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Spiritual Communion is the calling into exercise of the most excellent Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity: by which, when deprived of the actual participation of the Sacrament, the effect of the Sacrament, that is, union with Christ, may be obtained.-S. THOM. AQ.

An Act of Spiritual Communion may be made in presence of the Blessed Sacrament, if from just cause, you refrain from receiving, or when from outward circumstances, you are removed from opportunities of receiving formerly granted you. In making an act of Spiritual Communion whilst you are removed from opportunities of receiving sacramentally, it is a good practice to make it at the exact hour when you know a celebration is taking place in the Church in which you have been accustomed to worship.*

LORD, what great things

I love Thee, also, above all

hast Thou done, what hast things, with my whole heart, O Thou endured, from the force of Thou, my chief good! O may Thy boundless love towards me! the all-glowing power of Thy But what return have I made? love take me wholly into itself, or what shall I make unto Thee? so that nothing may ever sepaI mourn, from my inmost rate me from the love of Jesus heart, that I ever offended Thee, Christ, my Saviour! For whom Who hast so greatly loved me. have I in heaven but Thee? and I believe in Thee, with lively what is there on earth that I faith, O Thou Eternal Truth!desire in comparison of Thee? that Thou Thyself art God and | Man, my Lord and my Saviour! I hope in Thee, O Lord, O Thou, the only Hope and true Salvation of my soul!


LORD Jesus, I acknowledge that Thou art the True Bread, which didst come down from heaven, to feed us

*The principle of making Acts of Spiritual Communion, when deprived of the opportunity of actual reception, is advocated in the Office for the Communion of the Sick, where these words occur: "But if a man, either by reason of extremity of sickness, or for want of warning in due time to the Cnrate, or for lack of company to receive with him, or by any other just impediment, do not receive the Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood, the Curate shall instruct him, that if he do truly repent of his sins, and steadfastly believe that Jesus Christ hath suffered death upon the Cross for him, and shed His Blood for his redemption, earnestly remembering the benefits he hath thereby, and giving Him hearty thanks therefore, he doth eat and drink the Body and Blood of our Saviour Christ profitably to his Soul's health, althongh he do not receive the Sacrament with his mouth."

with Thine own Self, and, with | For, if the gazing on the brazen wonderful sweetness, stupendous serpent had such efficacy, that power, and marvellous conde- it had power to heal those bitten scension, hast hidden Thyself. by fiery serpents, shall not the I know that Thou desirest ear-faith whereby I contemplate nestly to feed my soul under Thee have more power to heal these visible forms. the bites of the infernal serpent?

I believe that in Thee, as It was the type; Thou the Thou art here, are hidden infi- truth: it the shadow; Thou the nite treasures of spiritual gifts, substance. If the touch of the and the largest richness of grace, hem of Thy garment could exall which my poor and needy pel incurable diseases, what may soul panteth ardently to partake. it not avail to touch Thy All

I believe the word which Holy Body and Thy Divine Thou hast spoken, "He that Blood, if not by my body, yet eateth Me shall live by Me." by my mind, through longing Behold, O Living Bread, I, and earnest trust?

wretched that I am, well nigh If the shadow of Thy disciperishing with hunger and cold, ple, Peter, could drive away all exposed to many infirmities, I diseases of the body, what sickapproach to Thee, that, eating ness of the soul shall be able to Thee, I may more fully and stand its ground, and not rather truly live by Thee, may be ga-give place instantly, before the thered into Thee, and cherished brightness of Thy Divine Maby Thee. I trust that Thou wilt-jesty? not loathe my unworthiness, Come, therefore, to me, O weakness, and want. I do most Lord, and heal my sin-sick soul; truly confess that I am not wor- appease its hunger, strengthen thy that Thou shouldest come its weakness. Thou who, by under my roof, and therefore I the will of the Father, and the do not venture to bring Thee co-working of the Holy Ghost, now into the home of my heart, hast, by Thy death, given life by actual feeding on Thy All- unto the world, quicken me, Holy Body; but I know and feed me, sanctify me, by this, believe, with the centurion, that Thy All-Holy Body and Blood; Thou, even when absent (that deliver me from all sin; make is, without Sacramental Com- me ever to cleave to Thy communion) canst, with one word, mandments, and never let me heal, enrich, and sanctify me. [be separated from Thee. Amen.

W. Brendon, Printer, Plymouth.

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