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Abstracts 2450 - 2457

SHIPPING & SHIPS Port List (Cont'd)

2450 DTD May 5:2/4 - May 4


not listed. Cleared

2 stmrs not listed; 1 prop mdse; 1 schr not listed; 1 scow

2 stmrs not listed; 1 prop flour; 1 brig mdse; 1 brig coal; 1 schr not listed; 2 schrs mdse; 2 scows coal; 1 scow not listed.

2451 - DTD May 7:2/4 - May 6

Entered 2 stmrs not listed; 1 prop not listed; 1 prop iron; 2 brigs not listed; 2 schrs not listed; 1 schr fish; 1 schr mdse; 1 schr iron. Cleared 3 stmrs not listed; 2 brigs mdse; 2 schrs mdse; 1 schr passenger cars and car wheels.

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Entered 2 stmrs mdse; 1 stmr not listed; 1 prop not listed; 1 prop mdse; 1 schr salt; 2 schrs shingles; 1 schr not listed; 1 schr passengers. Cleared 2 stmrs not listed; 1 schr flour; 1 schr mdse.


[blocks in formation]

Entered 3 stmrs not listed; 1 stmr mdse; 1 brig not listed; 2 schrs not listed; 2 schrs mdse; 1 schr iron; 1 schr salt.

Cleared 4 stmrs not listed; 2 schrs mdse; 1 schr stoves.

[blocks in formation]

Entered 4 stmrs not listed; 2 brigs not listed; 1 brig mdse; 4 schrs not listed; 1 schr lumber; 1 schr oil; 1 schr shingles & shingle bolts. Cleared 4 stmrs not listed; 1 schr not listed; 2 schrs mdse; 1 schr


2455 - DTD May 14:2/4

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Entered 2 schrs not listed; 1 prop not listed; 1 prop mdse; 4 brigs not listed; 1 brig railroad iron; 8 schrs not listed; 1 schr iron; 3 schrs mdse; 1 schr salt.

Cleared 2 schrs not listed; 2 props mdse; 1 brig mdse; 1 brig coal;

1 schr mdse; 1 schr brick; 1 schr corn.

2456 - DTD May 15:2/4 May 14


not listed.


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3 schrs not listed; 1 prop mdse; 3 brigs not listed; 4 schrs

3 schrs not listed; 2 brigs mdse; 1 brig wheat; 5 schr mdse;

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Entered 2 stmrs not listed; 1 brig not listed; 2 schrs not listed; 3 schrs mdse; 1 schr salt; 2 schrs lumber; 1 schr railroad iron and castings.

Cleared 2 stmrs not listed; 4 schrs mdse; 2 schrs coal; 2 schrs corn; 1 schr not listed.







Abstracts 2458 -2465

SHIPPING & SHIPS - Port List (Cont'd)

2458 DTD May 18:3/5 May 17

Entered 3 stmrs not listed; 1 prop mdse; 1 schr not listed; 1 schr mdse; 1 schr lumber; 1 schr iron.

Cleared 3 stmrs not listed; 2 brigs mdse; 1 brig coal and stoneware; 5 schrs mdse; 1 schr corn; 1 schr wheat; 1 schr coal.

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Entered 3 stmrs not listed; 2 schrs lumber; 1 schr plaster.

Cleared 3 stmrs not listed; 1 prop flour; 1 brig flour and wine; 2 schrs not listed; 6 schrs mdse; 1 schr wheat; 1 scow coal.


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2460 DTD May 20:3/4 Entered



4 stmrs not listed; 1 prop not listed;
listed; 1 schr mdse; 1 schr

4 stmrs not listed; 1 prop rot listed; 1 brig mdse; 3 schrs coal; 1 schr flour and ashes; 1 schr coal and grindstones; 1 schr coal, pig iron and gas pipes; 2 schrs wheat.

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Entered 3 scows not listed; 1 stmr fish; 1 brig salt and white lead; 2 schrs not listed; 1 schr wood; 1 schr salt; 1 schr mdse and iron; 1 schr flagging stone and potatoes.

Cleared 3 stmrs not listed; 2 schrs coal; 1 schr wheat.

2462 DTD May 22:2/4 - May 21



Entered 5 stmrs not listed; 1 schr lumber; 1 schr oats; 3 scows lumber. Cleared 5 stmrs not listed; 1 brig wheat and leather; 1 brig flour

and corn; 1 schr corn; 1 schr wheat; 1 schr mdse; 1 schr not listed.


2463 DTD May 24:2/5 - May 22

Entered 2 stmrs not listed; 2 props mdse; 1 schr not listed; 1 schr not listed; 1 schr pig iron; 1 schr lumber.

Cleared 2 stmrs not listed: 1 prop mdse; 1 brig mdse; 4 schrs mdse;


1 schr wheat; 1 schr pork; 1 schr coal; 1 scow coal.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Entered 5 stmrs not listed; 1 prop copper and fish; 2 props mdse;

2 schrs lumber; 1 schr iron; 2 schrs mdse; 1 schr marble; 1 schr not listed. Cleared 5 stmrs not listed; 1 prop mdse; 1 schr not given; 1 schr

flour and corn; 1 scow coal.

2465 DTD May 27:2/4 - May 26

Entered 5 stmrs not listed; 2 brigs not listed; 1 schr iron and turpentine; 1 schr crude plaster; 3 schrs lumber; 1 schr lumber and passengers; 1 schr not listed; 1 scow not listed.

Cleared 5 stmrs not listed; 1 brig wheat and corn; 1 brig ccal; 4 schrs mdse; 1 schr corn; 1 schr not listed.




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Entered 4 stmrs light; 3 brigs light; 1 schr railroad iron and spikes; 1 schr shingles.

Cleared 4 stmrs light; 1 brig flour, coal, lumber; 1 schr flour, pork, hams; 1 schr flour, pork, grindstones; 1 schr flour, wheat, bacon; 3 schrs coal; I schr light.

2467 - DTD May 29: 3/5 - May 28

Entered 4 stmrs light; 1 prop mdse; 1 brig powder; 1 brig light; 2 schrs salt; 1 schr light; 1 schr iron.



4 stmrs light; 1 brig wheat, highwines; 1 brig wheat, ashes; 1 brig flour, wheat, hemp and paint; 1 schr beef, wheat, pork; 1 schr brick;


1 schr whiskey, mdse; 1 schr wheat; 1 schr coal; 1 schr wheat, corn, flour.(4)

2468 DTD May 31:3/5 May 29

Entered 4 stmrs light; 4 stmrs light; 1 brig light; 4 schrs lumber, lath; 1 schr mdse; 3 schrs salt; 2 schrs mdse, iron; 1 schr oats, iron; 1 schr mdse, iron, wood; 1 schr shingle wood; 1 scow light.

Cleared 4 stmrs not listed; 1 prop flour, beef, butter; 1 prop flour, whiskey, tobacco; 2 brigs flour, corn; 2 schrs wheat; 1 schr flour, wheat, corn; 1 schr wheat, whiskey.

2469 - DTD June 1:3/5 - May 31


Entered 5 stmrs light; 1 prop mdse; 3 schrs railroad iron; 2 schrs lumber; 1 schr salt; 1 schr limestone; 1 schr scrap iron; 1 schr pigiron; 1 schr mdse; 1 schr light; 1 scow plaster, loop-poles.

Cleared 5 stmrs light; 1 brig wheat; 1 brig mdse; 2 schrs wheat;


1 schr flour, pork; 1 schr pork, wheat; 1 schr light.

[blocks in formation]

Entered 4 stmrs light; 1 schr lumber, lath; 1 schr passengers; 1 scow lumber; 2 scows light.

Cleared 4 stmrs light; 2 schrs coal; 1 schr groceries, nails, iron;


1 schr flour, corn; 1 schr sundries; 2 schrs light; 1 prop flour, meat, tobacco; 2 scows light.

[blocks in formation]

Entered 4 stmrs light; 1 prop mdse; 2 schrs lumber; 1 schr mdse and gunpowder; 1 schr scrap iron; 6 schrs light; 1 scow lumber; 1 scow light; 29 canal boats light.

Cleared 4 stmrs light; 2 schrs coal; 1 schr flour; i schr high wines, hides, grindstones; 1 schr wheat, sundries.


2472 - DTD June 7:2/4 June 5

Entered 3 stmrs light; 1 prop mdse; 1 brig light; 1 brig iron, leather staves, powder and sundries; 6 schrs light; 1 schr mdse; 1 schr coal;

1 schr spikes; 1 scow lumber, lath.



Abstracts 2473 - 2474


Port List (Cont'd)

Cleared - 3 stmrs light; 3 schrs coal; 1 schr wheat, lumber, flour; 1 schr wheat, ashes, flour, pork, wine, corn; 1 schr flour, wheat; 1 schr wheat; 1 schr coal, pass; 1 scow coal.

2473 DTD June 9:3/4 - June 8


1 schr mdse, Cleared

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4 stmrs light; 1 prop light; 1 schr wheelbarrows, salt;
salt; 1 schr light; 1 brig R. R. iron, locomotives.

4 stmrs light; 1 prop flour, meat, fish; 2 schrs coal;

1 schr flour, meat, wheat; 1 schr wheat; 1 schr staves, lumber; 1 schr flour, wheat; 1 scow coal, iron, nails; 1 scow corn.

[blocks in formation]

Cleared 2 stmrs light;

2 stmrs light; 1 prop flour; 1 brig flour, wheat, ashes,

high wines; 1 schr coal; 6 schrs wheat, flour, R. R. ties, meat, oils, corn, grindstones.





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8 stmrs not listed; 1 prop mdse.

Cleared 8 stmrs not listed; 2 schrs wheat; 1 schr flour, grindstones, shorts; 1 scow building stone.

2476 DTD June 15:3/5 - June 14

Entered 5 stmrs not listed; 1 prop mdse, nails; 1 prop mdse, sugar;

2 brigs R. R. iron; 1 brig salt; 1 brig mdse; 1 brig not listed; 5 schrs not listed; 1 schr R. R. iron; 1 schr potatoes; 5 schrs lumber, shingles; 1 schr powder, mdse, salt; 1 schr sundries.

Cleared 5 stmrs not listed; 1 prop corn, flour ashes, whiskey and tea wares; 2 schrs wheat; 1 schr coal; 1 schr light; 1 scow coal.

2477 DTD June 16:3/4

Entered 3 stmrs not

1 schr coal, R. R. iron.

June 15

listed; 1 prop not listed; 2 schrs lumber, lath;

Cleared 3 stmrs not listed; 3 props flour; 1 prop lard, whiskey; 1 prop butter, hams, tallow; 1 brig wheat; 2 schrs wheat; 2 schrs flour, corn, whiskey.

[blocks in formation]

Entered 4 stmrs light; 1 prop mdse; 1 prop mdse, iron; 1 prop light; 1 prop mdse; 2 props lumber.

Cleared 4 stmrs light; 1 prop flour; 1 brig flour; 2 schrs coal; 1 schr light; 1 schr wheat; 1 schr flour, wheat.

2479 DTD June 18:3/6 - June 17

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Entered 3 stmrs light; 1 prop mdse; 1 schr light; 1 schr pig iron. Cleared 3 stmrs not listed; 1 prop flour, pork, corn, meal; 1 brig wheat and ashes; 2 schrs flour, wheat; 1 schr paint, ashes and bones; 1 schr corn, grindstones; 1 schr stone pipe.

2480 DTD June 19:3/5 - June 18

Entered 4 stmrs light; 1 prop mdse; 2 schrs lumber; 1 schr loop poles;

1 schr potatoes; 1 schr scrap iron; 1 schr mdse; 1 schr light; 1 scow light. Cleared - 4 stmrs light; 1 prop mdse; 1 brig wheat; 2 schrs coal; 2 schrs wheat; 1 schr stone.

[blocks in formation]

Entered 3 stmrs not listed; 2 brigs not listed; 1 brig salt, leather and oakum; 1 bark R. R. iron, locomotives; 1 schr salt; 1 schr oats, goods; 1 schr shingles.

Cleared 3 stmrs not listed; 1 prop flour; 1 prop flour, corn; 1 schr wheat; 1 schr coal; 1 scow coal.




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