STATE OF THE COUNTRY at the Commencement of the Year 1861Parliament is Opened by the Queen in Person on the 5th of February -Her Majesty's Speech-The Address is moved in the House of Lords by the Earl of Sefton, seconded by Lord Lismore-The Earl of Derby enters fully into the various topics included in the Royal Speech, especially into the policy of this country in regard to ItalyHe is answered by Earl Granville-The Address is agreed to-It is moved in the House of Commons by Sir T. E. Colebrooke, and seconded by Mr. Paget-An Amendment on the subject of Parliamentary Reform is moved by Mr. White-Mr. Disraeli descants at some length on the State of Italy and the conduct of the British Government in relation thereto-Lord John Russell vindicates the policy of Her Majesty's Ministers-He adds some observations on Parliamentary Reform-Mr. Bright discusses the latter subject at some length, and expresses regret at the omission of the topic from the Ministerial Programme-Mr. White's Amendment being negatived, the Address is carried without a Division-On the Report of the Address, Mr. Seymour Fitzgerald renews the debate on Italian Affairs-Lord John Russell again justifies the policy of non-interference pursued by the Cabinet DEFECTS OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Committees moved for by the Ministers in both Houses to inquire into means of expediting the public business in Parliament Mr. Horsman moves an Amendment to the Motion in the House of Commons—Mr. Disraeli expresses his dissent from the Amendment, and Lord Palmerston's Motion is carried-Committees are appointed-Result of their inquiries-MILITARY OPERATIONS IN CHINA-Lord Herbert of Lea, VOL. CIII. [B]