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Ackerman, Karl, 338
Albert, Privy Councillor, appoint-

ment of, 36; financial affairs
of, 40, 42, 46; office of, 41;
propaganda work of, 49; mov-
ing picture work of, 56; ship-
ping activities of, 80 ff., 85
ff.; hindrance of, 83 ff.; ma-
rine insurance and, 89, 92;
"conspiracies" and, 119; du-
ties of, 165; robbing of, 196

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Albrecht, Count, 395
Algeciras Conference, 13 ff.
Alsace, 329, 376

America, see United States

American Criminal Court, 119
Embassy in London, 316 ff.
Institute in Berlin, 23

Law Department, 44, 262, 274
Peace League, 291
Peace Note, 318-321

Press, 49 ff., 57, 94, 316 ff., 326,
332 ff., 336 ff., 342 ff., 394
Press Bureau, 47

Secret Service, 47, 197

War Propaganda Department,


[blocks in formation]

Arbitration Treaty, 24, 27
Archibald, James, 197 ff.
Armenian, sinking of, 163

Asquith, Herbert, 298

Associated Press, 32 ff., 51, 179, 221
Atlanta, 102, 124, 338
Atlantic, 87
Austria-Hungary, Germany allied
with, 2, 5; Serbian threat to,
7; battle front of, 287; de-
sire for peace in, 348

Bagdad, 20

Bakmetieff, 141
Balkans, 7

Ballin, 409 ff.
Baltimore, 266

Baltimore Sun, 38
Bartelli, 261.

Baumgarten, Prof., 20
Beachy Head, 246
Beecher, Henry Ward, 43
Belgium, invasion of, 30, 59, 130,

387; atrocities in, 39, 53;
atrocities of, 64; American
aid to, 128, 267; proposed
restoration of, 278, 287, 329,
377, 392; deportations from,
302, 305, 308 ff., 339 ff.
Berchtold, Count, 7
Berlin, 6, 36, 42, 46, 50, 53, 69, 71,
95, 98 ff., 145, 154, 162, 164,
167 ff. 173, 178 ff., 197, 214,
220 ff., 230 ff., 243 ff., 247,

250, 254 ff., 259, 262, 264, 283,

285 ff., 290, 292 ff., 307, 309
ff., 314 ff., 320, 322 ff., 325,
340, 351, 358, 368 ff., 371, 373,
375, 379, 400, 402, 407
Bern Freie Zeitung, 44
Bernstorff, Count, in London, 1, 16;

pre-war policy of, 1 ff.; arbi-
tration efforts of, 6 ff.; Amer-

ican relations with, 9; peace
efforts of, 10 ff., 60, 69; ap-
pointment of, 23, 28; Roose-
velt and, 28; newspapermen
and, 39 ff.; Bryan and, 68,
75; munition traffic and, 73;
Col. House and, 79, 231, 270,
281, 284, 290 ff., 295 ff., 373
ff.; forged passports and, 104;
"conspiracies" and, 108 ff.,
114, 119; submarine warfare
and, 136 ff., 358 ff.; Lusitania
affair and, 138, 149 ff., 152 ff.,
222 ff.; Lusitania reports of,
159 ff., 169, 171 ff., 213 ff.;
Lansing and, 166, 172 ff., 177,
180 ff., 205; Arabic affair
and, 173, 188 ff.; Arabic re-
ports of, 177 ff., 180, 182 ff.,
189 ff.; German telegram on
Arabic affair to, 179 ff.; Ar-
chibald affair and, 197 ff.;
Boy-Ed, report of, 201; Sussex
reports of, 241 ff., 244 ff.,
250 ff., 264; Bolo affair and,
260; Polish relief report of,
268; mediation reports of,
274 ff., 279 ff., 285 ff., 295,
353 ff.; 1916 election and, 300
ff.; Commission of National
Assembly and, 313 ff.; "Amer-
ican opinion" described by,
332 ff.; Wilson's speech re-
ported by, 372; departure of,
393 ff.; article on, 394 ff.;
arrival in Germany of, 403;
German examination of, 403

Bethlehem Steel Works, 95
Bethmann-Hollweg, von, 257, 311,
325, 331 ff., 346, 379, 388 ff.,
403 ff.

Bielaski, Commissioner Bruce, 44,
111 ff., 121 ff.

Bismarck, 2, 4, 11

[blocks in formation]

Boston Evening Transcript, 38, 335,

Boy-Ed, Captain, office of, 41; recall
of, 111, 123, 201 ff.; conspira-
cies of, 114, 200; Rintelen
and, 122 ff.; attacks on, 200
Bremen, 94
Bridgeport Projectile Company, 95
Brinken, von, 112, 120 ff.
British Royal Mail Steam Packet
Company, 182

Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 38, 335, 347
Brown, Cyril, 338 ff.
Bryan, William Jennings, 26; char-
acter of, 27, 68; pacifism of,
68, 75, 157; submarine war-
fare and, 131 ff.; peace efforts
of, 144 ff.; resignation of,
151, 155 ff., 161, 169, 228, 264
Bukarest, 312
Bulgaria, 287

Bülow, Prince, 3, 4, 7, 24, 275
Bünz, Dr., 102, 112

"Bureau for Employment of German
Workers," 116

Buröde, 203

Cairo, 395

Canada, 112 ff., 117 ff., 336
Canadian Bank, 401

Canadian Pacific Railway, 120
Capelle, von, 263
Caprivi, 2 ff.
Carolyn, 86
Carranza, 77

Cavell, Edith, 53, 339
"Central Office for Foreign Service,"

"Central Purchasing Company," 36,


Charlotte, 343

Chicago, 102, 116, 121, 123, 338
Chicago Herald, 335

Chicago Tribune, 38, 47

China, 17, 99

Christiania, 401 ff.

Cincinnati, 28

"Citizen's Committee for Food Ship-

ments," 259

Claussen, M. B., 48

Clemenceau, 64

[blocks in formation]

Dumba, Dr., 116; peace efforts of,

155 ff., 169, 192; Archibald
affair and, 198 ff.; recall of,
199, 210, 215

Dunele, 181
Duneyre, 83
Dungeness, 246

East Asiatic Squadron, 15
Eastern Policy, 2, 12

Eckhart, von, 115
Eir, 83, 86

Eitel Friedrich, 265
Ekengren, 406

Encirclement Policy, 3
England, 43, 71, 88, 94, 179, 194,
240; German relations with,
1 ff., 36; Venezuela affair and,
16; cables cut by, 38; inter-
national law violated by, 40,
80; propaganda expenses of,
47; American press and, 51
ff., 333; American relations
with, 67, 190, 215, 217 ff.,
257, 264, 299, 305; blockade
by, 81 ff., 92 ff., 99, 103, 127
ff., 132, 145, 153, 164, 218,
229, 232 fr., 235, 259, 264, 276
ff., 281, 283, 343, 382; Wilson
and, 171, 256 ff., 309; Amer-
ican notes to: February 22,
1915, 134 ff.; January 18,
1916, 225; July 21, 1915, 226;
October 21, 1915, 276 ff.; Lan-
sing's note to, 76; debt of,
186; merchantmen armed by,
232; Polish relief and, 267
ff.; mediation and, 275 ff.,
289, 306; resources of, 335;
submarine warfare and, 341,
413; peace feeling in, 348;
wheat embargo against, 352;
peace terms of, 374, 376;
American financial aid of,

English Press, 16, 19, 305, 334 .,
337, 369
propaganda,, 30
Secret Police, 196

White Book, 233

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