Imágenes de páginas

pleafure, without paffion, and without intereft, had entrusted her with the power of punishing him for a ftep, in which efteem and friendship had engaged him.

Madam de Monglas was fifent. Her confufion and blushes did not allow her to make any anfwer; but her expreffive looks affured the Marquis the understood him. They parted fatisfied with each other, and the contented air of Henrietta next morning, furprized her mother, who was uneafy at the temper the had left her in the evening before. That lady was afraid left Monf. de Monglas might have had reafon to complain of a difinclination discovered fo late, or fhew his regret for the good he had done to the family to which he had allied himself, and repent with forrow his noble conduct towards an ungrateful woman.

Madam de Monglas gave her a faithful account of what paffed the preceding night. The Countess admired the behaviour of the Marquis, and imediately after told it in confidence to Madam de Terville. After a month's ftay at Chazel, the new-married couple returned to Paris; and the more Madam de Terville becomes acquainted with her niece's fentiments, the more fhe finds her delighted with her condition."

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In this interesting relation the art of the Author makes us forget the aukwardness of age allied with youth and beauty; fhe teaches us to fympathize with the Marquis, and to find an intereft in his fuccefs. In every part of her work she furnishes equal delight and entertainment. It is throughout a beautiful difplay of judgment, paffion, and fancy.

Of her Tranflator we cannot speak in any terms of commendation. He does not always comprehend the meaning of hist original; and he no where conveys it with propriety or force. It is truly an object of regret that the productions of genius fhould fo frequently be disfigured by the inability of tranflators;) and it cannot be thought of without wonder, that men of the moft inconfiderable talents fhould afpire after the honours of literature.

The fenfe, for example, of the following palage, though it is obvious, he has grofsly perverted:

Qu'il eft fâcheux, ma chere Hortence, de fe voir dans un état où nos primieres habitudes ne nous préparoient point à vivre.-Lettre 28.

He fays, How difagreeable it is, my dear Hortenfia, to live in a ftation entirely different from that for which the habits contracted in our early education utterly difqualify us.'

In talking of the violence which Monf. de Terville had offered to the modefty of Sophia de Valiere, Madam Riccoboni having obferved, That it does too much honour to a coxcomb to refent his folly,' adds, La fageffe n'eni mpofe pas toujours, mais le dédain éloigne furement; which is thus tranflated by Mr. Maceuen, He is not always awed by wisdom, but contempt is a fure way to get rid of him.' Does not this Tranflator know that La fageffe,' expreffes virtue,' and not wisdom,' when applied to a young woman?-Other inftances of imperfection might be cited, were it neceffary.


ART. III. Whitelocke's Journal of his Ambaffy to Sweaen, concluded.


N our last month's number we gave a general view of the nature and character of this work, and, as fpecimens, we extracted the Ambaffador's account of the ceremonies observed at his first public audience of the celebrated Queen Chriftina; alfo of her Majefty's remarkable converfation with Whitelocke, on the fubject of Cromwell's heroifm and great exploits; and likewife the extraordinary inftance of the high opinion fhe had conceived of the English Ambasador, and the great regard the manifefted for him, by communicating to his Excellency the grand fecret of her intended abdication of the crown.

There are many other curious recitals of Whitelocke's converfations, at private audiences, with that extraordinary woman; whofe abilities would have enabled her to have figured as a principal character among the crowned heads of that age, had they not been obfcured by her caprice, and her ridiculous vanity in wishing rather to take the lead, and to fhine, an illuftrious recluse, among the literati and virtuofi of that period, than to reign over a powerful nation of rough, unlettered Scandinavians.

We have here also a narrative of what paffed in a converfation between the Ambaffador and the Archbishop of Upfal. The perfon and drefs of this Prelate are thus described:

He was a comely grave old man, neer eighty years of age, yett of a fresh and ruddy countenance; his beard long and white, his ftature middle fized, his carryage humble and gentile, his head was covered with a black velvet cap, furred and turned up, after the manner of his countrey, with another cap under it, a caffack of black filke ftuffe like to our Bishops habit, with a long cloake over it.

He fpake Latin fluently, butt not pedantickly, and expreffed himfelfe with good reafon, mixt with chearfullnes and learning, efpecially out of the fathers and humane authorities; and he was more ready than others of his coate in texts of holy fcripture.'

There is fomething curious in the Ambaffador's remark that' the Archbishop was more ready than others of his coate, in texts of holy Scripture. Perhaps it ought rather to be confidered as a proof of party-prejudice against episcopacy, than as a juft reflexion on the Bifhops of that age, who were, we believe, as eminent for their piety and orthodoxy as the Prelates of our own times: but, poffibly, Whitelocke's farcafm was pointed: only at the Lutheran clergy of Sweden, of whom, indeed, he' gives us no very exalted idea.

Among other particulars that paffed in this converfation, are' the following, with refpect to the then ftate of public affairs' in England:

· Arch.

Arch. We in these parts of the world had great affonishment att the actions and alterations in your countrey, especially concerning the change of your governement; wherin I fhould be glad to receive fome information from your Excellence, if you please to allow me the freedome of difcourfe in fo tender a point as this is.

Wb. Your Grace is master of your own freedom and discourse,' wherin I know nothing will be lett fall, reflecting uppon the honor of the Common-wealth whom I ferve; and I fhall be very ready to give you what fatisfaction lyes in my capacity in thofe things, which you fhall hold fitt to demaund of me.

Arch. I fhall be farre from any thing which in the leaft measure may reflect uppon the honor of your Common-wealth, to which Ibeare a due refpect; acknowledging that vou have done great and wonderfull things in your late tranfactions, wherin God hath appeared much on your fide.

Wh. It hath pleafed the Lord to owne the Parlement and Our Common-wealth in a ftrange ferics of his providences, judging on our fide in all our appeales to him in the day of battle; and in all our exigencyes he hath bin found by us, and bin our refuge and deliverer in the time of trouble: the perticulars whereof, I prefume, have bin made known to you, and to most parts of the world.

Arch. You fpeake more like a bishop yourfeife then like a foldier it is the part of every good Chriftian to acknowledge with thankfulness God's goodnes, which hath bin eminent to your Common wealth, whereof we have heard fo much, and confeft by your enemies, that it is yett hard to be believed.

Wh. Thofe, who have had the honor to act in our affayres, have feen fo much of God in them, that we have more caufe then of others to speak good of his name; and furely, this kind of fpeaking, bishops, foldiers, and ambaffaders, and all forts of good Chriflians, and the wonders whereof we have bin eye-witneffes, I affure your Grace have not bin leffe then report hath made them.

Arch. They have bin indeed wonderfull and fuccefsfull; butt with your leave, my Lord Ambaffador, we in thefe parts doe not understand what neceflity you were putt unto to take away your fettied and ancient governement by Kings, wholly to abolith it, and to refolve into a republique.

Wh. It was judged a prudence and neceffity uppon the Parlement party, for the fafety and fecuring themfelves and their cause, after their fword had bin drawn against the King, not only to throwe away the fcabbert, butt to abolith kingly governement, and to admit no more kings, which they thought could never be reconciled to them; and to refolve into a republique, that they might injoy their just rights and liberties, which had bin invaded and wreited from. them by their kings.

Arch. Butt how could their confciences be fatisfyed, for the preservation of their owne rights, to take away the right of kings, and for their own fafety to deltroy their King.

Wh. Selfe prefervation goes farre with mortall men; and they held the rights of a people more to be regarded, then any thing rẻlating to a perticular perfon; and that it is not the right of a King to governe a people, butt the confent of a people that luch a King

fhall governe them; which, if he doe not according to justice and their law, they hold, that the people for whom, and for whofe good, and for prefervation of whole rights, he is intrusted as the fupream officer, may, if they please, remove him from that office and uppon this ground the people's deputies in our fupreame counfell, the Parlement, thought fitt to take away the governement by kings, and to make it a republique.'


In another converfation with her Majefty, when Cromwell, as ufual, became the principal topic, the Queen strongly urged, as her friendly advice, that the Protector, in order to fecure himself, and render his government durable, fhould be careful to avoid every act of arbitrary power, and all appearance of tyranny,

It will, faid Chriftina, be prudence in him to let the people fee, that he intends not to rule them with an iron fcepter, nor to governe them by an army, butt to give them fuch a liberty and injoyment of the benefit of their lawes, that the continuance of his governement may become their intereft, and that they may have no cause to defire a change; elfe though they muft beare the yoake for a time, yett, as foon as they meet with an opportunity, they will shake it off agayne.'

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To this Whitelocke, with great propriety, replied, This is counfell proper to come from fuch a mind and judgment as yours is, and i thall not fayl to report it to his Highnes; and your Excellence hath rightly ftated the difpofition of my countrymen, who love peace and liberty, and will hardly brooke flavery longer than they are forced to it by neceffity; and the best way to governe them is, to let them injoy their lawes and rights, which will rule them better then an iron scepter.'

The Queen's anfwer to this remark of the Ambaffador's does honour to her difcernment and her character:

It is the DISPOSITION OF ALL GENEROUS AND FREE PEOPLE, as the English are, whom I truely refpect, and him that is their head, that gallant perfon, the Protector.'

Our Ambaffador was prefent at the general diet, or assembly of the different ftates of the kingdom, held at Upfal, at which her Majefty made a formal refignation of the crown; and we fhall prefent our Readers with an extract from his account of the ceremonies and fpeeches which paffed on that occasion.

The Queen's declaration was brief, pertinent, and decifive. She thanked her loving fubjects for their dutiful and affectionate behaviour to her, during her ten years administration; adding, that the hoped her government had been, agreeably to her beft wishes, conducive to the profperity of her dear country; that now, as the flourishing ftate of the public affairs feemed favourable to fuch a measure, the judged it a fit time to put in execution her long intended act of refignation, in favour of her coufin the Prince Palatine*; and, finally, added fhe, "If I

See the converfation between her Majefty and Whitelocke on this fubject, in our last month's Review.

have merited any thing from you, it fhall be this only, which I defire of you, that you will confent to my refolution, fince you may allure yourselves, that none can diffuade me from my purpose.

The Archbishop of Upfal, as marshal of the clergy, was the first who spoke on this very interefting and delicate fubject, in anfwer to her Majefty's oration. He, in the most handfome terms, acknowledged the bleffings which the nation had enjoyed during her Majefty's happy administration, and used "all arguments, and humble intreaties that fhe would defift from her intention, and continue to fway the fceptre, not doubting but that the bleffing of God would be with her, asit had been, &c. &c." He acknowledged alfo, "the virtues and admirable abilities of the Prince, whofe fucceffion would come in due time;" but that her Majefty reigning at prefent, with fo much fatisfaction both to church and ftate, he humbly defired, in the name of the clergy," that he would be pleafed, though to her own trouble, yet for her fubjects good, to continue ftill to be Queen over them."

The marshal of the nobility then made his oration, much to the fame purpose as that of the Archbishop. The fame was next done by the marshal of the burgefles; and, in the lat place, forth ftepped the marshal of the bors, with whole ruftic appearance, and artless addrefs, our Ambaffador was greatly ftruck, and delighted. He was 6 a plain lufty man, in his boor's habit, with clouted fhoone, and ftaff in his hand. He was followed by about 80 bours, members of this council, whọ had chofen him for their marfhal, or fpeaker.' This honeft, homespun orator, without any of the congees, or ceremonies ufed by thofe who had spoken before him, addreffed her Majefty after this phrafe, as it was interpreted to Whitelocke:

"O Lord God, Madame, what doe you meane to doe? It troubles us to heare you fpeake of forfaking thofe that love you fo well as we doe: Can you be better then you are? you are Queen of all these countreyes, and if you leave this large kingdome, where will you gett fuch another? If you fhould doe it (as I hope you wont for all this), both you and we thall have caufe, when it is too late, to be forry for it. Therfore, my fellows and I pray you to thinke better on't, and to keep your crown on your head; then you will keep your own honor and our peace: butt if you lay it downe, in my confcience, you wil indaunger all.

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Continue in your geeres, good Madame, and be the fore horfe as long as you live, and we will help you the best we can to beare your burden.

"Your father was an honeft Gentleman, and a good King, and very firring in the world; we obeyed him and loved him as long as he lived, and you are his own childe, and have governd us very well, and we love you with all our hearts; and the Prince is an Rev. July 1772.



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