Imágenes de páginas



A B C Powers, 514, 519, 528, 536.
Aberdeen, Lord, 220, 228, 229, 249,

Abyssinia, 340.

Accessory Transit Company, 272.
Adams, Brooks, on Civil War, 329.
Adams, Charles Francis, minister
to England, 309; treatment, 311;
improved position, 316; dark
days, 319-320; on Alabama, 321;
severe note to Russell, 322;
and munitions, 323; approaching
peace, 326; remonstrances
raiders, 328; on Alabama claims,
339; conference with Fish, 343;
at Geneva, 354, 355.
Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 311,
316, 445.


Adams, Henry, 134, 308, 311-312,

Adams, John, minister to The
Netherlands, 27, 28; tactless,
30; antagonizes Vergennes, 31;
argues for fisheries, 33; compli-
mented by Vergennes, 35; de-
fends attitude toward peace
treaty, 39; minister to England,
42, 43, 44, 46; negotiation with
Tripolitan minister, 49-50; re-
ceived at Court with Jefferson,
51; elected President, 75; presi-
dential problems, 77, 78; names
commission to France, 78; Amer-
ican, 82; attitude toward France,
84; reverses war policy, 86-87;
dismisses Pickering, 89-90; diplo-
macy, 90-91.

Adams, John Quincy, minister to
Russia, 145; on commercial
wrongs, 146; position in Russia,
152-153; antagonism toward
Clay, 157; diary excerpt, 158;
Secretary of State, 163; Con-
vention of 1815, 162; fisheries,
164; slave-trade patrol, 167; de-
fends Jackson, 170; opposes Clay,
172; fears Russia, 172; courteous
to Russian minister, 173; on

Holy Alliance, 173-174; share in
Monroe Doctrine, 180-182; Presi-
dent, 183; and Panama Congress,
184-185; variation of Monroe
Doctrine, 186; diplomacy, 188;
interview with Van Buren, 190-
191; election of 1828, 192; patri-
otism, 194; Texas boundary, 201;
Amistad case, 215; Caroline
affair, 216-217; allusions, 376,

Adams, William, 157.

Addington, tolerant of neutral com-
merce, 105; fall of ministry, 108.
Aguinaldo, 451.

Alabama, 321, 322, 328, 344, 354,

Alabama Claims, 339, 344.
Alanan, president of Mexico,

Alaska, boundary of, 451, 466-469,
477; commercial company, 409,
430; purchase, 333-336.
Alexander I, 145, 146, 152, 154,
166-167, 175.

Alexander II, 323-324, 333.
Alexander III, 497.

Alexandra, commerce raider, 322.
Algeciras, 486, 491.
Algiers, 73, 109.
Allen, Senator, 248.
Allen, F. H., 507.
Almonte, Mexican
Washington, 235.

minister at

Alven, Chief Justice, District of
Columbia, 430.

Alverstone, Lord, 467.
Ambrister, Robert, 170.
Amiens, Peace

of, termination

affects America, 106.

Amistad, 213, 214-215.

Amy, 422.

Andrew Doria, flag saluted, 27.

Andrews, Israel D., mission in
Canada, 279-280.

Andros, Sir Edmund, 10.

Angell, Dr. James B., 368, 375, 379,

Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 470, 480,
498-499, 571,

Angoulême, Duc d', 178.
Anne, Queen, II.
Antietam, 320.

Antonelli, Cardinal, 326.
Antung, 470.
Apia, 394, 399.
Appalachicola, 168.
Aranda, Count de, 23.
Arbitration, by King of The Neth-
erlands, 222; opposed by U. S.
Senate in Canadian fisheries,
391; favored by Sherman, and
Bryan, 393; principle survives,
402; of seal dispute, 411; views
of Gresham, 426; of boundary,
467; treaties, 476, 477, 516, 517,
518; permanent court, 556.
Arbuthnot, Alexander, 170.
Arco, Count, 396.

Argentina, and

clauses, 501.


Argyll, Duke of, 317, 322.

Arizona, enlarged by Gadsden
Treaty, 270.

Armada, Spanish, defeat, 5.
Armstrong, James, 116, 133, 138,
139, 140, 153.
Arnold, Benedict, 51-52.
Aroostook, War, 223.
Arthur, Chester A., on Chinese ex-
clusion, 379-380; Korea, 380;
Shufeldt Treaty, 382; diplomacy,
383; allusion, 414.
Articles of Confederation, supreme
law, 38.

Article X, League of Nations
Covenant, 537, 555; opposed by
Root, 556; should be eliminated,
556-557; crucial, 558, 559; essen-
tial to Great Britain, 560.
Ashburton, Lord, settles Maine
boundary, 166; on Creole case,
219; ignores Oregon, 246; allu-
sion, 469.

Asiento Treaty, II.
Association of Nations, 563, 576.
Astor, John Jacob, 166.
Astoria, 174.
Asuncion, 305.
Austerlitz, 112.
Australia, 395.

Austria, and Hungarian revolt,
258; and Koszta case, 259-260;
objects to minister, 384; anti-war
protest, 440; to join the League,

Austrian Succession, War of the,


[blocks in formation]

121, 127.

Bates, George H., 395, 399.
Bates, Joshua, 219.
Bathurst, Lord, 159.

Bautzen, Napoleonic victory, 154.
Bayard, James A., peace commis-
sioner, 153.

Bayard, Thomas F., Secretary of
State, 383; on fisheries, 386;
Samoa, 395; Pacific Islands,
396; and Republicans, 396; on
Tripartite Agreement, 398-399;
minister to England, 422; on
arbitration in Venezuela, 426;
letter from Gresham, 426-427;
allusion, 428; on Venezuela mes-
sage, 429.

Bay Island Colony, 270, 275, 276,

Bazaine, Marshal, 332.
Beaconsfield, Earl of, expansion-
ist, 351.

Beckwith, Lieutenant-Colonel
George, 45, 56.

Beecher, Henry Ward, on Chinese
immigration, 366.

Belize, 270, 272, 275, 276, 304.
Belligerency, 308, 320, 339, 435.
Belmont, August, 264, 318.
Belmont, Perry, 377.
Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 40.
Benham, Admiral Andrew E. K.,

Benjamin, Judah P., 290.
Benton, Thomas Hart, 241.

Bering Sea, 409, 411, 416, 433, 498.
Berkeley, Admiral, attacks Chesa-
peake, 122.

Berlin, holds Congo Conference,

Berlin Decree, 114, 117, 143.
Bermuda, British base for the Con-
federacy, 327.

Bernsdorf, Count Von, testimony
as to Wilson, 552.
Biddle, Nicholas, 208.

Bigelow, John, 313, 325, 332.
Bismarck, Prince Otto Von, and
Samoa, 394.

Black, Jeremiah S., Secretary of
State, 306.
Black List, 524.

Black Warrior, 265-267.
Blaine, James G., on faith with
China, 367; enemy of Hayes,
370; Secretary of State, 374;
favors Peru, 375; anti-British,
375; Panama-Congress, 375-376;
retirement, 376; letter to Arthur,
377; attacked, 377; allusion, 378;
instructions to Shufeldt, 380;
Shufeldt his appointee, 382;
Presidential candidate, 383; anger
at Cleveland, 390; pleases Irish,
393; Secretary of State, 398; on
American rights, 399; Pan-
American Congress, 401; Central
America, 402; ultimatum to
Chile, 405; relations with Italy,
408; contra bonos mores, 410;
relations with Harrison, 412-413;
action in 1892, 413; policy re-
versed, 416; doctrine of natural
protectorate, 423, 424.
Blaine, Walker, 375.
Blockade, 134, 143, 312-313, 320,
325, 327, 524.

Blount, James H., 417, 419.
Bolivia, war of the Pacific, 374,

Bonacca, 272.

Bonaparte, Joseph, opposes sale of
Louisiana, 99.

Bonaparte, Lucien, procures Louisi-
ana, 94; opposes sale, 99.
Borah, Senator William, opposes
League of Nations, 554, 557; on
election of 1920, 561; journey to
Russia, 575.

Borland, Solon, 272.
Boston, 415.

Boulanger, plot,_400.

Boundaries, in Peace of 1783, 32,

33; in Peace of Ghent, 161-162;
further definition, 164; in dis-
pute, 165; to the Pacific, 166; of
Florida, 171; of Louisiana, 171;
of Maine, 221-222; proposed by
Santa Anna, 241; by Pakenham,

Bowen, Herbert W., in Venezuela,
460, 461.

Boxers, 449-450.

Brandeis, German agent in Samoa,

Brazil, revolution, 421.

Brest-Litovsk, 539, 540, 541.
Brewer, David J., on Venezuelan
Commission, 430.
Bright, John, 317.
Broglie, Duc de, 195.
Bruce, Sir Frederick, 339.
Bryan, William Jennings, 393, 451,
455; Secretary of State, 515-516;
treaty project, 517; and ABC
Powers, 519; instructions to W.
H. Page, 524; on neutrality, 525;
resigns portfolio, 527.
Bryce, James, 509.
Buchanan, James, Secretary of
State, 240; Trist_mission, 242,
244; estimate by Polk, 245; on
Oregon, 247, 248; reverses posi-
tion, 250; minister to England,
263; letter from Slidell, 264-265;
on Ostend Manifesto, 267, 268;


Canadian reciprocity, 271;
on Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 271;
hopes for peace, 274-275; com-
promise, 276; expects peace, 279;
career, 286; diplomatic victory,
288; message, 288-289; Cuba,
289; Mexican treaty rejected,
293, 294; Chinese policy, 302;
opposes Clayton-Bulwer Treaty,
302-303; friendly to Great Brit-
ain, 303; message of 1860, 304;
and Water Witch, 305; Alaska,
333; imperialism, 340; in Sum-
ner's speech, 347; allusion, 383,

Bulls of Demarcation, 4.
Bull Moose, 414.

Bülow, Count Von, quoted by John
Hay, 450.

Bulwer, Sir Henry Lytton, 255-
256, 257.

Bunch, Robert, British consul at
Charleston, 310.
Buneau-Varilla, Phillipe, treaty,

Burchard, Dr. Samuel D., 394.

Burgoyne, General Sir John, 1, 22.
Burke, Edmund, 18.
Burlingame, Anson, 337-338.
Burlingame Treaty, 364, 366.
Burr, Aaron, 108.

Burr, George Lincoln, 430.
Butler, Anthony, minister to Mex-
ico, 202-204.

Butler, General Benjamin F., at
New Orleans, 327.
Butler, Nicholas Murray, and the
Logan Act, 83-84, 545.
Butt, Captain Archibald, 493.


Calhoun, John C., War Hawk of
1812, 148; condemns Jackson,
170; and Panama Congress, 185;
sectional career, 226; service
under Tyler, 227; to Lord Aber-
deen, 229; services, 231; and
Oregon, 247.

California, 174, 232-233, 237-238;
365, 515.

California, Gulf of, 270, 506.
California, Lower, 456.

Calvo Doctrine, 457, 461, 471, 472.
Cameron, Simon, 353.

Campbell, George W., 173, 174, 175.
Canada, 1, 14, 150, 206, 209-210,

276, 277, 280, 328, 338, 342, 344-
345, 351, 352, 353, 368-369, 390,
391, 409, 410, 466, 467, 468, 469,
489, 499, 500, 502, 503, 509.
Canal Tolls, 519.

Canning, George, 122, 126, 127, 129,
131, 134, 136, 141, 172, 178,
180, 181, 186, 187, 551.
Canning, Stratford, 181.
Canton, 175, 299.
Carleton, Sir Guy, 39.
Carmarthen, Lord, 43, 44.
Carmichael, James, 27, 67.
Carnegie, Andrew, anti-imperialist,


Caroline, 210, 213.

Carondelet, Marquis de, governor
of Louisiana, 64, 76.
Carranza, Venustiano, 505, 529.
Cass, Lewis, opposes Quintuple
Treaty, 221; approves Clayton-
Bulwer Treaty, 257; Secretary
of State, 286; diplomatic success,
287-288; reaffirms Monroe Doc-
trine, 290; on China, 298-299;
quits Cabinet, 306.

Cassini, Count, Russian minister,
480, 484.

Castelar, Emilio, 358, 360.
Castlerragh, Lord, 149, 150-151,
154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 162,

Castro, Cipriano, President of
Venezuela, 456, 460-461, 462.
Cathcart, Lord, 153, 174.
Catherine II, of Russia, 28.
Central America, 252, 257, 302-303,


Century Magazine, 445.
Cevallos, 110.

Chamberlain, Joseph, expansionist,

Chamberlain, Senator, attack on
Wilson, 543.

Champagny, Duc de Cadore, letter
of August 5, 1810, 139.

Chandler, Zachariah, 340, 344-345.
Channel Islands, 17.

Charles I, 8.

Charles II, 9.

Charles II, of Spain, II.

Charles III, of Spain, 21, 75.

Charles IV, of Spain, 67, 93, 101,


Charles VI, of Holy Roman Em-
pire, 12.

Charles VIII, of France, 5.
Charles X, of France, 193.
Charleston, blockade, 327.
Charleston, pursues Itata, 403.
Chase, Salmon P., Secretary of the
Treasury, 318.

Chateaubriand, 177-178.

Chesapeake, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127,
133-134, 147.

Chesapeake Bay, blockaded, 152.
Cheves, Langdon, War Hawk of
1812, 148.

Chile, 374, 375, 403, 404, 405, 408,
567, 568.

China, 295, 296-300, 301, 302, 337,
338, 364-365, 380, 381, 391, 424,
425, 448, 449, 450, 451, 456, 469,
494, 510, 512-513, 571.
Chinese Exclusion, 379-380.
Chinese Indemnity, refused, 470.
Choate, Joseph, ambassador to
Great Britain, 455; dignified
attitude toward Alaska boundary,

Choctaws, 168; disturb frontier,

Choiseul, Duc de, 21.

Cincinnati Convention, 275.

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