Imágenes de páginas

Entente Note, quotations from, 6 ff.
Entente Powers, see England, France
Falmouth, 92

Fatherland, 39, 52

Fay, Lt., 109, 112, 115, 124 ff., 199,

Federal Reserve Act, 93

Federal Reserve Board, 308, 331,


Five Years War, 2, 6, 13 ff., 19,
26, 29

Flood, Representative, 75
Folkestone, 246 ff.

Ford, Henry, 344
Franc-tireurs, 64

France, 3, 38, 240; German relations
with, 3, 5; desire for war in,
7; propaganda expenses of,
47; munitions sent to, 122;
mediation and, 231; pacifist
agitation in, 261 ff.; Ameri-
can sympathy .for, 333; re-
sources of, 335; public opin-
ion in, 348; peace terms of,
374, 376, 377; hope of Amer-

ican aid in, 382 ff.; American
army in, 413

Francis-Ferdinand, Archduke, 35
Frederick, Emperor, 1
Frederick the Great, 66
Free Poland, 350
Frelinghuysen, Senator, 197
Friedjung, Heinrich, 6, 15
Friedrich VIII, 393 ff., 398 ff., 406
Fritzen, 112

Fuehr, Dr. Alexander, 48 ff., 57,

115; duties of, 165; Hoff af-
fair and, 195 ff.

Gerard, Ambassador, Lusitania af-

fair and, 156, 158; German
memorandum to, 181 ff.;
memorandum from, 183; sub-
marine warfare and, 230, 245,
250, 254 ff.; return of, 293
ff.; negotiations with, 306 ff.,
313 ff., 354, 375, 396, 406 fr.
Gerhardt, Meyer, 40, 49; mission of,

151, 154 ff., 162, 168, 315
German-Americans, 22 ff., 72, 94,

ff., 152, 186, 200, 209, 300,

302, 332 ff.; illegal activities
of, 101, 105; Red Cross work
of, 165

German-American Chamber of Com-
merce, 85, 300
Press, 52

German Embassy in London, 1, 395
Embassy in Washington, 24,

148, 168, 195 ff.

Foreign Office, 5, 14 ff., 42, 122,
154, 165, 168, 172 ff., 187, 211
"Information Service," 48
Mercantile Marine, 124
"Peace," 59 ff., 383

Red Cross, 36, 40, 47, 140, 151,
165, 300
Union, 85
Germany, policy of, 1 ff.; English
relations with, 1 ff.; Ameri-
can relations with, 1, 6 ff., 9
ff., 10, 14, 16 ff., 29 ff., 71,
91, 128 ff., 150, 234 ff., 250,
258, 266, 309, 311, 331 ff.;
French relations with, 3, 5;
Russian relations with, 2 ff.;
statesmen of, 4; world poli-
tics of, 4 ff.; attempt to avoid
war by, 7; spirit of, 8; Phil-
ippine affair and, 15, 30; Ve-
nezuelan affair and, 16, 30;
propaganda of, 42 ff.; object
of war in, 60; opinion of Wil-
son in, 61 ff.; wireless sta-
tions of, 65 ff.; American
notes to, 78, 132 ff., 134 ff.,
147 ff., 155, 158 ff., 166 ff.,
218, 220, 248 ff., 252 ff.;
finances of, 80, 98 ff.; Amer-
ican exports to, 80 ff.; con-
spiracies of, 101 ff.; conces-
sions of, 236; 1916 conditions
in, 287, 343; 1916 peace offer
of, 312 ff., 376 ff.; American
offer refused by, 322 ff.; sub-
marine warfare adopted by,
331 ff., 353, 358 ff., 369, 372
ff., 375, 378 ff., 382 ff., 387
ff., 405; American Press and,
333 ff.; desire for peace in,
348; rupture of American re-
lations with, 380

Goltz, Horst von der, 112, 118
Goschen, Sir Edward, 348
Greece, violation of, 53, 334

Hague Conference, 6, 66, 71 ff., 182
ff., 190, 247, 292

Hale, William Bayard, 48, 115, 338,

Halifax, 399 ff., 406
Hamburg, 20, 35, 92, 101
Hamburg-Amerika Line, 48, 73, 80
ff., 101 ff., 105, 114, 199
Hamburger Nachrichten, 297
Hampton Roads, 265

Hapag Case, 215

Harding, Senator, 384

Hatzfeldt, Prince, 393

Hatzfeldt, Huberta, 400
Hay, John, 14, 17

Hearst, William Randolph, 68,
260, ff.

Hearst Press, 38, 196, 261, 336 ff.,

343, 346, 351, 353

Hecker, Rittmeister, 40, 47; Red

Cross work of, 165

Helfferich, Karl, 172, 254 ff., 286,
310, 368 ff., 381, 392

Henry, Prince, 23

Hermann, F. & Co., 88

Hilmy, Khedive Abbas, 396

Hindenburg, Marshal, 410

Hirsch, Gilbert, 349

Hoff, Alfred, 195

Hofmeister, 112

Holland, 81, 157, 228; allied meas-

ures against, 334

Holstein, von, 5

Hong Kong, 102

Horn, Werner, 112, 117

House, Col., 29, 69 ff., 78, 242 ff.,

270; mediation supported by,
79, 231, 275, 277, 284 ff., 291
ff., 295, 305 ff., 313 ff., 353,
382, 390; Bernstorff and, 205,
231, 257, 264, 298; neutrality
of, 228; German peace offer
and, 323 ff., 328 ff., 378
Huerta, 77, 123, 200 ff.
Hughes, Charles Evans, 243, 281,
284, 296, 298, 300 ff., 369

"Hull Insurance," 88

[blocks in formation]

tania negotiations and, 164,
166, 169, 172 ff., 181, 213 ff.,
219 ff., 222; Arabic negotia-
tions with, 174, 177, 180 ff.,
183 ff., 188, 190; January,
1916, note of, 225 ff., 228 ff.;
Sussex and, 264; Anglo-
American agreement and, 264
ff.; Belgian deportations and,
308, 340; peace note and, 317
ff., 320, 323; submarine war-
fare and, 327, 342, 379

Law, Bonar, 382

[blocks in formation]

Lusitania, effect of sinking of, 30

ff., 56, 141 ff., 150 ff., 162,
166, 175, 248, 259, 280, 341,
386; sailing of, 138; sinking
of, 138 ff.; defence of sinking
of, 149; negotiations concern-
ing, 138, 149 ff., 152 ff., 159
ff., 169, 171 ff., 178, 190 ff.,
212 ff., 215 ff., 221 ff., 227 ff.,
236, 239, 255, 264, 274

McAdoo, William, 317

[blocks in formation]

Nauen, 156

Nelson, Senator, 111

New England, 342

New Hampshire, 270, 284 ff.
New Jersey, 25, 65
New London, 260
Newmann, 113

Newport, 267, 284, 296
New Republic, 81

New York, 38 ff., 47, 80 ff., 84 ff.,

88, 94, 102 ff., 118 ff., 122,
124, 139, 142, 160 ff., 165, 186
ff., 231, 234, 261, 294, 308,

313, 333, 340, 350 ff., 396 ff.
American, 38, 337, 346
Evening Post, 38, 335, 349 ff.
Evening Sun, 335, 346
Evening Telegram, 38, 335

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Paderewski, Ignace, 349 ff.

Panama Canal, 14

Pan-German Party, 20

Papen, von, office of, 41; financial

affairs of, 46, 96; conspiracies

of, 108 ff., 114, 116 ff., 198
ff.; recall of, 111, 202 ff., 215;
Rintelen and, 122; attack on,

Paris, 69, 209, 231, 261, 371
Parker, Sir Gilbert, 52

Pavenstedt, 261 ff.

Peace of Portsmouth, 14
Philadelphia, 116, 140, 142, 152,
160, 162, 333

Philadelphia Inquirer, 336

North American, 350

Public Ledger, 335, 340, 351
Philippines, American policy toward,
15; Taft in, 17

Pittsburgh, 116

Post, 351
Plage, Herr, 49

Poland, plan for relief of, 267 ff.;
autonomy of, 349 ff., 376

Poppinghaus, 112

Posen, 350

Prince Waldemar, 83

Princess Royal of England, 1
Providence Journal, 105, 110, 200,

Ram Chandra, 112
Ratcliffe, S. K., 337
Reed, Senator, 46
Reinsurance Treaty, 5

Republican National Committee, 274
Party, 17, 26 ff., 235, 356

Rheims Cathedral, destruction of, 54
Riano, Señor, 35

Rintelen, Franz, 109, 112 ff., 122
ff., 199 ff., 203 ff.

Risikoflotte, 4


Ritz-Carlton, 42, 140 ff., 165, 198
Roosevelt, Theodore, 17, 161, 224,
243; policies of, 13
Venezuela affair and, 16;
"trusts" and, 26; Bernstorff's
personal relations with, 28;
Lusitania affair and, 145;
Russo-Japanese war and, 281;
1916 election and, 297 ff.
Rotterdam, 37

Rumania, 284 ff., 287 ff.; sacrifice
of, 334; conquest of, 343, 376
Ruroede, Carl, 112
Russia, German relations with, 2
ff.; desire for war in, 7; Jap-
anese relations with, 17; war
begun by, 36; German con-
spiracy against, 120; Poland
oppressed by, 350; peace
terms for, 376 ff.; revolution
in, 383, 404; Bolshevism in,
Russo-Japanese War, 14, 281

St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 351
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 351
St. Regis Hotel, 199
Salonika, 288

San Francisco, 120 ff., 338
Sayville Wireless Station, 53, 65
Scandinavia, 81, 157; Allied meas-

ures against, 334

[blocks in formation]

Tirpitz, von, 4, 143, 223, 244 ff.,


Trans-Ocean Bureau, 154

Treaty of Amiens, 59
Triple Alliance, 2 ff., 5

Tuckerton Wireless Station, 53, 65
Tumulty, 34

Turkey, 287, 376

U-Boat campaign, opening of, 9;
prosecution of, 10 ff.; negotia-
tions concerning, 27; "armed
merchantmen" and, 222, 224
ff., 230, 237 ff., 258, 260, 354;
surrender of, 263, 277; Amer-
ican coast, 267 ff.; proposed
reopening of, 282 ff., 288, 292
ff., 296, 298 ff., 303 ff., 310
ff., 314 ff., 325 ff., 330, 346
ff., 358; German desire for,
330 ff., 408; reopening of, 331
ff., 353, 358 ff., 369, 372 ff.,
375, 378 ff., 380, 382 ff., 387
ff., 405

U-53, visit of, 267 ff., 296, 337; pi-
racy of, 342

Ultimatum of April 18, 1916, 379
United States, German relations
with, 1, 6 ff., 9 ff., 14, 16, 18
ff., 29 ff., 60, 71, 91, 128 ff.,
150, 234 ff., 250, 258, 266, 309,
311, 331 ff.; pre-war condi-
tions in, 13, 29; pan-Ameri-
can policy of, 14 ff.; Japanese
relations with, 14; Philip-
pine affair and, 16; char-
acteristics of, 18; English re-
lations with, 18 ff., 21, 29,
81, 128, 130; Lusitania affair
and, 30 ff., 50, 141 ff., 150 ff.,
162, 166, 175, 248, 259, 280,
341, 386; public opinion in,
31 ff., 58; German wireless
stations in, 65 ff.; neutrality
of, 58 ff., 65 ff.; munition
traffic, 71 ff., 75 ff.; German
notes to, 73 ff., 134 ff., 149,
158, 231 ff., 245 ff., 251 ff.,
257; German propaganda in,
42 ff., 89, 259 ff.; propaganda

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