Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

stannic, as acid n. s. p. f. T. D. 17,813.
stearic, as acid n. s. p. f. T. D. 13,618..
stibic, as antimony salts. T. D. 9,706


free 499


[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Actinolite, ground, as mineral wares. T. D. 19,406. 20%
Acuba, as evergreen seedlings. T. D. 29,031
Adamite, wrought earth. T. D. 26,556..per ton $1.00..
Adamantine clinkers, T. D. 16,570, as brick n. s. p. f.
Adeps lanæ as lanolin. T. D. 32,619..






.per lb. 1 ct.


Advertising articles dutiable as merchandise `T. D.

31,865, 32,422.

Aeroplanes may enter free under special six months'

bond, for racing. T. D. 32,799.

Agal, as textile grass, crude


[blocks in formation]

Agaric as prep. vegetable. T. D. 32,858

Agate articles, agate c. v. except such as are cut into shapes and forms fitting them expressly for use in the construction of jewelry, n. s. p. f.

[blocks in formation]

Agate buttons, see buttons


Agates, cut, suitable for use in mf. of jewelry.


D. 31,624



Agates, semi-precious stones, set, as jewelry.

[blocks in formation]

Agathin, as coal tar product. T. D. 17,958..

Agriculture, Department of, see Department of



T. D. 9,192





Agricultural drills and planters, same as agricultural implements


Agricultural implements, of any kind and description, whether specifically mentioned herein or not, whether in whole or in parts, including repair parts


Aguardiente ("aquadiente"), T. D. 7,838, as spirits,

Aigrettes, importation prohibited

Air rifles, and parts thereof

Airships, for racing, same as aeroplanes. T. D.


Akebia ware, as mf. wood. T. D. 26,682
Alabaster articles, Alabaster c. v. n. s. p. f.

Alabaster, crude, ground or calcined as gypsum.


per pf. gall. $2.60



[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Alcohol, absolute. T. D. 12,719, as spirits,



$2.60 237

per pf. gall.

The one dozen bottles proviso of Par. 244
does not apply to alcohol. T. D. 8,840.

Alcohol, amylic, or fusel oil
Alcohol mantles, see mantles
Alcohol, methyl, or wood

.per lb. 14 ct.



[blocks in formation]

articles consisting of vegetable or mineral ob-
jects immersed or placed in or saturated
with, except perfumery, and spirit var-
nishes, same as alcoholic compounds

wood or methyl


Alcoholado, in chief part of spirits. T. D. 1,718,


free 393

per pf. gall. $2.60 237

Alcoholic compounds, n. s. p. f. containing 20% or

less of alcohol...

ctg. more than 20% and
of alc.

.per lb. 10 cts. and 20% not more than 50%

ctg. more than 50% of alc...per lb. 40 cts and 20%

.per lb. 20 cts. and 20%

Ale, in bottles or jugs, 45 cts. gal., but no sepa

rate or additional duty on the bottles or jugs..

Allow 3% of the invoice or standard



otherwise than in bottles or jugs....per gall. 23 cts. 245

quantity as wantage. T. D. 32,576, N. Y. Oct.
15, 1912.

Ale, beacon, as beverages non-alc. T. D.

ginger, same as beverages containing no alcohol

Bok, non-alc., as beverages non-alc. T. D. 25,172




Alizarin, natural or synthetic
Alizarin assistants, n. s. p. f.
Alizarin, dyes obtained from

Alkalies, containing 50% or more of bicarbonate of


free 394

25% 45

free 394

.per lb. 14 ct.


[blocks in formation]

n. s. p. f.



[blocks in formation]

All-chain Venetian carpets, see carpets

Alligator pears, T. D. 30,447, as fruits, green, ripe or dried

Alloys, described under name of material of c. v...

iron and cerium as metal unwrought. T. D.


Alloys used as substitutes for steel in the mf. of tools, see steels

[blocks in formation]

Alloys used in the mfr. of steel, n. s. p. f.
Almond cake as confectionery. T. D. 29,050.

15% 102


Almond meal, or flour, T. D. 27,691, mf. n. e. if toilet prep. T. D. 26,752

[blocks in formation]

per pf. gall. $2.60 240

Alum cake

Altar, marble, if work of art (T. D. 26,962), may be free

Althea, or marshmallow root, leaves or flowers, natural or unmanufactured. T. D. 23,769... free


Alum, chrome, as chem. salt. T. D. 29,701

Alum patent

Alum pencils as medicinal preparation. T. D. 15,216

Alumina, anhydrous, T. D. 16,758, chemical compound

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

alloys in crude form, aluminum c. v....per lb. 2 cts.
foundry ashes, T. D. 33,055, as crude met. min.

.per lb. 2 cts.




10% 154

[blocks in formation]

scrap, in crude form..

.per lb. 32 cts.


.per lb. 2 cts.


Amandines, as confectionery. T. D. 25,290
Amaryllis bulbs

articles, or wares, n. s. p. f., aluminum c. v.
not plated with gold or silver, whether
partly or wholly mfd.

hollow-ware, see hollow-ware

Amasake, same as miso. T. D. 33,120 Amber chips, not over 50 cts. lb. in value. pieces, over 50 cts. lb. in value. T. 741

[blocks in formation]

.per 1,000 $10




[blocks in formation]

Amber, crude gum, n. s. p. f.

.per lb. $1.00


Amber, mfs. of, amber c. v., n. s. p. f.



[blocks in formation]



Amberoid, unmanufactured, n. s. p. f.. .per lb. $1.00
Amenoform, as medicinal prep., non-alc. T. D. 27,394
American artists temporarily abroad, productions of,

see works of art

American citizen dying abroad, personal effects of, see effects

American fisheries, fish, fish oils, and other products of

(For regulations, see T. D. 32,138.) American goods returned:

1. Articles the growth, produce, or manufac-
ture of the United States, when returned
after having been exported, without hav-
ing been advanced in value or improved in
condition by any process of manufacture
or other means

(For regulations, see A 568 to 588, C. R.
2. Steel boxes, casks, barrels, carboys, bags and
other containers or coverings of American
manufacture exported filled with American
products, or exported empty and returned
filled with foreign products

(For special provisions for bags, see No. 6,

American containers or coverings, free of
duty under par. 404, are not a part of the duti-
able value of mdse. for determining rate of
duty or other purpose. T. D. 22,490.

3. Including shooks and staves when returned
as barrels or boxes



free 561

free 404

free 404

free 404

American goods returned, continued:

American shooks returned as barrels or boxes, are free of duty, including the costs of making into barrels or boxes. T. D. 33,369.

American shooks returned as barrels or
boxes, are free of duty, though advanced in
value or condition while abroad. T. D. 33,323.
4. Also quicksilver flasks or bottles, iron or
steel drums of either domestic or foreign
manufacture, used for the shipment of
acids, or other chemicals, which shall have
been actually exported from the United

(For regulations as to drums, see T. D. 30,-
5. But proof of the identity of such articles
shall be made, under general regulations to
be prescribed by the Secretary of the

6. But the exemption of bags from duty shall
apply only to such domestic bags as may
be imported by the exporter thereof...
(For exemption of bags, see No. 2, above.)
7. And if any such articles are subject to in-
ternal-revenue tax at the time of exporta-
tion, such tax shall be proved to have been
paid before exportation and not refunded.
8. Photographic dry plates or films of Ameri-
can manufacture (except moving-picture
films), exposed abroad, whether developed
or not, and films from moving-picture ma-
chines, light struck or otherwise damaged,
or worn out, so as to be unsuitable for any
other purpose than the recovery of the con-
stituent materials
Provided, The basic films are of American
manufacture, but proof of identity of such
articles shall be made under general regu-
lations to be prescribed by the Secretary of
the Treasury.

9. Articles exported from the United States for
repairs may be returned upon payment of
a duty upon the value of the repairs at the
rate at which the article itself would be
subject if imported under conditions and
regulations to be prescribed by the Secre-
tary of the Treasury

10. Provided, That this paragraph shall not ap-
ply to any article upon which an allowance
of drawback has been made, the reimporta-
tion of which is hereby prohibited except
upon payment of duties equal to the draw-
backs allowed; or to any article manufac-
tured in bonded warehouse and exported
under any provision of law


free 404




free 404



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