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Abstracts 1367 - 1372

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1367 DTD Sept. 29; ed: 2/1 Subscribers have been inquiring if the
TRUE DEMOCRAT is going to discontinue the "Clanjamphry" department
of the paper. This department will be continued in part, but only
if it does not interfere with more important matters.

1368 DTD Oct. 11; adv: 2/5 - The OHIO STATE TIMES, published in
Mount Vernon, Ohio. Weekly circulation about 2,000.

1369 DTD Oct. 30:2/2 The second editor of the TRUE DEMOCRAT is
represented by a print as hating the Irish because this paper intimated
a doubt that if a member of Congress refused to steal from the
national treasury to help them, he must needs therefore be denounced
as their enemy. The TRUE DEMOCRAT defends itself by asking Irishmen
to look at its record for the past 15 years.




1370 - DTD Nov. 8:2/1 - The FOREST CITY charges that the TRUE DEMOCRAT office was illuminated the night of the Democratic celebration.

This is a gross mistake. Not a light burned in the TRUE DEMOCRAT office save customary lights.


1371 DTD Nov. 10; ed: 2/2 The FOREST CITY of Nov. 6 contained the
following: "The illumination of the True Democratic establishment
fulfilled the public's belief of its anxiety for admission into the
Democratic fold, and of the cordiality of its hatred towards General
Scott and his friends, and manifested the unfeigned character of its
joy over the Old Hero's defeat."

"Our readers think we should turn aside more often to notice the falsehoods of the FOREST CITY.

"We cannot help it; and therefore must be pardoned the repugnance we have ever manifested to making any allusion to a sheet so unscrupulous, so maudlin, and so foul, that men of all parties hereabouts have come to designate it as 'The City Scavenger!""

The HERALD of the same day contains this paragraph: "The True Democrat office did not illuminate last evening in honor of the election of Pierce and King, the editors being content to make their joy apparent in daily leaders."


1372 DTD Nov. 15; ed: 2/2 - The PLAIN DEALER of Nov. 10, in an article on stealing, prints an article from the scavenger, the FOREST CITY and one from the New York Times.

"On comparing the two, it will be seen that the fellow Joe Medill, had not sufficient gumption to hide the theft, though he attempted it by occasionally dragging in a few of his own musty thoughts by the tail. Medill's peculiar forte lays in his faculty of scandal and abuse; when he undertakes to make his sheet respectable, he is under the necessity of cabbaging from his political friends."



Abstracts 1373 - 1378


1373 DTD Nov. 19; ed: 2/1 - The pro-slavery Whig journals of New York are exceedingly bitter against Messrs. Seward and Greely.

"What is their guilt? If any, not in more boldly maintaining their views. They have excercised 'forebearance' until, it seemed to us, to cease to be a virtue."

DTD Dec. 23:3/1 See Children


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1374 DTD Dec. 25:2/1 The TRUE DEMOCRAT will not be published on Dec. 27 because today is a holy-day and the printers will have off.

1375 DTD Dec. 25; ed: 2/1 - The Richmond (Va.) EXAMINER deals merci– less blows at the late mock funerals over our great men at Washington. It cites the "resolution of bereavement" about Henry Clay and Daniel Webster along with the weeping amendment in favor of John Calhoun that was offered in the Virginia senate the other day.

This paper talks out. "It is ultra pro-slavery, but bold, 'daringly.' It makes no mealy mouth of free speech but practices and commends it."

1376 DTD Dec. 28; ed: 2/1 The sothern papers hatch up and invent stories against Colonel Benton. The latest is that he killed Mr. Calhoun. Colonel Benton soon squashed that story by summoning to the stand Mr. Calhoun's best friend, Mr. Venable. Mr. Venable gave the lie to the story.

"Old Bullion does no mean act. He hates meaness in any and every form. We dare say the Southern prints hostile to him will copy Mr. Venable's letter; but it will be gall to them!"

1377 DTD Dec. 28:2/3 Many editorial incongruities spring from the necessity of employing, on almost every daily press, a plurality of editors, and from the non-supervision by a single head of the contributions of each.

"But we see no mode of preventing these incongruties, and so preserving the unity, which is indispensable alike to the character and the highest efficiency, of a newspaper, other than that of submitting all its matter to the supervision of one person, and taking security for that one person's standing perpetually at his post.

Mastheads & Title Plates

1378 DTD Jan. 1:1/1 The Cleveland TRUE DEMOCRAT: Daily, triweekly, and weekly.

Published in the Merchants' Exchange, Superior st., by Thomas Brown. Terms in advance.






Abstracts 1379 1382

NEWSPAPERS - Mastheads & Title Plates (Cont'd)

Daily, delivered by carriers-----$8.00

[blocks in formation]

Advertisements inserted in both daily and weekly will be charged

one-half more than daily rates.

Business cards, $1.00 per line, for 12 months. Leaded advertisements will be charged double the above rates. All cuts will be charged the same as for leaded advertisements. No advertisement inserted gratuitously, excepting marriages and deaths.


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1379 DTD Jan. 1:1/1,7 - MORNING DAILY TRUE DEMOCRAT Vol. 6 Cleveland, Thursday Morning, January 1, 1852, No. 1.


1380 WTD Jan. 7:1/1-7 WEEKLY TRUE DEMOCRAT Vol. 7. Cleveland, Wednesday, January 7, 1852, No. 1.


1381 - DTD July 1:1/1-7 - MORNING DAILY TRUE DEMOCRAT Vol. 6, Cleveland, Thursday, July 1, 1852, No. 163.


1382 - DTD July 2:1/1 The Cleveland True Democrat: Daily, Triweekly, and Weekly.

[blocks in formation]

Published in the Merchant's Exchange, Superior st., by Thomas Brown.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Advertisements inserted in both daily and weekly will be charged onehalf more than daily rates.

Business cards, one dollar per line, for twelve months.

Leaded advertisements will be charged double the above rates. All

cuts will be charged same as leaded advertisements.

The privileges of yearly advertisers w111 be confined exclusively to their regular business, and notices not pertaining to their regular business, will be charged extra.

No advertisement inserted gratuitously, excepting marriages and deaths.

All advertisements for charitable institutions, fire companies, ward, township, and other public meetings, to be charged half price. (5)

See also Periodical Publications; Political Campaigns and Elections; Political Refugees

NOSTRUMS. See Drugs & Druggists


Abstracts 1383 - 1391


1383 WTD Jan. 14; ed: 2/1 - The Rev. Professor Moses Stuart, 71, of Andover theological seminary died on Jan. 11. He was a man of great eminence in biblical literature.

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1384 DTD Feb. 9; ed: 3/1 William Lemen, whose death has just been
announced, was one of our oldest merchants. He was formerly a member
of the city council, and at the time of his death held the office of
city inspector. "We most sincerely sympathize with the bereaved
family in this great affliction."



1385 DTD Mar. 25:2/3 Governor Morrow died on Mar. 21, at his farm on the Little Miami river in Warren county, Ohio. A few weeks ago he was in Cleveland acting as the president of the national educational convention which met at the stone church.


1386 DTD June 7:2/3 Mrs. Ploomy R. Clark, 35, wife of the Rev.
C. A. Clark, died in Cleveland on May 28. She was the daughter of
Deacon Abijah Wheeler, and the grand-daughter of the late Rev. John
Peak of Massachusetts.

She was born in West Troy, New York. At the age of 13, she publicly avowed her faith in Christ, by uniting with the Baptist church.


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1387 DTD June 9:3/1 - David Hersh, an old and esteemed citizen of Cleveland, died at his residence on June 7. He had just returned from California where he had spent three years.


1388 - DTD June 18:2/1 - Richard Vaughn, 67, of Shellsburgh,

Lafayette county, Wisconsin died May 15, of inflammation of the lungs. Mr. Vaughn was one of the first settlers in this county and a resident here for 30 years.


EVENING GAZETTE, please copy.

1389 DTD July 22; ed: 2/1 - The news of the death yesterday of Mrs.
Wade, wife of Edward Wade, Esq., will cause deepest sorrow among a
large circle of relatives and friends. Most deeply do we sympathize
with the stricken husband in his bereavement.


1390 - DTD July 28; ed: 2/1 - George McMillan, Esq., for many years Superintendent of Ohio Deaf and Dumb asylum, died at his residence in Columbus, July 25.

"Mr. McMillan was a kind and excellent man and universally beloved." (1)

1391 - DTD Aug. 11:2/4 - Marvin Brainard, 53, died in Brooklyn township on July 24.

Mr. Brainard was one of our earliest settlers and was much esteemed by his large circle of friends.


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