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substitute for it in the unsubstantial proposals of the late Ministry, and so he accepted it perforce. He pointed out some oversights in the framing of the Bill, which, according to his interpretation, would lead to endless confusion in the working.

Lord Melbourne attacked the Bill in a tone of good-humoured sarcasm. Admitting that the financial Government of the country was not conducted by the Administration of Earl Grey and that which succeeded it, according to strict principles; that they had laid the burthen too much on the Consolidated Fund without imposing fresh taxes; yet, he said, circumstances might sometimes require a departure from strict principles.

After a debate of some length, in which the Duke of Wellington, the Earl of Clanricarde, and other Peers took part, the resolution was negatived by 112 to 52.

A contest then took place against the immediate reading of the Bill for the third time, which, after two divisions, terminated in an adjournment.

On the 21st June the Marquess of Clanricarde moved, as an Amendment to the adjourned Motion for the third reading of the Bill, that it be read a third time on that day three months.

The Earl of Wicklow expressed his regret, that Ireland had not been included in the operation of the measure.

He was followed at great length by Earl Stanhope, who supported the Amendment.

Lord Beaumont said, that he would vote, though somewhat unwillingly, for the Bill.

Lord Fitzgerald strenuously asserted its necessity, in consequence of the state in which the existing Government had found the national finances on entering office.

Lord Monteagle entered into an elaborate defence of his own financial administration, and contended that no necessity had been made out to justify the proposed mea


The Earl of Ripon replied on behalf of the Government; and, on a division, the Bill was read a third time, and passed by a majority of 71.


New Tariff-Preliminary Statement of Sir Robert Peel, before going into Commillee-Speeches of Messrs. Labouchere, D'Israeli, Hume, Gladstone, E. B. Roche, and G. Palmer-Motion of Major Vivian, respecting alleged Suppression of Information by GovernmentDebate, and Division thereon-Motion of Lord Howick against extension of differential Duties-It is opposed by Mr. Gladstone and other Members, and rejected by 281 to 108-The House goes into Committee on the Bill-Debate on Reduction of Duties on Agricul▾ tural Produce-Mr. P. Miles moves an Amendment respecting Duty on live Cattle-He is supported by Mr. R. Palmer, Earl of March, and Mr. G. Heathcote-Opposed by Mr. Gladstone, Lord Norreys, Mr. Gally Knight, and others-Speeches of Lord John Russell and Sir Robert Peel-Mr. Miles's Amendment lost by a Majority of 267-Other Amendments moved by Major Vivian and Mr. VilliersRejected-The Committee discuss the Items of the Bill seriatim-Various Amendments relating to Butter, Potatoes, Timber, ColtonWool, and other Articles, withdrawn or negatived-The Bill goes through Committee-Read a third time on 28th June-Remarks of Lord John Russell on that occasion-Declarations of Sir R. Peel respecting Commercial Measures of Foreign States-Debates on Customs-Duties Bill in the House of Lords-It is introduced by a Speech of Lord Ripon-Earl Stanhope moves ils rejection-The Duke of Richmond supports the Amendment-Lords Clanricarde and Monteagle speak in favour of the Bill-The second Reading carried by 59 to 4-In Committee, Amendments moved by Earl Stanhope are rejected; and third Reading carried by 52 to 9-Debate in the House of Commons on Sugar Duties-The Chancellor of the Exchequer moves to continue existing Duties for one year-Mr. Roebuck moves an Amendment to equalise Foreign and Colonial DutiesIt is defeated by 59 to 18-Another Amendment for reduction of Duties, proposed by Mr. Labouchere-Speeches of Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Hume, Lord John Russell, Mr. Roebuck, and Sir Robert PeelMr. Goulburn's Resolution is carried by 245 to 164.

HE question of the Income

which had been propounded in the

THE question of virtually dis- early part of the Session-the

posed of, the exertions of the Government were next directed to carrying into effect the other great branch of their financial scheme,

alterations in the Tariff or Customs-duties. A complete table of the changes proposed, had been printed and circulated very shortly

after the intentions of Government had been announced; but further consideration, and the representations of parties concerned, having subsequently induced them to concede certain modifications in particular items, an amended copy of the Tariff was afterwards placed in the hands of Members, previously to the 5th of May, on which day it was announced that it would be moved to go into Committee on this important subject.

On that day the proceedings in the House of Commons were commenced by an elaborate preliminary statement on the part of the Prime Minister. The delay in bringing forward the Tariff, he said, had been unavoidable, from the nature of the propositions themselves; for it was the duty of Government, in first considering the subject, to avoid communication with parties personally interested; but the proposal having been once made, parties had a fair right to be heard with reference to the important commercial changes affecting their interests. To the amended copy of the Tariff he appealed for proof, that the Ministers had been swayed by no unworthy motive; that they had neither deferred to powerful in terests suggesting alterations without reason, nor neglected weaker interests. He cast a glance retrospectively upon the legislation relating to this subject:

"In 1787, Mr. Pitt consolidated the Customs-laws. During the war, it was the practice under financial pressure, to raise the Customs-duties indiscriminately; and many of the present anomalies arose from that practice. In 1825, Mr. Huskisson made important changes; and in 1839 a Select

Committee of the House had performed an important service, by directing general attention to the state of the Tariff and the Importduties."

The general object of the present Government was to simplify the existing law :—

"We have applied ourselves to the simplification of the Tariff-to make it clear, intelligible, and as far as possible, consistent; and that alone, without reference to the amount of duty is, I apprehend, a great public object. We have also attempted, speaking generally, to remove all absolute prohibitions upon the import of foreign articles, and to reduce duties which are so high as to be prohibitory to such a scale as may admit of a fair competition with domestic produce. There are instances in which that principle has been departed from, and where prohibitions are maintained, and in those cases, we justify departure from the rule upon special circumstances; but the general rule has been, to abolish prohibitions, and reduce prohibitory duties within the range of fair competition. Our object has been, speaking generally, to reduce the duties on raw materials, which constitute the elements of manufactures, to an almost nominal amount; to reduce the duties on half-manufactured articles, which enter almost as much as raw materials into domestic manufactures, to a nominal amount; and with reference to articles completely manufactured, our object has been to remove prohibitions and reduce prohibitory duties, so as to enable the foreign producer to compete fairly with the domestic manufacturer; and I still entertain that confident belief and expectation, which I expressed on first inti

mating the intentions of the Government with respect to this Tariff, that the general result of it, if adopted by the House, will be materially to diminish the charge of living in this country. If you say to me, Why, you cannot make such a saving on this particular article, as to constitute any material item in the expenditure of a family,' I am quite willing to admit that, with respect to particular articles; but, speaking of the general effects of the Tariff as proposed by Her Majesty's Government, 1 contend, if there be any truth in the principles either of trade or of arithmetic, the inevitable result must be-and a great advantage it will prove to all classes of the community-to make a considerable reduction in the present price of living in this country, as compared with the price of living in other countries. It has been said, that it would be better to take fewer articles, and deal specifically with them: but the immense advantage of dealing generally with a great number of articles is, that to him who has to suffer individual and partial injury, you give a compensation by reductions on other articles."

He then went over in detail some of the chief alterations proposed in duties on what might be considered raw material :


"For instance, there are several kinds of seed-produce, the free importation of which would be of great advantage to the agricultural interest. In 1840, the cloverseed imported at 20s. duty produced 141,000l. revenue; an extent of importation, considering the high duty, which proves how great the necessity for it had been. The duties on woods came next: in consequence of the high

duties on foreign wood entered for home consumption, it has been imported into this country, and then re-exported to France and Germany, and, finally, re-imported hither as furniture, on a payment of 20 per cent. ; so that the cabinet trade of this country has been transferred to Germany and France; but by the reduction, I anticipate that England may in turn export furniture. The reduction of duties on dye-woods and ores, will be of the greatest benefit to the trade. The high duty ⚫on copper ore operates in such manner, that copper smelted in bond in this country cannot be used here; while copper is imported which has been smelted in France and Belgium with our own fuel." He gave an instance of the effect: A foreign power was desirous of entering into a very large contract for the building of several steamships. Application was made to this country; and the only objection made to entering into a contract for the building of these steam-ships here, to a very large extent, was, on account of the expense of coppering and fastenings, and preparing the steam-boilers in this country, as compared with France and Belgium. A demand was made to give a drawback on the amount of copper required, or to permit a quantity of copper to be introduced from foreign countries duty-free, equivalent to the amount needed for those vessels. It was impossible to accede to those demands; although it was stated by the parties concerned, that the contract must be transferred either to Rotterdam or some place in Belgium. I believe that course has not been taken; I believe the decision as to the place in which the contract shall be entered into

has been suspended, until the determination of this House shall have been made known; and I have every reason to believe, in case there should be an adequate reduction of the price of copper in this country, as compared with the price in other countries, that that contract, instead of being transferred to a Continental port, will be taken in this country.' The like advantages would result from the reduced duties on oils and extracts,' which are extensively used in our manufactures; while one of the chief, spermaceti oil, has risen from 601. or 70l. per tun a few years ago, to 957., or even to 1117. per tun; and in the United States, it can be procured for similar purposes at 3s. or 4s. a gallon. Coming to timber, he reminded the House of the celebrated dictum of Mr. Deacon Hume, that we have abundance of untaxed coal, abundance of untaxed iron, and that we only want abundance of untaxed wood, in order to be provided cheaply with the three great primary raw materials of employment and necessary con. sumption. He thought that to admit an unlimited competition with the Colonies in an article of so much importance to them, would be open to grave objections; but the permission to im port colonial timber free from duty, would keep in check any demand which might be made on Parliament, in case they felt disposed to afford additional facilities for the importation of Baltic timber.

On articles of foreign manufac ture, he proposed to lay an amount of duty, generally speaking, not to exceed 20 per cent. At present, the amount of the duties was as high as it was during the war. It had been said, that by that re

duction they had begun at the wrong end; and that they ought to have dealt more largely with the Corn-laws, and the duties on articles of provision :

His answer was, that they had materially reduced the price of the necessaries of life. At that moment, under the old law, the duty on foreign wheat would have been 27s. a quarter; under the new law it was 13s. He found that beef, fresh or slightly salted, was absolutely prohibited; he proposed to admit it at 8s. a hundred-weight. Lard, an article important in the consumption of the poor, and for manufacturing purposes, would be admitted at 2s. a hundred-weight, instead of 8s.; salt beef at 8s. instead of 12s. ; hams at 14s. a hundred, instead of 28s.; salmon, now prohibited, would be admitted at 10s. a hundred-weight; and herrings, a fish in which the poor were most interested, would be admitted at 10s. the barrel instead of 20s. This part of the measure had created some apprehension in the north of Scotland, under the apprehension of which a person had written to him thus: Norway produces, I think, as many herrings as we do. Go to the Baltic, and you may purchase herrings at 7s. 6d. to 8s. a barrel, while ours cost from 18s. to 20s. I presume the Norwegian herrings can be landed in Ireland at 11s. to 12s. per barrel; ours cannot at less than from 20s. to 22s. I am a free-trader in every other respect(Cheers and laughter)— but with respect to herrings, I caution you against the general ruin which you are about to inflict on those engaged in that branch of trade.' That was a very fair example of the general feeling created by these reductions. He

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