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But were your Committee disposed to abandon volved in political strife upon the territorial questhe dictates of patriotism and forget for the mo- tion. ment their loyalty to the Constitution of the na- It has been already remarked that the idea of tion, a proper regard for the local interests of our excluding slavery from the Territories, as enterown State would demand at our bands an exami- tained by the Republican party, is in conflict nation of the probable consequences of the ac- with an unreversed decision of the Supreme tion proposed. We are told by the Commissioner' Court of the United States, and was wholly abanthat Georgia acted for herself, and adopted such doned by that party in the recent organization of course as she deemed best calculated to protect territorial governments. The right to carry her honor and secure the welfare of her citizens. slaves into all the public domain is to-day clear If it be true that each State possesses the right

and undisputed, and if the soil and climate be to judge for itself, and its own peculiar interests

such as to forbid the permanent existence of the should control its policy in emergencies like the institution therein, secession will scarcely be represent, and that Georgia in the exercise of that garded by Missouri as a remedy for the supposed right has acted with an eye single to her own

grievance. welfare, it may well be doubted whether a simi

Again we may ask, if the Southern States withlarinstinct of self-preservation on our part should

draw from the Government, will it not be argued be influenced by the conduct of others.

that they have abandoned all interests in the pub.

lic property? We waive the question of right, It is urged that the Northern mind has become

for evidently it resolves itself into one of power, 80 corrupted by the anti-slavery mania of tho

and it is at least certain that such will be the view day, as to render this species of property inse

of those from whom we have separated. This of cure. If secession could remove our State beyond

itself will inaugurate a contest of the most viothe reach of this morbid sentiment, or build Jent character; and whether the institution of mountains and seas upon our borders to arrest

slavery may be safely planted upon any soil in the operation of its influence, the remedy pro

the midst of hostilities, originating from these posed might at least be regarded in a more favor

causes, is a question deserving our serious consid. able light.) Our State is surrounded by territory

eration. which, in the event of separation, will pass un

In conclusion, Mr. President, your Committee der the jurisdiction of a foreign government; and

desire to express the hope that the errors of the if it be once admitted that fraternal regard and a

day, both North and South, will soon be aban. sense of mutual dependence, cemented by the

doned, that fraternal love will be restored by adassociations of the past and the hopes of the fu- justment, honorable alike to every section, and ture, are now insufficient to check the insubordi

that Georgia and Missouri may continue in the Date citizens of adjacent States, what limit to

Union of our fathers, to bless and be blessed, in outrage may be anticipated when these restraints

in the great family of States. are removed!)

In every point of view in which we have been Supposing that a peaceable separation could be able to examine the communication soliciting our accomplished, new and important questions withdrawal from the Union, whether viewed as a would be precipitated upon us. The present ele- constitutional right, a remedy for existing evils, ments of our prosperity as one people would be- or a preventive of anticipated wrongs, we find it come the sources of bitter strife. What gives in conflict with our allegiance to a good Governpower as a nation would bring about conflicts be- ment, and wholly inefficient to accomplish the tween its different societies, as independent sov- ends designed. ereignties, that must soon terminate in the de- We therefore recommend to the Convention the struction of the weaker and the comparative ruin adoption of the following resolutions : of the stronger. The great rivers of our country, Resolved by the people of Missouri, in ConvenHow floating the commerce of a happy people, tion assembled : would daily present questions for angry contro- 1st. That the communication made to this Conversy between rival republics./ There being no vention by the Hon. Luther J. Glenn, as & Comcommon arbiter for the adjustment of these ex- missioner from the State of Georgia, so far as it citing differences, an appeal to the sword will be asserts the constitutional right of secession, meets made to settle them., Treaties will likely fail to with our disapproval. secure what now is claimed as a constitutional / 20. That whilst we reprobate in common with right. In this view of the case, Missouri having Georgia, the violation of constitutional duty by withdrawn from the Union to obtain greater secu- Northern fanatics, we cannot approve the secesrity in negro property, would suddenly find her- sion of Georgia and her sister States, as : self surrounded by territory affording for the fu. measure likely to prove beneficial either to us or gitive slave an asylum as safe as the Canadian to themselves. / provinces. Secession does not commend itself to 3d. That in our opinion the dissolution of the Missouri as a proper solution of the problem, in- Union would be ruinous to the best interests of

Missouri, hence no effort should be spared on her ner, the motives or the sufficiency for the action part to securo its continued blessings to her of the seceding States, than to add, that it has people, and she will labor for an adjustment of elicited our unfeigned regrets. all existing differences on such a basis as will be Mr. WELCI moved to lay the report of compatible with the interest and the honor of all

the Committee, and the report of the minority the States.

on the table, and to make them the special order 4th. That this Convention exhorts Georgia and

for the third Monday in December next. the other seceding States to desist from the revolutionary measures commenced by them, and

Mr. SHEELEY called for a division of the unite their voice with ours in restoring peace and question which was ordered. cementing the Union of our fathers.

The first question, to lay the reports of the 5th. Resolved, that the President of this Con- majority and minority on the table was decivention transmit a copy of these resolutions, to- ded in the affirmative. gether with a copy of those concerning our Fede

The second question, to make them the speral relations adopted by the Conven ion, to the President of the Convention of Georgia, or if tho

cial order of the day for the third Monday in Convention shall have adjourned, then to the

December next, was decided in the affirmative Governor of said State.

by the following vote, the ayes and noes havJOHN B. HENDERSON,

ing been demanded by Mr. Welch. Chairman Com. on Commissioner from Ga. AYES.-Messrs. Bartlett, Bass, Bast, Bogy,

Brown, Calhoun, Cayce, Chenault, Collier, Mr. Birch, (of the same Committee,) desired Crawford, Doniphan Donnell, Douglass, Drake, to have the following resolutions read for infor: Dunn, Frayser, Flood, Givens, Gorin, Gravely, mation, laid upon the table and printed, with the

Harbin, Hatcher, Hill, Holt, Hough, Hudgins,

Howell, Irwin, Jamison, Kidd, Knott, Marmaunderstanding that, at the proper time, he would

duke, Matson, McCormack, McDowell, Moroffer them as a substitute for the resolutions

row, Moss, Noell, Phillips, Pomeroy, Rankin, which accompany the report of the Committee. Redd, Ritchey, Ross, Rowlard, Sawyer, Sayre,

Resolved, That, whilst denying the legal right Shackelford of Howard, Shackelford of St. of a State to secede from the Union, (as assumed

Louis, Sheeley, Waller, Watkins, Welch,

Woodson, Woolfolk and Zimmerman–56. in the communication which has been made to this State by the Commissioner from the State of

Noes.—Messrs. Allen, Birch, Breckinridge,

Bridge, Bush, Eitzen, Foster, Gamble, Hall of Georgia,) we recognize in lieu thereof the right

Buchanan, Hall of Randolph, Henderson, Henof revolution, should sufficient reason arise there

drick, Hitchcock, Holmes, How, Isbell, Jackson, for.

Jolinson, Leeper, Linton, Long, Marvin, Mau2. That, whilst in common with the State of pin, McClurg, McFerran, Meyer, Norton, Orr, Georgia, we deplore and reprobate the sectional

Ray, Scott, Smith of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, disregard of duty and fraternity so forcibly pre

Stewart, Tindall, Turner, Wilson, Wright, Van

buskiik and Mr. President-40. sented by her Commissioner, we are nevertheless undespairing of future justice; nor will we des

Mr. SILACKELFORD, pf Howard, withdrew pair until our complaints shall have been specific

the amendment offered by him on yesterday, ally and unavailingly submitted to the Northern to the accepted substitute of Mr. Wilson to PEOPLE.

the seventh resolution of the report of the 3. That we concur with the Commissioner of Committee an Federal Relations. the State of Georgia, that the possession of slave

Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, offered the followproperty is a constitutional right, and as such ought to continue to be recognized by the Federal

ing as an amendment to the pending amendGovernment; that, if it shall invade or impair

ment, by adding as follows : "The President of that right, the slaveholding States should be found

this Convention shall be added to, and be ex united in its defense; and that in such events as

officio Chairman of said Committee. may legitimately follow, this State will share the Mr. Birch moved that the seventh resoludangers and the destiny of her sister slave States. tion, and all pending amendments be referred

4. That, relying upon the restoration of frater- to the Committee on Federal Relations, with nal relations on the basis of adjustment thus and instructions to report to the Convention this otherwise denoted in the action of this Conven- day, at two o'clock P. M., which was agreed to. tion, the President is requested to communicate

Mr. Gantt offered the following resolution, to each of the seceding States a copy of its re

which was adopted. solves, and to invoke for them the same earnest and respectful consideration in which they are

Resolved, That two hundred copies of the submitted, and which restrains this Convention report of the Committee on the Communicafrom any further criticism upon the mode or man- tion from Georgia, together with both sets of resolutions accompanying the same, be printed vention of the State of Virginia for the meetfor the use of the Convention.

ing of delegates from the border States or borOn motion of Mr. Welch, the Convention der slave States; and if there should assemble adjourned until 2 o'clock P. M.

then and there, delegates duly accredited from

a majority of the States invited to such conferEVENING SESSION.

ence, then the delegates from this Convention The Convention met pursuant to adjourn

shall enter into conference with them, and shall

endeavor to devise a plan for the amicable and ment. Mr. GAMBLE from the Committee on Federal

equitable adjustment of all matters in differRelations, to whom was referred the seventh

ence between the States of this Union. And resolution and pending amendments, reported

the delegates appointed under this resolution, the following :

shall report their proceedings in such conference,

and Resolved, That there shall be a committee

any plan that may be there agreed consisting of the President of this Convention,

upon to this Convention for its approval or who shall be ex officio chairman, and seven


Mr. Redd offered the following as a substimembers, one from each Congressional district

tute for the resolution : of the State, to be elected by this Convention, a majority of which shall have power to call

Whereas, The Convention of the State of this Convention together at such time prior to

Virginia, now in session, has adopted a resoluthe third Monday in December next, and at

tion in the following words, to wit : “ The pe such place as they may think the public exi

culiar relations of the States of Delaware, Ma. gencies require ; and in case any vacancy shall

ryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, happen in said committee by death, resigna- Kentucky, Missouri and Arkansas to the other tion, or otherwise during the recess of this

States, make it proper in the judgment of Convention, the remaining members or mem- this Convention, that the former States should ber of said committee shall have power to fill

consult together and concert such measures for such vacancy-which on motion was adopted.

their final action, as the honor, interest, and By the unanimous consent of the Convention the safety of the people thereof may d mand, the following amendment was adopted :

and for that purpose the proper authorities of Add to the fifth resolution as Mr. SACKEL- those States are requested to appoint CommisFord's amendment: "And in order to restora

sioners to meet Commissioners, to be appointed tion of harmony and fraternal feeling between

by this Convention, on behalf of the people of the different sections, we would recommend this State, at Frankfort, in the State of Kenthe policy of withdrawing the Federal troops

tucky, on the last Monday in May next; And from the forts within the borders of the sece- Whereas, this Convention approving of said ding States where there is danger of collision

resolutions, and being desirous of co-operating between the State and Federal troops.”

with the States named therein for the purpose Mr. GAMBLE called up the following resolu- named ; tion heretofore introduced by him from the Therefore, Resolved, That seven Commissioncommittee on Federal Relations as an addi- ers be appointed by the President of this Contional resolution to the report of said commit

vention to meet the Commissioners from the tee :

States named in this resolution, at the time Whereas, It is probable that the Convention and place therein named ; and said Commisof the State of Virginia, now in session, will

sioners are hereby instructed to report their request a meeting of the delegates from the action, and the action of said Convention to border States or border slave States, for the

this body at the next meeting thereof. purpose of devising some plan for the adjust- Mr. Sawyer offered the following amend. ment of our national difficulties; and Whereas, ment to the substitute : the State of Missouri participates strongly in Strike out all after the word 'resolved,' and the desire for such adjustment, and desirous to insert the following: That one delegate from show respect for the wishes of Virginia, each Congressional district be elected by the Therefore

qualified voters of the respective districts, Resolved, That this Convention will elect whose duty it shall be to attend at the time and seven delegates, one from each congressional place designated by the Convention of the district, whose duty it shall be to attend at such State of Virginia, for the meeting of the deletime and place as may designated by the Con- gates from the border States ; and if there shall assemble then and there, delegates duly Ayes-Messrs. Bass, Bast, Brown, Drake, sccredited from a majority of the States invited

Flood, Givens, Gorin, Hatcher, Hudgins, Matto such Convention, then the delegates from

son, Redd, Sawyer, Sayre, Turner and Wood

son—15. this State shall enter into conference with them,

Noes-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Birch, Bogy, and shall endeavor to devise a plan for the ami

Breckinridge, Bridge, Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, cable and equitable adjustment of all matters Chenault, Crawford, Doniphan, Dunn, Eitzen, in difference between the States of this Union; Frayser, Foster, Gamble, Ganit, Gravely, Hall and this Convention urges the Legislature of

of Buchanan, Harbin, Henderson, Hendrick,

Hill, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, Hough, How, this State to make provisions by law for the Howell, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Jamison, elections of said delegates by the people, and Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Linton, Long, Marmain the event, the Legislature shall fail to make duke, Marvin, Manpin, McClu g, McCormack,

McDowell, McFerran, Meyer, Morrow, Moss, such provision by law, for such election, then,

Noell, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Pomeroy, Ranthat the President of this Convention shall ap- kin, Ray, Ritchey, Ross, Rowland, Scott, point said delegates, and the delegates selected Shackelford of Howard, Shackelford of St. under this resolution shall report their proceed

Louis, Sheeley, Smith of St. Louis, Smith of

Linn, Stewart, Tindall, Waller, Watkins, ings in such conference, and any plan that may

Welch, Wilson, Wolfolk, Wright, Vanbusthere be agreed upon, to this Convention for i kirk, Zimmerman and Mr. Presidert_76. their approval or rejection.

ABSENT— Messrs. Broadhead, Collier, Co. Mr. SNACKELFORD, of Howard, moved the

mingo, Donnell, Douglass, Hall of Ran lolph,

and Knott. previous question which was ordered, the

Sick-Mr. Pipkin. question then being, “shall the main question

The resolution was then adopted by the folbe now put ?" it was decided in the affirmative. The question then being on the adoption of

lowing vote, the ayes and noes having been

demanded: the amendment to be substituted, it was decided in the negative by the following vote, the

Ayes-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bass, Bast,

Birch, Bogy, Breckinridge, Bridge, Brown, ayes and noes having been called for by Mr.

Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, Chenault, Collier,CrawBROWN :

ford, Doniphan, Donnell, Douglass, Drake, AYES., Messrs. Bartlett, Bast, Birch, Brown,

Dunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Flood, Foster, Gamble, Calhoun, Cayce, Chenault, Collier, Crawford,

Gantt, Givens, Gorin, Gravely, Hall of BuDoniphan, Donnell, Douglass, Drake, Frayser,

chanan, Hall of Randolph, Harbin, Hatcher, Givins, Gorin, Harbin, Hatcher, Hill, Holt,

Henderson, Hendrick, Hill, Hitchcock, Holmes, Hough, Hudgins, Jamison, Marmaduke, Mat

Holt, Hough, How, Howell, Hudgins, Irwin, son, Rao kin, Redd, Ritchey, Rowland, Sawyer,

Isbell, Jackson, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Sayre, Scott, Sheeley, Waller, Watkins and

Knott, Linton, Long, Marmaduke, Matson, Zimmerman.-37.

Maupin, McClurg, McCormack, McDowell,

McFerran, Meyer, Morrow, Moss, Noell, NorNOES.—Messrs. Allen, Bass, Bogy, Breck- ton, Phillips, Pomeroy, Ray, Rankin, Redd, inridge, Bridge, Bush, Eitzen, Flood, Foster, Ross, Rowland, Sawyer, Sayre, Scott, ShackGamble, Gantt, Gravely, Hall of Buchanan, elford of Howard, Shackelford of St. Louis, Hall of Randolph, Henderson, Hendrick, Sheeley, Smith of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, Hitchcock, Holmes, How, Howell, Irwin, Isbell, Jarkson, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Linton,

Stewart, Tindall, Turner, Waller, Watkins,

Welch, Wilson, Woodson, Woolfolk, Wright, Long, Marvin, Maupin, McClurg, McCormack, Vanbuskirk, Zimmerman and Mr. PresidentMcFerran, Meyer, Morrow, Moss, Noell, Nor- 93. ton, Orr, Phillips, Pomeroy, Ray, Ross, Shack. elford of Howard, Shackelforil of St. Louis,

Noes-Messrs. Leeper, Orr and Ritchey-3. Smith of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, Stewart,

ABSENT-Mr. Broadhead.
Tindall, Turner, Welch, Wilson, Woodson,
Woolfolk, Vanbuskirk and Mr. President–57.

Sick-Comingo and Pipkin.
Absent : Messrs. Broadhead, Wright and

Mr. Irwin offered the following resolution, Knott.

which was adopted : Sick : Messrs. Comingo and Pipkin.

Resolred, That this Convention will adjourn By leave of the Convention, Mr. Redd with

its session in the city of St. Louis on Friday, drew his substitute, and offered the following

the 22d inst., at 3 o'clock P. M. amendment, which was rejected by the follow- Mr. Dunn offered the following resolution, ing vote, the ayes and noes baving been de- which, on motion of Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, manded by Mr. Welch :

was laid on the table : Amend by striking out the words, “this

Resolved, That the delegates from each ConConvention will elect delegates,” and insert in gressional district be requested to recommend the place thereof, the words, “the President a suitable person for delegate to represent is authorized to appoint seven delegates.” Missouri in the border State Convention, and


that they report such recommendation to this Convention toomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.

Mr. Birch, from the Committee heretofore appointed to inquire into the conspiracy to

take the State of Missouri out of the Union, asked to be and was discharged.

On motion of Mr. Norton, the Convention adjourned until to.morrow morning at nine o'clock.


FRIDAY MORNING MARCH 22, 1861. The Convention met pursuant to adjourn- For Mr. Cayce-Messrs. Bartlett, Bush, ment, and was opened with prayer by the Rev.

Birch, Brown, Chenault, Collier, Crawford, Mr. Monroe.

Doniphan, Donnell, Drake, Dunn, Frayser,

Flood, Givens, Gorin, Hatcher, Hill, Hough, On motion of Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, the Howell, Hudgins, Matson, McCormack, Moss, reading of the journal was dispensed with. Noeil, Norton, Reda, Sawyer, Sayre, Sheeley, On motion of Mr. Birch, the Convention

Waller, Watkios aud Woodson-32. proceeded to the election of the members of

ABSENT—Messrs. Bas', Broadhead, Doug. the committee of seven, provided for in the

lass, Gamble, Knott, Ray, Shackelford of How.

ard, Stewart and Wilson. seventh resolution, when

Sick--Messrs. Comingo and Pipkin. Mr. Long nominated Mr. Thomas T. Gantt Mr. McCORMACK having received a majoriof the First Congressional District. There ty of all the votes cast, was declared duly electbeing no other nomination, on motion of Mr. ed from the Seventh Congressional District. Hall, of Buchanan, he was declared unani- On motion of Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, the mously elected.

Convention proceeded to the election of deleSecond District, Mr. WoodSON nominated gates to the border States Conveniion, one Mr. J. T. Matson, who was declared elected. from each Congressional District, in their reg.

Third District--Mr. WOOLFOLK nominated ular order. Mr. J. T. Tindall.

First District--Mr. BRIDGE nominated HamOn motion of Mr. Birch he was declared ilton R. Gamble. There being no other nomiunanimously elected.

nation made, on motion of Mr. Hall, of Bu. Fourth District, Mr. Hall of Buchanan, chanan, he was declared unanimously elected. nominated Mr. Rūbert Wilson, who, on motion Second District- Mr. ZIMMERMAN nominaof Mr. Doniphan, was declared unanimously ted John B. Henderson. Mr. Howell nomi. elected.

nated Warren Woodson, Fifth District-Mr. MARVIN nominated Mr. The roll having been called, there appeared J. Proc. Knott, who, on motion of Mr. SuEE- For Mr. HENDERSON- Messrs. Allen, Bogy, LEY, was declared unanimously elected. Breckinridge, Bridge, Bush, Calbonn, Doug. Sixth District-Mr. ISBELL nominated Mr.

lass, Foster, Eitzen, Ganti, Gravely, Hall of

Buchanan, Hall of Randolph, Hendrick, HitchMcClurg, who, on motion of Mr. Meyer, cock, Holmes, Helt, How, Irwin, Isbell, Jackwas declared unanimously elected.

son, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Linton, Seventh District-Mr. Bogy nominated Mr.

Long, Marvin, Maupin, McClurg, McCormack, Jas. R. McCormack.

McFerran, Meyer, Morrow, Orr, Phillips,

Pomeroy, Rankin, Ross, Rowland, Scott, ShackMr. WATKINS nominated Mr. M. P. Cayce. elford of St. Louis, S:nith of Linn, Smith of The roll having been called, there appeared

St. Louis, Tindall, Turner, Woodson, Woolfor Mr. McCormack:

folk, Wright, Vanbuskirk, Zimmerman and

Mr. President-52.
Messrs. Allen, Bogy, Breckinridge, Bridge,
Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, Eitzen, Foster, Gantt,

For Mr. WoodSON-Messrs. Bartlett, Bass, Gravely, Hall of Buchanan, Hall of Randolph,

Bast, Birch, Brown, Chenault, Collier, CrawHarbin, Henderson, Hendrick, Hitchcock,

ford, Doniphan, Donnell, Drake, Dunn, Fray. Holmes, Holt, How, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson,

ser, Flood, Givens, Gorin, Harbin, Hatcher, Jarnison, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Linton, Long,

Henderson, Hill, Hough, Howell, Budgins, Marmaduke, Marvin, Maupin, McClurg, Mc.

Marmaduke, Matson, McDowell, Moss, Noell, Dowell, McFerran, Meyer, Morrow, Orr, Phil

Norton, kedu, Ritchey, Sawyer, Sayre, Shee. Tips, Pomeroy, Rankin, Ritchey, Ross, Row: ley, Waller, Watkins and Welch-37. land, Shackelford of St. Lous, Smith of Linn,

ABSENT-Messrs. Broadhead, Cayce, GamSinith of St. Louis, Tindall, Tumer, Welch, ble, Knott, Ray, Shackelford of Howard, Woolfolk, Wright, Vanbuskirk, Zimmerman

Stewart and Wilson. and Mr. President–56.

Sick--Comingo and Pipkin.

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