. of the whole world; Thy Kindle in my heart, and Crucifixion and death, to- in the hearts of all who gether with Thy glorious are here present, the fire Resurrection, and trium- of Divine Love. Amen.


At High Service, when the Choir always remains, it is usual to sing what is called an Introit, as the Priest goes up to the Altar. The Introit may consist of a passage of Scripture, and some verses of a Psalm or Hymn.

You may join in singing the Introit, especially if it is a Hymn; or you may use these devotions, if you cannot well join in the singing.

GRACIOUS God, di- heaven; give us grace so rect my steps in the way to follow the blessed steps of Thy commandments, so of Thy most Holy Life, shall no wickedness have that we may at last follow dominion over me. Thee into Thy Eternal

O knit my heart unto Kingdom in heaven, for Thee, and grant that no- Thine own merits' sake. thing may ever separate me from Thy Love.

Blessed are they that are undefiled in the way; and that walk in the law of the Lord.

O loving Jesu, Who didst

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen.

come down from heaven, Prayer for the Priest who

and take our nature upon Thee, in order that, by uniting us to Thyself, Thou mightest draw us up to


ET Thy priests, O Lord, be clothed with righteousness; especially

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