The Poems of John Dryden, Volumen3Clarendon Press, 1958 - 2104 páginas Egne digte og oversættelser af klassiske digterværker |
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Æneas Æneid Æneis Altars Anchises Arms Ascanius Ausonian Battel bear behold betwixt Blood Breast call'd Carthage Command cou'd Coursers Creusa crown'd dare Dart Death descends design'd Dido Divine e're Editor's paragraph Euryalus Ev'n ev'ry Eyes Fame fatal Fate Father Faunus Fear Field fierce Fight Fire fix'd Flames flies Flood Foes forc'd Force Friends Fury Goddess Gods Grecian Ground Hand haste Head Heav'n Heroe Heroick Honour Italy Jove Juno Juturna King Land Latian Latium Lausus Love Messapus Mezentius mighty mix'd Mnestheus Name Night o're Pallas Peace Phrygian pierc'd pious Plain pleas'd Poet Pow'r Pray'rs Priam Prince promis'd Queen Race Rage rais'd ratling resolv'd rest Rites rowling Rutulian sacred seiz'd Shades Shield Shoar Shore shou'd sight Sire Skies slain Soul sound Spear Steeds stood Sword Tarchon thee thou thrice thro Tow'rs Town trembling Trojan Troops Troy Turnus Tuscan Tyrian unhappy Virgil Vows Winds Wood wou'd Wound Youth