Imágenes de páginas

From the Twelfth Senatorial District-Robt. From the Sixteenth District-John F. PhilM. Stewart, of Buchanan county; Robert W. lips, Samuel L. Sawyer, Vincent Marmaduke Donnell, of Buchanan.

From the Seventeenth District-John R: From the Twenty-First Senatorial District, Chenault, Nelson McDowell, J. J. Gravely. Amos W. Maupin, of Franklin county.

From the Eighteenth District-Robert W. From the Twenty-Fourth Senatorial Dis- Crawford, A. S. Harbin, Mathew H. Ritchey. trict-Philip Pipkin, of Iron county; William From the Nineteenth District-Sample Orr, T. Leeper, of Wayne; Samuel C. Collier, of Robert W. Jamison, Littlebury Hendrick. Madison.

From the Twentieth District-W. W. TurFrom the Twenty-Sixth Senatorial District- ner, James W. Johnson, William L. Morrow. James C. Noell, of Bollinger county.

From the Twenty-First District-Z. Isbell, From the Eighteenth Senatorial District, Amos W. Maupin, Charles D. Eitzen. Mathew H. Ritchey, of Newton county.

From the Twenty-Second District, William From the Twenth-Ninth Senatorial Dis- G. Pomeroy, John Holt, V. B. Hill. trict-Thomas T. Gantt, of St. Louis county. From the Twenty-Third District-Joseph

Mr. Watkins, from the Committee ca Cre Bogy, Charles S. Rankin, Milton P. Cayce. dentials, made the following report:

From the Twenty-Fourth District–Philip Mr. President:—The special committee of Pipkin, Samuel C. Collier, William T. Leeper.

From the Twenty-Fifth District-Robert A. five, to whom was referred the subject of the

Hstcher, Orson Bartlett, Harrison Hough. credentials of the members of this body, have

From the Twenty-Sixth District-Nathaniel had the same under consideration, and in

W. Watkins, James C. Noell, James R. McCorstructed me to report, that from the certificates

mack. furnished them, and the official returns in the

From the Twenty-Seventh District_Thos. office of the Secretary of State, they find the following named persons duly elected :

Scott, J. Proctor Knott, J. W. McClurg.

From the Twenty-Eighth District-Charles From the First District-Joseph G. Waller,

Drake, William Douglass, James P. Ross. Robert B. Frayser, George Y. Bast.

From the Twenty-Ninth District Sol. From the Second District-George W. Zim

Smith, John H. Shackelford, M. L. Linton, merman, R. C. Calhoun, John B. Henderson.

Henry Hitchcock, John How, James 0. BroadFrom the Third District-Warren Woodson, head, Samuel M. Breckinridge, Hudson E. Eli E. Bass, Joseph Flood.

Bridge, Hamilton R. Gamble, Robert Holmes, From the Fourth District-Wm. J. Howell Uriel Wright, Isador Bush, Ferdinand Meyer, James T. Matson, John T. Redd.

Jolin F. Long, Thomas T. Gantt.
From the Fifth District-Henry M. Gorin, All of which is respectfully submitted.
E. K. Sayre, N. F. Givens.

N. W. WATKINS, Chairman.' From the Sixth District, William A. Hall, On motion of Mr. Foster, the report of the Thomas Shackelford, Sterling Price.

committee was received and the committee disFrom the Seventh District-Joseph M. Irwin, charged from the further consideration of the John D. Foster, Frederick Rowland.

subject. From the Eighth District-A. M. Woolfolk, Mr. ROWLAND, from the select committee Jacob Smith, William Jackson.

of seven to report officers and rules for the From the Ninth District-Jacob T. Tindall, Convention, presented the following report: John S. Allen, James McFerran.

Mr. President:—The committee which was From the Tenth District-Robert D. Ray, appointed to report what officers may be necesJames H. Birch, George W. Dunn.

sary for the Convention, and also to report rules From the Eleventh District-Robert Wilson, for the government, respectfully report: Ellzay Vanbuskirk, Prince L. Hudgins.

That, in the opinion of the committee, the From the Twelfth District-Robert W. Don- said officers should consist of a President, Vice nell, Robert M. Stewart, Willard P. Hall. President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and

From the Thirteenth District-Elijah D. Doorkeeper. Norton, James H. Moss.

Your committee would further report, that From the Fourteenth District—Robert A. they recommend the adoption of the rules Brown, James K. Sheeley, Abraham Comingo. adopted by a State Convention, which assem

From the Fifteenth District-Asa C. Mar. bled in the city of Jefferson on the 17th day of vin, Aikman Welch, Christopher G. Kidd. November, 1845, and found on pages 11, 12,

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13, 14 and 15 of the journal of said Conven- AYES.-Messrs. Allen, Bass, Bogy, Brecktion, except rules numbered 41, 42 and 44, and inridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Bushi, Calhoun,

Cayce, Chenault, Donnell, Dunn, Eitzen,Flood, the following words in rule No. 49, to wit: “And

Foster, Gamble, Gantt, Gravely, Hall of Buno member shall be allowed pay for any day chanan, Hall of Randolph, Harbin, Henderson, that he shall be absent from the session of the Hendrick, Hitchcock, Holmes, How, Irwin, Convention, unless he shall be prevented from

Isbell, Jackson, Jamison, Johnson, Kidd, Lee

per, Linton, Long, Marvin, Maupin, McClurg, attending by sickness."

McCormack, McDowell, Meyer, Morrow, Moss, Your committee would further recommend

Noell, Norton, Orr, Phillips, Price, Rankin, Ray, that one hundred and fifty copies of said rules Ritchie, Rowland, Scott, Shackelford of St.

Louis, Smith of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, be printed for the use of the Convention. Your

Stewart, Tindall, Turner, Welch, Wilson, Committee would further recommend the adop

Woolfolk, Wright, Vanbuskirk, and Zimmertion of the following resolutions :

man–65. Resolved, That each delegate elected to this

Noes.—Messrs. Bartlett, Bast, Birch, Brown, Convention, before entering upon the discharge Frayser, Givens, Gorin, Hatcher, Holt, Howell,

Collier, Comingo, Crawford, Douglass, Drake, of his duties, shall take an oath to support the Iudgins, Knott, Marmaduke, Matson, Pipkin, Constitution of the United States, and of the Pomeroy, Redd, Ross, Sawyer, Sayre, Shack. State of Missouri, and faithfully demean him

elford of Howard, Sheeley, Waller Watkins

and Woodson-30. self in office.

All the delegates present, on motion, then Resolved, That each officer of this Conven

came forward and the oath of office was adtion, except the President and Vice President,

ministered to them by the Hon. George W. before entering upon the discharge of the du

Miller, Judge of the first Judicial Circuit of ties of his office, shall take an oath to support

the State. the Constitution of the United States and of

The rules reported by the committee for the this State, and faithfully demean himself in office. And that when the Convention shall be

government of the Convention were adopted,

and are as follows : in secret session, he will not divulge or make public to any person, anything which may be said or done in said Convention. All of which

First. He shall take the chair every day at

the hour to which the Convention shall have is respectfully submitted.

adjourned, shall immediately call the members F. ROWLAND, Chairman.

to order, and on the appearance of a quorum, On motion of Mr. Welch, the report of the shall cause the Journal of the preceeding day committee was adopted.

to be read.

Second. He shall preserve order and decoMr. POMEROY moved to reconsider the vote rum ; may speak to points of order in preferon the adoption of the resolutions contained ence to the members, rising from his seat for in the report of the Committee of Seven, rela

that purpose; and shall decide all questions of

order, subject to an appeal to the Convention, tive to the oaths of office.

by any two members ; on which appeal no Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, moved to lay the

member shall speak more than once, unless by

leave of the Convention. motion to reconsider, on the table.

Third. He shall rise to put a question, but Mr. POMEROY having withdrawn his motion, may state it sitting. Mr. Howell renewed it; pending which, Mr.

Fourth. When a question has been put, if

the President doubts, or if a division be called Birch asked to have the order made by the

for, the Convention shall divide ; those in the Convention yesterday, to meet in conclave, exe- affirmative shall arise from their seats, and cuted by the President.

afterwards those in the negative. The Presi.

dent shall then arise and state the decision of Mr. SAYRE, of Lewis, moved to amend

the Convention. the Journal of yesterday, by striking out the Fisih. All committees shall be appointed by words “to meet in conclave" in the resolution

the President, unless otherwise specially direc

ted by the Convention, in which case they of adjournment, which was decided in the

shall be appointed by an open vote of the Conaffirmative.


Sirth. The President shall examine and The Convention having resumed the consid

correct the Journal before it is read; he shall eration of the motion of Mr. Howell to recon

have a general superintendence of the Ilall; sider the vote on the adoption of the report of he shall have the right to name any member to the committee relative to the oaths of office, perform the duties of the Chair, but such subwas laid upon the table, on the motion of Mr.

stitution shall not extend beyond an adjourn

ment. Hall, of Buchanan, by the following vote, the

Seventh. In case of any disturbance or disayes and noes having been demanded :

orderly conduct in the lobby he (or the Chair

man of the committee of the Whole Conven- Twentieth. After a motion is stated by the tion,) shall have power to order the same to be President, or read by the Secretary, it shall be Kleared.

deemed to be in possession of the Convention, Eighth. No person shall be admitted within but may be withdrawn at any time before a the bar but members and officers of the Con- decision or an eudment. vention, and such other persons as may be in- Twenty-First. When a question is under devited by a member of the Convention to a seat bate, no motion shall be received but to adwithin the bar.

journ ; to lay on the table ; for the previous

question; to postpone to a day certain ; to OF DECORUM AND DEBATE.

commit or amend ; to postpone indefinitely ; Vinth. When any member is about to speak

which several motions shall have precedence in debate, or deliver any matter to the Conven

in the order in which they are arranged ; and tlon, he shall rise from his seat and respectfully

no motion to postpone to a day certain, to comaddress himself to the President.

mit, or postpone indefinitely, being decided, Tenth. If any member, in speaking or oth

shall be allowed again on the same day, and at erwise, shall transgress the rules of die Con. the same stage of the proposition, vention, the President shall, or any member Twenty-Second. A motion to adjourn shall may call to order ; in which case the member always be in order, and shall be decided withso called to order shall immediately sit down,

out debate. unless permitted to explain ; and the Conven

Twenty-Third. All questions except those tion, if appealed to, shall decide on the case, enumerated in rule 21st, shall be put in the but without debate ; it there be no appeal, the order they are moved, except that in filling up decision of the Chair shall be submitted to. If blanks, the largest sum, and the longest time, the decision be in favor of the member called

shall be first put. to oriler, he shall be at liberty to proceed ; if Twenty-Fourth. The previous question shall otherwise, and the case require it, he shall be be in this form, “Shall the main question be liable to the censure of the Convention. now put ?” It shall only be admitted when de

Elérenth. When two or more members shall manded by two-thirds of the members present; rise at once, the President shall name the per

and until it is decided shall preclude all amend. son who is first to speak.

ments and further debate of the main question, Turetik. No member shall make use of any

and must be decided without debate. intemperate, personal, or improper language, Twenty-Fifth. When the Convention ad. por commit any breach of order during the journs, every member shall keep his seat until session of the Convention.

the President leaves his seat. Thirtünth. No member shall speak more

Twenty-Sirth. Any member may call for a than twice on the same question without leave division of the question when the sense will of the Convention ; por more than once, until admit of it. every member choosing to speak shall have Twenty-Seventh. A motion for commitment spoken.

till it is decided, shall preclude all amendments Fourteenth. Whilst the President is putting of the main question. any question, or addressing the Convention, no Twenty-Eighth. Motions, reports and other person shall walk out of, or across the Hall ; business may be committed at the pleasure of por in such case, or when a member is speak the Convention. ing, shall entertain private discourse ; nor Twenty-Ninth. No new motion or proposition whilst a member is speaking, shall pass be- subject different from that under considtween him and the Chair.

eration, shall be admitted under color of Fiftienth. No member shall vote on any amendment, or as a substitute for the motion question in the event of which be is immedi

or proposition under debate. aitly and particularly interested, or in any oth

Thirtieth. When a motion or proposition has er case when he was not present when the

been once carried in the affirmative or negative, question was put, without leave of the Convention.

it shall be in order for any member of the preSixteenth. Upon a division and count of the

vailing party to move for the reconsideration Convention on any question, no member with

thereof at any time within three sitting days out the bar shall be counted.

after such decision ; provided, that the propo. Serenteenth. Every member who shall be in

sition which may be adopted or rejected, shall the Convention when a question is put shall

always be subject to reconsideration after two vote, unless the Convention, for special rea

days notice being given thereof. kons, shall excuse him.

Thirty-First. When the reading of a paper Eighteenth. All motions and propositions

is called for, and the same is objected to by any shall be in writing, and signed by the mover,

member, it shall be determined by a vote of the ercept motions to adjourn, to refer, to postpone,

Convention. to print, to lay on the table, or for the previous Thirty-Second. The unfinished business in question, or leave of absence; and every mem- which the Convention was engaged at the time ber making a proposition shall in his place read of the last adjournment, shall have the preferit distinctly to the Convention.

ence in the orders of the day; and no motion, or Vineteenth. When a question is made and any other business, shall be received without st.conded, it shall be stated by the President, special leave of the Convention, until the for

or being in writing, it shall be handed to the mer is disposed of; but any business that is Secretary, and by him read aloud before de- made the order of a particular day, shall have

the preference over other business on that day.


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I bated.

Thirty-Third. Any seven members shall be Mr. HATCHER nominated Hon. NATHANIEL authorized to compel the attendance of absent W. WATKINS, of Cape Girardeau county. No members, when there is no quorum present.

other nominations having been made, and the Thirty-Fourth. Any two members shall have the right to call for the ayes and noes on any

roll of the Convention having been called there question.

appeared for Thirty-Fifth. No member shall absent him.

Mr. PRICE, 76. self from the Convention, unless he have leave,

Mr. WATKINS, 15. or be sick and unable to attend.

Thirty-Sixth. There shall be a committee of The members proceeded to vote as follows: elections, whose duty it shall be to examine

For Mr. PRICE.-Messrs. Allen, Bass, Bast, and report upon the credentials of the mem- Birch, Bogy, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, bers returned to serve in this Convention. Brown, Bush, Calhoun, Chenault, Comingo, Thirty-Seventh. No standing rule shall be re

Crawford, Donnell, Douglass, Drake, Dunn, scinded or altered, without one day's notice

Eitzen, Frayser, Flood, Foster, Gamble, Gantt, being given of the motion therefor.

Gravely, Hall of Buchanan, Hall of Randolph, Thirty-Eighth. The Secretary of the Con

Harbin, Henderson, Hendrick, llitchcock, vention shall attend during its sessions ; shall

Holmes, How, Hudgins, Irwin, Isbell, Jackson, make out and keep its Journals; seasonably

Johnson, Kidd, Knott, Linton, Long, Marmarecord all its proceedings ; keep regular files of duke, Marvin, Matson, Maupin, McClurg, the papers; attest all process issued by the McCormack, McDowell, Meyer, Morrow, Moss, Convention, and execute the commands of the

Norton, Orr, Phillips, Pomeroy, Ray Redd, Convention.

Ross, Rowland, Sawyer, Scott, Shackelford of Thirty-Ninth. The Secretary shall not suf- Howard, Shackelford of St. Louis, Sheeley, fer any records or papers to be taken out of his

Smith of St Louis, Stewart, Tindall, Turner, custody by any member or other person.

Waller, Watkins, Woolfolk, Wright, Vanbus. Fortieth. No standing rule or order of the

kirk and Zimmerman-75. Convention shall be suspended or dispensed

For Mr. WATKINS: Messrs. Bartlett, Cayce, with, without the concurrence of two-thirds of

Collier, Givens, Gorin, Hatcher, Holt, Howell, the members present.

Leeper, Noell, Pipkin, Price, Rankin, Sayre Forty-First. Every member addressing the

and Woodson--15. Convention, shall confine himself strictly to Mr. Price, having received a majority of all the subject matter under debate.

the votes cast, was declared duly elected PresiForty. Second. All select committees shall

dent of the Convention. consist of three members, unless otherwise ordered.

On motion of Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, the Forty-Third. All committees shall be ap- President appointed a committee of three, conpointed by the President, unless otherwise or

sisting of Messrs. Hall of Buchanan, Broaddered. Forty-Fourth. All questions relating to the

head and Chenault, to wait upon Mr. Price priority of debate, shall be acted on without and inform him of his election. debate.

The committee proceeded to discharge that Forty-Fifth. No member or other person

duty, when Mr. Price came forward and the shall be permitted to smoke within the hall or lobby at any time whatever.

oath of office was administered to him by the Forty-Sixth. A committee of three members Hon. George W. Miller. shall be appointed by the President, who shall Whereupon, having thanked the Convention, scrutinize and pass upon all accounts and keep in a book a correct statement thereof, and shall

in a short speech, he entered upon the discharge take the necessary steps to prevent the allow

of his official duties. ance of all improper and unjust claims.

Nominations for Vice President being in orForty-Seventh. In all cases not provided for

der, Mr. BROwn nominated Hon. Robert Wil. in these rules, the Parliamentary practice contained in Jefferson's Manual, shall govern the

son, of Andrew county. Convention.

There being no other nominations, Mr. Hall On motion, the Convention adjourned until

moved that Mr. Wilson be declared unani. three o'clock P. M.

mously elected Vice President of the Conven

tion, which motion was carried, and Mr. WilEVENING SESSION.

son came forward and took the oath of office. The Convention assembled pursuant to ad- Nominations for Secretary being in order, journment.

Mr. Hall, of Buchanan, nominated Jefi. On motion, the Convention proceeded to the Thompson, of Buchanan county. election of permanent officers of the Conven- Mr. GAMBLE nominated Robert J. Lackey, tion as prescribed by the resolution heretofore of Cole county. adopted ; whereupon

Mr. Sawyer nominated Samuel A. Lowe, Mr. BROADHEAD nominated for the office of of Pettis county. President of the Convention, the Hon. STER- Mr. Welcu nominated Benjamin W. GroLING PRICE, of Chariton county.

ver, of Johnson county.

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Mr. Knott nominated Mr. J. C. Fox. Hudgins, Irwin, Leeper, Linton, Pipkin, Row

Mr. ROWLAND nominated Mr. R. Cullen, of land, Smith of Linn, Stewart and Woolfolk—16. St. Louis county.

For Mr. LACKEY: Messrs. Birch, BreckinNo other nominations being made, and the

ridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Brown, Bush, Dunn, roll having been called, there appeared

Eitzen, Gamble, Gantt, Hall of Buchanan, Hall

of Randolph, Henderson, Hitchcock, Holmes, For Mr. Cullen–16.

How, Johnson, Knott, Long, Maupin, McClurg, Thompson-12.

McCormack, Meyer, Moss, Norton, Rankin,

Ray, Shackelford of St. Louis, Smith of St. “ Lackey-22.

Louis, Tindall, Turner, Wright, Vanbuskirk Lowe-26.

and Mr. President-34. Grover-13.

For Mr. LOWE: Messrs. Allen, Bass, Bogy; Fox-5.

Chenault, Comingo, Crawford, Douglass,

Drake, Flood, Foster, Givens, Gorin, Gravely, No person having received a majority of all Harbin, Hendrick, Holt, Howell, Isbell, Kidd, the votes cast, the Convention proceeded to Marmaduke, Matson, McDowell, Morrow, 3 second ballot, when, the roll having been Noell, Orr, Phillips, Pomeroy, Redd, Ritchey

Sawyer, Sayre, Scott, Sheeley, Watkins, and called, there appeared

Woodson-35. For Mr. Cullen–15.

For Mr. GROVER: Messrs. Calhoun, Jack. Thompson—11.

son, Jamison, Marvin, Ross, Shackelford o Lackey–27.

Howard, Waller, Welch, Wilson and Zimmerf

man-10. Lowe-27.

No candidates having received a majority of Grover-11.

all the vates cast the Convention proceeded to Fox-3.

the fourth ballot, when The members present voted as follows:

Mr. RowLAND withdrew the name of Mr. For Mr. CULLEN: Messrs. Bartlett, Bast, Cullen. Birch, Cayce, Frayser, Foster, Hatcher, Lin

Mr. Welch withdrew the name of Mr. ton, Pipkin, Rowland, Smith of Linn, Tindall, Watkins, Woolfolk and Wright—15.

Grover. For Mr. THOMPSON: Messrs. Chenault,

The roll having been called there appeared : Crawford, Donnell, Hall of Buchanan, Hall of For Mr. Lackey–44, Randolph, Hudgins, Matson, Norton, Stewart, For Mr. Lowe-51. Wilson and Vanbuskirk—11.

The members present voted as follows: For Mr. LACKEY : Messrs. Bass, Breckin

For Mr. LACKEY: Messrs. Birch, Breckinridge, Broadhead, Bridge, Bush, Dunn, Eitzen, Flood, Gamble, Ganti, Hitchcock, Holmes, ridge. Broadhead, Bridge, Brown, Bush, DonHow, Johnson, Leeper, Long, Maupin, Mc

nell, Dunn, Eitzen, Foster, Gamble, Gantt, Clurg, McCormack, Mayer, Moss, Rankin,

Hall of Buchanan, Hall of Randolph, HenderRay, Shackelford of St. Louis, Smith of St.

son, Hitchcock, Holmes, How, Hudgins, Irwin, Louis, Turner and Mr. President-27.

Jackson, Johnson, Knott, Linton, Long, MauFor Mr. Lowe: Messrs. Allen, Bogy, Col- pin, McClurg, Meyer, Moss, Norton Rankin, lier, Douglass, Drake, Givens, Gorin,

Gravely, Ray, Shackelford of Howard, Shackelford of Harbin, Hendrick, Holt, Howell, Isbell, Jami

St. Louis, Smith of Linn, Smith of St. Louis, 8on, Kidd, Marmaduke, McDowell, Morrow,

Stewart, Tindall, Turner, Wilson, Woolfolk, Orr, Phillips, Pomeroy, Redd, Ritchey, Sawyer, Wright, Vanbuskirk and Mr. President—44. Sayre, Scott and Woodson.—27.

For Mr. LOWE: Messrs. Allen, Bartlett, For Mr. Grover: Messrs. Brown, Calhoun, Collier, Comingo, Crawford, Douglass, Drake,

Bass, Bast, Bogy, Calhoun, Cayce, Chenault, Irwin, Jackson, Marvin, Ross, Shackelford of Frayser, Flood, Givens, Gorin, Gravely, HarHoward, Sheeley, Waller, Welch and Zimmer. man-11.

bin, Hatcher, Hendrick, Holt, Howell, Isbell,

Jamison, Kidd, Leeper, Marmaduke, Marvin, For Mr. Fox: Messrs. Henderson, Knott, Matson, McCormack, McDowell, Morrow, Noand Noell-3.

ell, Orr, Phillips, Pipkin, Pomeroy, Redd, RitSick-Mr. McFerran.

chey, Ross, Rowland, Sawyer, Sayre, Scott, No Candidate having received a majority of

eeley, Waller, Watkins, Welch, Woodson all the votes cast, the Convention was proceed.

and Zimmerman–51. ing to a third ballot, when

Mr. Lowe, having received a majority of Mr. Knott withdrew the name of Mr. Fox, all the rotes cast, was declared duly elected and Mr. HALL, of Buchanan, withdrew the name

Secretary of this Convention, and came forof Mr. Thompson.

ward; was sworn in by Hon. George W. Miller, The names having been called there ap

and entered upon the discharge of his officia peared :

duties. For Mr. CULLEN: Messrs. Bartlett, Bast,

Nominations for Assistant Secretary being Cayce Collier, Donnell, Frayser, Hatcher, next in order :

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