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Abstracts 1045 - 1053


1045 - DTD July 16:3/4 - Market transactions are limited today, with scarcely anything coming either by canal or railroad. The prices of wheat and flour are still on the increase.

1046 DTD July 19:3/4 The receipts of produce by canal and railroad were equal to the previous week. Business generally did not exhibit much activity, but a steady shopping business was done.

Flour receipts continued fair, but sales were light, as most of the flour arriving is designed for eastern shipment. Wheat was in good demand all week, and sales of good northern were made at better figures than any week of the season.

1047 - DTD July 21:3/4 The receipts yesterday by canal for grain were
light, and those by railroad show a falling off. The market for wheat
was well sustained and sales show an advance over Monday's prices,
wheat being sought in order to load and finish cargoes.

1048 - DTD July 26:3/4 - Receipts by canal and railroad during the week ending July 24 show a falling off from any other week. There was a steady demand for wheat, and sales were made at higher figures than at any other previous time. The prices and the state of the market are

correspondingly the same as one year ago today.

1049 DTD Aug. 6:3/4 The wheat that arrived yesterday went into storage. Prices did not meet the views of holders. The flour market is dull and prices are somewhat lower.


1050 DTD Aug. 7:3/4 There was a slight rise in the activity in busi-
ness on the river yesterday, and the market for grain was improved.
Wheat holders do not appear to be satisfied with the present rates, and
in some cases are shipping forward or storing here.

1051 - DTD Aug. 9:3/4 - Last week was one of the dullest of the season. The receipts by canal and railroad during the past week for flour and grain show a great reduction, but we hear that considerable wheat is coming forward along the line of the canal, and better receipts are looked for in the present week.







Wheat declined from 75 to 70g for good northern, and from 72¢ to 68 for southern.


1052 - DTD Aug. 12:3/4 The market shows no improvement, and all kinds of produce are dull, with but little inquiry for wheat, corn, or flour. There is considerable shipping in the harbor, but freights are very hard to get.

1053 DTD Aug. 13:3/4 There has been a continued dullness in the flour and wheat market for a week back, and a disposition not to



Abstracts 1054 - 1061


speculate in either. Sales are therefore confined in flour to lots of

100 to 200 barrels, designed for retail trade.


1054 DTD Aug. 17:3/4 There was a better feeling in the market yesterday than has been exhibited for a week, and sales were made to a considerable extent in grain and flour. The receipts show a slight increase, and better receipts are looked for.

The wheat market is firm at 73 for northern. 50g afloat for prime yellow.

Corn has advanced to


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1055 - DTD Aug. 18:3/4 The receipts of grain were very light yesterday, but the market remains steady with a fair demand. Northern wheat was inquired for, but there being none afloat we have no sales to report, and quote 74 as a fair market price. The demand for corn continues good, and sales show an advance of le to 51e.

1056 - DTD Aug. 25:3/4 - Receipts were not large yesterday, and but little grain was on the market; prices were firm at previous sales and northern wheat sold at 80g in the stores. Corn we quote at 53 @ 54.

1057 DTD Aug. 27:3/5 The news by the ASIA yesterday only had the
effect of making prices firm at previous quotations, as it appeared that
there was an anticipated advance on the ATLANTIC'S receipts two days
previous. Flour was more affected by the ASIA'S news than grain, and
advanced prices were asked for. Sales were flour, 75 barrels fancy
$3.75; and wheat, 4,000 bushel white at 87 1/2.

1058 DTD Aug. 30:3/4 Business on the river during the past week showed an improvement. Grain sales were active. Private statements received from New York on Aug. 28 quoted the wheat market as being rather heavy. This advance news concerning eastern markets had an unfavorable effect on the local market.





1059 - DTD Sept. 9:3/5 - There was a good demand yesterday for wheat, and the market was quite active. Receipts continue fair and sales are easily affected.


1060 - DTD Sept. 17:3/5 Business was very dull yesterday on the river. Receipts were not quite as heavy as the day previous. wheat and corn was not so active and was less firm.

The market for




1061 - DTD Mar. 27:3/1 There will be a very important meeting in the
court house on Mar. 29 to discuss the market trade laws. "We all feel
an interest in these laws, some for and some against, and we suppose
the meeting will be largely attended."



Abstracts 1062 - 1068


Laws (Cont'd)

1062 DTD Mar. 30:3/1 At a large citizens' meeting held last even-
ing, presided over by Prof. John Brainard, it was decided to modify
and amend the present market laws. A committee of three was chosen.
from each of the four wards to report at the next meeting all obnox-
ious features of the market laws.

1063 - DTD Mar. 31; ed: 3/1 - Those who had the patience to read and the ability to comprehend the meaning of the late market laws will be glad to learn that a meeting of citizens was held Mar. 29 to reconsider those laws. "Surely our city fathers have never walked the length and breadth of this city, or they never could have appointed one market place for all the sons and daughters of its fast growing population.... "If the market laws were abolished, (and they might as well be) provisions would be brought to every door, and would cost the producer less time, and the consumer less money."

1064 - DTD Apr. 2:2/3 The second anti-market law meeting was held in the court house, Professor Brainard presiding. Nine candidates for city offices were nominated.

The obnoxious features of the market law were reported by the committee chairman, W. Slade, jr., namely Section 12, which makes unlawful the sale of produce in small quantities. The law forces citizens to travel great distances in order to buy their food unless they buy from licensed hucksters whose prices are much higher than the market.





The committee members are Irad Kelly, G. Mygatt, and the chairman. 1065 DTD July 24:3/2,3 The city council passed on July 22 an ordinance to amend a former ordinance establishing and regulating our commercial markets.

1066 - DTD Oct. 29:2/4 City council met last night and passed a resolution requesting the mayor to appoint the market clerk as a special police officer for the purpose of enforcing the market ordinance.


See also specific industries & commodities


1067 - DTD Jan. 1:2/5 - R. D. Noble issued 640 marriage licenses in Cuyahoga county in the year 1851.

1068 - DTD Mar. 29; ed: 3/2 - Parents should instill in their children. the dangers of intermarriage with relatives. Intermarriage is often engaged in very ignorantly by the best of people. Young people never reflect upon the consequences, and old people are too avaricious to forbid a match where money is gotten.

"We may add that the best medical authorities give assurance of the deteriorating effects of such marriages mentally and physically."




Abstracts 1069 - 1074


1069 DTD Aug. 27; ed: 3/1 - "We notice in one of our exchanges, an advertisement for a wife. To bachelors and all other single gentlemen, we would recommend this as a happy way of avoiding all force of courting, present-giving, etc. To single ladies also we but there is no necessity 'A word to the wise etc.'"

See also Families & Family Life



See Newspapers

Mastheads & Title Plates


1070 DTD Nov. 9:3/1 The HERALD contains a letter from Theodore Faber of Cleveland in which he claims to have discovered a method of squaring the circle. He says: "The diameter is contained in the circumference exactly three and 784 5537 times."



1071 - DTD Jan. 1:3/2 - The Cleveland Medical society will hold its regular meeting on Jan. 1, at 7:30 p.m., at the office of Dr. Newberry in Kelley's building. Signed Thos. G. Cleveland, secretary.


1072 - DTD Jan. 7; adv: 3/2 Dr. H. Tubbs, Analytical Physician, will visit in Cleveland, Feb. 3, 4, and 5 at Weddell House. Those affected with diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Spleen, or Kidneys, Inflamation, Rheumatism, Asthma, or any chronic disease are invited to call. James S. Welch, East Cleveland, gives testimonial as follows: "By use of your medicines I was entirely relieved, and am now as well and as strong as ever."

1073 - DTD Feb. 20; ed: 2/2 - The PLAIN DEALER intimates that we were easily convinced of the innocence of all connected with the Homeopathic college in the matter of the body of Mr. Johnson's daughter, and says, what is utterly false, and what the editor of a newspaper was bound to know to be utterly false, "it is not denied that her remains were found partly dissected in the vault of a privy connected with said College."


"This allegation had been denied, and is denied, not only (sic) but no particle of proof has been offered, and we believe none can be offered, in support of it. The whole allegation is an impudent figment...." (6)

DTD May 4:3/1 - See Periodical Publications

DTD May 17:2/2 - See Periodical Publications

1074 DTD May 27; adv: 2/4 The Ohio State Medical Society will hold its annual session in Cleveland on Tuesday June 1, 1852. J. P. Kirtland, 1st Vice Pres't.



Abstracts 1075 - 1084


1075 - DTD May 27; adv: 2/4 - A meeting of the members of the Medical profession of Cleveland and vicinity will be held at the American House this evening at half past 7 o'clock.

A full attendance is desired as business of importance, connected with the Annual session of the Ohio State Medical Society, will come before the meeting. E. Cushing, chairman.

1076 DTD May 27:3/1 The allopathic doctors are notified to meet this evening at the American House.



1077 - adv:1/1
DTD May 28; adv: 1/1 Dr. J. S. Newberry offers his professional
services to the citizens of Cleveland. Office in Kelley's block, oppo-
site the Weddell House, Superior St., Residence, at No. 92 Prospect St.


1078 - DTD May 28; adv: 1/2 - W. W. Rickey, M. D., 100 Superior St., upstairs. Residence No. 187 Superior St. Refer to Reuben Wood, Prof. H. A. Ackley, and J. P. Kirtland.


1079 - DTD May 28;

sician, Harmon St.,

adv: 1/2 - Dr. Edward Seguin, from Paris, French phynext to Scoville.


1080 DTD May 28; adv: 1/2 - Dr. R. C. Hopkins Office over 0. Cutter & Son's auction room, Bank St. Residence in American House.


1081 - DTD May 28; adv: 1/2 - Dr. Barker, Homeopathist. Office in Miller's block, No. 71 Superior St., Residence at 33 Rockwell St.


1082 - DTD May 28; ed: 2/1 - The distinguished Frenchman, Dr. Seguin, is now a resident of our city, engaged in the practice of medicine at 21 Ontario st. "No man in Europe had a wider reputation than he, in the instruction and management of idiots. To him, as much as to any other individual, in the past or present, is this class of unfortunates indebted for whatever of comfort or intelligence they may now enjoy. We are glad, therefore, in being able to give, as we do in today's paper, his experience on this subject, and trust, as it may be read, that our citizens will demand the establishment of an institution for Idiots in Ohio."

1083 DTD May 28; adv: 3/3 - Dr. H. Tubbs, analytical physician, will be in Cleveland at the Weddell House, Monday and Tuesday, June 21 and 22.

Those affected with diseases of the liver, lungs, kidneys or spleen, asthma, shortness of breath or any other ailment are invited to call. No charge for consultation.



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DTD June 1:3/1 The Ohio Medical society will meet this morning

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