Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Mémoires, 4e série, tom. 3 pt. ii

ALBANY. University of the state of New York.
Home education bulletin, no. xxxi.
College department. Annual report, 2.

[ocr errors]

8°. 1897


1899, 1, 2.

High school department. Annual report, 6.


2 voll. 8°. 1900 1898, 1.

8°. 1899

New York state library. Annual report, 81, 1898.

Bulletin legislation, no xiii

8°. 1899 8°. 1900

New York state museum. Annual reports of the
51, voll. 1, 2.

regents. 49, vol. 3; 50, vol. 2;

4 voll. 8°. 1898-99

Bulletins, voll. 4, no. xix; 5; 6; 7, no. xxxii.



Jaarboek, 1899

8°. 1898-1900

Koninklijke academie van weten

Proceedings of the section of sciences, vol. 2.
Verslag van de gewone vergaderingen der wis en
natuurkundige Afdeeling, deel 8

[blocks in formation]

8°. 1900

[ocr errors]

8°. 1900

8°. 1899

[ocr errors]

Verslagen en mededeelingen (letterkunde). 4 de

reeks, deel 3

BATH. Bath natural history and antiquarian field


Proceedings, voll. 1, nos. i-iii; 4, no. iv; 9, nos. i,


6 pts. 8°. 1867-1900

BERWICKSHIRE. Berwickshire naturalists' club.
Proceedings, vol. 17, no. i

[ocr errors]

8°. 1899

HARDY (J.) The session book of Bunkle and

Preston, 1665-1690.

8°. 1900

BIRMINGHAM. Birmingham natural history and


8°. 1897

philosophical society, voll. 10; 11, pt. i BORDEAUX. Commission météorologique de la


Observations, 1898-99 .

8°. 1899

Société des sciences physiques et naturelles.
Mémoires, 5e série, tom. 3, cahier ii; 5, cahier i.

Procès-verbaux des séances, 1898-99

BOSTON, Mass. Boston society of natural history.

[blocks in formation]

8°. 1899

[blocks in formation]

BRISBANE. Royal geographical society of Australasia.

Queensland geographical journal, new series, vol. 15.

BRISTOL. Bristol naturalists' society.

Proceedings, new series, vol. 9, pt. ii

BUENOS AYRES. Museo nacional.

8°. 1900

8°. 1901

Comunicaciones, tom. 1, nos. vi-viii. 3 pts. 8°. 1900-1901

CALCUTTA. Asiatic society of Bengal.

Journal. Pt. i; ed. by the Philological secretary,

new series, vol. 69, nos. i, ii. 2 pts. 8°. 1900-1901
Pt. ii; ed. by the Natural History secretary,
new series, vol. 69.

8°. 1901

Pt. iii; ed. by the Anthropological secretary, new series, vol. 70, no. i.

8°. 1901

Proceedings; ed. by the Honorary secretaries,

1900, nos. v-xii; 1901, nos. i, ii

CALIFORNIA. University of California. Bulletins, new series, vol. 2, nos. i, iii b

[ocr errors][merged small]

2 pts. 8°. 1900

CALIFORNIA-contd. University of California-contd.

REID (W.) Our new interests. (pph.)

University chronicle, vol. 3

[ocr errors]

Agricultural experiment station.


Report of work, 1897-98

[ocr errors]

8°. 1900


Bulletin, nos.

Department of geology. Bulletin, vol. 2, no. vii. 8°.

Lick observatory. Publications, vol. 4

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


[blocks in formation]


4°. 1900

8°. 1901

8°. 1901

Museum of comparative zoology. Annual report of

the assistant in charge, 1899-1900

Bulletins voll. 36, nos. i-vi; 37, nos. i, ii; 38,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

CAPETOWN. Royal observatory.

Annals, voll. 5: 8, pt. ii

Catalogue of 1905 stars

Report of H.M. astronomer, 1899 .

Results of meridian observations, 1866-70

8°. 1901

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Oversigt over d. k. d. vidensk. Selsk. Forhand-
linger, 1900, nos. ii-vi; 1901, nos. i-iii.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Kongeligt nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Aarböger
for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie. 2
Række, bde. 12, heft iv; 13, heft i; 14, heft iii.

DUBLIN. Royal Irish academy.

3 pts. 8°. 1897-99

Proceedings, 3rd series, voll. 5, no. v; 6, no. i.

[ocr errors][merged small]

DUBLIN-contd. Royal Irish academy-contd.

Transactions, vol. 31, pts. ix-xi

EDINBURGH. Edinburgh geological society.

Transactions, vol. 8, pt. i

Royal Scottish society of arts.

Transactions, vol. 15, pt. ii

[ocr errors]

Royal society of Edinburgh.

Proceedings, vol. 22

Scottish meteorological society.

3 pts. 4°. 1900

8°. 1901

8°. 1900

8°. 1900

Journal, 3rd series, vol. 11, nos. xiii-xvi; new series,

[blocks in formation]


2 pts. 8°. 1900

[ocr errors][merged small]

(Philolog.-historische Klasse), 1900, Heft.


GT. BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Board of ordnance.

Comparisons of the standard of length of England,
France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India, Aus-

4o. 1866

British association for the advancement of science.

Reports, 1899, 1900


Annual report on alkali, etc., works, 36.

GREENWICH. Royal observatory.

[ocr errors][merged small]

8°. 1900

Astronomical and magnetical and meteorological
observations, 1878, 1879, 1881, 1896, 1898,
and Appendix ii

6 voll. 4°. 1880-1900

HAARLEM. Société hollandaise des sciences.

Archives néerlandaises des sciences exactes et
naturelles, 2e série, tom. 3, livr. v; 4, livr.
i-iii; 5.

. 8°. 1900-1901

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia. Nova Scotian institute of


Proceedings and transactions, vol. 10, pt. ii. 8°. 1900 HELSINGFORS. Societas scientiarum fennica.

Bidrag till kännedom af Finlands natur och folk,

pts. lviii-lx

3 voll. 8°. 1900

Ofversigt af förhandlingar, 40-42 3 voll. 8°. 1898-1900 HERTFORD. Hertfordshire natural history society

and field club.

Transactions, vol. 10, pts. v-viii

4 pts. 8°. 1900-1901

INDIA. Geological survey.

Memoirs, voll. 28, pt. ii; 33, pt. i. 2 pts. la. 8°. 1900-1901

Paleontologia indica. Series ix.

fauna of Cutch, vol. 2, pts. i, ii

The Jurassic

[ocr errors]

Series xv. Himalayan fossils, vol. 3, pt. ii
General report, 1899–1900

Trigonometrical survey.

4°. 1900

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Account of the operations of the great trigo

nometrical survey of India, voll. 1–9

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

The sanitary inspector, voll. 2, nos. vi-viii; 3, nos.

8°. 1900

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