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it incumbent on themselves to make any other provision for labor, than to save it from starvation, and to get the greatest profit out of it, as the owner does out of his ox or his horse; and believing, as they do, that system the best which will secure this end most effectually. There can be no redeeming quality with Americans, for a system of public economy, one of the fundamental principles of which is of this kind, pervading it throughout, imparting its character to it, and constituting a part of its very essence. The three words, rent, profit, and wages,' in the sense in which they are employed by Smith and his school, as representing the three comprehensive parts of their system, are sufficiently declaratory of its character, and look back to a feudal state of society. The things here intended are not to be found in this country, and are not tolerated by its institutions.






No man

Labor-capital is the parent of all other capita. Other capital is chiefly, if not altogether, the creature of civilization, though the same thing, in substance, may be found in a savage state. But as a subject of public economy, it is regarded as one of the things receiving its definite form and measure from the hand of civil It will be found, indeed, that the entire polity. structure of civilization owes its existence to labor, and of course those parts of it which derive their tangible value from its forms, and which are regulated by them. Civilization itself is secondary and ministerial, in relation to all the capital which labor creates, and comes in to define and protect it. It was in part the value of these products of labor which made civilization necessary, that it might receive a definite form, and be made secure. can apply his hand or point his finger to a thing regarded as capital, which is not the product of labor. All intrinsic values are but fictions of the imagination, always imapalpable, vanishing as they are approached. The diamond and the pebble are of equal value in the eye of the barbarian, and would be equivalents in every other eye, but for the existence of that capital, the product of labor, which is able to purchase the diamond at a high price. We do not, however, mean to say, that it is improper, or without significance, to use the terms, intrinsic value. They are employed in this work in the usual sense, and are pertinent when so used, because they represent a practical idea. It will be found, however, that this value is entirely the product of labor; and this conclusion may be justified by the doctrines of all the economists worthy of respect.



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"Labor, in its true position, defines human rights, without a word, and men will scarcely fail to recognize them, while it remains there. But, when thrust out of place, into a false position, and chained to slavery; when it is made to occupy this position in all the systems of public economy most in vogue in the world,

it is no wonder that men who are entitled, and who ought, to be free, should be slaves. In its proper position, it proclaims a great truth, the consequences of which are stupendous, when carried out to all its legitimate results, in a system of public economy, morally and socially considered, as well as commercially—and more especially in the former aspects.

"The rocking of the cradle of American independence, jostled into one those distinctive elements on which the Free-Trade economists have founded their system. It broke down the barriers of classes, which form the peculiar features of that system, and the doctrine was then proclaimed, that all men are born free and equal.' As before, more especially from that time, this nation became a community of working men, in whose eyes labor is an honor; and he who does not work, is the exception to the general rule. Labor, therefore, in the United States, occupies an elevated, influential, honorable position. It is not the man that lives by work, but the man that lives without work, that is looked upon with disrespect. A gentleman of fortune and of leisure, who does nothing, has far less consideration than he, who, though equally able to live without work, devotes himself to some useful pursuit.





Labor, work, is the spirit, the genius of the American people. It was so from the beginning by necessity; it became a fixed habit of the community; and has ever been a part of the morale of the country. It is a grand political element; it was born of a great political exigency; it was nourished in a political cradle; it graduated into manhood with political honors; it made with its own hands, and has ever worked, the machinery of the political commonwealth; it lies at the foundation of the social edifice, pervades the entire structure, and its escutcheon stands out in bold relief from the pediment. And is this the thing, the element, the power, that is to content itself with the position and the doom of the third class enumerated, defined, and described by European economists, whose measure of degradation and of comfort could not be expressed by Adam Smith and others, as seen in the citations from them, without a picture drawn from slavery.

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"It should be observed that labor is never independent, when it has no alternative; that is, when it is not strong enough in its own position to accept or reject the wages offered to it in any given case, if unsatisfactory, and when, in such a case, it cannot turn away, and live and prosper. When it can do this, it not only has a voice in its wages, but the parties in contract, the employer and the employed, stand on a footing of equality. This principle is equally applicable to the producer of commodities of any description, as the proprietor of a farm, workshop, or any other producing establishment, over which he presides, and where, per

haps, he labors with his own hands, as to him who works for hire. The time has never yet been in the history of the United States as an independent nation, when labor was not in this sense an independent agent-when it could not reject an unsatisfactory offer, and yet live. It is not pretended that labor has been able to dictate its own terms. That would be equally improper and unjust, as for the employer to do it. But it has always had an alternative. As a last resort the American laborer can at any time go to the backwoods. His independence is never necessarily sacrificed.

* *

"In the light of this contrast, the condition of European and other foreign labor is one of absolute bondage. In the first place, it is for the most part deprived of all political influence. This is the primary cause of its misfortunes. In the next place, and also for the most part, it has no voice in its wages. There is no alternative left to it. It must work for what is offer

ed, and work hard, or perish in want; and the wages doled out are measured by so nice an estimate for bare subsistence, as to be often insufficient for that. In all those countries, labor is the agent of power. Power dictates its wages, controls it, enslaves it; and it needs but a little reflection, in connection with what has already been said, to see that this difference is immense, and immensely important."

But we must resist the temptation to further extracts from this interesting chapter, to pass to the fifth point as we have specified them, which in fact contains two of the most important to be found in the work, occupying two chapters replete with facts, statistics, and argnment. We refer to the positions, that protective duties are not taxes, and that they are besides a rescue from an enormous system of foreign taxation. It must be admitted that this point established in the first case, would be enough to settle the controversy between free trade and protection. We cannot begin to do justice to these chapters by citations. They must be taken in their very wide, yet condensed embodiment of facts, to be appreciated. They are overwhelmingly convincing, and leave little to be said. It has been so generally conceded, and it is so easy and natural to believe, that protective duties are taxes, that an argument to prove the contrary will occasion surprise. It will be yet more surprising, when the subject comes to be understood, that the free trade argument on this point had ever received the slight

est credence.

But not content with this achievement

-not a small one certainly-Mr. Colton has marched boldly into a field yet more entirely new, with an array of figures and facts, to demonstrate a system of foreign taxation, under free trade, which is not only immense, but amazing. It is to be hoped that these two chapters, so new and strong as they are, will not only be appreciated, but that they will produce we leave them, as the argument, in either their proper effect. With these remarks case, cannot be broken up without injustice.

The chapter which is devoted to the sixth point enumerated by us, and which is the tenth of the work, entitled, "The different states of society in Europe and America, require different systems of public economy," will naturally be appreciated by this title. Like other distinct lines of argument in this work, it is replete with fact, and characterized by skill and energy. The fallacies, not to say the atrocities of the doctrine of the Adam Smith school, as it relates to this point, are here laid bare to observation, and the Malthusian theory is scattered as with a thunderbolt. We cite the following passages on this point:

"Mr. Malthus's theory of population, which is generally respected in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, explains all this. He thinks and food for them; that the masses will fight men multiply faster than there is room, work. against each other for employment to support life; that landlords, and all capitalists, may rely on this natural strife, among laborers, m bidding for the lowest wages that will support existence; and as a consequence, resulting from this theory, it may be assumed that the natural increase of the human family is not s blessing, but a curse, to the majority of the race; and that the masses are doomed by Proidence to degradation, to a state of serfdom et slavery, to want and wretchedness, withca hope or possibility of relief.

"Rather than be guilty of this libel un Providence--it is indeed a very grave and inpious one-it would have been much mare consistent with Christian piety, and with the Christian doctrine of morals, it may be said more philosophical, to assume a defect in society. It is shocking to ascribe such a want of wisdom and goodness to the Creator! Mr Malthus supplies in theory what was wanted w wit, the hopeless degradation and misery of the sustain the practice of the European world, to masses; and the European economists of the Free-Trade school, assume the fact as a postilate, putting it in the place of one of the four

dation-stones of their edifice. They are not ashamed to do this openly-to make it visible, prominent, staring out in the face of man and of heaven. This theory, recognized and reduced to practice in society, is an insuperable bar, a yoke that cannot be broken, an iron despotism over the masses of mankind. * * * "It may, therefore, be assumed as a fact, involving a fundamental element in the system of the Free-Trade economists, and pervading every part of it, that the masses of mankind are to be regarded as mere working machines for the benefit of the few, with no other cost than to be kept in the best working order. Such an element of public economy, lying at the foundation of a system, being as one to three of the capital parts, stops nowhere in its influence and control over the various subdivisions and ramifications of that system. The only thing that remains the same, is, the position, the necessity, the hopeless doom of this working machine."

One more extract from this chapter:

"No such state of society as that for which Adam Smith, Ricardo and Say wrote, is found in the United States, and it would not be tolerated here for a moment. It is, indeed, that very state of things that was forsworn in the American Revolution, and against which the new government, institutions, and laws, set up at that epoch, and afterward matured and permanently established, were expressly framed to guard, and guard forever, with jealous care, that they should never obtain footing again on American soil. This new and reformed state of society, commonly and not inaptly called republicanism, rejects with indignation and scorn the idea of those relations which consti

tute the basis of the system of Smith, Ricardo, Say, M'Culloch, and others of that school. It was natural enough, it may be said it was necessary, at least apparently unavoidable, that they should take such premises as they were furnished with, on which to erect their edifice. It is evident what those premises were, because they are distinctly laid down; and it is also evident that a system built upon such premises, nust correspond with them. But the American system is directly the opposite of this. There s no resemblance in the premises, and none in he structure raised upon them, if it be properly

and virtue of the people depend upon education. It remains to show, in what respects, and how far, education becomes an element of public economy in the United States. We are not prescribing rules for European or other foreign nations. The withholding or lack of popular education among them-for it is the education of the people generally of which we speak-may be as necessary to their theory of society, as the enjoyment of it is to ours. It has already and frequently been stated, and should be constantly borne in mind, that Adam Smith and his school have adapted their system of public economy to the state of society with which they were surrounded, and not to that which exists among us. It is impossible, under their system, that general education should prevail-as much so as that it should prevail among slaves. There is no provision for it. It is the bare subsistence only of those who do the labor of society which they have provided for. In the first place, they have not a democratic state of society; next, they do not propose to have it; thirdly, they make no calculation for it; and lastly, as the working classes, under their system, have little or nothing to do with government, their education is not deemed important. On the contrary it is systematically suppressed, because it is reckoned dangerous. It must be seen, therefore, that the condition of society in the United States, in these particulars, is diametrically opposite.

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"The original settlers of this country from Europe-especially those from Great BritainMany of them were persons of as high culture, were men of intelligence and strong virtue. and of as much chivalry of character, as any that were left behind them. It may be said, of the times that produced them; and those that they were men of the strongest character who followed in their train were men of the same stamp. The motives of emigration then were of a high and social character, and not of European paupers and culprits. It was such as now pour upon this continent the floods mind of the highest order which could not endure the chains of European despotism, and which came here for freedom. The object of their coming, and the qualifications which fitted the argument in which we are now engaged. them for the enterprise, are directly in point of It was their high culture and eminent virtues which enabled them to lay the foundation of that stupendous system of political society and of public economy, which has subsequently and gradually grown up on their endeavors and their plan. Freedom was their end, and the means which they ordained to secure it, were schools and religion, education and the virtues of Christianity. The history of the colonies, from the earliest settlements, down to the Revolution and establishment of American inde"It need not be said, that the intelligence | pendence, is replete with proof of this assertion.


In the chapters on "Education as an element of public economy in the United States," the seventh head as enumerated by us, is opened another rich field of argument, where our author is not less at home than elsewhere. We present the Following extracts:

There arose, therefore, from the first, a state of society not before known in Europe or elsewhere-a republican or democratic society, in which there were no uneducated classes, and no laboring classes which did not comprehend the whole community. All went to school, and all worked when old enough; and on no point were the people more thoroughly educated than on the principles of free government. The oppressions of the old world drove out its own sons from its own bosom, and under its own charters, to set up a school, which must necessarily, in a course of time, subvert its authority, and become independent, because the emigrants brought away all that was good, and left behind all that was bad. The elements of this new state of society were all healthy, and full of infant purity. While the old world, from a vitiated and decrepit constitution, tended to decay, the new, purged of parental diseases, sprung up with giant strides, to giant vigor. Instead of the old leaven of European economists, that intellectual and moral culture belongs only to the higher classes, and that the working classes require nothing but bare subsistence like cattle, schools were provided for all-all were educated--trained to knowledge and virtue as a preparation for the working tirge of life. It was a republican or democratic state of society from the first, and continued to be such, till the struggle arose between the colonies and the mother-country, which resulted in American independence.

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"The system of common schools, early set up in this country, coeval indeed with American civilization, handed down from generation to generation, provided for as the first care of the state, watched over with paternal solicitude, nurtured, endowed, edified, and never suffered to decline, but always put forward with vigor and efficiency, is the cradle of those chances of which we speak. On this broad foundation, common to all, has been erected a system of select and higher schools, up to the college and university, which are also within the reach of all, by reason of a system of public economy, which it is our special purpose in this chapter to notice; not, indeed, so much within the reach of all, as the common schools, but yet not excluding any, nor presenting insuperable obstacles to any. The poorest and meanest born of the land, prompted by innate ambition, and developing hopeful talent, can, and do often, pass through all the stages of education, from the common school till they have graduated with honor at the highest seminaries, and entered upon the graver responsibilities of life, to contend in open and fair field, with the best born, for the highest prizes of the social state, whether of wealth or of influence. And it is an attribute of American society and institutions, to favor and help forward merit that emerges from obscurity, and strives to rise.


The common school is the basis of all; the genius of the government is the parent of all; and the joint operation of the two crowns all."

Passing for the present our eighth enumeration of new points, relative to money, we hasten to dispose of several following that, which, though eminently interesting and instructive for the novelty and practical character of the views presented, we have space only to notice with the head of a definition of freedom, as a few brief remarks. The chapter under


consisting in the enjoyment of commercial rights, and in the independent control of commercial values fairly acquired," exhibits what we will venture to say will be regarded as an entirely new element of public economy, if it is to be received into the list; and our author makes it at least one of the foundation stones of an American system. It is an argument of profound interest, and must be read entire to be appreciated.

out of it, are several points which we have Of a near affinity to this, and growing specified in our enumeration, which, we doubt not, will receive attention and awaken sympathy, as exhibiting views in a striking light, and which, though not before reduced to form, are common to most minds, such as, protection the cause of the the American revolution; protection the ground of all the struggles for freedom. in past ages, down to this time; the ne use of freedom in American independence. as founded in a protective system; the rise and progress of the free trade hypothesis, American instincts as they bear on this question; the fact and reason of the d ferent cost of money and labor, here and elsewhere; the destiny of freedom but is perfectly achieved, being only in the be ginning of its career, and its dependen on a protective system ; free trade a leece for depredation on the rights of others, its identity with the principle of anarchy. &c., &c. All these are great topics, and are elaborately treated in this work: bat in our condensed notice it is impossible t do justice to them by an attempted and ical review.

We return to the subject of money, ær however, for the purpose of noticing new points, one of which is the announ ment and specification of the foundation the value of money; another, the distinctim

between money as a subject and as the instrument of trade; a third, money as the "tools of trade;" and a fourth, the functions of money. The author allows that other economists have approximated these points, and cites them enough to show that they had glimpses, but not clear views of them; and that for want of clear views, great mistakes and some fatal errors have been committed-errors still current with all their mischievous influences. The following are a few brief citations, made very much at random, here and there, from the chapters on money-there are four of them-which may serve, in some measure, to show their character and drift:

"In process of time, of which the memory of nan and history give no advice, certain metals, Commonly called gold and silver, having been liscovered and found to possess excellent and unrivalled qualities for certain uses, and for rnament, became 'precious.' This may be upposed to be the origin of the name, 'preious metals.' For certain purposes of use nd ornament, other things have been held uch more valuable even than gold and silver, nd for which ten, twenty, a hundred, and even thousand to one, in weight, of the 'precious etals' have been and are given, as an quivalent. Nevertheless, partly on account of eir scarcity, and especially on account of eir adaptation to so many useful and ornaental purposes, no other substances, original, however formed, have ever acquired the potion of being held so universally 'precious,' gold and silver.


Gold and

to them the functions of money, apparently for
ever, without the remotest probability of change.
Nevertheless, this was not an accident, was
fundamental reasons, of the nature of value,
not arbitrary; but there were substantial,
lying somewhere back, beyond.
silver could not even now retain their value as
money, but for the foundation on which they
fall back and rest, as being greatly valuable for
an almost infinite variety of other purposes,
which are always ready to take up and absorb
them, whenever they can be spared from trade,
and which, as a part of trade, is constantly
being done; and as a part of trade also, they
are as constantly going back into the forms or
into the uses of money, though not in so great
amount. The natural current from the bowels
of the earth, is to the other uses of gold and
silver; and only so much of them is arrested,
on the passage, for money, as the necessities of
trade require. It is only in distress, that
people will surrender their plate, trinkets, or
any other precious' things, composed of gold
or silver, for money.




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"Assuming that nothing is money but gold and silver, or that which will command them at the will of the holder, it may be remarked, that the universal credit of these substances, when used as money, must have a foundation. That foundation is usually called intrinsic value. But a little reflection will show that the value thus asserted, lies farther back than the use of these metals as money, not denying that this use is a fraction of their value. But how came they to be used as money? Davanzati, an Italian economist of high_repute, says: Gold and silver, being found to be of no use in supporting human life, And it is to be observed, that this view have been adopted,' &c., that is, appropriated es not bring us to their position and use as to the use of money. This, we should think ɔney. Gold and silver are not valuable, too puerile to be noticed, except for the gravity nply because they are money. This was not with which it has been cited by others. M. e original ground of their being held in such Turgot answers this question: "By the nature gh estenm; but they have been adopted, and and force of things.' But this answer, as must ve obtained universal consent, to be used as be seen, has no more point in it than the suroney, or a common medium of exchange, face and materials of creation, inasmuch as it cause of their value for other uses, and has all this range. Others answer: By reason cause they are always in demand for such a of their qualities. This is not denied, so far st variety of appropriations, other than as those qualities determine their intrinsic ney. Money is but one of their uses, later value, which brings us back to where we startthe order of things; and it is only a fractioned from. But it is said, they mean the adapttheir value that is created by their use as ney, in the same manner as anything else ncreased in value, in proportion as its uses multiplied. The real foundation of the value gold and silver may be said to be, was in , prior to their having been viewed in the it of money, and appropriated to that use; the cause of their being thus appropriated, doubtless the discovery, by experience and rvation, of their unrivalled qualities for ruses and in other applications. Time immemorial usage, therefore, have assigned

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ation of their qualities to this specific use; which has some reason in it, but more against it. The very authorities who give this reason, because forsooth they must give some reason, such as M'Culloch, overturn it by starting objections and proving the great inconvenience and expense of these qualities in such an appropriation of these substances.

"The truth is, gold and silver were proved to be valuable, highly so, and always in demand, before they were used as money. They were found to be remarkable for their beauty and

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