Imágenes de páginas

charming author, who still denies her real name to fame, takes her leave of the public. Her voice comes to us out of the far unknown wilderness from which she sends it forth, like the clear ringing song of a bird, issuing from the heart of a wood; although we may not see the sweet vocalist, nor distinguish the particular tree within whose green shade it is hiding and singing, yet we listen with delight, and wait impatiently at every pause for another strain of the merry music.

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. By JAS. F. W. JOHNSTON, M.A., F.R.S., Honorary Member of the Royal English Agricultural Society, and Author of "Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology." 12mo. pp. 250. New York: Wiley and Putnam. 1812.

We noticed in our last number the appearance of Professor Johnston's larger work on this same subject-or rather of the first portion of it-his "Lectures," in terms of praise not beyond its deserts. The present volume will doubtless diffuse a more widely-spread usefulness, from the cheap and compendious form which adapts it to large classes of readers into whose hands the former would probably never come. Its price (50 cents) places it within the reach of every farmer, to whom, as well as to the miscellaneous reader, unwilling to remain ignorant of so useful and interesting a branch of general knowledge, we would strongly recommend it.

A Discourse delivered upon the Opening of the New Hall of the New York Lyceum of Natural History. By JOHN W. FRANCIS, M.D., Member of the Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh, late Professor of Materia Medica, Medical Jurisprudence, Institutes of Medicine, and of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children, in the University of the State of New York, &c. New York: H. Ludwig, Printer, 72 Vesey street.

The distinguished reputation of Dr. Francis, both in the profession of which he is an ornament, and as a man of high and extensive scientific and literary cultivation, will awaken an expectation in the reader taking up this Discourse, which, when he lays it down at its close, he will acknowledge not to have been disappointed. It is an eloquent and elegant production, evidently the overflowing of a mind laboring only with the embarras de richesses; and presents an outline com

prehensive, though necessarily rapid and general, and nowhere else within our knowledge to be found, of the various contributions by American writers and observers to the cause of natural science, in all the leading branches into which it distributes itself.

A Treatise on Algebra; embracing, besides the Elementary Principles, all the higher parts usually taught in Colleges; containing moreover the New Method of Cubic and Higher Equations, as well as the Development and Application of the more recently discovered Theorem of Sturm. By GEO. R. PERKINS, A. M., Principal and Professor of Mathematics in the Utica Academy, and author of "Higher Arithmetic." Utica: D. Hutchinson. New York: Saxton & Miles. 1842. 8vo. pp. 360.

Compared with the great mass of books which are constantly falling from our American press, very few are purely scientific works. Out of that few, many possess little merit, except that they may be good translations of some foreign author. Not so with the work which is at present before us. There is an air of newness and originality about it, which few volumes of the kind seem to carry with them. Not that the grand principles laid down are new; but that the methods of operating are, in many respects, original. The great fault with most of the existing works upon this interesting branch of mathematics, seems to be a want of judiation of its parts. To the remedy of this cious arrangement and practical combindefect, we think the present valuable "Treatise" well adapted. The new rules for extracting the roots of cubic polynomials-the extensive formulæ on the progressions--the clear elucidation of equations of the third and fourth degrees together with the new and complete rule for the numerical solution of equations of all classes, constitute an improvement upon former works, which cannot fail to be noticed by all who are interested in the subject.

In addition to the above will be found a new Logarithmie Theorem, by Prof. Catlin; also, a very neatly abridged exemplification, and the application of the lately discovered theorem of Sturm, for the discovery of the number of real roots in any equation, which has now, for the first time, found its way into an American publication.

The typographical execution of the book is of the best order; and it comes

out to the world in a dress which does much credit to the enterprise of the publisher.

A Treatise on the Right of Suffrage, with an Appendix. By SAMUEL JONES. Boston: Otis, Broaders & Co. 1842. 12mo. pp. 274.

Had this work appeared but a few months ago, we should have expressed some surprise at beholding any writer coming before the public, at the present day, in this country, with a grave and formal treatise on this subject, to argue backward in favor of such propositions as -a general property qualification for the elective franchise; a real estate qualification for the franchise as exercised in the election of one of the two branches of the legislature; and for naturalized citizens, a ten years' residence, and real estate in the district of residence, of the clear value of $1000. But after recent events, instead of surprise, we must content ourselves with a simple expression of regret. We recommend the book to the Charter Party in Rhode Island, and to their friends the Whig Party elsewhere. It will hardly find much sale among democratic readers, -unless they should seek to confirm their own different faith, by the feebleness of the best argument that can be made by an intelligent and well-meaning writer on the opposite side, To Mr. Jones we would recommend Dr. Franklin's story of the Ass, worth the prescribed property qualification, which passed successively from one owner to another, carrying with him the elective franchise; and would invite from him an answer to Dr. Franklin's shrewd question, which of the two possessed the franchise, the Man or the Ass? And before he should issue a second edition (assuming that the first will be promptly absorbed by the Rhode Island demand), we would recommend to him to consider what greater "stake" any man can have in a community, than his existence, his humanity, his body and his soul, his head and his heart, his wife and his children, his past, present and future, his memories and his hopes, and whether the poor man has not all these as well as the rich man. We would advise him to reflect, too, whether the poor man, hanging ever over the gulf of starvation, and holding on to subsistence only by the unrelaxing clutch of perpetual toil, has not quite as great an interest in wholesome and wise government, as his rich neighbor, who has but to curtail a luxury where the former yields a necessary of life.

He may also with advantage consult the science of political economy, where he will learn the fallacy of the idea which constitutes one of the principal foundations of his reasoning-namely, that it is Property which really pays Taxation. But Mr. Jones means well, and does not write ill, though he argues from wrong assumptions to necessarily wrong results; and there is something in the kindly spirit of his book, which wins from our goodnature a forbearance of severe criticisma forbearance even to a heresy so justly provocative of democratic wrath.

Facts involved in the Rhode Island Controversy, with some views upon the rights of both Parties. Boston: B. B. Mussey. 1842.

A Discourse delivered in the Meeting House of the First Baptist Church, Providence, May 22, 1842. By FRANCIS WAYLAND. Providence R. Comstock & Co., and H. H. Brown. 1842.

Review of Dr. Wayland's Discourse on the Affairs of Rhode Island. By a Member of the Boston Bar. Boston: B. B. Mussey. 1842.

In our notice of these three pamphlets, we place Dr. Wayland's in the middle, to typify how completely he is crushed between the other two as by the upper and the nether millstones. The learned President has added nothing to his past laurels by this publication; and the day is not distant when he will sincerely regret, that he ever allowed himself to be so far overcome by the contagious excitement surrounding him, as to give the double utterance of speech and print to all the falsehoods of fact, the fallacies of reasoning, and the uncharitable errors of judgment contained in his pamphlet, and so pungently and forcibly exposed in the Review of it by a very able "Member of the Boston Bar." We would recommend this with the first named of the above, particularly to our democratic readers, as containing together both a valuable and succinct summary of the historical facts of the case, and a lucid and unanswerable statement of the argument in justification of the popular side of the question. The ablest of the writers on the opposite side may safely be challenged to the attempt at refuting them.

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An odd, rambling, but entertaining volume, beautifully printed and "got up," and copiously and richly illustrated. The author is well known in this city, as having formerly been for a number of years the conductor of the semi-annual booktrade sales. He has now so far modified his vocation as to manufacture the books he once only sold; and he proves that he can do the one as well as of old he did the other; for we doubt not this volume, which is laid on our table in advance of its public appearance, will prove one of the most popular and saleable of those that were formerly wont to pass under his hammer. There is a great deal of good writing and good sense in it, though rather more profusely intermixed than need have been with nonsense; and we sincerely hope that in the next volume, which is hereafter to follow the present one, when he is to carry us with him on his travels out of Egypt into Arabia and Palestine, he may not again fall in with the Builderdashes, Rimtapers, the Reverend Mr. Dunderblix, Dr. O'Squeebey, or any of the English acquaintance who figure so largely in the present narrative of his adventures and observations on and about the banks of the Nile; through which we shall probably in an early Number follow him a little more closely than we can do on the present occasion, when our chief purpose is to announce the appearance of the book; and to recommend it as a novelty quite unique in its plan, and containing a great deal of agreeable information and amusement, presented in a very elegant style of publication.

Tales for the People and their Children.
Little Coin, Much Care. By MARY
HOWITT. 18mo. pp. 171. New York:
D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway.

A nice little tale, in Mary Howitt's easy and natural vein, presenting at the same time a sad picture of the hardships and sufferings of the poor in an English manufacturing town.

A Memoir of India and Avghanistaun, with Observations on the present Exciting and Critical State and Future Prospects of those Countries. Comprising Remarks on the Massacre of the British Army in Cabul, British Policy in India, a Detailed Descriptive Character of Dost Mahomed and his Court, &c. With an Appendix. By J. HARLAN, late Counsellor of State, Aide-de-Camp, and General of the Staff to Dost Mahomed, Ameer of Cabul. 12mo. pp. 208. Philadelphia: J. Dobson, 106 Chesnut-street; R. Baldwin, Paternoster Row, London; H. Bossange, 11 Quai Voltaire, Paris. 1842.

This volume appears very seasonably at the present moment, to convey reliable information from a source eminently able to furnish it, in relation to the scene of the late disastrous military operations of the British in India, and of the future ones which they are now preparing. Of the personal history of the author, and of the adventures which placed him in the various important posts indicated on his titlepage, and which have again brought him back to the plain capacity of a citizen of his native country, resident, we believe, in Philadelphia, we are not informed. He is evidently, from the internal proof of this volume, a man of a high order of ability, and he writes from the abundance of great familiarity with his subject, as well in its more minute details, as in its larger general aspects. It is pervaded also by an air of truthfulness which wins the entire It is accompaconfidence of the reader. nied with a topographical map of Cabul and the surrounding country. General Harlan writes in a spirit of strong hostility to the British dominion in India, which is, indeed, as it has ever been, in the words of Burke, "an awful thing." Their late disaster, while he freely bestows on so much human suffering the sigh which it must extort from every human heart, he regards as but the just retribution of Providence upon their own rapacity, cruelty, and injustice; and prophesies the speedy advent of the day which shall witness the crumbling into the dust of all that stupendous blood-cemented structure of the Anglo-Indian Empire. At the conclusion we find announced, as in preparation for the press, what we shall look for with much interest, a personal narrative of the author's eighteen years' residence in Asia, comprising an account of the manners and customs of the various Oriental na tions with whom he has had official and familiar intercourse.



The first edition of Mr. GRISWOLD'S elegant and valuable volume of American Anthology, "The Poets and Poetry of America," which is more particularly noticed in another part of our present Number, having been exhausted, another is to be issued, incorporating some improvements, probably as soon as the present announcement of it reaches the eye of our readers. Mr. Griswold, we understand, has nearly ready for the press his "Curiosities of American Literature," a work for which the Puritan period of our history especially affords much valuable material, and which must prove one of the most entertaining and curious performances yet published in this country. Mr. Griswold is, without doubt, better qualified than any other person to prepare a book of the kind. In this connection we take pleasure in noticing the fact, that this gentleman, who possesses peculiar qualifications for such a post, has been placed in the editorial charge of one of our most popular monthly miscellanies, "Graham's Magazine;" in which capacity he has made arrangements with a number of the ablest writers in the country to contribute to its pages. Cooper is to furnish a series of sketches of naval biography, and Bryant, Longfellow and Hoffman, are to be regular contributors to its poetical department. The change of editorial policy denoted in these announcements promises to raise this magazine to the level of a literary rank to which it has heretofore scarcely pretended, and which we deem a just subject of congratulation to the public as well as to the enterprising publisher.

A new edition of Dr. CROLY's celebrated romance, "Salathiel, a Story of the Past, the Present, and the Future," will be published in a few days by Mr. L. Johnson, of Philadelphia, and Mr. James, of Cincinnati. "Salathiel" is one of the best romances in the language, and it will always be eminently popular. It has been out of print for several years, and the new edition will therefore be eagerly sought. We understand that the Report of the Geological Survey of the State of New York is in process of printing in a very

splendid style; and that Governor Seward has taken measures to enrich it by an Introduction, contributed from the pens of various scientific and literary gentlemen, to whom he has addressed himself for the purpose, designed to present a general view of the industrial, educational, literary, and moral history, progress, and present greatness of the State.

We are happy to find that a new work is about being prepared by Messrs. STEPHENS and CATHERWOOD, embodying the result of their recent additional explorations in Central America. Their materials, we understand, are abundant, and exceedingly novel. The illustrations are already progressing in the hands of the engravers, and from the specimens we have seen, are of a deeply interesting character.

Dr. ANTHON is rapidly advancing with the

printing of his new Archæological work, -a Sequel to his Classical Dictionary. WILEY & PUTNAM have just issued JONнSTON's new volume on "Agricultural Chemistry." The same publishers have nearly ready, DOWNING'S "Cottage Architecture," with beautiful illustrative designs, uniform with that writer's former work, "Landscape Gardening." Also, the third, and will in a few days, we believe, publish the fourth, number of Prof. BRANDE's invaluable Cyclopædia, to be completed in one handsome octavo.

D. APPLETON & Co. are about immediately to publish Mr. CooLEY's "American in Egypt," in one handsome octavo, with numerous illustrative engravings, some of which are beautifully executed; of its literary character we have already spoken. The same firm have the following just completed-"The Book of the Navy," with many plates; the volumes already announced, under the general title of "A Library for my Young Countrymen." Also some new volumes of the series "Tales for the People and their Children;" "The Favorite Child," and "First Impressions," by Mrs. ELLIS, and " Work and Wages," and "Little Coin, Much Care," by MARY HOWITT. Dr. URE's valuable Dictionary, No. 12, is just out; also No. 6 of Handy Andy, and No. 3 of Hector O'Halloran, all of which need no fresh commendatory notice.

DAYTON & NEWMAN have just put out a volume by Prof. OLMSTED, of considerable interest, a "Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer P. Mason," a youth of singular precocity, who exhibited indications of extraordinary genius, and whose premature decease imparts an additional interest to the narrative. The biographer ranks the subject of his memoir not merely with Kirk White as a poet, but even with Herschel, Galileo, and Newton, for his surprising attainments in philosophy and the abstract sciences; but here, of course, allowance must be made for the enthusiastic admiration of the writer.

CAREY & HART will, we observe, complete the publication of QUAIN's splendid work of Anatomical Plates, edited by Prof. Pancoast, of Jefferson College, early this month. They also announce for speedy publication, a new volume of "The Gift for 1843;" which is to include a series of superb illustrations, after Chapman, Cheney, Sully, Inman, and several other of our leading artists. This new Annual is to exceed all its predecessors, we understand, in the exquisite beauty of its embellish


We would again remind our readers of the announcement by Mr. RIKER, of a new Dictionary of the English language, designed for Schools, on an original plan; also his other novelty, before alluded to, of a Scripture Floral Album, with finely colored embellishments, &c.

A clever little elementary work on the study of Conchology, has just appeared, entitled "Lessons on Shells," with ten plates, exhibiting upwards of eighty specimens, drawn from nature. This popular Manual has already passed through three editions, and the present is greatly improved by the editor, Mr. Cozzens, Librarian of the New York Lyceum. Scarcely any scientific subject can be selected more agreeable and amusing for youth, as well as adults, or one from which may be educed a finer moral than this favorite study. Published by FOLSOM, of this city. A new and elegant Annual is announced by WILLIAMS, of Boston, for the 15th prox. It is entitled "The Christian Souvenir for 1843;" its embellishments will be well executed, and literary matter characterized by a high religious tone, &c.


We observe the announcement of a new work from the pen of Horace Smith,

entitled, "Masaniello." Much new light, it is said, is about to be thrown on the history of the unfortunate Mary, Queen of Scots, by the publication of her recently discovered correspondence at Hampton Court Palace, by Prince Labanoff. The Memoirs of Prince Charles Stuart, the Pretender, are also about to appear; and a new work of fiction is in progress from the pen of Bulwer, to be called Mabel Meredith, or the Bride of the North;" the scenes of which are laid in Russia, during the luxurious and dissolute reign of the Court of the Empress Catharine. A superb work has just been completed, of which only 50 copies have been struck off, embellished by 75 sumptuous illustrations in colors, entitled "Vestiarium Scoticum," by John Sobieski Stuart. This extraordinary work comprises a historical account of the tartans of Highland clans, and the feudal times of Scotland--the price is ten guineas. A new work on the Seat of the Eastern War is announced, as follows:-"Narrative of various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Punjab; including a residence in those countries from 1826 to 1838." By Charles Masson, Esq. My Bee Book, by the Rev. W. C. Cotton, with many plates. Travels in Kashmere, Sadak, Iskardo, the countries adjoining the mountain course of the Indus and the Himalaya north of the Punjab. By J. T. Vigne, Esq. 2 vols. many plates. The posthumous fame of poor Theodore Hook seems to be rapidly increasing, and his publishers will not be at fault at any rate if it shall not become greater than his reputation when living. Already we have had "Fathers and Sons," and even now observe two others, "Peregrine Bunce, or Settled at Last ;" and "The Man of Sorrow." This last, however, is said to be edited by him only. We hear of several other new works of fiction, such as << Stonehenge, or the Romans in Britain;" "The Marchioness, a strange but true tale," by Mrs. Thornton; and "The Hungarian Castle," by Miss Pardoe.


Necrology.-France, as it appears from the last foreign news, has to register the death of several of her distinguished men, and among them two literary characters-J. N. Bouilly, a moralist and dramatic writer, and a member of the Academy, in which it leaves a new vacancy to be filled; the Count of Las Casas, the field companion of Napoleon

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