McKeever, Metzler, Moore, Mott, Muenzenmayer, Outcalt, Palenske, Patton, Perry, Polson, Ravenscraft, Reed, Richards. Rothweiler, Russell, Seaver, Shouse, Simmons. Singleton, Smith of Sherman, Stevens, Stoner, Stuart, Tapscott. Turner, Vogelgesang, Wallace, Walters, Wehrle, Weilep, Williams, and Mr. Speaker Street. Gentlemen absent or not voting were: Messrs. Armstrong, Basgall, Conger, Davis, Epperson, Ernst, Fairchild, Gillespie, Hackbusch, Keefer, Lobdell, Marks, Maxwell, Merrill, Rutledge, Seaton, Smith of Brown, Taylor, Trueblood, Ury, Ward, Wilson, and Wright. A constitutional majority having voted in favor of the passage of the bill, the bill passed, and the title was agreed to. House bill No. 112, An act to repeal certain sections of chapter 54, general statutes of the state of Kansas, 1889, relating to jury commissioners, was read the third time, and the question being, Shall the bill pass? the roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 77, nays 18; absent or not voting, 30. Gentlemen voting in favor of the passage of the bill were: Messrs. Aker, Bacon, Barkley, Bean, Bennett, Bradley, Brown of Cowley, Brown of Greeley, Brown of Pratt, Carr, Cassin, Clark, Crosby, Cubbison, Dalton, DeWitt, Dingus, Doyle, Farrell, Feighner, Fell, Fitzgerald, Foley, Goodno, Graves, Gray, Hackney, Harbaugh, Harvey, Haywood, Henley, Hibner, Hollenbeak, Ingle, Irwin, Jackson of Comanche, Jaquins, Johnson of Chase, Johnson of Labette, Jones, Kelson, Lambert of Lincoln, Lambert of Lyon, Lawson, Lewis, Loomis, Malin, Marty, McCarthy, McGrath, Moore, Muenzenmayer, Outcalt, Palenske, Patton, Perry, Polson, Ravenscraft, Reed, Richards, Rothweiler, Russell, Shouse, Singleton, Smith of Sherman, Stevens, Stoner, Stuart, Tapscott, Trueblood, Turner, Vogelgesang, Wallace, Wehrle, Weilep, Williams, and Mr. Speaker Street. Gentlemen voting in the negative were: Messrs. Barker, Botkin, Brooke, Buell, Fouts, Giessler, Grimes, Heck man, Heminger, Jackson of Harvey, Johnson of Nemaha, Keddie, Larimer, Marks, McKeever, Seaver, Simmons, and Walters. Gentlemen absent or not voting were: Messrs. Armstrong, Basgall, Burkholder, Burtis, Conger, Davis, Epperson, Ernst, Fairchild, Finney, Fulton, Gates, Gillespie, Hackbusch, Jamieson, Keefer, Lobdell, Longley, Maxwell, Merrill, Metzler, Mott, Rutledge, Seaton, Smith of Brown, Taylor, Ury, Ward, Wilson, and Wright. A constitutional majority having voted in favor of the passage of the bill, the bill passed, and the title was agreed to. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Mr. Jackson of Harvey moved that the House go into committee of the whole for the consideration of bills on the calendar under the head of "General Orders." A vote being had, the motion prevailed. The House went into committee of the whole, with Mr. Hackney in the chair. and After some time spent therein the committee rose, through the chairman submitted the following report: MR. SPEAKER: The committee of the whole House has had under consideration bills on the calendar under the head of "General Orders," and I am directed to report as follows: Substitute for House bill No. 217, An act making appropriation of interest received from the permanent fund of the Kansas state agricultural college and for current expenses of said institution, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1898, and June 30, 1899, and recommend that it be passed. Also, substitute for House bill No. 165, An act making appropriation for deficiency in the current expenses of the Kansas state agricultural college for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897, and recommend that it be passed. Also, substitute for House bill No. 216, An act making appropriations for buildings, improvements, apparatus and certain expenses at the Kansas state agricultural college, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1898, and June 30, 1899, and recommend that it be passed as amended. Also, recommend that House bill No. 161 be passed over and retain its place on the calendar. Also, House bill No. 186, An act relating to city elections and officers elected thereat. Pending the consideration of this bill, the committee arose. ED. T. HACKNEY, Chairman. The report was adopted. Mr. Weilep moved that the rules be suspended, and that the House adjourn until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, which motion prevailed. FIFTEENTH DAY. MORNING SESSION. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Topeka, Kas., January 29, 1897-10 o'clock A. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment; the speaker in the chair. The roll was called; 114 members present, being a quorum of the House. Absent: Messrs. Conger, Epperson, Gillespie, Henley, Lawson, Maxwell, Smith of Brown, Seaton, Taylor, Ward, and Wilson. Mr. Seaton was excused from the morning roll-call. Mr. Gillespie was excused until Tuesday, February 2, 1897. Prayer by the chaplain. On motion of Mr. Jackson of Harvey, the reading and correction of the journal of January 28 was postponed one hour. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS. Petition No. 10, presented by Mr. De Witt: Protesting against the resubmission of prohibitory amendment, was referred to the Committee on Temperance. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. The following bills were introduced, and read the first time: By Mr. Walters: House bill No. 484, An act concerning railroads and other common carriers, to provide for making maximum rates and transportation of freight, and to repeal chapter 124 of the laws of 1883, chapter 133 and 139 of the the laws of 1886, chapters 184 and 185 of the laws of 1887, chapters 192 and 193 of the laws of 1889, chapter 100 of the laws of 1893, and chapter 195 of the laws of 1895. By Mr. Ravenscraft: House bill No. 485, An act authorizing county treasurers in counties of less than twenty-five thousand inhabitants to deposit county money in a bank or banks, fixing a minimum rate of interest, and to amend paragraph 1725 of the general statutes of 1889, and to repeal the same. By Mr. Cassin: House bill No. 486, An act fixing the time of commencement of the term of office of county superintendent of public instruction. By Mr. Carr: House bill No. 487, An act relating to interest and amending section 3499 of the general statutes of 1889, the same being section 3 of chapter 164 of the session laws of 1889. By Mr. Ury: House bill No. 488, An act relating to the counties of Finney, Grant, Kearny, Hamilton, Haskell, Stanton, Morton, Seward, and Stevens. By Mr. Gates: House bill No. 489, An act repealing that part of section 11, 12, 13 and 14, chapter 68, general statutes of 1889, which pertains to the filing of an affidavit of renewal in the register's office of chattel mortgages. By Mr. Brooke: House bill No. 490, An act to amend sections 3 and 6 of chapter 175 of the laws of 1895, and to provide for certificates of grade A to be issued by county boards of examiners. By Mr. Cubbison: House bill No. 491, An act to facilitate the sale of real estate in the state of Kansas by providing for taking and enforcing deeds of trust for purchase money. By Mr. Weilep: House bill No. 492, An act providing for the organization and regulation of fraternal beneficiary societies, orders and associations, and to provide penalties for violation thereof. By Mr. Harvey: House bill No. 493, An act to vacate a portion of the east side addition to the city of Council Grove, Morris county, Kansas. By Mr. Doyle (by request): House bill No. 494, An act providing for the casting of votes by proxy at elections and meetings of mutual life insurance companies. By Mr. Jackson: House bill No. 495, An act regulating |