Mémoires, 4e série, tom. 3 pt. ii ALBANY. University of the state of New York. 8°. 1897 8°. 1899, 1, 2. High school department. Annual report, 6. 1900 2 voll. 8°. 1900 1898, 1. 8°. 1899 New York state library. Annual report, 81, 1898. Bulletin legislation, no xiii 8°. 1899 8°. 1900 New York state museum. Annual reports of the regents. 49, vol. 3; 50, vol. 2; 4 voll. 8°. 1898-99 Bulletins, voll. 4, no. xix; 5; 6; 7, no. xxxii. AMSTERDAM. schappen. Jaarboek, 1899 8°. 1898-1900 Koninklijke academie van weten Proceedings of the section of sciences, vol. 2. 8°. 1900 8°. 1900 8°. 1899 Verslagen en mededeelingen (letterkunde). 4 de reeks, deel 3 BATH. Bath natural history and antiquarian field club. Proceedings, voll. 1, nos. i-iii; 4, no. iv; 9, nos. i, iii 6 pts. 8°. 1867-1900 BERWICKSHIRE. Berwickshire naturalists' club. 8°. 1899 HARDY (J.) The session book of Bunkle and Preston, 1665-1690. 8°. 1900 BIRMINGHAM. Birmingham natural history and . 8°. 1897 philosophical society, voll. 10; 11, pt. i BORDEAUX. Commission météorologique de la Gironde. Observations, 1898-99 . 8°. 1899 Société des sciences physiques et naturelles. Procès-verbaux des séances, 1898-99 BOSTON, Mass. Boston society of natural history. 8°. 1899 BRISBANE. Royal geographical society of Australasia. Queensland geographical journal, new series, vol. 15. BRISTOL. Bristol naturalists' society. Proceedings, new series, vol. 9, pt. ii BUENOS AYRES. Museo nacional. 8°. 1900 8°. 1901 Comunicaciones, tom. 1, nos. vi-viii. 3 pts. 8°. 1900-1901 CALCUTTA. Asiatic society of Bengal. Journal. Pt. i; ed. by the Philological secretary, new series, vol. 69, nos. i, ii. 2 pts. 8°. 1900-1901 8°. 1901 Pt. iii; ed. by the Anthropological secretary, new series, vol. 70, no. i. 8°. 1901 Proceedings; ed. by the Honorary secretaries, 1900, nos. v-xii; 1901, nos. i, ii CALIFORNIA. University of California. Bulletins, new series, vol. 2, nos. i, iii b 2 pts. 8°. 1900 CALIFORNIA-contd. University of California-contd. REID (W.) Our new interests. (pph.) University chronicle, vol. 3 Agricultural experiment station. cxxvii-cxxx Report of work, 1897-98 8°. 1900 8°. Bulletin, nos. Department of geology. Bulletin, vol. 2, no. vii. 8°. Lick observatory. Publications, vol. 4 1900 1900 4°. 1900 8°. 1901 8°. 1901 Museum of comparative zoology. Annual report of the assistant in charge, 1899-1900 Bulletins voll. 36, nos. i-vi; 37, nos. i, ii; 38, CAPETOWN. Royal observatory. Annals, voll. 5: 8, pt. ii Catalogue of 1905 stars Report of H.M. astronomer, 1899 . Results of meridian observations, 1866-70 8°. 1901 Oversigt over d. k. d. vidensk. Selsk. Forhand- Kongeligt nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Aarböger DUBLIN. Royal Irish academy. 3 pts. 8°. 1897-99 Proceedings, 3rd series, voll. 5, no. v; 6, no. i. DUBLIN-contd. Royal Irish academy-contd. Transactions, vol. 31, pts. ix-xi EDINBURGH. Edinburgh geological society. Transactions, vol. 8, pt. i Royal Scottish society of arts. Transactions, vol. 15, pt. ii Royal society of Edinburgh. Proceedings, vol. 22 Scottish meteorological society. 3 pts. 4°. 1900 8°. 1901 8°. 1900 8°. 1900 Journal, 3rd series, vol. 11, nos. xiii-xvi; new series, i-iii 2 pts. 8°. 1900 (Philolog.-historische Klasse), 1900, Heft. IRELAND. GT. BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Board of ordnance. Comparisons of the standard of length of England, 4o. 1866 British association for the advancement of science. Reports, 1899, 1900 Parliament. Annual report on alkali, etc., works, 36. GREENWICH. Royal observatory. 8°. 1900 Astronomical and magnetical and meteorological 6 voll. 4°. 1880-1900 HAARLEM. Société hollandaise des sciences. Archives néerlandaises des sciences exactes et . 8°. 1900-1901 HALIFAX, Nova Scotia. Nova Scotian institute of science. Proceedings and transactions, vol. 10, pt. ii. 8°. 1900 HELSINGFORS. Societas scientiarum fennica. Bidrag till kännedom af Finlands natur och folk, pts. lviii-lx 3 voll. 8°. 1900 Ofversigt af förhandlingar, 40-42 3 voll. 8°. 1898-1900 HERTFORD. Hertfordshire natural history society and field club. Transactions, vol. 10, pts. v-viii 4 pts. 8°. 1900-1901 INDIA. Geological survey. Memoirs, voll. 28, pt. ii; 33, pt. i. 2 pts. la. 8°. 1900-1901 Paleontologia indica. Series ix. fauna of Cutch, vol. 2, pts. i, ii The Jurassic Series xv. Himalayan fossils, vol. 3, pt. ii Trigonometrical survey. 4°. 1900 Account of the operations of the great trigo nometrical survey of India, voll. 1–9 The sanitary inspector, voll. 2, nos. vi-viii; 3, nos. 8°. 1900 |