3645-9 FROM THE CONSULS OF THE UNITED STATES. 32- VOL. XXXII. Nos. 112, 113, 114, and 115. MONTHS: JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, AND APRIL, 1890. INDEX. [VOL. XXXII (Nos. 112, 113, 114, AND 115), CONSULAR REPORTS.] A. Abbott, J. T. (minister, Bogota): Coast trade of Colombia. Adams, Robert, jr. (minister, Rio de Janeiro), steam-ship subsidies and bounties in Page. 671 383 Aden, commerce of. 74 567 Barranquilla. (See Republic of Colombia.) Bartlett, Charles (consul, Guadaloupe): 300 434 125 689 574 447 123 Steam-ship subsidies and bounties in the Argentine Republic.__ 69 Black-game and capercailzie in Sweden.... Bohemian emigration to the United States Bonham, B. F. (consul-general, Calcutta), mortgages in India................ Borstel, H. C. (consul, Pernambuco), export duties at Pernambuco.. 546 289 705 32,63 454 Bissinger, Erhard (consul, Beirut), archæological discoveries in Syria 566 486 491 707 207 sugar, in Brazil.. Bourn, Augustus O. (consul-general, Rome), trial of seed-sowers in Italy.___ Brazil: 143 668 Brown, L. W. (consul, Glasgow), agricultural implements in Scotland.. 475 541 Brown, William A. (consul, San Juan del Norte), the Nicaraguan canal Bruce, W. (consul, Leith), trade of Leith in 1889... Burke, D. N. (consul, Bahia): The American and Brazilian Republics... American-Brazilian trade Camanba and piassava trees of Brazil Butter, imitation, French decree against. C. Page. 173 364 462 400 673 143 175 315 Camanba and piassava trees of Brazil. 673 Campbell, J. T. (consul, Foo-chow), tariff and taxation in China 203 Charleroi. (See Belgium.) Catlin, George L. (consul, Zurich), commerce and industries of Switzerland... Child, Jacob T. (consul-general, Bangkok), railroads and electric lights in Siam.... 332 311 238 Columbus, R. M. (consular-agent, Payta), native Peruvian cotton. 87 136 637 Concessions, steam-ship, in Mexico ___ Connolly, J. D. (consul, Auckland), products and resources of New Zealand |