Imágenes de páginas

MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES-Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency-Progress

of the Attorney-General's Bill for the Consolidation of this branch of the

Law in both Houses-Important alterations made in the Select Committee

of the House of Lords-The Law Lords are much divided in respect to

some provisions of the Bill-An Amendment is carried by Lord Chelms-

ford against the opinion of the Government-Some of the alterations

meet with disfavour in the House of Commons, and the further progress

of the Bill becomes doubtful-Controversy between the two Houses-

The Lords persist in retaining certain Amendments which the Commons

disapprove of The Government ultimately makes a concession to save the

Bill, and the Measure becomes Law-Consolidation of the Criminal Law-

Seven Bills are introduced by the Law Officers of the Crown, founded on

the Report of the Criminal Law Commission, to amend and consolidate

the Statutes relating to Indictable Offences—The Bills are referred to a

Select Committee in the House of Commons, and are eventually passed-

Further progress in the purgation of the Statute Book by the Repeal of


Bill to legalize these Unions is introduced by Mr. M. Milnes-Mr. Walpole

enters a Protest against the Principle of the Measure-Upon the Second

Reading being moved, Mr. Hunt moves an Amendment, and a Debate

takes place Speeches of Mr. Denman, Mr. Whiteside, Sir M. Peto, Mr.

Pease, and other Members-The Amendment is affirmed, on a division, by

179 to 172, and the Bill is dropped.-Other Law Reforms-Alteration in

the Law Regulating the Making of Wills by British Subjects Abroad-

Two Bills, proposed by Lord Kingsdown and the Attorney-General, are

enacted for this purpose.-POST OFFICE SAVINGS' BANKS-A measure for

affording increased security and convenience to depositors in Savings'

Banks through the medium of the Post Office, is proposed by the Chan-

cellor of the Exchequer-The Bill meets with general support, but is

opposed by Lord Monteagle in the House of Lords-It is passed into a

Law.-NATIONAL EDUCATION-The Report of the Royal Commissioners

on this subject is presented to Parliament, and occasions much interest-

The Earl of Shaftesbury, in the House of Lords, takes exception to part

of the Report containing animadversions on the Ragged Schools-His

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STATE OF THE COUNTRY at the Commencement of the Year 1861Parliament is Opened by the Queen in Person on the 5th of February -Her Majesty's Speech-The Address is moved in the House of Lords by the Earl of Sefton, seconded by Lord Lismore-The Earl of Derby enters fully into the various topics included in the Royal Speech, especially into the policy of this country in regard to ItalyHe is answered by Earl Granville-The Address is agreed to-It is moved in the House of Commons by Sir T. E. Colebrooke, and seconded by Mr. Paget-An Amendment on the subject of Parliamentary Reform is moved by Mr. White-Mr. Disraeli descants at some length on the State of Italy and the conduct of the British Government in relation thereto-Lord John Russell vindicates the policy of Her Majesty's Ministers-He adds some observations on Parliamentary Reform-Mr. Bright discusses the latter subject at some length, and expresses regret at the omission of the topic from the Ministerial Programme-Mr. White's Amendment being negatived, the Address is carried without a Division-On the Report of the Address, Mr. Seymour Fitzgerald renews the debate on Italian Affairs-Lord John Russell again justifies the policy of non-interference pursued by the Cabinet DEFECTS OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Committees moved for by the Ministers in both Houses to inquire into means of expediting the public business in Parliament Mr. Horsman moves an Amendment to the Motion in the House of Commons—Mr. Disraeli expresses his dissent from the Amendment, and Lord Palmerston's Motion is carried-Committees are appointed-Result of their inquiries-MILITARY OPERATIONS IN CHINA-Lord Herbert of Lea, VOL. CIII. [B]

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