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Abstracts 1969 - 1974

could not be mastered or wrecked; to prove themselves freemen by work-
ing for Freedom with all their might and main; now and evermore. Man-
liness like this, will route any foe. It will strike damp and death
upon the cohorts of slavery....

1969 DTD Nov. 8; ed: 2/1 - Gerrit Smith has been elected to Congress from New York. "When a people know how to value such men, they are safe. When such men are able to serve them, the cause of struggling humanity is won."

1970 DTD Nov. 9; ed: 2/1 - While partizans are excusing defeat or shouting over victory, let the people remember that the power is with them and in them, to do or not to do, for the country, the whole country. "What is required? Only this. That Whig and Democrat should unite for Freedom, as slaveholders unite for slavery. Not that they should merge all other questions; not that they should yield an iota of their distinctive measures; but that on this great living issue of freedom, where they feel and think alike, they should speak and act together; speak and act as men who know their rights and how to maintain them."

1971 - DTD Nov. 10:2/2 - James A. Briggs' note of Oct. 27 contains the
following: "General Wilson said if he were located where I (Briggs)
was, he should do as I had done, come out openly for General Scott."
General Wilson, in a letter to George Bradburn, Esq., dated Boston,
Nov. 2, denies he ever said that and is willing to prove it.





1972 - DTD Nov. 13; ed: 2/2 - The COMMERCIAL JOURNAL of Pittsburgh says: "The Southern plank in our platform defeated us at the North, without securing the confidence of the South."

"True in word and spirit; fitly said and at a fitting time. How different too, is the tone of the COMMERCIAL from the Whig Journals hereabouts! How superior, because so manly and truthful.'

1973 DTD Nov. 20; ed: 2/4 Gerrit Smith, who had a majority of 1,850 votes over the Democratic candidate and 2,500 votes over the Whig candidate, attributes his success to "the women.


"That indicates what Humanity might well hope for, if women were permitted to go directly to the polls instead of being obliged to work for it only through the coarse medium of creation's worse half."

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1974 DTD Nov. 22; ed: 2/2 The official vote of Ohio is as follows: Pierce, 159, 160; Scott, 152,526; Hale 31,782.



"...our vote for Hale in Ohio, is 31,782! - This is a power in the State. It may be relied upon.... If we organize and work, we shall surely



CLEVELAND NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1852 Abstracts 1975 - 1976

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POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS & ELECTIONS United States (Cont'd) 1975 DTD Nov. 27; ed: 2/2 - The Pittsburg GAZETTE says: Any influential northerner who is favorable to human brotherhood is denounced as an enemy of the Union, but let a southern governor propose to dissolve the Union and establish a Confederacy the matter is treated with tenderness. The GAZETTE did not want a Whig national platform, but they took it, put General Scott upon it, and pledged the party.

"It is strange, then, that southern governors should blow heated blasts against the Union, and all that? It is strange that all slave holders should treat the North with contempt?.... When the North shows that it respects itself, depend upon it, the South will respect it.... The party press, the GAZETTE foremost among them, yielded at the very hour when character shows itself, and the real matter of principle is tested.... Let them show a different front, let the people have organs for their better feelings and higher natures, and their eyes will not be blinded; they will be opened; and they will act, under the Constitution and by it consistently and stoutly for Human Freedom."

1976 - DTD Dec. 1:2/1 - In a letter to the editor, J. V. W. of Canton,
Ohio, says:
We have a small number here who have not "bowed the knee
to Baal." We needed encouragement and received it on Nov. 27 in an
eloquent, indepent, and patriotic address in Canton by the Hon. R.
P. Spalding of Cleveland.

"Our cause is onward: the banner of Freedom, Equality and Truth,
is now borne aloft by the Free Democracy alone. The cause is glorious
and must prevail."


POLITICAL CONVENTIONS. See Political Campaigns & Elections; Political Parties; Politics & Government




Abstracts 1977 - 1983


1977 - DTD Jan. 1; ed: 2/2

"It is a little more than three years since the Whig party came into power, with a working majority sufficiently strong to enable it to defy any opposition, and yet at this hour there is no state, and no sane man in any state, who believes that it has strength enough left to make even an effective opposition, in the coming presidential contest."

A change so marked might involve no guilt, and if the Whig party has fallen in defense of principle or in the discharge of a high but unpopular duty, we should be the first to denounce any heartless partisan who shall taunt it with defeat. Therefore, we measure no man or party "by what the world calls success.


1978 DTD Jan. 9:2/4 Our Columbus correspondent writes: "The Democratic convention today was by far the most stormy since 1846. Leiter of Stark was president. General Morgan of Knox offered a resolution presenting the name of William Allen as Ohio's first choice for president. Vallandigham of Dayton offered a substitute. Thereon a most exciting debate of five hours duration ensued. The vote was taken but a motion to strike out prevailed. The substitute inserted was passed, and the resolution, as amended, was adopted. The vote of Hamilton county, contrary to expectations, was cast against Allen. Cuyahoga delegates were against Allen, of course.

1979 DTD Jan. 10:2/1 - Our Free Soil friends in Hamilton have had a meeting and declared their wish as regards the presidency and vice presidency. We wish we had their resolutions, but no paper containing them has reached us. It is certain all is right, however, from these names placed on their banner: J. P. Hale for president and Samuel Lewis for vice president.

1980 DTD Jan. 10; ed: 2/1 - On June 1 at noon the national Democratic convention is to assemble at Baltimore to nominate candidates for the presidency and vice presidency. A committee consisting of one from each state met at the city of Washington Jan. 1. All was harmony.

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1981 - DTD Jan. 10:2/4 The Democratic state convention has selected H. V. Wilson of Cleveland as a delegate for the state at large to the national convention. The delegate to the national convention for this district is D. P. Rhodes, J. W. Gray, the alternate, and E. T. Wilder, elector.

1982 WTD Jan. 21; ed: 2/3 - If no change of opinion occurs the national convention of Free Soilers of the Union will be held in Pittsburgh in June. "We hope our Free Soil friends will let us and the country hear from them on this subject."

1983 - DTD Feb. 10; lished, we stated what what must be its end. leaders of that party.

ed: 2/1 - When the Union party was started and estabwe believed to be the motive of its founders and Both are now plainly to be seen in the acts of the It has besmirched "for good" on the bosom of the







Abstracts 1984 - 1985


Democracy of the South.

Webster and Fillmore stood as God-fathers to this party. For so standing they were to receive, or supposed they would receive, the support of the young bantling. Though both are anxious to gain the support, and though both are eager to occupy the presidential chair, yet, the Unionist mock them with the sternest opposition. No paternity is recognized.

"Cannot the North learn a lesson from these facts? Must it not see that the South, or the leading members of the South, will treat it as a serf, if it shall demean itself as a serf? There is only one way for a man, or a people to command respect, and that is to do, and stand by the right... They (free states) must be used, and spurned, with defying clamor and threat, and fearless only of wrong, they look over the whole land, and labor for that in a temper which, while it shall do no hurt to slaveholders, will instantly curb their insolence, and as surely build up the common good. If the lesson taught by the formation, and end of the Union party shall have this effect, we will forget the ignominy brought upon the North, assured that its effect will be to hasten the coming of the hour, where there shall be a North."

DTD Mar. 15; ed: 2/3 See Periodical Publications

1984 DTD Mar. 26; ed: 2/2 - The Whigs of Connecticut at their state convention passed the resolutions favoring protection, internal improvements, a just distribution of public lands whenever the county is out of debt, the compromise measure, and gratitude to President Fillmore and his cabinet.

"We wish the Whigs...all manner of success in their efforts...of internal improvement.'

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1985 - DTD Apr. 2; ed: 2/2 - "The Old Dominion speaks out." Not worth a groat to the Whig party as regards a presidential vote, yet its decrees will control it. So they announce to Whigdom the country over their platform and what must be the platform of the party: "That we regard the ...compromise acts, as a final settlement.

"That we approve the administration of President Fillmore.... "That all prefer Millard Fillmore as a candidate for the presidency.... "That the Whigs of Virginia will give alike cordial support to any other true Whig who may become the nominee of that convention


"That the wise maxims of Washington respecting foreign policy... ought ever guide the Federal Government....

"That the Public Lands are a common property, of all the states.... "That...we are content by a judicious arrangement of duties necessary for an economical administration of government."





Abstracts 1986 - 1990


1986 DTD Apr. 10; ed: 2/2 - Commenting upon an announcement concerning the Free Soil National convention in the morning TRUE DEMOCRAT, the Cleveland HERALD mentions the obstinacy of the group that refuses to fall in with this "heaven directed" 100,000.

"Will the very Democratic HERALD set its 'kidney' to work, and tell us something of the relative number and character of the 'obstinate set of aristocrats' that refused 'to fall in with' that call?"

1987 - DTD Apr. 17; ed: 2/1 - "Our object is to give information and therefore, we continue our quotations, from Whig authorities in regard to the proposition to consolidate the Whig party in defense of slavery."

The Whigs leading this movement are the "marrow" of the party and have been for years "old stogers," leaders, and men of authority. They know the representatives of the free states are cowed so the cry "down with Scott, give us Fillmore first or Webster next."


The New York TRIBUNE correspondent replying to "able Southern man" declares that there are two parts to the Whig party, a slavery and an antislavery wing. There always was and there always will be as long as it exists as a national party.

"Now the principle and the policy on which that principle is based are affirmed boldly, and backed as boldly by the administration."

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The southerners believe that the representatives of the freemen have no principle or pluck. "Hence, these pro-slavery men resolve, in their pride and power, that they will ply them with the lash, and make them bite the dust, as if they were serfs." (14)

1988 DTD Apr. 17; ed: 2/1,2 The HERALD of Wednesday in its account of the "Congressional Convention" in Painesville says that J. A. Harris of Cuyahoga was appointed delegate to the Whig national convention. "We had supposed, that, if the Whigs should hold a presidential convention at all, it must, should and would be purely a 'notional' affair; though it had not occurred to us, that 'the bretheren' of this district would unite on our neighbor as a fit 'delegate' to such a convention." (3)

1989 DTD May 22; ed: 2/2 - The action of the Whig convention of Maryland is of some importance just now. It met May 20 and adopted resolutions in favor of the compromise, endorsing Millard Fillmore, pledging Maryland to any nominee in favor of the compromise, declaring for "Washington's foreign policy." (2)


1990 DTD May 22:2/3 In a letter to the editor, "M" says: "Without pretending to state, or even to know, all the reasons,... we may suppose that it was almost a universal agreement to hold our convention after both the Hunker parties had made their nominations; that the Whigs having made their announcement too late to allow the friends of liberty to name a day earlier than in July for theirs, and give the requisite notice so as to secure a full attendance, the committee had no alternative but to name a day in the midst of harvest, and so shut out from our councils many on whom our cause

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