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TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1861. The Convention met, pursuant to adjourn. , in the affirmative by the following vote, the ment, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. ayes and noes being called for by Mr. Bast. Mr. Monroe.

Ayes.—Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bass, Bast, The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday

Birch, Bogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, was read and approved.

Brown, Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, Collier, Comin.

go, Crawford, Doniphan, Donnell, Douglass, The Convention, on motion, proceeded to Drake, Dunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Flood, Foster, the consideration of the first resolution, when Gamble, Gannt, Givens, Gorin, Gravely, Hall Mr. Redd offered the following amendment:

of Buchanan, Hall of Randolph, Hatcher, Amend by striking out the word “

Hendrick, Hitchcock, Holmes, Bolt, Hough, cause,”

How, Howell, Hudgins, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, and inserting in the place thereof the word Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Linton, Long, “motive,” which was rejected.

Marvin, Marmaduke, Matson, Maupin, McThe question recurring on the adoption of Clurg, McCormack, McDowell, McFerran, the resolution, it was decided in the affirma- Phillips, Pomeroy, Rankin, Ray, Redd, Ritch:

Meyer, Morrow, Moss, Noell, Norton, Orr, tive, by the following vote, the ayes and noes ey, Rowland, Sawyer, Sayre, Scott, Shackelford having been demanded by Mr. Hough.

of Howard, Shackelford of St. Louis, Sheeley, AYES— Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bass, Birch,

Smith of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, Tindall, Bogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge,

Turner, Waller, Watkins, Welch, Woodson, Brown, Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, Collier, Co

Woolfolk, Wright, Vanbuskirk, Zimmerman

and Mr. President-90 mingo, (rawford, Doniphan, Donnell, Douglass, Drake, Dunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Flood, Nous—None. Foster, Gamble, Gantt, Givens, Gorin, Grave- ABSENT- Messrs. Chenault, Harbin, Hep. ly, Hall of Buchanan, Hall of Randolph, Hatch- derson, Hill

, Ross, Stewart and Wilson. er, Hendrick, Hitchcock, Holmes. Holt, Hough, Sick-Messrs. Knott and Pipkin. How, Howell, Hudgins, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Mr. Bast then offered the following: Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Linton, Long,

Amend the third resolution of the Report of Marmaduke, Marvin, Matson, Maupin, McClurg, Mct'ormack, McDowell, McFerran,

the Committee on Federal Relations by ad. Meyer, Morrow, Moss, Noell, Norton, Orr, ding: “And in the event of a refusal by the Phillips, Pomeroy, Ray, Rankin, Redd, Ritch. Northern States of this Union to agree and ey, Rowland, Sawyer, Sayre, Scott, Shackelford of Howard, Shackelford of St. Louis,

consent to such an adjustment or settlement of Sheeley, Smith of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, the slavery question, and our sister States, Tindall, Turner, Waller, Watkins, Welch, Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, Woodson, Woolfolk, Wright, Vanbuskirk, Zim- North Carolina and Arkansas, determine to merman, and Mr. President-89.

change the relation they now hold to the GenNo-Mr. Bast-1.

eral Government, the State of Missouri will Absent, Messrs. Harbin, Henderson, Hill,

not hesitate to take a firm and decided stand in Ross, Stewart and Wilson.

favor of her sister slave States of the South." Sick-Messrs. Chenault, Knott and Pipkin.

Which was decided in the negative by the Mr. Hougu moved to amend the report of following vote, the ayes and noes being dethe committee, by adding to them, after the

manded by Mr. Hatcher : fifth resolution, the following as an additional

Ayes-Messrs. Bartlett, Bast, Brown, Cayce, resolution, which was laid on the table and Chenault, Collier, Comingo, Crawford, Frayordered to be printed :

ser, Hatcher, Hill, Hough, Howell, Hudgins, Resolved, That in order to secure our just Matson, Noell, Redd, Sawyer, Sheeley Waller,

Watkins, Zimmerman and Mr. President-23. rights in the Union under the Constitution, it

Noes.-Messrs. Allen, Bass, Birch, Bogy, is of the greatest importance that the public Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Busli

, Cal. peace should be preserved, and it is the opinion houn, Doniphan, Donnell, Douglass, Drake, of this Convention that it cannot be done if the Dunn, Eitzen, Flood, Foster, Gamble, Gantt, General Government continues the occupation

Givens, Gorin, Gravely, Hall of Buchanan,

Hall of Randolph, Henderson, Hendrick, Hitch. of the forts in the States which have seceded. cock, Holmes, Holt, How, Irwin, Isbell, JackWe, therefore, request the President of the son, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Leeper, Linton, United States to withdraw the troops of the Long, Marmaduke, Marvin, Maupin, McClurg, General Government from those forts.

McCormack, McDowell, McFerran, Meyer,

Morrow, Moss, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Pomeroy, The question being on the adoption of the

Rankin, Ray, Ritchey, Rowland, Sayre, Scott, second resolution of the report, it was decided Shackelford of Howard, Shackelford of St.

Louis, Smith of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, Tin- Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, moved the predall, Turner, Welch, Woodson, Woolfolk, vious question on the adoption of the third resWright, and Vanbuskirk—70.

olution. ABSENT-Messrs. Harbin, Ross, Stewart and Wilson.

Pending which, on motion of Mr. BRECKIN Sick-Jessrs. Knott and Pipkin.

RIDGE, the Convention adjourned.


WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 20 1861. The Convention met pursuant to adjourn-, of delegates as are to be sent to such Convenment, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. tion. Mr. Monroe.

Mr. GAMBLE moved the previous question; The journal of the proceedings was read the question being :

“ Shall the main quesand approred.

tion be now put ?" It was decided in the afThe motion of Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, for firmative. the previous question being the order, the The question then being on the adoption of question was: 'Shall the main question be the substitute to the fourth resolution, it was now put?” It was decided in the affirmative. agreed to.

The question being on the adoption of the The question recurring upon the adoption of third resolution, it was adopted by the follow the fourth resolution as substituted, it was deing Fote, the ayes and noes baving been called cided in the affirmative by the following vote, for by Mr Hall, of Buchanan :

the ayes and noes having been demanded by Ares-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bass, Bast, Mr. Hall, of Buchanan : Birch, Bogy, Breckinridge, Bridge, Brown,

Ayes-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bast, Bass, Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, Chenault, Collier, Craw. Birch, Bogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, ford, Doniphan, Donnell, Douglass, Drake, Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, Collier, Crawford, DonDunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Flood, Foster, Gamble, neli, Douglass, Drake, Dunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Gantt, Givens, Gorin, Gravely, Hall of Bu- Flood, Foster, Gamble, Gantt, Givens, Gorin, chanan, Hall of Randolph, Harbin, Hatcher, Gravely, Hall of Buchanan, Hall of Randolph, Henderson, Hendrick, Holmes, Holt, Hough, Harbin, Henderson, Hendrick, Hitchcock, Holt, Howell, Hudgins, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Jam- Holmes, How, Howell, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, ison, Kidd, Knott, Leeper, Long, Marmaduke, Jamison, Kidd, Knott, Leeper, Long, MarmaMarvin, Matson, Maupin, McClurg, McCor- duke, Marvin, Matson, Maupin, McClurg, Mcmack, McDowell, McFerran, Meyer, Morrow, Cormack, McDowell, McFerran, Meyer, MorMoss, Noell, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Pomeroy, row, Moss, Noell, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Pome. Rankin, kay, Redd, Ritchey, Ross, Rowland, roy, Raukin, Ray, Ritchey, Ross, Rowland, Sawyer, Sayre, Smith of Linn, Sniith of St.

Sawyer, Sayre, Scott, Shackeltord of Howard, Louis, Tindall, Turner, Waller, Watkins, Shackelford of St. Louis, Sheeley, Smith of Welch, Wilson, Woodson, Woolfolk, Vanbus- Linn, Smith of St. Louis, Tindall, Turner, kirk, Zimmerman and Mr. President-90. Waller, Welch, Wilson, Woodson, Woolfolk,

Noes-Messrs Broadhead, Hill Hitchcock Wright, Vanbuskirk, Zimmerman and Mr. and How-4.

President—85. ABSENT-Messrs. Linton and Stewart.

Noes-Messrs. Brown, Chenault, Doniphan, Sick-Messrs. Comingo, Johnson and Pip

Hatcher, Hill, Hough, Hudyins, Redd and

Watkins-9. kin.

ABSENT 1-Messrs. Linton and Stewart. Mr. GAMBLE offered the following as a sub

Sick-Messrs. Comingo, Johnson and Pipstitute for the fourth resolution :

kin. Resolved, That the people of Missouri be- Mr. DoxxELL offered the following as an lieve the peace and quict of the country will amendment to the fifth resolution : be promoted by a Convention, to propose Amend fifth resolution by adding as follows: amendments to the Constitution of the United “In view of the existing state of affairs, in States, and this Convention therefore urges order to avoid and more effectually prevent a the Legislature of this State, and of the other conflict with the seceding States, which would States, to take the proper steps for calling such forever close the door to compromise, we bea Convention, in pursuance of the fifth article lieve it to be the duty of the Executive to withof the Constitution; and for providing by law draw all government troops from their borders, for an election by the people of such number and abstain from the collection of the revenue,

thereby depriving them of any plea for bring- ton, Pomeroy, Redd, Ross, Sawyer, Turner ing on a hostile engagement, with a view of

and Welch-15. engaging the sympathy and co-operation of

ABSENT— Messrs. Sayre, Stewart and Wright.

Sick-Messrs. Bast, Johnson, Linton and the remaining slave States."

Pipkin. Mr. Hough withdrew the resolution offered

The question being on the adoption of the by him on yesterday, which was laid on the

amendment to the substitute, it was agreed to table and ordered to be printed.

by the following vote, the ayes and noes havMr. Hall, of Buchanan, offered the follow-ing been demanded by Mr. Moss : ing as a substitute for the amendment of Mr. Aves—Messrs. Bartlett, Bass, Bogy, Brown, Donnell :

Cayce, Chenault, Collier, Comingo, Crawford, This Convention is not sufficiently acquaint- Frayser, Flood, Gamble, Givens, Gorin, Grave:

Doniphan, Donnell, Douglass, Drake, Dunn, ed with all the facts concerning the forts of the ly, Hall of Randolph, Harbin, Hatcher, Hill, United States within the limits of the seceding Hough, Howell, Hudgins, Kidd, Knot', Mar. States, as to be able to give an opinion with re

maduke, Matson, McCormack, Mc Dowell,

Morrow, Moss, Noell, Norton, Phillips, Pomeference to the best course to be pursued by the roy, Rankin, Ray, Redd, Ritchey, Ross, Saw. Federal Government, but this Convention enr- yer, Sayre, Shackelford of Howard, Sheeley, nestly hopes that such action may be taken by Waller, Watkins, Welch, Wilson, Woodson, the United States and the seceding States as

Woolfolk, Vanbuskirk, Zimmerman and MA

President–57. will avoid all hostile collision between the Uni. Noes--Messrs. Allen, Birch, Breckinridge, ted States and said seceding States.

Broadhead, Bridge, Bush, Calhoun, Eitzen, Mr. SHACKELFORD, of Howard, offered the

Foster, Gantt, Hall of Buchanan, Henderson,

Hendrick; Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, How, Irfollowing as an amendment to the pending sub- will, Isbell, Jackson, Jamison, Leeper, Long, stitute :

Marvin, Maupin, McClurg, McFerran, Meyer, That it is the opinion of this Convention,

Orr, Rowland, Scott, Shackelford of sí. Louis,

Smith of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, Tindall that our cherished desire to preserve our coun- and Turner-36. try from the ruins of civil war and its devas- ABSENT-Messrs. Linton, Stewart and tating influence, and the restoration of harmo


SICK-Messrs. Bast, Johnson and Pipkin. ny and fraternal feeling between the different

The question then being on the adoption of sections, would be greatly promoted by the

the substitute as amended, was decided in the withdrawal of the Federal troops from such

affirmative by the following vote, the ayes and forts within the borders of the seceding States,

noes being demanded by Mr. Moss : when there is danger of a collision between

AYES— Messrs. Allen, Bogy, Breckinridge, the State and Federal troops, and we recom

Broadhead, Bridge, Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, mend that policy.

Douglass, Eitzen, Foster, Gamble, Gantt, Mr. Hall called for the previous question,

Gravely, Hall of Buchanan, Hall of Randolph,

Henderson, Hendrick, Hitchcock, Holmes, which was sustained, the question being : Holt, How, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, Jamison, “Shall the main question be now put ?” De- Kidd, Leeper, Long, Marmaduke, Marvin, cided in the affirmative by the following vote,

Maupin, McClurg, McCormack, McDowell,

McFerran, Meyer, Morrow, Noell, Orr, Philthe ayes and noes having been called for by

lips, Pomeroy, Rankin, Ross, Rowland, Scott, Mr. Knott:

Shackelford of Howard, Shackelford of St. Ayes-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bass, Birch,

Louis, Smith of Lion, Turner, Wilson, VanBogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, buskirk, Zimmerman and Mr. President–54. Brown, Bush, Calhoun, Cayce, Chenault, Co- Noes-Messrs. Bartlett, Bass, Birch, Brown, mingo, Doniphan, Donnell, Douglass, Drake, Chenault, Collier, Comingo, Crawford, DoniDunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Flood, Foster, Gantt, phan, Donnell, Drake, Dunn, Frayser, Flood, Givens, Gorin, Hall of Buchanan, Hall of Ran- Givens, Gorin, Harbin, Hatcher, Hill, Hough, dolph, Harbin, Hatcher, Henderson, Hitchcock, Howell, Hudgins, Knott, Matson, Moss, NorHolmes, llolt, How, Howell, Irwin, Isbell, ton, Ray, Redd, Ritchey, Sawyer, Sayre, Shee. Jackson, Jamison, Kidd, Leeper, Long, Mar

ley, Smith of St. Louis, Tindall, Waller, Watmaduke, Marvin, Matson, Maupin, McClurg,

kius, Welch, Woodson and Woolfolk-39. McCormack, McDowell, McFerran, Meyer,

ABSENT- Messrs. Linton, Stewart and Morrow, Moss, Noell, Orr, Phillips, Rankin,

Wright. Ray, Ritchey, Rowland, Scott, Shackelford of

SICK-Messrs. Bast, Johnson and Pipkin. Howard, Shackelford of St. Louis, Smith of Mr. HENDERSON moved that the Convention Linn, Smith of St. Louis, Tindall, Waller,

adjourn until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, Watkins, Wilson, Woodson, Woolfolk, Vanbuskirk, Zimmerman and Mr. President–77.

which motion was decided in the negative. Noes-Messrs. Crawford, Gamble, Gravely,

The question then being on the adoption of Henderson, Hill, How, Hudgins, Knott, Nor- the amended substitute as an amendment to

the original (fifth) resolution, it was decided - The question being on the adoption of the in the affirmative by the following vote, the sixth resolution, it was decided in the affirma. ayes and noes having been called for by Mr. tive by the following vote, the ayes and noes Redd:

having been called for by Mr. Redd : Ares-Messrs. Bartlett, Bass, Bogy, Brown, Ayes-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bass, Birch, Cayce, Chenault, Collier, Comingo, Crawford, Bogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Bush, Doniphan, Donnell, Douglass, Drake, Dunn,

Brown, Calhoun, Cayce, Collier, Douglass, Flood, Givens, Gorin, Gravely, Harbin, Hatch

Drake, Dunn, Eitzen, Frayser, Flood, Foster, er, Hill, Hough, Howell, Hudgins, Knott, Kidd, Gamble, Gantt, Hall of Buchanan, Hall of Marmaduke, Matson, McDowell, Morrow, Randolph, Hatcher, Henderson, Hendrick, Hill, Moss, Noell, Norton, Phillips, Rankin, Ray, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, Hough, How, Irwin, Redd, Ruchey, Ross, Sawyer, Sayre, Scott, Isbell, Jackson, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Shackelford of Howard, Sheeley, Watkins,

Leeper, Long, Marmaduke, Marvin, Maupin, Welch, Wilson, Woodson, Woolfolk, Vanbus. McClurg, McCormack, McFerran, Meyer, Morkirk and Mr. President-51.

row, Moss, Noell, Orr, Phillips, Pomeroy, RanNoes-Messrs. Allen, Birch, Breckinridge, | kin, Ray, Ross, Rowland, Scott, Shackelford Broadhead, Bridge, Bush, Calhoun, Eitzen, of Howard, Shackelford of St. Louis, Sheeley, Frayser, Foster, Gamble, Gantt, Hall of Bu- Smith of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, Tindall, chanan, Hall of Randolph, Henderson, Hen- Turner, Waller, Watkins, Welch, Wilson, Wooddrick, Hitchcock, Holmes, Holt, How, Irwin,


Woolfolk, Wright, Vanbuskirk, ZimmerIsbell, Jackson, Jamison, Johnson, Leeper, man and Mr. President-76. Lang Marvin, Maupin, McClurg, McCormack, Noes-Messrs. Chenault, Comingo, CrawMcFerran, Meyer, Orr, Pomeroy, Rowland, ford, Doniphan, Donnell, Givens, Gorin, GraveShackelford of St. Louis, Smith of Linn, Sunith

ly, Harbin, Howell, Hudgins, Knott, Matson, of St. Louis, Tindall, Turner, Waller, Wright McDowell, Norton, Redd, Ritchey, Sawyer and Zimmerman-44.

and Sayre--19. ABSENT—Messrs. Linton and Stewart.

Absent-Messrs. Linton and Stewart. Sick-Messrs. Bast and Pipkin.

Sick-Messrs. Bast and Pipkin. The question then recurring upon the adop

Mr. PHILLIPS moved that the Convention tion of the original fifth resolution, as amend

adjourn until to-morrow morning at ten o'clock, ed, it was decided in the affirmative by the fol

which was decided in the negative. lowing vote, the ayes and noes having been de

The Convention proceeded to the consideramanded by Mr. Hough:

tion of the seventh resolution of the report, AYES-Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, Bass, Bast,

when Birch, Bogy, Breckinridge, Brown, Calhoun, Cayce, Chenault, Collier, Comingo, Crawford,

Mr. Duns offered the following amendment: Doniphan, Donnell, Douglass, Drake, Dunn, Amend the seventh resolution by filling the Frayser, Flood, Foster, Gamble, Gantt, Giv

blank with “seven,” and by adding after the ens, Gorin, Gravely, Hall of Buchanan, Hall of Randolph, Harbin, Hatcher, Henderson,

word “seven," one from each Congressional Hendrick, Hill, Holmes, Holt, How, Howell, district,” which was agreed to. Hudgins, Jrwin, Isbell, Jackson, Johnson,

Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, offered the followJamison, Kidd, Knott, Leeper, Long, Marmaduke, Marvin, Matson, Maupin, McClurg, Mc

ing as an additional amendment, which was Cormack, McDowell, McFerran, Meyer, Mor- also agreed to : TOW, Moss, Noell, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Ran- Strike out all after the word "and," and inkin, Ray, Redd, Ritchey, Ross, Rowland, Saw. yer, Sayre, Scott, Shackelford of Howard,

sert “in case any vacancy or vacancies shall Shackelford of St. Louis, Sheeley, Smith of happen in said committee during the recess of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, Tindall, Turner, this Convention, by death, resignation, or othWaller, Watkins, Welcb, Wilson, Woodson,

erwise, the remaining members or member of Wuoltolk, Wright, Vanbuskirk, Zimmerman and Mr. President>89.

said Committee shall have power to fill the Noes-Messrs. Broadhead, Bridge, Bush,

same.Eitzen, llitchcock and How-6.

Mr. LEEPER moved the Convention now adABSENT-Messrs. Linton and Stewart. journ, which motion was decided in the negaSick-Messrs. Bast and Pipkin.

tive. The Convention having proceeded to the Mr. REDD offered the following amendment consideration of the sixth resolution of the Re- to the pending resolution, which, on motion, port of the Committee on Federal Relations, was rejected :

Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, called for the pre- Amend the seventh resolution by striking Tious question, which was sustained. The out the words "at such place as they may think question being : “Shall the main question be the public exigencies require," and insert the now put?" which was decided in the affirma. words “at the city of Jefferson” in the place tive.


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Mr. Birch offered the following amend. That by request of a majority of all the memment:

bers of this Convention, in writing, delivered Amend the seventh resolution by adding to said committee prior to said third Monday these words : “And if the said committee shall in December next, the said Committee shall on be of opinion hereafter, that there is no longer that day adjourn this Convention sine die. a necessity for the re-assembling of this Con

Mr. SHACKELFORD, of Howard, offered the vention, and shall so declare by public commu

following amendment to the accepted substitute nication, then and in that case the Convention

of Mr. Wilson : shall not re-assemble on the third Monday in in December, 1861, but may be called together Provided, that if the Convention does not asby a majority of said committee at any subse- semble on the third Monday in December, 1861, quent period.”

the Convention shall stand adjourned sine die. Mr. Krott called for the ayes and noes on

Pending which, on motion of Mr. SHEELEY, agreeing to the amendment of Mr. Birch.

the Convention adjourned until to-morrow Mr. Wilson offered the following substitute,

morning at ten o'clock. which was accepted by Mr. Birch :

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RCH The Convention met pursuant to adjourn- , exigency precipitated upon us by the action of ment, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. the Cotton States, will impel Missouri to with. Mr. Monroe.

draw from the Union and cast her lot with them. The Journal of the proceedings of yester

The reasons assigned by Mr. Glenn for this arday was read and approved.

tion on the part of his State are: First, that the

laws of Congress imposing duties on imports Mr. HENDERSON, from the Committee here

have been so framed as to discriminate very intofore appointed, to whom was referred the

juriously against Southern interests; Second, communication from the Hon. Luther J. Glenn,

that a great sectional party, chiefly confined to Commissioner from the State of Georgia to

the Northern States of the Union, whose leading this Convention, made a report which was read.

idea is animosity to the institution of negro Majority Report of Committee on Commissioner slavery, has gradually become so strong as to

obtain the chief executive power of the nation, from Georgia.

which is regarded as a present insult to the MR. PRESIDENt: Your Committee, to whom South; and, Third, that the ultimate object of was referred the communication of the Hon. Lu- this party is the total extinction of slavery in ther J. Glenn, who appeared before the Conven- the States where it now exists by law, and the tion as a Commissioner from Georgia, and hay- placing upon terms of political equality, at ing presented the ordinance of secession adopted least, the white and black races; and to prevent by said State, was pleased to “invite the co-ope- evils of such magnitude, as well as to preserve ration of Missouri with Georgia and the other the honor and safety of the South, Georgia and seceding States in the formation of a Southern

some of her sister States have deliberately reConfederacy,” have had the same under consid- solved to withdraw from the Union, never to reeration, and beg leave to report as follows:

turn. The Committee sincerely regret that the com- Your Committee trust that they duly apprecimission under which Mr. Glenn was accredited ate the gravity of the communication thus made to our State, was limited in its scope to a mere to the people of Missouri. invitation to withdraw from the Government of

Missouri entered the Union at the close of an our fathers, and form a distinct confederacy with

angry contest on the subject of slavery. Her the Gulf States. His mission seems to contem- geographical position, the variety of the branchplate no plan of reconciliation-no measure of

es of industry to which her resources point, her redress for alleged grievances, which being adopt- past growth and future prospects, combine to deed would prove satisfactory to Georgia. Having mand that all her councils be taken in the spirit chosen secession as the only remedy for existing of sobriety and conciliation. ills, Georgia, through her Commissioner, sup- Your Committee waive for the moment the poses that similar interests, connected with the consideration of the moral aspect of what they

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